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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    candy1980 got a reaction from shayv123 in Deeper Penetration   
    ive noticed sex has been much more pleasurable that is until my husband goes into beast bang mode. at times it can make me have several orgasms back to back. other times it feels like he goes way too deep way too hard. I went to my gyno and I am perfectly healthy and non injured. I thought switching to me on top would help but even flat on his back he bucks like a mad man. have any of you ladies experienced deep penetration discomfort since wls? Also has anyone else realized the hugeness of their husbands penis after wls? btw I reached the 100lbs total lost about 2 wks ago and he is really giving it to me like im someone new.
  2. Like
    candy1980 got a reaction from MJ's comingN2form in Strange Odor   
    The first week or so i did notice a sweet musky smell. It did not smell bad but i dont like anything out of the ordinary going on down there. My hubby enjoyed it though and insisted i sit on his face.
  3. Like
    candy1980 got a reaction from MJ's comingN2form in Strange Odor   
    The first week or so i did notice a sweet musky smell. It did not smell bad but i dont like anything out of the ordinary going on down there. My hubby enjoyed it though and insisted i sit on his face.
  4. Like
    candy1980 reacted to BrickHouse in Things You Can Never Have Again With Sleeve :(   
    Shortness of breath from just turning yourself over in bed
    Arms that are too short to clean yourself properly
    Clothing sizes that begin with X
    Shame when you hear the whispers and giggles behind your back
    The appetite of three people

  5. Like
    candy1980 reacted to Pepper Paul in This May Be Inappropriate, Forgive Me :)   
    Wow. I was curious what kind of things went on in the powder Room. They weren't kidding when they called it Girls Gone Wild! Funny thread. I'm going to slink back over to the Man Room now.
    Who am I kidding, I'm going to subscribe to this thread so I can keep up on vagina slang! Carry on.
  6. Like
    candy1980 got a reaction from missmachine in June Sleevers! Hows It Going?   
    My jeans that im holding up had actually gotten too tight for me when I had my surgery june 25. I do not make it a habit of weighing myself regularly because it puts me in a bad place mentally. I still see my wls once a month so im fine being weighed only once a month. Ive gone from wearing size 28/30 to 16/18. Ive been having great results alternating strength training with cardio so that im not just a smaller version of my fat self but a better shaped smaller version of myself. I can eat small amounts of just about anything but I focus on Protein and I still supplement my diet with my Protein Shakes.< /p>
  7. Like
    candy1980 reacted to JimmyGotSLEEVED in My Advice To All Newly Post-Op Sleevers...   
    After 3 weeks of being sleeved, especially if you have a lot to lose, start going to the gym IMMEDIATELY. You DON'T have to start cardio but you DHOULD start a weight training regimen. This will greatly assist in the saggy and loose skin problem. TRUST ME. As a trainer, one of my clients is 44 years old and weighed 402 lbs. He had the sleeve almost a year and change now and I realized after losing all that weight he has little to no loose or saggy skin... He weighs 202 right now and looks like a trainer himself.
    I understand some drs may tell u to wait a little longer but three weeks is the best time to start! Even if it's light training every bit helps because your body will notice it before you do.
  8. Like
    candy1980 reacted to Butterthebean in Nsv For The Guys   
    Something strange happened tonight. I sitting here reading and I have an itch on my chest. I go to scratch it and something feels weird. Like not quite what my hand was expecting. After a minute I figure it out.....my man boobs are gone. WTH??? My wife said she noticed several weeks ago. She says they've been replaced by something called pecs. They are firm and flat and right where my man boobs used to be. Any of you other guys have this.....side effect? My Dr. Didn't warn me about this.
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    candy1980 reacted to BizTraveller in Life Can Be Normal. Even If You Travel   
    Ever since I started thinking about a sleeve, my biggest worry was, "Will I be able to lead a normal life again?". I see that question asked a hundred different ways in this forum. Let me add my experience.
    I should mention that "normal" for me looks different than "normal" for most Americans. I get to a lot of places, and eat a lot of different foods. I was terrified that I would not be able to function in that lifestyle.
    Today is my 6 week anniversary, and life started getting back to my "normal"
    I am writing from my hotel in Singapore.
    On this trip I have survived 3 airline meals, and 3 formal hosted Chinese dinners with 5 to 7 courses. I managed to get through it without insulting my kind hosts, or throwing up, I actually had some wonderful little morsels. I hit all of my Protein targets with 3 conventional meals and one Protein Bar a day. I didn't have to make a bunch of dietary demands, pack a ton if supplies, or turn my hotel into a "shake factory".
    Tonight I had a few treasured hours to myself, so I went to my favorite Hawker Center where I have spent many hours sitting with friends and locals surrounded by the smoke and clamor of a bunch of busy Satay stands.
    I managed to eat a few of my favorite Satay and some of my favorite Sambal Stingray.
    I just wanted to assure people that life post-sleeve does not have to be bleak or ordinary. These are actually "soft" foods. (OK the satay is marginal but I get promoted next week).
    I really miss the cold Tiger Beer that goes with this meal, but I know I will back to that eventually. In the mean time I am down 53 lbs and feel great.
    This has been a great life-altering decision for me, and I did not have to give up much at all.
    I hope the attached photos make it through.
    Sent from my iPad using VST

  10. Like
    candy1980 reacted to finallysleeved in How Long After Surgery Did You Wait To Have Sex?   
    what is sex???
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    candy1980 got a reaction from 4ALongerLife in Dumping Syndrome?   
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    candy1980 got a reaction from 4ALongerLife in Dumping Syndrome?   
    My heart began racing...i broke out into a cold sweat. Then came the diarrhea and vomiting at the same time. Once that subsided and i attempted to stand up i almost passed out. I am the mother of 6 children and the 2 dumping episodes i experienced were the most physically terrifying experience ive ever gone thru. I was convinced at those moments that if my husband had not thought to check on me i wouldve died on the bathroom floor. Looking back i know thats not true but the sheer terror of it cannot be forgotten.
  13. Like
    candy1980 reacted to SpecialK1960 in How Soon Can You Wear A Body Shaper.?   
    I have been having to wear a girdle, ever since my wife found one under the seat of my car - LOL
    "No, it's mine, really...."
  14. Like
    candy1980 reacted to Wheetsin in Sorry For Tmi- Ms Kitty Problems   
    I'm not sure if by "down there" you're talking about your pannus or vagina, so I'm just going to call them what they are, since I would not say what I'm about to say interchangeably. If that makes you uncomfortable please feel free to insert euphamism of choice. Just use the right one for the right body part!
    For the pannus - make sure you dry very well after a shower. And use an antibacterial soap while showering. Get as dry as you can, even if you have to use the blow dryer. Apply either a powder, or an antiperspirant/deodorant combo (I use the pomegranate Dove). Not both. I prefer antiperspirant because the powder can sort of paste up. If I ever use powder I use Mexsana, but I've been swiping a line of antiperspirant on my pannus (like chapstick on a smile) for years. You may still get moist, but you shouldn't get wet. You will not stink. And best of all - the deodorant sort of lubricates your skin, so you don't get the skin-skin breakdown/rash.
    For your vagina - much the same. But I have a question. You say you're noticing an odor. Can you tell if it's from your exterior/outer skin (e.g. labia, or where your thighs meet your groin), or is it from your interioe (e.g. change in body chemistry and your normal discharge)? You can powder if you want to - I don't, but I don't have the same problems you're talking about. If I did, I would. But I would not use Mexsana. It can burn a bit, especially on sensitive skin areas. Make sure you do not get powder inside of your vagina/vaginal canal. Exterior use only. Use an antibacterial soap (not antibacterial like softsoap, but good antibacterial like safeguard) and use a rough washcloth. Everyone wants poufs and fluffy towels, which is great, but they don't do a thing for helping your body shed the dead skin cells, or scrub off the gunk. I buy the cheapest washcloths I can find at Walmart, the bulk pack of white ones for like $5 or $7. They're just about perfect. Anyway.
    Wash well with antibacteria soap, then I'd probably wash a second time with a feminine wash. Dry yourself COMPLETELY - seriously even use a blowdryer if you need to. Or dry off, then wait a bit, then dry off again. Cotton panties as someone else mentioned, as little dye as possible. Sit with your legs open whenever you can. There's a reason we stick our hands between our thighs when we're freezing. It's WARM. But warm + moist is not a good combo, so you want to give yourself as much opportunity to cool down/dry out (from any sweat) as you can. Don't wear snug underwear, either. Go a size bigger if you need to. If the elastic banding can cut into you, that can make things worse. Don't wear undergarments or pants for any longer than necessary. I.e. instead of hanging out clothed at home, but on some loungewear or a mumu or something.
    HTH, IME.
  15. Like
    candy1980 got a reaction from MJ's comingN2form in Strange Odor   
    The first week or so i did notice a sweet musky smell. It did not smell bad but i dont like anything out of the ordinary going on down there. My hubby enjoyed it though and insisted i sit on his face.
  16. Like
    candy1980 got a reaction from mrscastillo in Terrified   
    Thank you Lissa! I do want to be healthy ((Hugs))
  17. Like
    candy1980 reacted to mrscastillo in Terrified   
    Try baby foods and pedyalite.... It won't help with trying to eat different foods, but at least you will be getting the nutrition you need....
    Also, try tuna.... Or canned chicken... It's perfectly cooked and never makes me slime or dump. I have the lapband but I'm getting the sleeve.... I plan to start with the canned stuff and work my way up to cooking it myself (it's cheaper to start with canned food.... Because if you can't eat it, it's not that expensive so you aren't wasting money or too much food!)
    Good luck!
  18. Like
    candy1980 reacted to Livinglifeout in Terrified   
    candy 1980 I feel so bad for you. But I am glad and proud of you that you are seeking help. Hopefully you'll get past this . Maybe try things that you really liked before the sleeve in little amounts, just so you experience different foods. Than if this is successful maybe you can return to only real healthy foods. Just a thought, best of luck and keep us posted:)
  19. Like
    candy1980 got a reaction from mrscastillo in Terrified   
    Thank you Lissa! I do want to be healthy ((Hugs))
  20. Like
    candy1980 got a reaction from HalfTheWoman in June Sleevers! Hows It Going?   
    Sleeved june 25 down 55lbs since surgery. Simply amazed with this procedure! Thankful of my new lease on life 132 more lbs to go.
  21. Like
    candy1980 got a reaction from HalfTheWoman in June Sleevers! Hows It Going?   
    Sleeved june 25 down 55lbs since surgery. Simply amazed with this procedure! Thankful of my new lease on life 132 more lbs to go.
  22. Like
    candy1980 got a reaction from Mrs.Val in Alabama Sleevers?   
    Im an Alabama sleever Dr Andrew Dewitt @Princeton Baptist Medical Center did my surgery. He and his team are great!
  23. Like
    candy1980 reacted to jmatt in Any other gay sleevers out there?   
    I think I may be gay...
    At least my boyfriend keeps saying I might be.
  24. Like
    candy1980 reacted to Tiffykins in *7* Truths Post-Op   
    I have a lot and y'all know I'm long-winded so grab your favorite cup of "whatever" and enjoy. . .

    1) I am the only person responsible for what I put in my mouth

    2) I am the only one that will endure the consequence or victory from what I choose to put in my mouth

    3) This constantly cold thing that everyone experiences isn't forever. My body temperature has regulated, and if it's 30 degrees outside, it's perfectly acceptable to be cold.

    4) Skinny bitches eat Cookies too. I'm gonna have a cookie occasionally.

    5) hair grows back. Not always the same texture, but it grows back. So freaking out over it, isn't going to do anything, but make you freak out. Embrace it and honestly I gave up back fat for a little temporary Hair loss, I think I'll deal with hair loss.

    6) Follow the guidelines set forth by your medical professionals. It works. If something isn't working, tweak it to make it work. Your body is individual to you. Your needs might be different than mine. Respect your body because we didn't for years. Now, we've altered it, so treat it right, and it'll return the favor.

    5) Weight loss surgery does NOT have to be a cookie cutter world.

    6) Everyone has a bad day here and there. You have 2 choices: 1) wallow in the guilt/self-pity 2) Suck it up and move forward

    7) Being skinny is not the only perk to losing weight, but sure makes life a hell of a lot easier.

    8) Cherish every early out victory because once you're in maintenance, those little NSVs and SVs are non-existent and it's easy to take the little things for granted

    9) Immediately after surgery, your weight is going to fluctuate, you are losing Water weight, if it's difficult to get in fluids, you will retain fluids, they pumped you full of iv fluids so don't freak out. It's not physically possible, nor is it logical to gain 5lbs of fat overnight. All you're doing is setting yourself up for disappointment and heartbreak, fears of failure are going to set in and you'll just sabotage your efforts.

    10) LET YOUR BODY HEAL. . . Cheating is one thing, being irresponsible and reckless can result in complications. You can live on liquids for a couple of weeks. It sucks, NO DOUBT, but you will not wither away and die because you don't eat something crunchy for a couple of weeks.

    11) Stop comparing yourself to every other sleeve patient. Refer to #6

    12) You will hear many opinions throughout this journey. Remember opinions are like assholes and are pretty shitty. Stop allowing other people to dictate how you feel. No one can make you feel a certain way unless you allow it.

    13) Pull up your big girl/boy panties/undies and stop making excuses as to why you can't take a high quality, adult Vitamin. Yes, some taste horrible, they are a pain in the ass to swallow, they might not be your favorite thing in the world, but your body needs them. Vitamin deficiencies suck. You can prevent it, you can make the choice.

    14) Get your labs done regularly. Adjust your intake, vitamin/supplement regimen based on how your body is doing.

    15) Loose, wrinkly, excess skin is fairly inevitable. Suck it up. I punished my skin for years being morbidly obese. Why should I expect miracles in the skin bouncing back department? ? ? Do I like that about me? Noper, not for one minute, but I'll take my wrinkly inner thighs, saggy skin bags I have boobs over being fat and miserable for the rest of my life.

    16) If you do not change your relationship with food, don't think surgery will fix you. They operate on our stomachs, not our brains. You can still cheat, eat around the sleeve. I do it, and I know why I bounce around on the scale. Either I accept it, or I choose to follow the basic rules that proved to be so successful for me during my losing stage. I choose to live a life of moderation, and I wanted normalcy without hardcore dieting for the rest of my life. The trade-off I make is that I bounce on the scale up or down 5-7 pounds. I have a good relationship with food/drinks, and I reap the benefits of this life.

    17) Every clothing store is different. Learn to love trying on clothes. For jeans, I wear size from 0's to 5's, for shirts I wear from a size XS to a Medium. Even being this size, I have to try everything on. The only thing that is guaranteed is leggings, and tights. Even panties are hit and miss because every cut is different.

    18) Being skinny does not completely fix self-esteem or self-worth issues. If you don't think you are worthy of the best at a size 22, being a size 2 isn't going to change the way people treat you. I demanded to be treated with respect, and common courtesy at a size 22/24W, my core personality is the same.

    19) If your marriage/relationship is rocky, or not solid, and you've allowed your spouse to treat you like crap for the last XX years, guess what? ? ? Being skinny is not going to magically make them treat you better. If anything, you'll realize that douchebaggy behavior is not acceptable anymore and you begin to resent them and start demanding better/more from them. However, their behavior isn't going to change just because you decide you deserve better. Again, it's a choice. You choose how people treat you. At the end of the day, you deserve nothing less than everything from your partner. If you aren't getting it at 250+lbs, being 125lbs isn't going to change it.

    20) Therapy is a fabulous tool. If you have food demons/issues, recognize, address and conquer them. If you can not do it on your own, seek help. There is zero shame in asking for help.

    21) Choose the path you want to take. If you fall off that path, pick yourself up, dust off, and move forward. I cut my own path, and while I have fallen off, I've never fallen far enough off that I couldn't find my way back. If you want to follow a similar path, do it, but don't expect to have the same identical results as anyone else. What worked for me, might not work for you.

    22) Habits are just behaviors that we have established, and continue with over time. To rid myself of a bad habit, I had to replace it with a good (or better) habit. These habits are not permanent and engraved in stone. My habits, food triggers, and issues are just mine. We might share the common thread of surgery, and how I conquer my issues is what works for me. I can share what I did/do, but it might not work for you. Don't be disappointed, just find what works for you.

    23) Exercise does NOT make me feel fabulous. It's a chore just like scrubbing a toilet. I wish this was different, but I hate it. I loved it early out, but now, I absolutely hate it. If you hate it too, find something you do like. I know that I need formal exercise of some sort. I choose to dance (Zumba, Hip Hop Abs, Just Dance2 for the Wii). I enjoy it, but still am not super excited to do it. I just know my heart, bone and lung health need it.

    Finally! ! !

    24) I will always be a fat girl on the inside. I still have cravings, and love food. I still never experience true hunger, but I still want food. There are good days, and not so great days. I take it one day, one meal at a time.
  25. Like
    candy1980 reacted to Wheetsin in Midol?   
    Unfortunately that's not a quick answer. Some Midol products contain NSAIDs, some do not.
    Midol Complete - acetaminophen, caffeins, pyrilamine maleate <- no NSAIDS
    Midol Extended Relief - naproxen sodium <- NSAID
    Midol Teen - acetaminophen, pamabrom <-no NSAIDs
    Midol liquid Gels - ibuprofen <- NSAID
    Midol PM - acetaminophen, diphenhydramine citrate <- no NSAIDs
    With that being said, I never received anything specific to NSAIDs and have been taking them (I had a sinus infection last week, maxillary sinuses - so it was causing tooth pain too... NSAIDs are routinely the only thing that helps with that pain... I was cleared for 800mg 4 - 6 hours).
    With some WLS there's a "real" reason why you can't have them, e.g. when you have a stoma. I didn't take them at all when I had my band. But when we don't have stomas, and we have normal digestion function, the only reason I can think of why we wouldn' be allowed NSAIDs is because if it did cause ulcertaion, our stomachs are so small that any injury or scar tissue might cause some problems. So it would be purely "just in case" rather than "because of this and this." But that's just my rationale. I'm not a surgeon, and I don't even play one on TV - so if you have a no NSAIDs rule, then I'd just say clear it with your doctor first.
    (I'm pretty sure VSG is the recommended weightloss for people who have to take NSAIDs, like arthritis sufferers, because we don't have the pouch/stoma/etc. issues)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
