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    brianb reacted to Terry Poperszky in What is reason for not drinking with meals?   
    It washes the food through the stoma, turning most everything into a slider food
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    brianb reacted to B-52 in 4 Yr Band Anniversary! 55 lost, Proud, Frustrated! Whats Next   
    I read posts like these, and pay close attention and try to learn something...
    I have only been banded for 2 1/2 years, and so far everything has been great....so when people say they gain the weight back, or they loose restriction, my ears perk up because it is something I must be aware of...especially the reasons why it happens....
    I still cannot understand how one can loose restriction...as long as the band remains a constant...I do understand and experience it for myself the pouch dilating stretching, allowing larger than normal portions because there is more room for food to accumulate above the band....for this I do the 5 day pouch test, actually will go all liquids for 2-3 days, to give my pouch a rest and return to normal size...hopefully avoiding more serious issues in the future....also why Dr.'s suggest un-fills...
    But I am still naive how one can "Fall off the wagon" so to speak....so when people do post these type of stories, it is something that interests me very much...like I said. I try to understand the WHY so others like me, can be warned....and educated..
    Thanks for being honest and posting......that is why this forum CAN be productive...for people to hear other people's experiences, good and bad....and learn from them.....NOT to have know it alls tell us what we should and should not do when they themselves have a way to go and much to learn........as if their way is the only way
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    brianb reacted to stept04 in I finally see it!!!!   
    You can really see a difference. Such a pretty picture, Good job and keep up the good work.
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    brianb reacted to krzy4vt in I finally see it!!!!   
    I have been struggling with noticing the changes that come from weight loss. I have now lost 67lbs and still had trouble seeing it. Till now, I was looking at old vacation photos and saw how large my face was only 10mnths ago. I have only been banded for 6 months but this was an eye opener for me.

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    brianb reacted to michelle626 in Lap band out   
    Hello all after lots of complications and pain had to get my bad removed yesterday . It had slipped up way high and was punching up on my lungs and prevented me from breathing . I do regret this happening to me but I am much better now and glad that it didn't go any further then this I wish you all good luck and for future precaution if you feel pain say something and if they say its your gall bladder always get a second opinion and double check your lap band is still in the correct place
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    brianb reacted to GuyMontag in still hungry   
    You'll be hungry until you start getting good restriction from fills. My advice is to not starve yourself. If you're hungry then eat. Just watch what you eat and start your diet slowly. It'll get easier the more restriction you get.
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    brianb reacted to stept04 in which lapband should i get! :-)   
    I have a 10 cc realize band. I did not have a choice in the matter, it was my Dr's. choice once he got in there and looked around he decided what would be best. If you have a choice the only thing I have read was that the 14 cc realize band had a higher slippage rate, but you know how statistics are it all depends on who did it and stuff like that.so I'd take it with a grain of salt. I put mine in gods and the Dr's hands. So far no problems, but I am only 2 weeks post-op. Good luck with your decision.
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    brianb reacted to GuyMontag in which lapband should i get! :-)   
    My doc used to say he sees better food tolerance with the 14cc bands. This might make sense as the bands keep going up from their original starting point of around 4cc.
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    brianb got a reaction from stept04 in still hungry   
    I think it's very normal. I was hungry and back to normal within a few days of the surgery. Just got my third fill three days ago and believe for the first time that I might be getting some significant benefit from the band. Fingers crossed.
    Prior to the third fill, I had 4.6 CC (almost same as your first fill will be) and still didn't feel banded. So, hang in there. I've read countless posts of people having to get 5 or even 6 fills before they hit the green zone. But, if he is starting you at 5 ML/CC with the first fill, then you may very well start noticing a big change much sooner than most of us.
    Personally, I couldn't have handled 5 ML on the first fill though. My doctor tried to give me 3.5 CC and I freaked out when he had me drink some Water. He backed off to 2.5 CC. That only gave me restriction for a couple of hours. Later that night I felt like my old self and could eat as much as I wanted and as fast I wanted. Appetite was not suppressed in the slightest.
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    brianb reacted to LanaLang in 9cc in my 11 cc realize band   
    I have 9.5 cc in my band and I think I went over board with my last fill, I feel so much restriction, I'm constantly throwing up and sometimes I wake up at night choking, I've lost 6 pounds this week. I have to go have this last .5 cc removed, I just hope that's all he takes out.
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    brianb reacted to B-52 in ANGRY >:-(   
    Bottom line...it's all about loosing weight..whether you rely on the band or rely on your own will power....
    For mr, the band does control how uch I eat...it is physically impossible to over eat..even so called sliders....and the food does sit in my pouch, I can tell by how long it takes before I can sip liquids whether my pouch still has food in it or not and is clear.......this I say from experience, not what others have told me....
    But it really does not matter that much since I am never hungry in the first place...24/7, not just between meals as some experience....the band is there 24/7, so it does it's job 24/7
    Good Luck....hope you find what works best for you...
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    brianb reacted to MrsRyan2Be in Liquid Diet Crazy!   
    Thank you everyone SO much for the support! I can't tell you how much it helps. Woke up this morning to my fiance singing a rocking rendition to "Living on a Prayer" with the specific lyrics of "ohhhh you're halfway there, ohhhh living on a prayer"...he's notorious for adapting songs. It was hilarious. I've always been super independent, so asking for support is difficult for me, but I know it's what's necessary! I got on the scale this morning and after one week of this liquid deal I've lost 10 lbs.! I'm so deeply inspired by everyone's courage. Thank you!!!!!
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    brianb reacted to jaye282 in mental hunger   
    Brianb I totally agree. I have an appointment on the 25th for my 5th, and hopefully last, fill. I'm at 7.3 in a 10cc. It seems like that's a lot and that I should already be in green zone. We'll see. I hope this happens fast. I'm tired of being hungry.
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    brianb reacted to B-52 in When will I find my green zone?   
    Is your band giving you any feedback at all?
    IMO. the secret to success is learning how to "Listen" to myour band...but, if your band is not saying anything, you may need an adjustemt untill it does...
    In my story, my first fill was 4cc's, and I did not tell any diffrence...as a matter of fact I gained weight after my first fill and before my 2nd...
    My 2nd fill was 2cc's...a little better...strated to get it and started to learn how to deal with it...it was then that the rules started tp apply...
    It took me one more fill after that to put me in that special place...but it was not easy at forst..I really had to manage myself, change many bad habits, change many food choices, and above all adhere to the rules very strictly if I was to suvive, or have to get a un-fill....
    I survived, and it has been the easiest thing to do to loose weight...that was 2 years ago, and it has been a simple way of life ever since....don't even think about it all that much...it just is...simple. I no longer worry or think about loosing weight...no more diets, just a day to day way of life...
    That's the Green Zone....getting there is the struggle...not staying there....
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    brianb reacted to B-52 in How many CC is your Lap Band Filled until you're not hungry?   
    What does a Tight Band fell like???? Being in the "Green Zone"?
    I'm sitting here at my laptop, having my Breakfast - a Protein shake with some mixed berries, mixed in a blender.
    I have to take small slow sips and swallows, and with each swallow I can feel it pass through my band, and if I keep my mouth open you can hear it "Gurgle" as it slowly passes.
    I'll probably have 2 cups of coffee before heading out to work, but other than Water that I have with me all day, that's it!
    I'm satisfied! No interest in anything additional to eat.
    I cannot even get interested in what I may (or may not) eat for lunch, let alone dinner! NO INTEREST!
    I used to be obsessed with food!!!
    That's being at that "Sweet Spot"
    It's not a feeling of being "Full", as if you've overeaten, it is more of a "Lack of Interest" in eating. I believe it is a signal the band sends to the brain, same as if you were full, but you're not full, telling you "You Don't Have To Eat".........make sense???
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    brianb reacted to B-52 in So many unanswered questions   
    My insurance required a medically supervised 6 month diet, within 2 years of surgery...the reason they required this is because.....
    The surgery is a last resort, after attempts at traditional dieting have been tried, and failed....BUT the insurance co. did not want to simply take my word for it....they required something official..signed off by a Dr. complete with progress notes, graphs, etc, showing, for the record, that will go into my file, that I did make an attempt at a good structured diet.
    On this 6 month diet, I started out good, lost weight for the first 4 months, then "fell off the wagon" like I have done with every diet I have attempted, and started to gain the weight back...
    I felt guilty, but was reassured that if I was any good at it, why would I need weight loss surgery???
    For me, WLS is not a diet, it was corrective surgery inhibiting me from doing what I could not do on my own...I could not stop overeating....WLS put an end to that....and now I have achieved what I could never have done before, and keep it off permanently...
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    brianb got a reaction from stept04 in When will I find my green zone?   
    2.25 CC sounds way too low to me. Been reading and watching what people say about their fill levels on these boards for a while and it seems most don't feel any significant benefit from the band until they are around 6 CC. Some as high as 10. I have doubts of anyone claiming they have restriction below 4 CC. But, certainly anything is possible.
    You said your doc doesn't give much of a fill... Seems like you are already honing in on the issue. I think sometimes you have to push your doctor a bit and be assertive with what you want. I know that is no fun though
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    brianb got a reaction from stept04 in When will I find my green zone?   
    2.25 CC sounds way too low to me. Been reading and watching what people say about their fill levels on these boards for a while and it seems most don't feel any significant benefit from the band until they are around 6 CC. Some as high as 10. I have doubts of anyone claiming they have restriction below 4 CC. But, certainly anything is possible.
    You said your doc doesn't give much of a fill... Seems like you are already honing in on the issue. I think sometimes you have to push your doctor a bit and be assertive with what you want. I know that is no fun though
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    brianb reacted to Beachgirl11 in Slippage perhaps????   
    I seen the doctor on Tuesday (I hadn't ate anything yet). Told him I had been having some trouble but he just thought it was from stress do to family matters. After I left and went to eat, I couldn't eat anything. Now on day 3 still unable to eat. Some liquids stay down and some don't. No food will go down, not even milk magnesium. Just wondering if I could have a slip.
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    brianb reacted to edagen in 8.5   
    I got filled to 8.5 Friday and been sick every since then lots of vomiting and bile I'm my throat. At 7 i ate to much but this is tight any suggestions on how to feel better
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    brianb reacted to marfar7 in 2nd fill yesterday no restriction   
    Until my 3rd fill, I didn't even feel like I had a band. I ate just as I had previously. Didn't lose but maybe 3-4 lbs in the 4 mths following my surgery.
    It's normal to need 2+ fills to actually feel restriction. And I DO feel restriction (well, I did until I got my band unfilled a couple mths ago). Until you feel restriction, it's just another diet (thanks B52). I decided I was thru with diets, calories counting, etc. I underwent surgery so I wouldn't have to diet again. I guess I could've lost more during that post op time, but I wasn't willing to count anything. I waited until my band actually started working and then let it work for me.
    Sometimes it takes a few fills for it to work. Have patience. It WILL work!
  22. Like
    brianb reacted to aufan in 2nd fill yesterday no restriction   
    Went in for my second fill yesterday and I feel hungrier than before the fill. He asked me if I thought I needed a fill and I said a little. I'm able to eat a lot less but its not lasting 3 hours.
    When he put the fill in and I drank for the fluoroscopy he thought it was too much so he pull some out. He had me drink again and thought it was tight enough.I have heard the saline in the band can redistribute when Fluid is pulled out or pushed in. I don't know maybe my swelling hasn't hit yet. All I know is after my first fill I didn't progress off liquids for at least 3 days and mushies the rest of that week. Today I've done all mushies Breakfast and lunch (24 hrs out from the fill).
    Maybe I need to email my nurse next week after the holiday.
    I'm down 20 lbs according to my WLS doctors scale and I've held at this weight three weeks (1 week out from my last fill). I'm tracking my food and holding calories down to 1000-1200 a day and getting 2 miles or Zumba in 2-3 times a week.
    I'm going to really work on my exercise. This week I'm walking DC with my family so that'll help!!!
    How'd y'all feel after your second fill?
    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
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    brianb reacted to B-52 in Green zone   
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    brianb reacted to 2muchfun in 2nd fill... first vomit   
    Eating too fast is so difficult for we bandsters to give up. Years of eating too big, swallowing without chewing adequately and too fast is a hard habit to break. And like the other posters said, bread and lettuce are difficult foods for some of us to tolerate.
    But, the silver lining is, you're closing in on restriction aka green zone. This means your band is starting to limit your intake. Just slow down a little and look for those satiety signals.
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    brianb reacted to catfish87 in 2nd fill... first vomit   
    Sounds to me like you did something RIGHT! You paid attention to what you did, and LEARNED. Good job! It'll take some time, but to be successful, You will have to do just what you did....learn and adjust. Congrats!
    Hopefully, you're referring to the food that was above/stuck in your band coming back up. True vomiting the food below your band is a bad thing.

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