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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    mysleevemylife reacted to magpie30 in Lying about weight loss and/or months on a program   
    It depends on who you are trying to lie to. If it's insurance, it wont work because they will need documentation of everything. If it's a doctor, again, they may also want documentation. Anyone could say " oh yeah i've been working with a dietician for 3 years and have had minimal weight loss" but without documentation to back it up there is no proof of it.
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    mysleevemylife reacted to Butterthebean in Forgetting for the moment pounds lost, lets talk about what changes our shape the most   
    No powder for me...I make my own. At first my wife turned up her nose at it...wouldn't even try it. Now everytime someone comes to the house she's begging me to make some veggie shake for them. But most of my friends that come to the house want me to char some steak on the grill not make 'em a veggie shake. Keeps the freeloaders away though.
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    mysleevemylife reacted to Alexco in In need of friends/buddies for this new journey   
    Hello everyone, My name is Alex I am from Des Moines IA, I have been coming to these boards for a couple of weeks. I joined the boards today as I would like to have friends/buddies for this new journey. I have my final consultation today in about 3 hours to set up my actual surgery date. I am feeling the nervousness and jitters. I visited several boards but this community seem more embracing... so I humbly ask everyone for guidance and advice... im scared about the pre op diet/failure... and post of complications...
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    mysleevemylife reacted to Takingcontrol in Words that should be banned from VST   
    Onederland is where you can bougie on your sugerversary & Celebrate with some warm broth! Don't you know anything!! :-D
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    mysleevemylife reacted to TexasMiss in Words that should be banned from VST   
    Onederland? What, you don't know? It's just south of Yukon Cornelous' place on the north pole.
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    mysleevemylife reacted to johnlatte in Words that should be banned from VST   
    I probably spend more time on here than I should, but as I read some of these posts, there are certain words that just simply shouldn't be used...Try working some of these into a normal conversation and see if you don't get a giggle.
    broth - ever use that word in a conversation? I laugh every time I read "I had some warm broth." I cook for a living, and not once have I ever made broth. Soup, yep, stock yep, broth...uh..no..
    Bougie - Didn't even know what this meant, and still don't. (Don't wanna know either) Word shouldn't be used in mixed company. When people start comparing their bougies, I think those posts should be restricted to the men's room forum.
    Surgerversary - Again, WTF? Can't we use normal english? You had surgery on X date or a year ago I had surgery. I can't go down to the Hallmark store and get you a surgerversary card.
    Onederland - Where is this place? Is this in Canada? Again, try using that in a normal conversation. I'm sure you'll get some confused looks.
    Feel free to add your own favorite banned words....
    (btw, for all you out there that had your sense of humor removed with your stomachs..this is a little Saturday night levity.)
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    mysleevemylife reacted to ChristineR in Drinking with Meals   
    I have to stop 15 mins prior and 30 after. Yes, it's lifelong. With our limited absorbtion you don't want to wash away the nutrients or overfill your pouch with liquid.< /p>
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    mysleevemylife reacted to melody2 in Drinking with Meals   
    ok, i cheat. i sip a tiny amount of Water when i eating. i do not recommended that you keep the glass of water next to your plate. once i forgot and took a very large gulp without thinking. .....sigh....the sleeve said, "are you crazy....you're not supposed to drink that much water at one time and especially during a meal." yep....the sleeve corrected my behavior immediately.
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    mysleevemylife got a reaction from Fiddleman in Forgetting for the moment pounds lost, lets talk about what changes our shape the most   
    I just looked up some info on toxins after reading your post. Thanks for the info that you share!!
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    mysleevemylife reacted to Fiddleman in Forgetting for the moment pounds lost, lets talk about what changes our shape the most   
    For me, running did change the body composition. However, not in an ideal way because it really leaned out my upper body in the absence of strength training. I still run quite a bit for cardio during the week, but now also push full body workouts during cross fit sessions, focusing on fast reps of body weight exercises, but still keeping textbook form.
    I am finding that body weight exercises like headstand pushups, wall sits, planks, pull ups, push ups, sit ups. Etc are really helping to create upper body and lower body strength. You know, boot camp type exercises. Try and focus on compound muscle movements. Planks are awesome for hardening the core, back and arms. Try holding for greater then 2 minutes and if that gets easy, add variations like on leg in the air, feet on ball, etc.
    Burpees and squats are also awesome compound muscle movements that really change the body composition. Try doing 100 burpees or do the card deck game where each card requires a different exercise for a different number of reps, as fast as possible. Other fun exercises include farmers carry where you jog/run with two heavy weights for 1-2 miles. I am doing this with 45 lb weights. You might also do fireman's carry where you are jogging with the weight of another on your back.
    I have not gotten into heavy weights yet, but have my eye on it. My PT is helping me with the technical form for bench presses, squats, back lifts and Olympic lifts with an average amount of weight. These are helping a little, but will be much more effective once I can increase the weights.
    Dead lifts are also good to do fast and furious. Put on a good amount of weight and see how many you can do in 5 minutes with two sets of 10 burpees in between. That will change your body composition.
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    mysleevemylife reacted to aroundhky in Forgetting for the moment pounds lost, lets talk about what changes our shape the most   
    Yeah, the running at least once a week helps me lose just a tad bit of fat. But for me, I think getting back to the weight room, and turning up the intensity even more has helped me most. And your right, it does take a lot of time and patience with the weights. For me, it's as if I have to embrace it some other way to not look for instant results. So I love the way I feel after I lift and the testosterone spike I get from it, but persistence and resolve can lead to great results if willing to stick to it and commit to it.
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    mysleevemylife reacted to Globetrotter in Forgetting for the moment pounds lost, lets talk about what changes our shape the most   
    We talk a lot about our diets, our routines, our exercise regimens, but I want to talk about which exercise changed your shape the most. Was it running? cycling? boxing? Jumping rope? At my fittest last year I was frustrated with the number on the scale but at that level of fitness I started to run and although I don't recall my numbers changing, my shape did, and even though I was 40 pounds heavier than when I first wore it, I was able to put on my high school cheerleading outfit.
    Now I am launching into the fray against re-gain, and still wanting to reach goal. I'm getting back into the swing of exercising consistently and intensly and want to know what yielded the most impressive results for you. thank you!
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    mysleevemylife reacted to Aaronmadeit in noticing a difference   
    Have been really hard on myself cause I didn't see a difference yeah clothes are falling off but until I put these pics side by side I can say I am proud of myself even gotta admit I'm getting kinda cute now haha

    Starting weight 391
    Weight surgery day 340
    Today 256
  14. Like
    mysleevemylife reacted to Arts137 in Regaining myself   
    From what I've read here, everybody has a stall or two or three. Just follow your program, fight head hunger, and... don't weigh yourself for a couple weeks!
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    mysleevemylife reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Regaining myself   
    Hang in there. Sometimes it can be slow, but if you try tweaking your current ways it might work. If you're like me.. A slow loser, then you just stick with it, stay positive & go forward
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    mysleevemylife reacted to fyre_storm in hot weather running   
    How about a fan a couch and ice tea instead of all that running.
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    mysleevemylife got a reaction from Butterthebean in Do you mostly sit at work all day?   
    Hello all! I have a desk job. I'm sitting at the computer practically all day. I also recently decided not to join the gym right now due to paying bills!! lol...So, I just want to share with you how I overcome my obstacle of having a sedentary job. I get two 15min breaks. I put on my 5lb ankle weights & walk on breaks. I use dumb bells & do arm exercises while sitting. I also use a "thigh master" thingy while I'm sitting at my desk. I've found ways to get exercise at work. There's no excuse for me! :-) Maybe this will motivate some or give some a few ideas. I'll join the gym eventually cause I will be using the pool & I love exercise classes but not yet. Best of luck everyone.
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    mysleevemylife got a reaction from Kimmy1813 in Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..   
    Hey everyone! I'm just checking in. I had a hectic morning but was determined to exercise....& I did. I also stuck to my plan of walking on both breaks. I was also able to update my Ticker to reflect a loss of another 2lbs!!! I'm happy as you can tell. I had a mini stall, so this is great. Now this next part is for those of you that understand....I just want to give Glory to God, because he wakes me up every morning & gives me the tools & strength to (day by day) make my goals & dreams a reality. I'm so thankful for having the opportunity to have the surgery.
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    mysleevemylife got a reaction from sexy_sleevegirl in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
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    mysleevemylife got a reaction from Kelly1334 in 2 months today..update pic   
    Man, Man, Man, can't wait til I'm under 200!!
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    mysleevemylife reacted to aliandrews in Why am I a Slowwwwwwwww loser?   
    Don't worry, you will get to where you want. It will take its time. Not everyone will lose the same way.
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    mysleevemylife reacted to rebecca_dsu in 7months of changes w/pics   
    You have made a fantastic change in your life and you look beautiful! Great job on taking the risk and reaping the reward. Thanks for sharing! Your story is inspiration for us who are just beginning the sleeve journey
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    mysleevemylife reacted to mrs sandy r in 7months of changes w/pics   
    These past 7 months have been great & a lot of changes for that have made my life so much better. Wish I could of had this surgery done sooner in life , oh well , I'm living it up now. I can be that fun, energetic mom to my kids now. I can that happy wife to my husband , I can be proud of who I am & not be ashamed of letting myself go after having kids. I'm proud of what I've accomplished & who cares if I had surgery to solve the problem , I'm the one who took the risk , not anyone else. I'm the one healthy now. Here are my pics from before to the present.

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    mysleevemylife got a reaction from Ms skinniness in What activities do you use instead of emotional eating?   
    At this stage in my journey, I (Thank God) don't struggle with emotional eating. It helps that I released a lot of negativity from my life recently! BUT, work keeps my mind busy & when not at work, I try to stay busy with friends. When alone, I like to watch various things on my phone via Youtube. I also spend a lot of time speaking with close family that lives MILES away. Oh, & I exercise, too. These are all of the things that help me.
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    mysleevemylife got a reaction from ooffa511 in Yesterday was a year since my surgery!   
    You look great first of all. The little boy is looking at you as if to say "Oh boy, there she goes taking pictures again. I'm so over this." LOLOLOL...He's cute!

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