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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from CJ_Redux in She's Baaaaaack (From Surgery--Lol)!   
    Lol! I just found out myself last week. Kmsl means. Killing Myself Laughing!!:-)
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from cloudsprincess in Lost And Alone   
    Hey I have some info for you. Send me ur email and I can forward it to you. I hope it helps..
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from IrishEyes in Full Foods   
    Irish, I'm 7 Weeks out surgery 7/30/12 and started eating salad about 2 Weeks ago my Dr, said it was fine so I've had salad everyday since. However others say different
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from tlaff79 in A Little Over 3 Months Out Pics!   
    Congrats you look great!
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    lovelyladynhouston reacted to jd13 in How Is Everyone Doing?   
    Hi suzannesh! thanks for the recipe, it sounds good! i am gonna try it soon. I am 3 weeks post-op today and down 20lbs! I am walking 2 miles every day and feeling great!!
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from ashleyxx in 9 Months Post-Op Progress Picture   
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    lovelyladynhouston reacted to Tanisha Nolen Sanyang in Down 110 At 5Months Post Op!   
    Everybody sleeve do diffrnt things..sumtime I eat toooo much and then sumtimes I don't have any appetite at all..I use to doubt myself a lot wen I felt I wasn't loosing enough wait or none at all and then all of a sudden I start loosing..ur body need to stall a lil sumtimes and if u notice after dem stalls u just start loosing big time..the key is staying active an hour a day 5 to 6 days a week
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    lovelyladynhouston reacted to WhoozisAnyway in Here's What -60 Pounds Looks Like!   
    Still only halfway to goal, but I'm really getting excited now.
    First photo was 274, second is 213. Surgery was 4/9.

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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from 7carol3 in Hair   
    I can't really think of anything that I'm doing different. I do take my Vitamins everyday. I don't take botin are anything for Hair loss. I know some people says u start to lose hair 3/4 mths out. Maybe!! just Maybe!! being african American there is a difference because our texture is completely different. I don't know just a thought.
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from 7carol3 in Hair   
    Wow! My hair is growing like crazy. I'm 25 days post op. So excited!!!
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    lovelyladynhouston reacted to Lilee84 in Very Irritated And Short Tempered   
    Teenagers can be such a$$holes sometimes! I stayed at my parents house after surgery just so my mom could help when she got home from work, but low and behold my 16 y/o nephew was such a blessing! He took my son every day after school and played with him for an hour or two so I could nap.
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    lovelyladynhouston reacted to StormWarning in How Long After Surgery Did You Wait To Have Sex?   
    Yes really and there's no shame in it. Some people just have very active sex lives and after 17 years of marriage I am thrilled it's still there for us.
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from sleeve 9876 in Surgery In The Morning   
    Sorry I meant sleeve....
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from sleeve 9876 in Surgery In The Morning   
    Congrats! ty ur on your way!
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from JDHenin in Huge Nsv   
    That's awesome!! Not stupid at all.. I have always done the same thing. Soon I will.slip into a booth! Sleeved 7/30
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    lovelyladynhouston reacted to JDHenin in Huge Nsv   
    My BIGGEST fear when going out to eat was always making sure they have tables available. I'm never able to fit into a booth. UNTIL NOW!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
    We went to our favorite diner and the waitress seated us, and took us to a booth. My hubby just looked at me, knowing that I always ask for a table. This time I just nodded and said 'this is fine' and I literally just slipped right in!!!! Such a stupid thing but I felt amazing. It was so cozy and my hubby and I giggled the entire dinner how exciting it was that we both fit in a booth! (he never fit either, he's sleeved too!) love my sleeve. Love my nsv's. Love everything now. <3
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from DZ1RMQ in Early Soft Foods   
    Ok this is too much...... Next!
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from DZ1RMQ in Early Soft Foods   
    Ok this is too much...... Next!
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    lovelyladynhouston reacted to Bigdogkc in Final Post   
    I am one month out, and I am now canceling this account. I joined this site to find support from people that have lived in similar situations as myself. I have found many helpful people in that reguard, but mostly there are a lot of judmental people that reply to posts in counterproductive ways, that are usually boadering on mean. If someone posts on here asking for help, you should certainly give them some answers, but if you start your reply with "Why would you go against your doctor's orders" then you are an idiot. That isn't helpful. They know they are doing something wrong, or they wouldn't have posted for help. Instead, why not actually tell them something that can help them, which will most likely be in their doctor's orders. See then you are talking from your experiance (which is what they are asking for) and not telling them they are a horrible person for not following the rules.
    You people on here that post those negative things that someone tried to pass as "tough love" need to understand the consequences of your actions. When someone is making mistakes, and post on here, chances are they are at a minimum down in the dumps, at worse they could be in full on depression. You don't talk down, or lecture a person in that state. You want to build them up, and make them feel like they are a part of a community that cares about them. Instead you make mean and hurtful posts, because in my opinion it makes you feel some how supieror to be able to tell someone else how bad they suck at this. If you think you are somehow helping them, you are off your rocker. You don't get to call yourself a supportive person if you are knocking someone down for making mistakes. These people need help and compassion, not for you to place yourself above them and to pass judment upon them.
    The funniest thing about this to me, is that every single person on here joined this site, because we have an issue. We overeat, and have never had enough disciplne to lose the weight on our own. We all needed the help of the Sleeve to lose weight, none of us have done it on our own. But some still think it is ok to talk down to people that aren't doing as well as them. Well I guess in a group of fat people that makes you the best fatty around. Congrats on being better than the rest of us. If you really are that great and special though, you don't need help, so quit coming here and ruining it for newbies.
    For the newbies that read this, keep in mind that the answers you want will probably be posted, but they take a little longer toget to, because the mean people seem to be on here the most and like to insult you, so they can feel better about themselves. There are more good poeple than bad here, but it i sometimes difficult to read through all the negative comments to get to the ones that are actually helpful. If you can do that, then this site can help you. Or if you are like me and the negativity is just too much, then leave and find another support group. There are other sites out there that don't have this happen nearly as often.
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from Pparrisss in Is The Pain Worse Than Labor?   
    I just had surgery Monday! I had some pain during recovery but morphine quickly took care of that. Haven't had any pain since I been home actually doing very well. I have liquid loritab but haven't used it yet.
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from Silly Phylly in Home From Surgery!   
    Hey guys I'm 1 day post op. I feel fairly good some pain last night but overall I feel good. I expected to feel miserable nope not at all. I hope I don't jinks myself
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from Silly Phylly in Home From Surgery!   
    Hey guys I'm 1 day post op. I feel fairly good some pain last night but overall I feel good. I expected to feel miserable nope not at all. I hope I don't jinks myself
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    lovelyladynhouston got a reaction from Silly Phylly in Home From Surgery!   
    Hey guys I'm 1 day post op. I feel fairly good some pain last night but overall I feel good. I expected to feel miserable nope not at all. I hope I don't jinks myself
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    lovelyladynhouston reacted to vinnyfan in Home From Surgery!   
    Congratulations and I hope you continue to do well. I'm 3 weeks out tomorrow and I never had any pain, nausea or other complications either. I feel extremely blessed!
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    lovelyladynhouston reacted to SweetTee in Surgery   
    Good luck and a speedy recovery. Keep us posted on your post op progress! Congratulations!

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