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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Teresita

  1. Teresita
    Somebody is going to think I am crazy but I went to Bed Bath and Beyond for the first time yesterday. I wish I could have seen the look at my face when I walked in. I was shocked that it was a real store and I just kept looking up. I thought is was going to be like Ross or you know not a very organized store. Now that I think about it, I have been in the one in Waldorf. This one was just in a smaller space so everything went up. You should have seen me looking up at the stuff on all the shelves. LOL :biggrin1: Anyhow, I was looking for a candle and they were so expensive so a sales lady helped me. Showed me some holders and I found one for 99 cents :nervous ha ha . Also some voltives so I bought diffrent fragarances as a sampler. I go next do to a craft store to get a gift bag and they had big candles sitting at the door very inexpensive. LOL again. I decided to keep what I had because they were "yankee candles" ha ha a name brand. I'm silly but it was fun. I want to go back to BB and B. I am just rambling on. With all my running around for about an hour gas station, Trader Joes, BB and B, craft store, did I say I stopped in Payless LOL. That dag on Payless only went up to an 11, I guess I have to go to big feet land and find my shoes. Anyhow, I wish I had the funds to just shop like crazy. Oh wow, I wrote down everything I spent yesterday and that was so cool. Budgets man!!:sick
  2. Teresita
    There are things I want to say but this is public. It is a new day and I am blessed.
    I thank god for another day
    He woke me up this morning
    I had a safe drive into work this morning
    I have a roof over my head
    I have lost weight
    I will be productive today!!!
    I did not go to TTC because of the weather and flood warnings. TOPS may be cancelled tonight and I am trying to wrap my brain around that. That means I will have to go 2 weeks before weigh in.
    I WILL look for a scale this weekend. I believe the weight watchers scales are sold at Hecht's. I will look into it. I really need a scale at home.
    NEWS Flash WW scales do not go up to 400 pounds,,.....they suck. I am so glad I NEVER tried them. They don't cater to the super morbidly obese obviously.
    Oh well, I found some anyhow.
    :pound: :grouphug: :hug: :clap: :success1: :Banane20: :Banane20:
  3. Teresita
    I need the scale to be below 380 tonight. I really do. I need some motivation to keep going forward. Life is a trip.:straight
  4. Teresita
    I'm in a good mood. I'm kinda happy today, I'm not sure why but I feel pretty good. God is Good, sometimes you just have to give a day and you will feel all better the next day.
    I cooked some great northern beans with smoked turkey in my new crockpot last night and they are the bomb. Yummmmyy
    I am still on my grocery store shopping kick. I may not be able to eat a whole lot be I still keep going to the grocery store. I really need to stop that and it is getting on my nerves.:phanvan
    I bought some greens today so of course I am going to fix those when I get home, maybe in the crock pot. LOL I want to eat everything. I want to make a meatloaf with masedpotatoes, baked chicken and mashed potatoes, I want to go to this restaurant that has great chicken wings and cheesesteaks, I want that. I also want lobster, crabs and shrimp, what the..:girl_hug:
    I see a commercial I want it, I watch way too much food network. I really love to cook but I don't have enough people to cook for or enough money to keep feeding them. LOL I am tripping today.
  5. Teresita
    I like the hourly office jog thing so I am going to do it again today.
    2 minutes walk/jog
    7:20 - 5min:clap2: :clap2:
    10:15 -5min
  6. Teresita
    [/b]:emoticon(':stay')"] [/b]:emoticon(':unsure:')"][/b]:emoticon(':hee')"][/b]:emoticon(':snipe')"]
  7. Teresita
    Let's see how many days to go...4 days till next weigh in which I am nervous about. 18 days till birtdhay and 22 days till bandiversary. Not a lot of days but I will do what a girl has to do.
    I have to get on the ball. My eating is not what it should be. I'm not going to beat myself up over it because I have less restriction, I have been eating things I normally would not but the novelty is wearing off. I am slowly getting back to slimfast, frozen diet meals and meal planning. I'm also getting back to my exercise. Not full force yet but I will be there this weekend.
    Work out now June 20 weigh in will help me better gauge what I am going to do.
    Next week slimfast, salad, protein, soup.
    JUNE 6 -3 388
    JUNE 13 no weigh in tonight(not happy about this) I WILL exercise instead
    JUNE 20 (-6) +5 393
    JUNE 27 (-4)
    JULY 4 (-3)
  8. Teresita
    oHHHHHHHHH Journal I missed you
    where do I start?
    Ok I now weight 384 pounds with pants on, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    388 to 384 WOW so close to 379 just 5 pounds. I can do that. Oh my goodness I wish I had the help I needed to get there.
    I made a new commitment last night to walk 2 miles everyday starting today. I have not been walking. I did not walk at all this past weekend and the weekend before I walked 2 miles I think on Sat. That is truly sad.
    I did get a fill and it is doing it's job. Now I have to work with it and not eat around it.
  9. Teresita
    I love you guys, thank you for all of your comments and your encouragement.
    I am blessed by each one of you. :iloveuall:Thanks for allowing me into your journals. I learns something from each one that I read but mostly "I am not alone". We all go through the same struggles and we need each other. It is amazing how much love you can receive from a bunch of strangers LOL. Sincere Strangers LOL:p :huggie:
    I thrive off of other people so you guys really keep me going.:humble:
    86 lost :clap2:
    14 to get to 100 :eek:
    123 to goal :nervous
  10. Teresita
    :biggrin1: Did I say I'm happy....I am waiting for a pork chop to go down but I am happy. My restriction may not be what it use to be but it let's me know it is still there. My silly butt tried to eat a wendys burger with one bun, uhhhh that didn't work. I give up, where is the soup, salad and ground turkey?
    I have not exercised since Monday, that is not good. I have no excuse not to walk this evening sooooooo I will and of course Sat and Sun morning.:eek:
    Ok lunch was a lean cuisine and that restriciton is still there, just when I thought it was gone.
  11. Teresita
    I'm here.....PMS...I'm sure. I feel depressed and going through my mood swings. I feel like I don't have anyone to lift me up.
    Ding ding ding ding my girlfriend Linda.....I miss her......:think . That is partially what's wrong with me. I don't have her to talk to anymore. We would talk just about everyday.
    I need a hug.[/b]:emoticon(':hugz')"]
  12. Teresita
    Yeahhhhhh I did my 30 minutes last night and noooooo fast food. Yeahhhhhh I am so glad. I cooked dinner early and had a meal, no salad so I had broccoli with my chili.
    I will count that 30 minutes as 1 mile walk.
    I will strive for that again today.
  13. Teresita
    I only had time to do a few minutes on the treadmill this morning. I ran in place in the bathroom and I will get on the treadmill again later.
    Weigh in tonight, I'm anxious. I tell everyone else don't stress about the numbers but I want to see big numbers go down also.:faint:
  14. Teresita
    Angelburch you are too funny but yes I am a morning person. I wish I could stay in the bed until 9am but I think it is just a waste of time. My body wants to get up so I am glad that I am motivated to do something now when I get up. I was getting up at 5:30 now I get up at 5am.
    I was in the gym at 5:50 this morning and did 1 minute and a half on the eliptical. I increased my time by 1/2 minute LOL. I did 15 min on the treadmil and did 2 arm machines and 1 leg. When I got home yesterday I walked in place watching Oprah for 15 minutes and ran up and down the stairs about 12 times total for the evening last night.
    I think I will go back to the gym and get on the treadmill or ride the bike for 15 minutes at lunch. I love the pull down machine. I saw results from the machine before and it really gets rid of the rolls.
    I weight in tonight and I am really excited. My last weight in was 379 on 12/19.
  15. Teresita
    I have to get serious about doing my exercise at home. I can not walk out there in that heat. I WILL walk EARLY on Saturday and Sunday....7am should be good at HP and or Watkins. I love the morning anyhow.
    I am wearing my pedometer and trying to put steps on it throughout the day. I made an attempt to get all my steps in yesterday but I only got about half....not good. I will do more today for sure. I have to run errands so I will do laps around Wal Mart. LOL
  16. Teresita
    I can post today, Good Day Good Day
    I am now at 380, I am so thankful that the numbers are still going down even though I have not exercised but those stairs are a workout. I hope to get back to exercising this week because me and my child need it. 350 is so close.
    459 - 380 - 375- 350
  17. Teresita
    Thank you guys for all that love. I really needed that. I hope the weather is nice this weekend because you guys are inspiring me to go for 6 miles again Sat and Sunday.
    I won't be around as much. I am moving to another office so if I don't respond immediately, just remember I am still cheering for you and I will respond as soon as I can.
  18. Teresita
    I have not been drinking my water as I should, don't ask my why. Sooooo I have a gallon with me today and I think I may end up drinking the whole think before I leave work today. I hope not but if it happens it happens.
    Today I will be having a wonderful meal
    slimfast for breakfast
    soup/slimfast for lunch
    chips for snack
    soup/salad dinner
  19. Teresita
    I did bake a chicken, cooked the greens and yesterday made the meatloaf. The beans were so good that there are only a little bit left. I feel ok about the cooking because it was healthy. I didn't and don't have to go get fast food. The beans were soooo good I am ready to fix another pot of them. I think I will. Can someone say Beano! I will find out tomorrow what the scale says.
  20. Teresita
    I need this day. I am going to have egg nog, steak and cheese, maybe some wingettes and exercise.
    I will be waking 3 or 6 miles today.:clap2: I need some endorphines.
  21. Teresita
    It's not PMS but I just feel off. I want to cry periodically, I want a hug.....I know I am missing Linda. I feel like a failure.....(psychological examination) my father once told me I did nothing right.....that kinda stuff doesn't go away. It is a shame the stuff we hold on to and just creeps back into our minds. All the shit I forget and this is something that I remember.
    I ate to much last night....my band is officially missing but I will try to ignore that and continue for another week before I decide to get a fill. My band hides every now and then.
    Life Sucks Sometimes ha ha ha ha but God is Good All the Time, I like that
    I would just die if I had to get on a scale today.
    I can't stop eating.
    pop tart 7am
    pineapples 3 cubes 8am
    peppermint patty 9am
    5 crackers w/grd turkey 9:45
    pineapples 6 cubes 11am
    It is 12 and my stomach is growling.....whyyyyyy.....I want to eat but I know I am not HUNGRY.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
