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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to DeniseM in Artificial sweeteners and Health   
    Artificial sweeteners are made from toxic chemicals, and I avoid them at all costs.
    This is a great video from Dr. Oz:
  2. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to jensjoy28 in Artificial sweeteners and Health   
    Yes, I have heard that about artificial sweeteners...they say our bodies don't know how to process....going back to how our ancestors lived and ate, no such things existed, and so our bodies are "tricked" by these modern things...thousands of years of evolutionary history has not kept up w very recent modern times
    Here is article I found on topic.
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    SmilinNC reacted to DebCat in Need a Pep Talk...   
    Holy crap! Your pics are my inspiration for the day. How pretty and happy you look!!! Yay, you!
    I bet you're so relieved to be that far along in the "marathon". Now, go get a bright color of nail polish and paint your toenails with it just because YOU CAN NOW!
  4. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to Kimmy1813 in August 2013 Roll Call   
    We're probably better off buying our own shakes. From some of the posts I've read, it seems like they are pretty expensive when you have to buy them from your surgeon's office.
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    SmilinNC reacted to ******** in XXX rated super serious question!   
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    SmilinNC reacted to Molly3 in Whole Foods: what are your must- haves?   
    Whole Foods & Trader Joes are my favorite grocery stores! Bring a cooler & make sure you stop by the cold case that has all the yummy sides & salads! The hot bar is yummy too!
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    SmilinNC reacted to MIJourney in Full fat, low-fat, or fat-free?   
    I'd check the nutrition labels.
    I've come across some fat-free that is more cals than the low-fat, etc...
    I'd love to kick them all to the curb but haven't yet.
    Everytime I see sugar-free or fat-free I think "sh*tstorm of chemicals"
    Maybe someday.
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    SmilinNC reacted to enigmachik in At What Weight Limit Did You Say "you Have Had Enough"?   
    For me it was less about the number and more about how things suddenly started getting really hard to do. I was having trouble tying my shoes, bending down to pick up dropped items, and even..uh..having trouble wiping myself thoroughly. lol. TMI, I know, but that was the big one. That was when I knew I had to make a serious change asap!
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    SmilinNC reacted to Banned member in Artifical Sweeteners and Headaches   
    Yup and that's the exact reason why I don't drink them. My headaches felt more like Migraines though and I also get them from coffee. I can have a cup of coffee on rare occasions but if I drink it too often I start to get headaches. I drink plain Water now and I don't eat foods that are labeled "low fat or sugar free" because they make me feel ill and crave more food.< /p>
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    SmilinNC reacted to Denn in Lost 52 pounds - nine weeks   
    Oh yeah -
    HW 250???
    SW 246
    CW 194
    GW ? 130
    Greatest accomplishments : beat diabetes from four shots a day to complete freedom. No more high cholesterol or blood pressure meds and high white blood cell count almost normal from "scary" high. Today fit size 16 regular skinny jeans :-)!!! We can do this.
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    SmilinNC reacted to My3lovies in New to forum , my vertical sleeve surgery was 6/10/13   
    Hi everyone!
    I am new to the site but I have been scanning for a while. I want to give a little info about my self.
    I am a 40 yr old woman I am a nurse but have been home with my 2 small children for the last 5 yrs as a homemaker. I am extremely blessed that my wonderful husband is able to afford this for our family.
    I will try to give stats then my story
    First md visit for sleeve consult was April 27ish 2013. Weight 385
    Followed south beach diet and some exercise regime for a month
    2 nd md visit was may 25 Weight 370
    Surgery scheduled on July 10. 2013 my date choice
    Week before surgery had pre surgery testing and had to go back to phase 1 south beach very strict no carbs and for the day before surgery only Clear liquids and nothing after midnight night before surgery
    SURGERY DATE: July 10 2013 Weight: 360
    Surgery day operation was approx 1 1/2 hours long my surgeon informed my husband after surgery everything went very well I did great listening to instructions of shrinking down my liver no bleeding inside and I needed no drains it was completed laparoscopy I have 5 small incisions he also fixed my small hiatal hernia.
    Post op surgery. Ok this is we're everyone's experience I am sure is different the surgey I felt was harder then I thought it would be that night and the next day I was feeling just the worst mostly nausea and pain I really started to wonder what the hell did I just do? But the following day I felt a million times better!
    On day 3 I went home and I don't feel near as bad as I did day one .
    So day one I barely eat a ice chip
    Day 2 small sips of clear Water
    Day 3 discharged home drinking sips do Clear Liquids about 1 tablespoon at a time trying to do about 2 oz a hour.
    Here I am the morning of the 4 th day predawn hours writing this blog sipping some pain medicine with some liquids feeling ok some soreness and tired so glad I don't feel as bad as day one just thinking about a more exciting and hopefully a better quality of life for me and my family!
    Signing off for now I am going to try to keep up on this blog ...never blogged before but I love everyone else's stories so I thought I would throw mine in in case any one wanted to comment or ask questions.
    Well good luck everyone out their and god bless!
  12. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to JoiaRox in Bruising   
    I'd recommend calling your doctor anyway, especially if the bruise grows or looks odd (at 5 days out, it should be done "bruising" at this point), but my money would be on what I said above. Good luck!
  13. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to flyme_places in Stomach sleepers   
    I am a stomach sleeper. For those of you out there that are also how long after surgery till I can sleep on my stomach again??? I had a c section with my son and had to sleep on the couch for two weeks it was painful to get in my then pillowtop bed. I now have a tempurpedic. Just a random question.
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    SmilinNC reacted to karpouzian in August 2013 Roll Call   
    Me three. Not worried about the surgery.. Worried about the liquid diet.more so for my family than myself!
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    SmilinNC reacted to Drgeorgie in 3 weeks out! How do I control this thing?   
    I was scared from day one. I knew this was the best thing for me. I prepared with education and over 8 months worth of classes. Still I didn't feel prepared. So many people had so many different stories. Although I knew about the procedure, I was scared about how it would affect me. My unknown future. I remember thinking, am I crazy to do an elective surgery. But deep down I knew I wanted to be healthier. All other efforts in weight loss led me to high blood pressure, sleep apnea, ankle and leg swelling, increase in medications, and the list does on. In classes, I would hear stories of how people have suffered with a decrease in the quality of life all due to obesity. I was headed in the same direction. I knew I needed the surgery or face a diminishing life style. So I would not let myself become discourage and chicken out. Even while in pre-op surgery waiting room, I was experiencing so many emotions. But I did it. It was the hardest but best decision I ever made.
    Dr. Yadegar's team including himself held my hand throughout the procedure until I went home. Even then they made phone calls to check on me. I can honestly say, I experienced no pain what so ever throughout the entire hospital stay. 2 hours after arriving in my room after surgery I was up walking the halls. In fact, on waking up in recovery, I didn't believe I had surgery. Except in surgery, I was always surrounded by familiar faces. I was told everything to expect in advance and there were no surprises. The energy after surgery was almost scary. The most difficult part of the entire hospital stay was trying to drink enough Water and getting the excess air out of my stomach. The answer to both of these problems were to walk. By day 3 I was walking over a mile within the hospital.
    On arrival home, I soon became sick of the Protein Shakes. Besides it was so difficult getting enough Protein via shakes and drinking the required amount of water. Honestly I just did the best I could and continued to push it as much as possible. I wasn't hungry and just small amounts made me full. I walked my first morning home and have advanced to over 3 miles a day. Within the first 2 weeks I lost 30 pounds. I have been on a plateau for a week although I am losing inches. I started eating food. Never puréed but real food. No problems or issues although after a few bites I'm full. The reduction in food does take some adjustment.
    I continue to read the forums. I will be happy when this plateau ends and I start losing again. I eat nothing like I used to. Before surgery I made comments about never being able to not drink during meals or chewing my food so well. These things came almost natural. I have no problem waiting 30 minutes before and after meals to drink liquid. And I noticed that I chew my food extremely well. If I can be a source of encouragement to pre-sleevers, I want everyone to know I was a bundle of nerves and I educated and prepared myself very well.yet, no one can predict what will happen in your circumstances. But if you follow all instructions given by your doctor, your surgery will be a success. Within 3 weeks I am off all blood pressure medications including the diuretic. My only issue now is looking for things to drink besides water and crystal lite. I am learning to live with my new stomach and finally feel that I have some control. Control of my eating and control of my life. I now have real solutions to my weight problem and I know it will be defeated.
  16. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to cherip in I'm a little hurt..   
    Some people are so very unhappy with their own lives that they can't be happy for anyone else. So sad. Just remember when you are feeling on top of the world not to let anyone get you down.
  17. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to StarryNight in Constipation   
    Definitely try the tea, it's gentle on your new stomach, and works within a few hours. Constipation after anesthesia is very common. I went a week myself after surgery, but the tea solved it! Any sort of Senna tea, like Relaxx Smooth Move, etc.
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    SmilinNC reacted to Dee White in August 2013 Roll Call   
    I finally got my date August 20 In SAVANNAH GA with Dr Kelly at memorial hospital
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    SmilinNC reacted to feelbetter in Anyone from NC?   
    I live outside of Southern Pines
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    SmilinNC reacted to cdunn in Pictures   
    I would love you see more before and after pics!
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    SmilinNC reacted to NtvTxn in Hubby Doesnt Like Me Now   
    As Doctor Phil would say "How's this working for you? Kick that boy's a$$ to the curb" 'Nuff said.
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    SmilinNC reacted to SqueakyWheel&Ethyl in Hubby Doesnt Like Me Now   
    He sure sounds like my first husband. Is his name Gene, too? He convinced me to have a "unique" relationship, too. You need to drag his butt into counseling with you! He's a narcissistic ass who isn't honoring his marriage vows to love you through thick AND thin. I doubt he's going to change. I suggest you lose another 180-200 lbs by shedding that burden. I would never recommend divorce before, but, oh, my gosh, he sounds like my ex and ending that relationship was the healthiest thing I ever did!
    Whatever you make peace with, start being a little more self-centered. You deserve it and it will throw Mr Have-My-Cake-And-Eat-It-Too off balance.
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    SmilinNC reacted to SuNMooNStaRS816 in Hubby Doesnt Like Me Now   
    Can you say a***ole!!!! You may have been over weight, but he is just STUPID to say something like that to you after all your hard work and what you have been through.....you are losing the weight,,,,,but he can't fix being STUPID!!!! Girl don't take that crap....from the one person who is supposed to support you. You need to surround your self with your real supporters and ditch dead weight.....pun intended.
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    SmilinNC reacted to Gardengirl in Pre-op exercise   
    I am trying to motivate myself to exercise NOW before I start the pre op diet. Needing a little encouragement and also have a question--are people exercising during the pre op diet phase? Thanks. Totally new, just joined forum...
  25. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to KevLev12282012 in Personal trainer question!   
    She's an idiot!
    VSG doesn't change the physiology of how you're going to burn calories and lose or gain weight.

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