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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Nevermore reacted to teabody11687 in Defeated   
    Thanks y'all, it's just frustrating and I feel as though when I started gaining weight my nutritionist should of said something before it got to this point
  2. Like
    Nevermore reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Defeated   
    Don't do that...K. Push through this...Think about why you are taking this step and work it...It will be good practice for after the surgery when the real hard work begins....Look at it as a learning stage to eat better and change some habits....I waited 4 years for my surgery...i think you will be fine....Just move ahead and make the best of it! You got this.
  3. Like
    Nevermore reacted to bearman99 in Defeated   
    You can do it.
    Do whatever it takes to get qualified.
    I wish I had hoops to jump through, instead, I forked over $19k to get the sleeve - miraculously most objections faded away when I handed over my cold hard cash.
    You can do this. I dropped 24lbs prior to surgery.
    Thank you for sharing.
  4. Like
    Nevermore reacted to awold0 in Defeated   
    So sorry you are going through that. Hang in there. You can do it. I am a fellow ex smoker myself. I totally understand. The 2 months will fly by. You will see and you will be in such a better place and ready for your surgery. You can do this as others on this forum say
  5. Like
    Nevermore reacted to Tlambsleever in Angry, Anxious, and Relieved   
    I will be in your shoes this time next week. You have went through a lot to get to this point. This means so much more to you than just losing weight.
    You are about to change your life ten fold. You have this. In fact reading what you have been though so many times before, you got this without a doubt.
    Praying for a speedy recovery.
  6. Like
    Nevermore got a reaction from mona832 in Angry, Anxious, and Relieved   
    Hello, all!
    My name is Raven. I'm 35 and I'm pre-op. My surgery date is January 6, 2014 and I have very mixed feelings about it.
    I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and I have a particularly bad case of it. I have all the symptoms in varying degrees of severity. I also haven't seen a natural menstrual cycle since I was 22 and only recently, within the last year, were they able to force a cycle with near dangerously high doses of progesterone and even that has stopped working. Because of my amenorrhea (total absence of a cycle), I've been through multiple surgeries to remove hypoplasia (pre-cancerous buildups) and calcifications from my uterus. I am, of course, infertile because of this and from being overweight.
    Along my journey of doctors and surgeons, almost every one has brought up weight loss surgery. "NO WAY!" I would proclaim loudly. I've done my research and I also watched a few of the videos of the surgeries. I've seen the poking and the bleeding and the meatball surgery... and these guys know they are being watched and video taped for the world to see! What are the ones who aren't being watched doing? Yeah, you can forget that...
    After a few years of struggling, dieting, surgeries, losing the constant battle against my weight, my symptoms gaining strength and frequency, the sudden realization that I'm in my mid-30s and haven't had a child... the "NO WAY!" turned into... "Okay, but only as an absolute last resort."
    A couple of years ago, my endocrinologist told me we were at the "last resort". I told him I wanted to give one more try myself. I redoubled my efforts at dieting. I took myself down to 1000 calories a day. I was exercising for 4-6 hours a day. I started making progress! Over the course of almost 2 years, I went from 300 lbs. to 215 lbs. Huge, right? Don't worry, I nearly broke my arm patting myself on the back. But I just could not keep up that momentum and my body started breaking down. And the moment I let up even a little bit on either the calories (even just 100) or the exercise (even just 30 minutes), I would either plateau or start gaining again.
    Then I made a huge move across the country which required all of my mental and physical resources over the course of a few months. I was still counting calories, averaging 1500-1600. And by the time I was moved and settled, I was up to 235. I tried to regain some control, but this was about the time they started putting me on high dose progesterone. This gave me extreme irritability, unprovoked and constant crying, and insatiable hunger. So now, I'm back to 245 lbs. and just hopelessly watching the scale inch up a pound or three every month.
    I brought all of this to my recent endocrinologist appointment and she said, "Raven, we're at the end of our rope." It rang in my head for about 10 minutes. She said our last options are a partial hysterectomy or weight loss surgery. But either way, I can't go on the way I am. Not only is my quality of life suffering tremendously, but the health risks, especially the constant threat of endometrial (uterus) cancer, are on the verge of consuming my life.
    So, I finally gave in. I went to my first appointment with the VSG surgeon in September. I've scheduled out to January because my insurance doesn't cover ANY of the cost of the surgery. Not a whit. Luckily (and unluckily), my endoscopy found a severe hiatal hernia that needs immediate attention so that forced my insurance to chip in half, but I still have to come up with $6k. I tried the medical credit sites, but have been turned down.
    I'm angry that no matter what I did, I was forced to this. It's infuriating that if any person without PCOS would have done what I've done, they'd have lost 300+ lbs in the time it took me to lose 80. It's maddening that I could maintain at 1500-1600 calories a day if it weren't for the progesterone that's sort of keeping me for getting cancer. I'm filled with trepidation over someone cutting out a significant portion of a very beloved body part. I know that the risks of death or serious injury are minimal and that the practice has been highly refined over the years, but my trepidation prevails.
    But I'm also relieved that I've finally committed to it.
    And I'm admittedly a little excited at the prospect of the help this could provide... not just for my weight, but for my PCOS that has been plaguing me since I was 14 years old.
    Thanks for listening to me ramble.
  7. Like
    Nevermore got a reaction from mona832 in Pre-Op Cold   
    Thanks! I am not working at the moment, so that's a plus. I was actually considering doing exactly what you said. Just dose up and stay in bed. I was concerned about the NyQuil.. but I just checked and it has acetaminophin (not supposed to have ibuprophen or aspirin before surgery) so it's okay! Thank you, Lord!

    My biggest concern with postponing the surgery is not actually postponing the surgery. I've waited long enough, another week or two wouldn't be a big deal. It's staying on or redoing this liquid diet. I think I might eat my couch and kill Ronald McDonald if I had to do that. The good news of that is that I would definitely be able to plead insanity without question. heh
  8. Like
    Nevermore got a reaction from Fluffnomore in Angry, Anxious, and Relieved   
    Thanks much! I'm heading to the hospital in an hour and a half. I really needed a pep talk and well.. there's no one awake at 2:30am here. lol. I'm spending my last bit of time reviewing "things you need to take" and "things you need to remember" posts. heh
    Thanks everyone! Here I go!
  9. Like
    Nevermore got a reaction from Fluffnomore in Angry, Anxious, and Relieved   
    Thanks much! I'm heading to the hospital in an hour and a half. I really needed a pep talk and well.. there's no one awake at 2:30am here. lol. I'm spending my last bit of time reviewing "things you need to take" and "things you need to remember" posts. heh
    Thanks everyone! Here I go!
  10. Like
    Nevermore reacted to mistysj in Thoroughly unscientific poll   
    I have my personal number which puts me at a BMI of 22. My surgeon's goal for me is a BMI of 27 but I'm only 1.5 BMI points away from that and I certainly don't feel done. I'm in size 12 at 4'11" and while that is heaps better than size 22, it's still pretty large for my height. If I get to a point where I am having to work especially hard to lose more, I hope I will have the self-awareness to realize it and be happy with whatever weight that is.
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    Nevermore reacted to LipstickLady in Thoroughly unscientific poll   
    I don't have a number in mind, I have a clothing size in mind. A number on the scale means nothing because as a female, a woman who weighs 200 pounds can wear a 14 as can a woman who weighs 160. I want to be a SIZE, not a weight. Just me, though.
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    Nevermore reacted to BabySheldon in # of nights in hospital?   
    4 days for scaredy cat here.....
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    Nevermore reacted to Seela in # of nights in hospital?   
    I had my mom which was amazing but after the third day of her not letting me do anything I kicked her out! Lol... I was very lucky to have such great support
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    Nevermore reacted to Chelsi in # of nights in hospital?   
    i stayed one night, though they said i could stay another. i wish i would have stayed another night, the first night home was very painful.
  15. Like
    Nevermore reacted to gomekast in Straws?   
    Im 11 weeks and use them daily now. Started maybe aroung week 8ish post op tho.
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    Nevermore reacted to Cabingirl in Straws?   
    I use a straw occasionally, esp. with cold drinks. I've never had a bit of problem.
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    Nevermore reacted to BabySheldon in Straws?   
    Ditto....i have a 58oz Water bottle and the only way to use it is with a straw...i have been successfully using straws and completely forgot that i was instructed not to use them for the reasons stated above....
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    Nevermore reacted to Seela in Straws?   
    I started a thread about this a while back and got a ton of responses. Ultimately this is the only area I have gone against my surgeon s instructions. I just couldn't get hydrated no matter how much I tried. I started drinking through a straw (against orders) and now hydration is no longer an issue. But I was cautious and started scared and slow. Now it's such a relief to drink with a straw... a comfort and I never have any problems with getting in all my liquids anymore. ***That being said, I do NOT recommended going against your surgeons orders.***
  19. Like
    Nevermore reacted to ribearty in Straws?   
    This is one of those areas that there are a variety of opinions on and no consistency similar to pre and post-op diets. My doctor's office said no straws because it can cause you to take in more air and also can cause you to drink more quickly and gulp which we all know are big no nos with weight loss surgery. Taking in more air and drinking too quickly can lead to more pain. Drinking with a straw may be a nonissue for you. I have used straws since my surgery by accident without incident. I was out for dinner in a restaraunt and the server brought me Water with a straw. I took a few drinks and realized I was using a straw.
    If you search the forums, you will find a lot of topics on this. Here are a few
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    Nevermore reacted to sleevethefatbehind in Straws?   
    I use a straw for almost all drinks, especially Protein shakes. I didn't get that instruction from my doctor.
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    Nevermore reacted to Mama Spike in Straws?   
    I use it when I am out. I am very careful not to take too large of sips when using a straw.
  22. Like
    Nevermore reacted to finally on my way in Straws?   
    I was instructed not to use straws any more for drinking. I am so much better at getting my fluids in and hitting my fliud targets with the use of a straw... I sip sip sip much better with my straw lol

    Any one else ventured into use of a straw post op?

  23. Like
    Nevermore reacted to Madam Reverie in Angry, Anxious, and Relieved   
    Head down, grit your teeth and take this monster on!
    Enjoy the meds, walk a lot, sip Water a lot, take a lip-balm, take comfortable PJ's with you, slippers, deodorant/perfume (that made me feel like a human being) breathe and relax.
    You got this, Sista
    See you on the losers bench! x
  24. Like
    Nevermore reacted to Fluffnomore in Angry, Anxious, and Relieved   
    You are going to be fine. Just breathe and don't forget to ask for painkillers and anti-nausea meds if, and maybe even before you need them.
  25. Like
    Nevermore reacted to michelle68 in Any Buddies in Houston, Texas?   
    I was sleeved Dec 19th...2 week posst op by Dr Hollis .....I live in Pearland, south side of Houson

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