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About GastricBypassNY

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    New York
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  1. GastricBypassNY

    Greek Yogurt weird question

    I found the Yoplait Greek 100's have the least amount of whey floating at the top. They have some great flavors but be warned!!! They're HIGHLY addictive. I eat them for dessert or use them as a special treat.
  2. GastricBypassNY

    Is there any foods that you totally miss?

    chocolate covered Halva or any Halva at all!!!! I dream about that stuff sometimes.
  3. I can relate with you on so many levels. Good friends are hard to come by. It's so painful when you lose one. No matter who is at fault. Turning to comfort food is my gut reaction too. A few snickers, reeses, kit kats, godiva chocolates. I HATE myself once I step on my scale the next morning. These days I exercise or hit the gym HARD when I get urges to binge or eat emotionally. I'll pump the music up on my headphones to MAX volume and run a few miles if it's nice out. Talk to another friend or someone you're close with to get these feelings off your chest. Good luck.
  4. GastricBypassNY


    Which vape do you use ? I use the Volcano Digit. Tried every other model and that's my favorite for sure. I use the PAX vape when I'm traveling but only like it for it's convenience and portability. I usually soak my ABV (already been vaped) in Canola oil on low in my crockpot for 12-18 hours and sift the ABV out of the oil with cheesecloth. I use that oil to bake MJ goodies. My biggest problem with MJ edibles is that they're normally full of fat and I really try to limit my intake. MJ Tea ??? That's genius. Can you please share your recipe and details how it's made ?
  5. GastricBypassNY


    It was very clear from my post what my intentions were. My point was that the NYPD racially profiles individuals. You ask what does racial profiling mean ? I walk up and down a train platform with an OZ of pot in my Louis Vuitton bag, strutting my Manolo Blahniks, reeking of pot and nobody will even look at me twice. If a black kid with his pants riding low and headphones over his ears does something like sneeze, he's up against the wall being frisked. They find just the tip of a joint in his pocket, off to jail he goes. Back to my usage of the term colored. It might not have been politically correct but there was no need for the fake outcry from members who were supposedly offended. Their only goal is to endlessly argue semantics. Maybe I should have phrased it as people of color instead of colored people but I really don't feel bad. I asked black colleagues of mine to read what I wrote and NONE of them were offended in any way. I looked at posts many of these members have left and there's a clear pattern. It seems that there are many on here that are bored and love hijacking other peoples threads. Back to using the term colored: In 2008 Carla Sims, communications director for the NAACP (America's foremost civil rights group for those of you who aren't familiar) in Washington, D.C., said "the term 'colored' is not derogatory, [the NAACP] chose the word 'colored' because it was the most positive description commonly used. To date, there has not been a movement to change the name of the organization to a more politically correct term such as the "National Association for the Advancement of African-Americans." (It's National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, not National Association for the Advancement of BLACK People or National Association for the Advancement of African Americans.) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used the phrase “citizens of color” in his 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech. Carla Sims, communications director for the NAACP in Washington, D.C., came to Lindsay Lohan’s defense today following Lohan’s on-camera interview with “Access Hollywood” in which Lohan called president-elect Barack Obama “colored.” Sims believes that the media’s lambasting of the starlet is only to create controversy. “Sometimes you have to look at the intent…but the word ‘colored’ isn’t derogatory,” Sims told me in a phone interview. “Clearly she’s [Lohan] an Obama supporter.” “There’s really no problem with what she said,” Sims said. “In her excitement, she was acknowledging that color was not a barrier in the populace choosing Obama.” “The term ‘colored’ is not derogatory,” Sims continued. “They chose the word ‘colored’ because it was the most positive description commonly used at that time. It’s outdated and antiquated but not offensive.” Sims is referring to the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People that created the organization nearly 100 years ago in support of social justice for African Americans. So my choice of words was at most outdated and antiquated, definitely not offensive as many have attempted to portray.
  6. GastricBypassNY


    Are you familiar with the ACLU ? Educate yourself a little and have a read. I'll quote the article: The NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practices raise serious concerns over racial profiling, illegal stops and privacy rights. The Department’s own reports on its stop-and-frisk activity confirm what many people in communities of color across the city have long known: The police are stopping hundreds of thousands of law abiding New Yorkers every year, and the vast majority are black and Latino. An analysis by the NYCLU revealed that innocent New Yorkers have been subjected to police stops and street interrogations more than 4 million times since 2002, and that black and Latino communities continue to be the overwhelming target of these tactics. Nearly nine out of 10 stopped-and-frisked New Yorkers have been completely innocent, according to the NYPD’s own reports. Oh my! Did the ACLU just use the word COLOR ? Are you going to call them politically incorrect next ?
  7. GastricBypassNY


    Dayum. I'm "colored". I'm colored a pale pinkish- white. Wish I was "colored" tan, but alas, the Irish heritage overtook the American Indian in me. I found it pretty offensive. Just sayin I am sorry if anyone was offended!! I'm the farthest thing from a racist and didn't mean it that way. If I was a racist I'd be pro stop and frisk. Let's get back to the original question. Some more ideas for healthy munchy food: Hummus and pita chips Vege chips (raw is best) Vegetable slices with PB2 Frozen grapes salad Chickpeas Lean meat Make sure you prepare your food before you smoke up! Use baggies for portion control and don't eat out of any bags or boxes. I also heard brushing your teeth as soon as you get munchies can be a very effective way of combating them. Hope this helps.
  8. GastricBypassNY


    What's the proper way to say black person ? African american ? I am sorry for not using the proper term. Sheesh!!! sounds like you sure could use a puff! The NY cops will stop and frisk anyone that's dark skinned. That includes spanish people. I can't wait until they legalize pot and make stop and frisk illegal. We live in the USA people. There are rights and freedoms guaranteed by our constitution. That includes lighting one up in the privacy of my own home if I want to.
  9. GastricBypassNY

    Great Find!

    I'm so excited. These are low fat! I used to buy the regular Farm Rich meatballs and they were around 24g fat per serving. Great find, thanks!
  10. GastricBypassNY

    Paying for Plastics (Mexico)

    I'm in middle of researching plastics and looks like I'll need to take a loan out. I applied with a company known as carecredit.
  11. GastricBypassNY

    HELP! PreWorkout Meal

    I don't suggest eating right before or even half an hour prior to working out. It's a very bad idea. Especially if you have weight loss surgery! food sticks around longer in our stomach and digestive track and it's a very bad idea to workout that way. You're better off working on a totally empty stomach and having a large Protein filled meal after your workout. If you must must eat before working out I might suggest a Protein Bar or one of those energy slime packs. I find they don't fly around your stomach and bust you up when working out.
  12. GastricBypassNY


    I've been consuming Marijuana since I had surgery and for quite some time before as well. I find it helps me a great deal with nausea and anxiety. I don't roll joints or use a bong since I'm scared of carcinogens and other chemicals. I have something called a (Volcano) vaporizer. It's much more healthy to consume MJ this way. I also bake with MJ but don't eat goodies often since they give me maaaaaad munchies! It's illegal here in NY but it might as well be legalized since the cops don't care (unless you're colored!) and you only get a ticket if caught with under an OZ. Just make sure you munch on carrot sticks and fruit instead of cake and sweets!!
  13. I've heard many people talk about Quest bars and I figured I would try them. I found a link for free Quest samples! I'll let everyone know how they tasted once I get my samples.
  14. GastricBypassNY

    Spiritual Solution to Food Addiction?

    Great article! Where is Part 1 of this article please ?
  15. Thank you so much for replying! Which procedures did you have ? Mind sharing how much they were ? Was anything covered by insurance ??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
