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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Dawnyellow got a reaction from Sheena Brooke Whitworth in I fought head hunger today and won :) thanks sleeve!   
    Today at work someone brought in a beautiful carrot cake (my drug of choice pre-surgery) for someone's birthday and it was the first time since my surgery 6 weeks ago that I was seriously tempted. I could not believe all of the garbage, manipulative, justification and flat out self sabotaging thoughts I was having. Like the addict i am, I was sitting there at my desk literally obsessing and fighting with myself about how I needed to have it.
    My first thoughts - go for it, you have been super good- why not? Which progressed to thoughts about ways to sneak a taste, move the cake out of the way and accidentally touch the frosting with my thumb. Slice it for others so I could steal some off of the knife after. Then i started thinking - oh what you think that you're just never gonna eat sweets again? Your'e such a baby- get over you.
    Finally I had to get up and leave the room- phew! I fought it and I won today! Ugh.
  2. Like
    Dawnyellow got a reaction from Sheena Brooke Whitworth in I fought head hunger today and won :) thanks sleeve!   
    Today at work someone brought in a beautiful carrot cake (my drug of choice pre-surgery) for someone's birthday and it was the first time since my surgery 6 weeks ago that I was seriously tempted. I could not believe all of the garbage, manipulative, justification and flat out self sabotaging thoughts I was having. Like the addict i am, I was sitting there at my desk literally obsessing and fighting with myself about how I needed to have it.
    My first thoughts - go for it, you have been super good- why not? Which progressed to thoughts about ways to sneak a taste, move the cake out of the way and accidentally touch the frosting with my thumb. Slice it for others so I could steal some off of the knife after. Then i started thinking - oh what you think that you're just never gonna eat sweets again? Your'e such a baby- get over you.
    Finally I had to get up and leave the room- phew! I fought it and I won today! Ugh.
  3. Like
    Dawnyellow got a reaction from Bea Amaya in July 30th is the day! Who is with me?   
    Still. Stalled.
  4. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to yellowbox in July 30th is the day! Who is with me?   
    Looks like the scales are moving again!
  5. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to swizzly in For my fellow vets - has anyone tried to revert back to post-op style eating (600cals,>30g carbs, <60gprotein) with any success?   
    Good god you're prickly sometimes, woman!! We are just trying to help. And in case it's not 150% obvious to you, you are NOT in a good place mentally/emotionally, and the stress we speak of is not some abstract thing that isn't impacting you physically, it's a real issue that is blocking you all over the damn place...not to mention the fact that you're in a PTSD situation, an active war zone, with a head injury, a hernia, and possibly a new autoimmune illness, following a year or two of hard emotional hits. These are NOT circumstances under which you should be chasing super-low-cal eating. Don't like my opinion? I'm okay with that. But it's based on science (and common sense, frankly), not on VSG guru-ness, which expertise I have never claimed in the slightest.
    So if it's also not clear: We are concerned about you. And *I* think you should NOT be eating sub-1000 calories. Not because I've had some la-la-la easy time of it (I haven't lost a gram in MONTHS), but because -- wait for it -- starving yourself is never a good idea, even if it's "effective" in making you lose weight. This is why they TREAT ANOREXIA instead of ignoring it. Jesus, woman.
    We do it during the so-called "honeymoon phase" cos it's the only option when you're first post-op, and that is also the same time period during which most of us get pretty frequent medical check-ups too, cos it's not just a-okay to live sub-1000 over the long term. It causes malnutrition, among other problems, no matter how many supplements you take. And given your health and stress issues, you need to be effing taking care of yourself, not finding new and improved ways of punishing your body and yourself.
    So yeah. There's my less-varnished opinions. <3
  6. Like
    Dawnyellow got a reaction from Nancy A in How bad was it? Would you do it again?   
    I am just over 5 1/2 weeks, down over 30 lbs since surgery and so far I don't regret it. I went back to work after a week. That first 3 days were hard- no lie. But each day it gets better. I think the nausea in the beginning was the worst part followed closely by the Constipation I'm going through now. The diet wasn't hard for me, just learning to drink Water so slowly was weird. I walk 2 miles a day since 1 week after surgery- never did that pre-surgery! I have moments of second guessing my decision but they usually pass when I focus on all the good the sleeve has added.
  7. Like
    Dawnyellow got a reaction from aumum in I lost what?   
    I have lost a mid sized wolverine. 7/30 sleeved
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    Dawnyellow reacted to bethxxx in I lost what?   
    Haha love this!! It only goes to 100lbs so I did two:

    Sleeved January 2013
  9. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to PIRATE~MOM in I lost what?   
    I've lost equivalent to the worlds largest ball of tape. Lol
  10. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to LipstickLady in I lost what?   
    I have lost seven aluminum ladders.
  11. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to Apmcd in I lost what?   
    That's cool. I lost 16 blue crabs
  12. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to BellaItaliana in I lost what?   
    LOL... I've lost 45 Swedish Meatballs.
  13. Like
    Dawnyellow got a reaction from aumum in I lost what?   
    I have lost a mid sized wolverine. 7/30 sleeved
  14. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to aumum in I lost what?   
    This is my loss 4 weeks sleeved

  15. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to No game in Are you getting a new driver's license or work ID since losing weight or once you reach goal?   
    I would love to get a new one! There is a hideously unhappy fat person staring back out at me every time I pull that thing out...
    It's funny buplee this fits in to your hot thread too, how I don't like being judged..
    When I went to get my new license I was at my highest weight. The "man" behind the counter asked for my old one. When I gave it to him, he said "this is you???" "Wow you Were hot"
    No kidding his exact words...
    My husband wanted to go back there and get him when I came home upset.
    Needless to say my picture was snapped. And not only was I rotund I was the most unhappy girl in the world at that point.
    Yes I want a new picture!
  16. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to LipstickLady in Why do people make this commitment, risk their lives on a surgery table and then...   
    Refuse to realize the importance of following their surgeon's orders? If my doctor tells me to stand on my head and consume only Pork rinds for a month, I'm going to do it. If he tells me to drink only purple and pink sparkly liquids for a month, I'm going to do it.
    Doctors don't just make this crap up to be sadists, they do it for a reason. Yes, we know our bodies better, but they know the health of our new pouches better.
    Can they be wrong? Sure! Can they be overly cautious? Without a doubt! Can leaks happen anyways? Unfortunately. That said, I am going to follow the instructions given and not come here seeking permission to do differently. I am certainly not going to get pissy when people tell me to follow doctor's orders. What's the point?
    Phew. I feel so much better.
  17. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to Indigo1991 in PLEASE tell me my boobs will shrink   
    Started out as 40G, now a 32 HHH! So band sizes has dropped dramatically but boobs are effectively the same volume. But now heading towards my knees lol!
    So I will be having a lift and reduction if only to balance my top and bottom half out. I look like Jessica Rabbit's mum ... Not a good look, trust me :-)
    Seriously, it means buying clothes is still a pain. I need a size 8 for the bottom and a 10/12 for the top - not much difference but enough that I still can't go buy a nice dress that fits. But I will ask my surgeon for boobs that won't poke people's eyes out :-)))))) Might be too much at 52...
  18. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to LipstickLady in Is losing your pants an NSV? Another lesson from Sleevilla.   
    Yup. Lost 'em. Not once, but twice during kickboxing today. The first time I was scooting backwards across the floor on my butt. I went back, my pants didn't. The second time, I was concentrating on my punching form so hard, I didn't even notice my pants were around my mid thighs. Ooooops!
    I am quit certain my martial arts instructor will never let this one go. I can't even kick his arse!
    Lesson learned. Always wear pretty underwear.
  19. Like
    Dawnyellow got a reaction from ElyQuint in warning:TMI - constipation   
    I know what you mean. I almost would rather have the horrible diarrhea in the beginning over this. It's painful! Thanks for the share- nice to know I'm not alone.
  20. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to karenb4729 in But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6   
    For me, it's not being a size 2 or 4... I would be happy to be an 8. BUT - I want BOOTS, tall boots that zip up and fit my calf, boots that I can tuck my jeans into. The day that happens I will be jumping up and down in the shoe store!
  21. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to Texarkolina in But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6   
    I have been going to a WLS surgery support group and every meeting someone says something along the lines of, "well it is not like I am trying to be a size 6 or anything, I just want to be healthier." So am I alone in that I DO wanna be a size 6--or 4--or 2? I want to be the one that is expected to sit in the middle of the backseat because I am so small. I want to wear tiny little jeans and have the option of dressing trashy and still looking hot. I have been big my whole life and I want to be the little one. Don't get me wrong, any move towards health and any weight loss is a good thing. I know better than to measure success vs. failure by getting into a size that seems almost unreal to me now. However, is it OK if I WANT it? Like really,really want it? I know me well enough to know that I will Celebrate every pound lost and every step I make towards a healthier me. However, if the truth were told, at the top of the list of reasons that I am willing to allow someone to cut one of my internal organs into pieces and yank part of it out of my body through a slit in my stomach, go through the risks of surgery, and have my eating habits forever changed is because I am SICK OF BEING FAT and I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to slip into a pair of jeans whose size is one single, solitary number. In this group everyone is like, "oh, I just want to reach a healthier me, looking better is just a little extra." Can I call BS on that? I mean like big heaping, steaming bull $#!%.... I know this post may make me seem shallow, but I have never seen anyone jump up and down over seeing their cholesterol go down 10 points. However, be in the vicinity when a former fatty slips on a size small top and size 6 jeans for the first time and you will see some celebrating going on. They will be taking pictures and calling their friends to share the news. You might see a little dance or hear an "oh HELL YEAH". Ever see anyone act like that over that hospital lab report? I am not trying to minimize the awesome health benefits of losing what is basically another person made up of fat that I am carrying around. I know my friend of fat will eventually kill me if I don't leave her behind. I am looking forward to improved health, mobility, and energy levels--sure...but do I really have to pretend that I wouldn't have the surgery if I knew that my overall health wouldn't really improve and all I had to look forward to is being smaller?
  22. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to No game in Long term prognosis   
    I guess all I can say is I don't plan on being a statistic.... Ummm unless its one I agree with
    I do find it interesting to read though, what the bariatric community is saying about the procedure in studies and at bariatric conferences.
  23. Like
    Dawnyellow got a reaction from stamour1 in 2 week pre-op diet - feeling like a failure   
    Well look at the bright side- you picked super healthy choices! You aren't a failure. Don't beat yourself up- you are doing great so hang in there. Soon you'll be on the loser bench rockin that sleeve.
  24. Like
    Dawnyellow got a reaction from stamour1 in 2 week pre-op diet - feeling like a failure   
    Well look at the bright side- you picked super healthy choices! You aren't a failure. Don't beat yourself up- you are doing great so hang in there. Soon you'll be on the loser bench rockin that sleeve.
  25. Like
    Dawnyellow got a reaction from stamour1 in 2 week pre-op diet - feeling like a failure   
    Well look at the bright side- you picked super healthy choices! You aren't a failure. Don't beat yourself up- you are doing great so hang in there. Soon you'll be on the loser bench rockin that sleeve.

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