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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Arts137

  • Rank
    Bariatric Legend
  • Birthday 12/03/1949

About Me

  • Biography
    An retiredexecutive in the federal government. Preparing for better health and retirement.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Playing the guitar. Making stained glass windows.
  • Occupation
    RETIRED - Executive, federal government.
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  1. At a year out I have been approved by my bariatric surgeon to use NSAIDS!
  2. Arts137

    60+ sleevers please help

    No problems post-surgery (a year ago). Fatigue took Months to clear, but I took it as a license to nap!
  3. I too am around in more a "lurking" mode... just quiet. Stable. Still working at working at it.
  4. This gets better as long as you are strict. If you are, it'll get 'easier' after 3/4 days. If not strict, you start the three days over again! And it's 2 weeks, the surgery is Forever! Your behaviors must change forever too!
  5. Arts137

    Oh the gas

    walk as much as you can... it'll help!
  6. Arts137

    Random suggestion

    Still use my baby spoons... and I am 10+ months out.
  7. http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2014/03/31/297160022/weight-loss-surgery-can-reverse-diabetes-but-cure-is-elusive
  8. Arts137


    Missy, hang in there. We all get frustrated with stalls. And we all have stalls!!! Keep following your program and rejoice in 30 pounds gone!!! More will drop!!!
  9. Arts137

    bitter taste

    You are a couple months out. So you are healing still. Might be some reflux... always nasty! If iy continues try talking with your team.
  10. Arts137


    Yes, you are doing well at 5 weeks. Sometimes adding a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) helps (like Prilosec) since it might be stomach irritation. My trick, whenever I am unsure of hunger is DRINK! Drinking can fill you up for a little while so you can get back to sleep...
  11. Arts137

    Mindless eating

    Yes Shel, you learned a BUNCH... Keep us posted!
  12. Arts137

    Struggling with junk food.

    I am a carb addict. I cannot have ANY. I AM the Lay's chip commercial... betcha can't eat just one... BAG. SO, for sugrs and refined starches and carbs, I follow Yoda's advice: "There is no try. There is only Do or Not Do". I choose Not Do.
  13. Arts137


    I use Unjury bariatric products. You NEED them vitamins!
  14. Arts137

    Average weight loss

    No such thing, really. Some MDs talk abot percentage of excess weight lost... Follow your plan and you WILL lose weight. That is for sure! I am a slow loser, and at 9 months I've lost 110# (started at 423# and 6'2"). I am still losing, very slowly. I am focused on the food PLAN and the activity PLAN and let the pounds take care of themselves. You will do GREAT!!!
  15. Arts137

    What's your secret?

    Talk about a "forgetful" friend!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
