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Mary Cade

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to laners777 in NSV bathing suit and all that goes with it   
    Well I started the summer season with my kids today by going to the local Water park. Even though I have lost 100 lbs since last summer, I found myself still getting nervous while driving there....keep the cover up on or take it off were my thoughts. I decided to ditch the cover up and go with bathing suit only. Even with all my loose skin, I felt good having the confidence to not wear a cover up over my suit for the first time in over 10 years. I also had the best time climbing the water jungle gym with my 5 yo daughter. Now you must know that this area has water pouring from every direction, slides, climbing nets, a ton of stairs, and the need to dodge children of all ages at a moments notice. I managed all of this with skill and grace...well maybe not grace. It felt amazing to be able to run around, climb stairs, NOT afraid that I would get stuck in the slide on the way down and actually not getting stuck in any part of the smaller spaces of this contraption.
    Another reason to be happy with my choice of having the sleeve done. I say this everyday but today it really hit home "BEST THING I EVER DID FOR MYSELF and MY FAMILY"!!!
    Hope others had a good day and if you didn't....please have a good one tomorrow.
  2. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to erp in Talk to me about Fitbit Flex!   
    I have a flex, two actually. Can't get either to hold a charge. I do not use any of the battery draining features like silent alarm. Would not buy again.
  3. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to mark! in failure   
    Pam, I'm on the rebound, and you can do this. I was sleeved in Feb of last year, was having great success, but slid back to my old habits. Even after I "thought" I was doing ok, I was eating processed "healthy" food instead of whole, natural food sources. It takes time, it takes effort, and it takes dedication. Find a group, even us here, and let us all encourage and support each other through these tough times and on to more forward success in our lives. It's a growing process, you're not done yet.
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    Mary Cade reacted to Heather B in Why does the sleeve fail?   
    Mine worked for about a year and then I went crazy. I had an extreme amount of stress and was always a stress eater; I overate. After the sleeve I could no longer eat large portions but I could eat anything. Nothing made me sick or disagreed with my sleeve. I began eating entire bags of candy in a day mutliple times per week. I gained back 65% of my weight in a year. My sleeve was done becuase I was too high risk for the RNY and he did not think I could lose all 300 lbs with one suregery anyway. I was always to have a second surgery but with the gain, I had no choice, there was just an added element of embarassment. It boils down to not following the rules. For the first year, I was vigilant and tracked everything and then it all went out the window. I have now been revised to the RNY and hope to have dumping syndrome (but do not intend to test it). I beleive I have learned from my mistakes and now know how serious my sugar/junk addition really is. I can NEVER touch those things again. I also must "diet" for life and track my food.
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    Mary Cade got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Rethink your drink!   
    Wow, your child is amazing and smart. I bet your very proud of him. I hope he won.
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    Mary Cade reacted to MammaMac in Four weeks later...   
    I'm four weeks post surgery, down almost 20lbs since surgery day. I feel almost normal, it's awesome. I can eat whatever I want (but don't because, seriously, bread & Pasta just fill me up without any protein). I stick to Protein and veg and Protein Shakes.
    I can drink Water but only with a LOT of Ice (or it makes me nauseous). I can gulp 3-5 gulps at a time.
    Eating is still trial and error... I think I'm not done and then I'm too full and it's uncomfortable.
    I quit my antacid pills last week and I haven't needed them.
    My energy is normal, I have no pain anywhere.
    My total weight lost since 4/8 is almost 30lbs and two ladies in the lunch room noticed today, which was nice :-)
    I just thought I'd give a little update to those of you about to have surgery or at the very beginning :-)
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    Mary Cade reacted to amyjo9972 in Trapped Air....   
    You know the song....Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air... That is my life's theme song lately.

    Well, every time I eat I get severe chest pain from trapped air. My nutritionist, surgeon and family doctor say it's all related to me swallowing air when I eat or drink. I had hiatal hernia repair with my VSG.

    My decision was not an easy one to make. I was always the "Fat, Fluffy, Happy, Woman" but then I began having "female" pain. I have had several procedures but unable to have a hysterectomy because of my weight.
    So my GYN gave me a proposal....if I lose 100 pounds....hysterectomy.
    Then I got to thinking - I've always wanted to be able to:
    1. buy clothes in Walmart
    2. not be worried about fitting in theatre seats, airplane seats, etc...
    3. wanted to find my soulmate
    So God opened this door of opportunity...and I jumped in. I googled local bariatric surgeons and did alot of research. Being a nurse, I try to be very thorough. So after three months of research, I chose Dr. Nick Nicholson of Dallas, Texas. He and his colleagues had me tested for hiatal hernia - which I had. So not only did I have a VSG, I also had a "paraesophageal hernia repair with or without mesh"
    My highest weight was 400 pounds August of 2010. My surgery was 03/04/2014 with weight of 345 pounds. Today, my weight is 312 pounds. I have not lost anything in 10 days.
    My new life consists of measuring everything, weighing everything, counting everything....food, Water and exercise.
    I feel absolutely great - with exception of 10 day stall.
    So I continue to sink the lyrics of Jordin Sparks in hopes of being able to eat & breath pain free.
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    Mary Cade reacted to chooter in Any Successful Approvals with GEHA or Healthlink?   
    I was approved by GEHA, surgery scheduled for 6-16.
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    Mary Cade reacted to gamergirl in My Lunch: A Pictorial Attempt To Show You Life Will Be Normal   
    That is cucumber, Tomato, crushed peanuts with geek yogurt and a few other spices. I'll post the recipe on the blog tonight. The beef curry one and palak paneer are already posted I think.
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    Mary Cade reacted to LBD in Sleevers feedback wanted!Will I lose my hair after the Sleeve?   
    I started losing... (more like shedding) hair at about 4 months. Had my VSG in October so I'm 7 months out- still shedding but it's not really noticeable. Hoping that it regulates soon. I try not to wash it every day but when I put product in my hair after washing it, I end up with quite a few strands on my hands- but it's not like it comes out in clumps. Biotin regrows hair but does not prevent it from falling out. My understanding it that if you get your fluids in, keep your Protein up & take your Vitamins, all those things will help. This past week I hit a major milestone- under 200 lbs. I've lost 88 pounds so far and I have to say that the hair thing- although it's scary- is well worth going through to get my health and life back!
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    Mary Cade reacted to Kindle in Sleevers feedback wanted!Will I lose my hair after the Sleeve?   
    No one can tell you if it will happen or not. I was pretty good with getting in all my Protein, but never took any special supplements or used special shampoos and at 5 months out I've had no Hair loss. But I was totally prepared to shave my head and wear hats if it happened. Just like the preop diet and the gas pains and the recovery diet and and the diarrhea, it would have just been a temporary thing on my way to a new wonderful life.
  12. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to nagem in Before and after pictures!   
    Surgery date was July 8th 2013 !
    Sw: 280
    Cw: 143
    Height 5'1

  13. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to 2muchfun in MALE HUMOR OF THE DAY   
    During a long day of looking around the new Bass Pro shop near Denver,
    my friends and I stopped in at Hooter's for some Hot Wings.
    After being there for a while, one of my friends asked me
    which waitress I would like to be stuck in an elevator with.
    I told them, "The one who knows how to fix elevators."
    I'm old, tired, and piddle a lot.
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    Mary Cade reacted to komi31 in wanna lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks   
    I m approved to have surgery ... by the insurance company
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    Mary Cade reacted to brenduski in wanna lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks   
    I started substituting my dinners with Premier Protein shakes, absolutely no sugars, very little carbs if any they were whole wheat, Protein, veggies & fruits first! 2-3 liters of Water a day! I lost 20lbs 1 month
  16. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to Colleen Cook in I Threw It Out!   
    Umm, fudge! It had been a crazy busy week. Away from home for 10 days, facilitating two training courses and speaking at an Obesity Summit, I was tired and ready to go home. Though I have a pretty good routine when I travel and stay focused on my good Success Habits, I was tempted

    Umm, fudge! It had been a crazy busy week. Away from home for 10 days, facilitating two training courses and speaking at an Obesity Summit, I was tired and ready to go home. Though I have a pretty good routine when I travel and stay focused on my good Success Habits, I was tempted beyond my ability to resist, to buy a piece of fudge. Umm, I love fudge and of course the walnuts added the all important “protein.” I had kept up with my exercise and make good food choices all week, so I felt justified in splurging a bit.
    As it always does, the first bite was heavenly! Smooth and creamy. So good. I relished that first bite, waited a bit and then another, and yet another. Enough! I thought. I’m good. Now I am going to mindfully throw the rest away. A difficult thing to do knowing how much I paid for it and due to all of the starving people in the world. But I knew it had to go. With Michael Jordan flair, I strutted by the trash can and slam dunked it. There! Good for me. I would have high-fived the guy next to me, but he gave me a funny look so I decided I would just Celebrate privately.
    Boarding for my flight began and victoriously, I marched onto the plane. Safe from “too much” fudge. An hour passed by still on the tarmac, waiting for a mechanical repair. Finally, the captain announced that we would need to deplane and board another flight. By that time I had missed my connecting flight in Denver so I knew enough to get off the plane and get quickly in line for re-booking.
    As I waited patiently in line, I don’t know why, but the thought of my left over fudge so close by started to haunt me. Though I am embarrassed to admit it, here is the conversation in my head. “This situation is beyond stressful and surely another piece of fudge would calm my nerves.” Honestly, you are not thinking of getting the fudge out of that trash bin over there are you?” Well, it is still good, it was wrapped up and in the bag.” Really?” What will people think of you digging in the trash?” “It will be right on top. Easy and there are not too many people over there, I can be quick!” Come on, seriously, you are better than this. You don’t eat food from the trash! Well I guess you are right! Thank goodness.”
    Whew! That was close. It shouldn’t have even crossed my mind but it did. Why, I wonder? What is this problem I have with food? I was pleased that my good voice over ruled my temptress voice but I would have preferred not to have had that conversation at all! Perhaps you can relate?
    Sometimes I find myself focusing on how unfair it is that I struggle with such unhealthy food relationships. But then, I am both relieved and proud that I have been able to win many of these battles. And every time I do – the “you can do it, you are better than that” voice gets stronger and stronger. For those of you who have heard my other crazy food stories, you’ll know how important it is when I say, I don’t eat M & M’s off the floor, whipped cream with my fingers, OR fudge from the trash! Yeah!
  17. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in Before And After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Photos   
    Here's my currents:
    And my Befores:

    Highes Ever / Around 300 Lbs / and just Pre Sleeve


  18. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to GingerSlim in Things I won't miss...   
    I won't miss...
    -being out of breath from tying my shoes.
    -my chins. All of them.
    - under the boob sweat. (Classy...I know)
    -the indentations left in my skin from too tight jeans & socks.
    -lifting my stomach up to button my pants.
    -wearing black everyday.
    -granny panties
    -dreading hot weather...tanks, short sleeves, bathing suits, shorts. Ugh!
    -hiding behind others in pictures (ie...my profile pic!)
    -feeling like I want to just sleep all day.
    -the guilt after every meal.
    -walking like a 90 year old up & down the stairs.
    -fear of sex with the lights on.
    -my mother saying the words " Now you just need to stick with it!" ( Nails. Chalkboard.)
    -blood pressure medication
    -making excuses.
    -crying in fitting rooms
    -the disappointment I have in myself
    I'm sure there is more to add, but I needed to write it down so I can look at this when I'm in pain after surgery, or if I ever question my decision and remember exactly how I felt. I need to remember so I never ever re-visit this kind of lifestyle again.
    I deserve to treat myself better. I am done slowly digging my own grave.
    Like Garth Brooks says, "I'm much too young to feel this damn old!"
    Fingers crossed that I can schedule a surgery date at my visit tomorrow!
    I'm ready! Let's get this Protein party started!
  19. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to luckyyou0521 in Thought It Was Time to Tell My Story   
    I started this journey a little over a year ago. I went down to Ft. Wayne, Indiana to sit in a seminar about weight loss surgery. I had been to two or three seminars in the past but my insurance never covered the surgery. I had checked and found that my new insurance would cover it and that the closest hospital was in Ft. Wayne. While I was there I found out about a new operation they were offering called the Sleeve Gastrectomy. Once I had heard about it, I knew it was the one for me. No band that can slip and no rerouting of the intestines, sign me up. I checked into the insurance end a little further. I needed six months of medically managed weight loss with my Doctor before I would be eligible for the surgery and even then I could possibly be turned down. My first thought was, "okay she's going to put me on a diet, that's great, but what happens if I lose too much weight while on this six month diet? If they see I can do it on my own I won't be approved." Taking the weight off wasn't the real problem, keeping it off was. During that six months I only lost 30 pounds. Also, during that six months I had found out that my insurance was now covering my local hospital for the surgery. I immediately for in contact with someone there and set up an appointment with my surgeon, Dr. Knapp. After seeing Dr. Knapp he informed me that the decision I had made with the sleeve was a good choice but that he wanted me to lose another 30 pounds before he would perform the surgery on me. He wanted to make sure I would get to my goal weight and losing before would put me on track. I was directed to a program at my local hospital called New Directions. You eat their Protein bars and drink their shakes and you lose weight. I thought, "Oh this is going to be easy." That was one of the hardest parts of having this surgery. The shakes are not very good but thank GOD for the bars. It took me a little over a month to lose the 30 pounds he needed me to lose and my surgery was scheduled for December 11th 2013. A few days before surgery my father was taken to the hospital and put on life support. We weren't sure he was going to make it so I had to make a decision. Continue on with the surgery or push it back just in case. The day of my surgery my father was taken off life support and was moving around and talking. I went to see him before and asked him if it was okay for me to have it and he said of course, so downstairs I went to sign in. I'm getting ready for surgery (I had my mother and one of my good friends with mw) and they take me away. I remember nothing from the time they started to wheel me down the hall to when I woke up in my room. I knew after surgery I was going to have to get up and walk. Once my nurse found out that my father was in the hospital (on the same floor just on the other side in ICU) she had me walk over there to say hi. I called him a few times the next two day while I was in there and people came to visit. That was the start of my new life. Fortunately, I had zero complications after surgery and I was back to work within a week. I'm almost 5 months out now and if I'm honest with you and myself, I eat whatever I want. However, in saying that, you should know that whatever I want is the same things almost every day. When I wake up I drink a glass of milk with my pills (8 grams of protein). When I get to work I eat a Protein bad (14 grams of protein). Sometimes I will drink another glass of milk in between Breakfast and lunch or I'll eat some shredded chicken (8-12 grams of protein). For lunch I eat four pieces of low sodium lunch meat (11 grams of protein). Afternoon snack is a piece of string cheese (6 grams of protein). After work I go workout at the gym for an hour and when I get home my dinner is a chocolate Protein shake (27 grams of protein, not all at the same time). I get anywhere between 65 and 78 grams of protein a day. Once I get rid of the shakes I know it will be harder but when that time comes I'll be ready. Not that's not to say every once in a while I don't eat things that aren't bad for me. Sometimes you just want a piece of candy, so I eat it. I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. As long as I follow the plan and I'm not over filling my tiny stomach I'm in the clear. I do however struggle with Water. I get a solid 6 cups a day but 8 cups make me not feel well.
    Since the beginning of this journey I've lost 126 pounds. I've got another 116 pounds to go but I'd say I'm right on track. For those who say it's the easy way out, I hope that one day they understand how hard it is to lose weight and keep it off. This was first and foremost one of the hardest decisions I've ever made but it was the best decision I could have made. Even thought I'm on more medication now that I was before (medicines to make sure I don't get ulcers, for heart burn, a Calcium pill, a multi Vitamin and for my high cholesterol) I'm off my high blood pressure medicine and that's a huge win for me. After my 6 month checkup I hope to be off all the other except my multi Vitamin. If that's not an accomplishment then I don't know what is. Most of us have the surgery to be healthy and be around for our loved ones and that was number one to me. It doesn't hurt that we will look good in clothes eventually, that's just another plus. For anyone who is on the fence about having the surgery please, please make the decision to have it, it's life changing.
    *unfortunately my father passed away January 9th but I know he is looking down on me and is very proud of where I am. In the beginning I was doing this just for myself but now I'm doing it for my father and me. Love and miss you Daddy!
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    Mary Cade reacted to Teachamy in Hair loss, evidence with picture and me bitching...   
    I am jinxing myself by saying this, but so far, I don't notice much change. I have fine hair, and it tends to fall out pretty readily anyway. It also breaks off pretty readily too. I have taken to washing it every other day and conditioning it well, as I chose this inopportune time to try to grow it out. Maybe washing it less frequently helps?
  21. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to Bufflehead in Items for the kitchen?   
    I use an immersion blender for my Protein Shakes and wouldn't use anything else. It adds no air to the shake - using a regular blender can make your shake a mess of bubbly foam that you have to let sit for an hour in the fridge to make it drinkable.
    I tried a Blender Bottle with a whisk ball thing and I found it didn't mix particularly well and I had the same issue with the drinks being too foamy.
    I used a mini food processor for puree stage, but really haven't used it much since then:
    A Bubba Keg to keep your drinks cold or hot:
    Make sure your kitchen scale is digital, that it weighs in both grams and ounces, and has a tare function.
    I use a lot of little ramekins and tiny casseroles to heat up and serve food. You may not need this if you are cooking for a family, but they are helpful for singletons.
    and I use these little cocktail forks:
    btw, if you haven't ordered yet and want to check them out, these are my favorite measuring cups:
    and these are the best measuring spoons I have found:
    (or a plastic version that I love almost as much):
  22. Like
    Mary Cade reacted to butternickles in Omg I ate how much?   
    I'm getting kinda irritated with these holier than thou posts, putting people down for trying a nibble of bread. All of us were such suckers for food that we let ourselves get grossly overweight, and suddenly we're supposed to be super vigilant with no mistakes for weeks before and after surgery. Jesus people. She ate a bite of bread. It hurt, she learned.
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    Mary Cade reacted to KeeWee in Missteps starting to add up   
    being preop, this is scary but I like to be preventative myself even if the dr's dont tell me how to be...which is why I love this site so much...my supply list was long but I feel totally prepared for all possibilities and comfort issues, thanks to previous patient's and who better to learn from.
    So I'm just here to learn more...sorry you're in pain and I hope you get some answers soon here or there with your doc at least.
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    Mary Cade reacted to lmdx0sleeved in Maybe i wasnt ready for this ..#vent   
    Thanks so much DanaMomto3 yeah this is not as easy as I hoped it would be. I know everyone says it's worth it, and I hope that will be the case for me. One day at a time I guess?
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    Mary Cade reacted to DanaMomto3 in Maybe i wasnt ready for this ..#vent   
    All pretty normal. I lived on wonton Soup broth fron my fav Chinese restaurant. My hunger never did go away do I lived for each weekly appt with my nut so I could eat. I found the surgery very painful and the first few weeks sucked. But I lost 123lbs in 10 months and am now on maintenance. It was sooo worth it! Feel better and hang in there.

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