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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    bnape29 reacted to valkyrea in September 23rd sleevers!   
    Good luck tomorrow, Everyone! and yes, I'm taking a break from nesting at the moment. Glad I'm not alone in wanting everything to be as perfect as possible.
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    bnape29 reacted to tsan4u in September 23rd sleevers!   
    My surgery is September 23rd at 12 Noon. I've been on a clear liquid diet and have had no problems. In fact, I am feeling great. I am falling in love with the nectar brand Protein powders (especially the Roadhouse Lemonade and Fuzzy Navel). I mix with the Wyler's Light singles or Crystal Light and it tastes really good. I also like the Pure Protein shakes and the Atkins Cafe Caramel. I have 1/2 cups of SF Jello already made up! My Will and Health Directive are done and tucked away. No drama, should have updated my papers a long time ago. Looking forward to my surgery and praying for a good experience.
    There is no turning back for me. This is it and I am ready. I don't worry because I trust God so I can't wait until Monday. To my fellow September 23rd Sleevers, sending prayers up for you all! God knows how much we want and need this surgery so he will take good care of us.
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    bnape29 got a reaction from valkyrea in September 23rd sleevers!   
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    bnape29 reacted to Bec101 in help! I had a slipup on liquid diet...   
    Don't freak out! On my pre op i had one meal of lean meat and very low carb veg. U'll be fine. So don't worry and just get back on the wagon
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    bnape29 reacted to JerseyGirl68 in Food Funerals?   
    There are so many different opinions on this, and really only you can decide what is best for you. The day I decided to go for surgery, I changed everything. Starting with my mindset and the control food in general had on me, I still feel making those changes on my terms helped me when it got hard and cravings or the need to emotionally eat came. I don't regret not having "food funerals" I was of the same opinion as Lipstick Lady, I wanted to be in the best possible physical condition for surgery. Best of luck leading up to your surgery! Follow your doctors instructions, you can't go wrong there.
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    bnape29 got a reaction from Carlotta in Food Funerals?   
    I went through that right before I got the ins approval & surgery date. Then I just got serious and I've had to surround myself with this forum/support from a friend that had her sleeve this summer and reminding myself of the better life that I'm about to begin.. Hang in there and try to figure out why your actually eating, what emotion or situation are you burying with food? And find another activity to do instead of eating.
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    bnape29 got a reaction from Carlotta in Food Funerals?   
    I went through that right before I got the ins approval & surgery date. Then I just got serious and I've had to surround myself with this forum/support from a friend that had her sleeve this summer and reminding myself of the better life that I'm about to begin.. Hang in there and try to figure out why your actually eating, what emotion or situation are you burying with food? And find another activity to do instead of eating.
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    bnape29 reacted to Kami63 in Food Funerals?   
    I didn't do too many last meals because I figured the less I weighed when I started the less I would have to lose! I was scared before surgery though bc I didnt have those meals ... But you know what? I was ok even without all of that because right after surgery, you really don't have the desire to eat. I am almost 3 months out and I still have not tried some of my comfort foods. Ones that I wanted so bad for last meals but didn't. I think it is great that I am ok for the first time in my life eating healthy. Though I am no saint, I have my moments, I just decided to make 99% of my choices the best ones for my body and Live my life without food controlling ME
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    bnape29 reacted to cutebynature30 in October sleevers?   
    I'm so nervous and excited all at the same time... its all I keep thinking about is OCT 2nd!!! My life changes that day... I'm 5ft 240 lbs ready to get this weight off... and live a healthy skinny life..
    Sent from my SPH-L710 using VST
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    bnape29 reacted to dlopez978 in Day 5 of pre-op diet....   
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    bnape29 reacted to Kyle Lynn in Day 5 of pre-op diet....   
    Today is my 5th day on Clear Liquids. It has gotten easier I just feel so sad I don't know if it's because I'm sick over what I have done to myself or because I feel like I'm lost. I have a great support system I just need to buck up I'm having surgery on the 24th of this month. I'm trying to stay positive because I want my life back I just feel alone and I know I'm not because I have all of you great people on here. So thanks for letting me read your posts!
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    bnape29 reacted to 1gorgeousgodzilla in Toddler spoon   
    I carry several baby spoons in a snack ziplock bag in my purse. I can't whip them
    Out all the time, but I do when I can. I often forget to limit my intake (especially when drinking cold Water during a workout) and need all the reminders I can get
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    bnape29 got a reaction from NtvTxn in Toddler spoon   
    Ok.. Day #5 of my pre op diet... This may sound a bit silly, but I've started using one of my daughters toddler spoons for my broth/Greek yogurt/sf Jello. It makes me eat slower and obviously take smaller bites. Just an idea I thought I'd share
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    bnape29 reacted to Kathie5353 in Toddler spoon   
    Yes! I bought baby spoons and also a electric coffee cup warmer to keep soups/food warm, it works great!
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    bnape29 reacted to Bea Amaya in Toddler spoon   
    I, too, use baby spoons still and I'm already 7 weeks out. I find that if I don't, I sometimes hurry WAY too much (busy life, and all that) and find myself in pain by the end of the meal. Baby spoons both regulate and remind me to slow down, take it easy, and enjoy each bite.
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    bnape29 reacted to beauty29 in Hello October 2nd!   
    My date is Oct 3rd. I go visit my doctor for preop in 6 more days. I am so excited!!! Time is moving really fast and before you know it I will be starting my new life... God be with me through this surgery and I have faith I won't have any complications. I'm not scared. There is no Fear in Faith. All of us sleevers will be Great in surgery... God didn't let you come this far for nothing. Erase your fears... I don't have a pre op diet but I put mysf on a diet and lost 7 lbs In 4 days...the next 2 Saturdays I will be drinking and then I'm cold turkey for a couple of years..
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    bnape29 reacted to crowsnestmama in what's the little things you've noticed with your weight loss so far!   
    I reached one-derland today!!! That was a huge "little" thing.
    I was told by a security officer that works at the same high school that "sagging" pants aren't allowed, lol! (I'll take the compliment as it was intended)
    I dropped 3 pant sizes over the weekend and passed a bag of pants on to someone else.
    Because of my and my husbands progress we have a friend who is beginning the process too.
    I was able to wear a skirt with a shaper. I could never wear a shaper before and always had to wear a pair of shorts under a long flowy skirt. Today, it was an A line above the knee. I had a friend say that they forgot I had legs, lol!
    I was able to quickly go up 3 flights of stairs without using the handrail to pull myself along, only breathing moderately hard at the top.
    I am so glad I did this!!
    Oh, and I finally feel like it's worth it to wear makeup again! That is huge for me. 1. I never felt like I wanted to draw attention to myself at all 2. My face is finally clear of acne. I've had it since I was 11, I'm almost 38 now. That is a huge little thing for me as well.
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    bnape29 reacted to laffypatty in Looking for tips for after surgery.   
    I'm five days post-op and doing great. I bought several flavors of Isopure in advance of surgery to determine which I'd like best. So while I'm getting 60ish ounces of liquid a day as i sip, I'm intaking about 60 grams of Protein per day this early on. I drink one bottle of Isopure per day (and it takes all day to finish a bottle); that's 40 grams. I have Unjury chicken broth (21 grams), and I put a scoop of Unjury unflavored Protein Powder (21 grams of protein again) into a can of beef broth and sip on that throughout the evening. I start it while the family is having dinner and usually finish it just before bedtime. I also love Blue Bell sugar-free bullets, Oceanspray diet cranberry and Decaf, unsweetened ice tea. I sip all day and it keeps the hunger at bay. All the protein gives me tons of energy, which is great because I have a 2-year-old and a 6-month-old!
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    bnape29 reacted to Kay York in October sleevers?   
    Awesome!! Where? I am soo excited! Do you remember being a kid an knowing something fun is going to happen after school and being ANSI excited and nervous at the same time, that's how I feel!!
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    bnape29 reacted to JewelJ in Secret Sleevers?   
    Well I have to tell you all. I had the Band surgery and told some people. My Family and few friends. I had stares at parties, "what is she eating?" Why is she not losing more weight? Why are you doing this to yourself? Can't you do it the NATURAL WAY, said a person who is 117lbs. So on Oct 9th i'm having my Band taken out. Than the first week in Jan I will have the Sleeve done. The only people who know are my husband and my 3 children. I'm not ashamed at all... I just do not want the questions, and people who can't mind their own business in my face.
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    bnape29 reacted to kvlasy in what's the little things you've noticed with your weight loss so far!   
    My belly button is retreating while my hip and collar bones are re-introducing themselves to me. I haven't seen my old friends since about 1995!!
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    bnape29 reacted to Shrinkingmom in what's the little things you've noticed with your weight loss so far!   
    1) I can see the veins in my arms and it's easy to get blood 2) I have a sternum (breast bone) 3) it is uncomfortable to sit on something hard with my hip bones pressing into it. 4) My legs don't rub or even touch when I walk 5) I love shopping for new, cute, clothes! 6) I can run! 7) I love the way I look 8) I actually get cold a lot and am not sweating all the time!!!.......... I could go on and on but it is the small things that are the most fun and nobody but us would understand!!! Good topic!
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    bnape29 reacted to ajayb19 in Surgery tomorrow! Still wondering if I could do this myself!   
    I have been mixed with anxiety and excitement since my 1st visit with the surgeon. I understand where you are coming from. I had the same thoughts about the whole cutting part of your stomach out and the long term and effects.
    I originally planned on having the Lapband done, mostly because you don't have that drastic measure of changing your body's anatomy. But after thorough research and testimony from ppl who have had either surgery done (Which I know you went through as well) I decided that this was the best option. I too have tried everything under the sun to lose weight on my own to no avail.
    If you were able to get through the 2wk liquid diet then I have no doubt that you will make it through the rest of your life with out a hitch. Just know it's mind over matter. I have a tiny tattoo on my wrist of my highest weight. A small simple reminder of where I am right now and where I never want to be again.
    Whenever you feel like you won't make it through, just remember the way you felt at your highest weight and keep pushing through!
    Best of Luck, can't wait to see how well you do!
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    bnape29 got a reaction from missybean in Secret Sleevers?   
    Ok, so I'm curious if anyone else is keeping their surgery somewhat of a secret? A very small amount of friends know about my surgery. I didn't want to hear their negative/uneducated thoughts.. So I've kept it to myself and reached out to support groups. Plus, I didn't want people constantly asking me who much I've lost and what can I eat/when. Too many repetitive questions that I don't want to answer over and over again...

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