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Blog Comments posted by Teresita

  1. You are doing such a great job with your dd. After your surgery you guys can still walk together. You could create a little workout chart for her so she can continue to excercise in your presence while you are recovering.

    Those shorts are what I call goal shorts. LOL Keep up the great work!!

  2. Vines I admire you and would always read your postings knowing they are from a sincere and smart woman. Vines I want to pray for you. [/b]:emoticon(':pray')"]pray.gifLord thank you for this wonderful day and thank you for allowing us to know you. Lord I come to you to ask for peace and healing for Vines. You know her pain and problems. Lord we trust that you do not give us more then we can bare. But we still have questions, so please Lord give Vines the peace and healing of her mind and body so that she can continue to be a blessing to the others. In Jesust Name.[/b]:emoticon(':hugz')"]1hugs.gif

  3. Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.

    I had to steal that quote from Ericsmom by Tom Landry. I love it.

    • Set Goal
    • How to Achieve It
    • How to Stay With the Plan

    • Lose Weight
    • Exercise
    • Journal, talk with like minded people, go to TTC, committment

    It is weigh in day and I am excited......I don't know why. Although I have been exercising I think I have been eating too much. Anyhow, I will get on the scale and move forward from there.

    What am I going to do with my time from when I get home till I go to TOPS.:)

  4. I feel good dananana na like I knew that I would dananana na ......I feel nice dananana na....

    I enjoyed my weekend.....and I will stop there.....no I won't.

    27 miles of walking to date and it is only the 17th. I have got to commit to do the WAP tape more often and not just walk on the weekend. I walked Sat and Sun 6 miles, walked/danced in the house periodically, went to the pool Sunday and did 40 min of movement. I should have went to the pool on Saturday because it was killer hot.

    60 miles May

    25 miles June

    50 miles July is my goal, I will reach and surpass it.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

    It is suppose to be hot all this week so I will make sure I go to the pool 1 or 2 times.

    Hello can we say nsv. I tried on 2 skirts that were a size 1x and 3x and they both fit. LOL I bought them and will be wearing them weekly. LOL

    This morning I looked at the 1x and said is the really the skirt you tried on in the store and I put it on and I said yepppp. ha ha ha ha

  5. :biggrin1: Did I say I'm happy....I am waiting for a pork chop to go down but I am happy. My restriction may not be what it use to be but it let's me know it is still there. My silly butt tried to eat a wendys burger with one bun, uhhhh that didn't work. I give up, where is the soup, salad and ground turkey?

    I have not exercised since Monday, that is not good. I have no excuse not to walk this evening sooooooo I will and of course Sat and Sun morning.:)

    Ok lunch was a lean cuisine and that restriciton is still there, just when I thought it was gone.

  6. I love you guys for the motivation and encouraging words.

    I did not work out last night and I was eating on stuff all night. Boy was I stuffed. I will not be doing that today. What I did do was walk around the grocery store. I went to see a sick friend and cooked dinner for another friend.

    Today is Thursday and it is going to be a glorious day:high5: COME ON YOU GUYS LET'S HAVE A GREATTTTT DAY!!!!!!:):Banane20::Dancing_biggrin::Banane20::Banane20:STREAKERSSSSSS:pound:

  7. Oh wow I now you feel on top of the world. I know to have your DD to workout with you feels AWESOME!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: There you have your workout buddy and it benefits both of you in so many ways.

    I just want to cry for you.:think

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