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Blog Entries posted by Teresita

  1. Teresita
    The weather finally really broke and I feel so much better. I need the sun and warmth. I did 6.4 miles yesterday and going back for more today. WOOOHOOOO!!!!!
  2. Teresita
    I got my motivation. I lost 10 pounds last night. OMG I was jumping up and down and hugging the weighers in while in my underware. :faint:
    I now weigh 373 pounds. I went past my 375 but it is ok. I want to go with this feeling and lose 4 pounds this week to get into the 360's. I have wasted enough time.
    I have been drinkinig slim fast for breakfast, eating 2 salads a day, especially on the weekend. For quick food I have been keeping sugar free jello and pudding made up in the fridge. I will put whatever dinner meat we had on the salad. I haven't been focusing on food because I have been busy. I have been trying to stay away from McD because I could go there everyday. I am so happy.
    459-383-373- 369-365-360-350
  3. Teresita
    I can't wait to get my own scale. I'm going to get on it in the morning before I pee then after I pee, after I get dressed, when I get home before I pee and after I pee, after I drink some water, after I eat something, whenever I go to the bathroom, with diffrent clothes on, shoes on and off. he he he he he
    Thursday I really need a weigh in....:faint:
    later that day..shake 180.PP160 almonds170 cheesestick80
    590 so far today
    JUNE 6 -3 388
    JUNE 13 no weigh in tonight(not happy about this) I WILL exercise instead
    JUNE 20 (-6) +5 393
    JUNE 27 (-4) -.2 392
    JULY 4 (-3) no weigh in
    July 11
    388 6.6.05
    71 pounds gone*
    13 pounds to go for July4/July8
    459 began
    391 now
    68 pounds gone
    391 now
    375 birthday/bandiversary
    16 pounds to go for July4/July8
    I need to start looking at new goals.
    July 375
    August 365
    September 350
  4. Teresita
    I am in such a good mood today, right now. LOL I got excited in the MD Forum writing about my walking and that the weekend is here and that I WILL BE WALKING THIS WEEKEND.....!!!!!
    My daughter put in the WAP tape and I put on the radio and we walked and danced for 45 minutes. We did almost 3 miles according to the tape but 3 according to my pedometer. LOL I was having a ball and my daughter was laughing at me while she was walking. I was wet and my hair was soaked when I got through. It felt so good just to be working out. It was gorgeous outside yesterday and I should have gone to the park but I did not so this was better then nothing.
    Fri (I don't know yet, walk somewhere)
    Sat Walk - C&L- RT
    Sun Walk
    Mon TTC
    Tues Weigh in (I'm excited, I need to know, I can't wait to get my scale)
  5. Teresita
    I am happy with my exercise this weekend. Friday night we went downtown and walked but it was dark and did not stay long. LOL I don't know how the tourist do it. I walked bright and early Saturday morning at HP and came home picked up my child and went over to the track and did 1 mile there. Sunday I got up early again and was at the park by 6:15.....walking.....came home and did the laundry. I got my 10,000 steps both Sat and Sun.
    I don't know what I am going to do this evening but the exercise thing is addictive.:eek: Ha Ha 20 miles so far this month and today is the 10th. yesssss I will pass that sad 25 miles for the month of June today.
    I have Take The Challenge tonight and weigh in tomorrow. :clap2: :clap2:

  6. Teresita
    We had a great circuit training workout last night. I loved it, I can see me and my daughter doing that one. OK this is what we did.
    Hands against the wall as if you are going to do a wall pushup instead lift your knee to your chest and 1 2 3 4 ....10 swictch other kneee and 1 2 3 4....10
    Feet together and step right foot out and back together and the left foot out and back togther and out and in out and in out and in right and left righ and left 20
    Fist in front of you to punch so twist to the left and puch right arm, twist to the right and punch left and go left punch and right punch left punch and righ punch 20
    March in place, and march and march and march and march.
    All of this can be done while sitting also. Oh yeah the stretches felt good also...whewwwww good work out. I can see myself doing these at home, dare I say everyday:cry
    You know I am going to do this at work today. So hourly, 2 minute training today.
  7. Teresita
    I need this day. I am going to have egg nog, steak and cheese, maybe some wingettes and exercise.
    I will be waking 3 or 6 miles today.:clap2: I need some endorphines.
  8. Teresita
    I am now at 390. I lost 3 pounds last night. YEAHHHH ME!!! I want to see that 388 again. I WILL SEE IT NEXT WEEK!!! I know what to do and I am going to do it.
    2 pounds I can do that and I will
    Wed WAP/dancing 3 miles (hot out already)
    Thurs WAP/dancing 3miles
    Fri walk away the pounds (WAP tape) 2miles
    Sat 3 miles HP and pool at noon
    Sun 3 miles HP and pool at noon
    I have a goal and I am going to make it.
    I have walked 106 miles since May. That is what I call walking away the pounds. 66 pounds gone!!!! :Banane20: :clap: :eek: :success1:
  9. Teresita
    Ok today is Tuesday I think this evening is going to be busy. Oh yeah I am suppose to weigh in tonight and I have been baking cookies. hummmm
  10. Teresita
    I feel good dananana na like I knew that I would dananana na ......I feel nice dananana na....
    I enjoyed my weekend.....and I will stop there.....no I won't.
    27 miles of walking to date and it is only the 17th. I have got to commit to do the WAP tape more often and not just walk on the weekend. I walked Sat and Sun 6 miles, walked/danced in the house periodically, went to the pool Sunday and did 40 min of movement. I should have went to the pool on Saturday because it was killer hot.
    60 miles May
    25 miles June
    50 miles July is my goal, I will reach and surpass it.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
    It is suppose to be hot all this week so I will make sure I go to the pool 1 or 2 times.
    Hello can we say nsv. I tried on 2 skirts that were a size 1x and 3x and they both fit. LOL I bought them and will be wearing them weekly. LOL
    This morning I looked at the 1x and said is the really the skirt you tried on in the store and I put it on and I said yepppp. ha ha ha ha
  11. Teresita
    I can post today, Good Day Good Day
    I am now at 380, I am so thankful that the numbers are still going down even though I have not exercised but those stairs are a workout. I hope to get back to exercising this week because me and my child need it. 350 is so close.
    459 - 380 - 375- 350
  12. Teresita
    My mind is just every where today. I refuse to focus on anything, I won't even take the time to read and post what I want in others journals. I have been unfocused for about a week.
    It is weigh in day, I need it. I don't know how I have done but I will try to eat as little as possible today.
    Great work out at TTC again. He had us outside but it wasn't bad. We worked the legs and arms. It is amazing what slow steady motion can do and just holding your arms out....wow that hurt. He even had us jog, I was surprised.
    5min cardio
  13. Teresita
    Life is moving forward, for some strange reason it won't just wait for me.
    Well you know me, it is going to be 80 degrees today. I hope not to be in the house until night. Oh no my TOPS meeting is today. I want to be outside....:scared:
  14. Teresita
    Thank you guys for all that love. I really needed that. I hope the weather is nice this weekend because you guys are inspiring me to go for 6 miles again Sat and Sunday.
    I won't be around as much. I am moving to another office so if I don't respond immediately, just remember I am still cheering for you and I will respond as soon as I can.
  15. Teresita
    Thank God
    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name,
    Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
    Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever,

    I feel blessed, I have been given another day to do get it right. I feel so bad for the people in Colorado. I can't imagine what they are going through. I thought the girl that was injured was going to be ok physically but she died. I know that crime is everywhere but I can't stand the murders that are happening with the youth in the DC area. I don't understand what people are thinking about when they decide to take someone's life. The mother that saw her sons body, how aweful.
  16. Teresita
    I went to the gym this morning but the big treadmill was not working so I got on the elipt, small treadmill for 5 min and the bike for 5 and did arm weights. I need more cardio this week if I am going to lose 4 pounds. It is going to be cold the weekend so I am not going to the park. I need more cardio!!
  17. Teresita
    394--- and tomorrow is going to be 390 then 389--385---380---379---375 I just like looking at that number.
    My birthdayand bandiversary goal 375. At last weight in I was 19 pounds away. :Banane09:
    394, 393, 392, 391, 390, 389....... {375 July 4/8}
    So far 35 miles of walking this month. MAY
    I'm EXCITED...I am just so pleased at what I have accomplished.
    459- 394 WOW I'm below 400, I am so happy, I can walk for 3 miles and not die, I can say no to food.
    I feel like I can do so much more now. I use to sit and think about exercising and now if somone says let's walk.....:bolt: I would be gone....to sit somewhere else. I feel energized and I want everyone else to feel the same way.
  18. Teresita
    I'm tired of this ride, I wanna get off for minute. dam *shuts the door, as I get off*......walking away......sitting on the bench.......looking around.....really quiet.....beautiful.......too quiet.....huuuuuuuu......get up.....walk back to ride......"I guess I'll get back on now, everyone else is still on it"
    My emotions, hormones, whatever they are suck.
    Hey, I am back in the saddle again. I walked 4 miles Saturday and then helped my neighbor move, then I took a 1 hour nap. LOL Sunday I walked 3 miles then I ate ice cream....hummmm:tired Oh well it sounds like an hourly 2 minute session coming on. I need a name for that.
    Hourly 2 minute work out
    Hourly 2 minute mini
    Hourly mini workout
    Hourly metabolism booster (that sounds like a shot)
    oh well I'll be back I'm going to do some sit ups.
    100 sit ups 7:30
    25 inner leg lifts each
    25 push ups
    Woohooo if I would just keep this up daily.
    Next session a 2 minute jog.
    Validity to my 2 minute workout

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