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LAP-BAND Patients
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    lika92012 reacted to cupcakebabe84 in Any september bansters care to update ?   
    I have past my band anniversary. I wish I could say I met my goal weight but not yet. I am 27lbs away so I'm very close. Since making it to onederland a few months ago my confidence has gone through the roof. I not only look better but I truly feel better... I went from a size 18 jeans to a 10 and my jeans goal has been an 8. My shirt sizes went from a 1X to a medium and as for dresses I didn't wear them before surgery so now I'm confident and loving my new figure wearing tiny dresses. As for everything else like my wish list for things I have wanted once the band has helped me get to where I want to be so I can be happy and healthy I have accomplished more then I set out for except next month for my 29th birthday my boyfriend and I will be going skydiving. I'm looking forward to it and scared at the same time.
    No one but a bandster can truly understand what this feels like and how much everything changes. It's a life changing experience that I wouldn't ever trade anything in the world. I'm so happy with myself on how I look and feel. I never thought in my life that I could be this close to my weight goal let alone actually getting there within the next few months.
    I wish everyone good luck and a big congratulations to how far they have come. I can only hope the best for everyone.
  2. Like
    lika92012 reacted to FLORIDAYS in Been A Little While Since I Have Been Around...   
    Here are some new pics... I can't find where the photos are on this new format yet.... But these were taken a few weeks ago......
  3. Like
    lika92012 reacted to B-52 in Worst part of the band so far   
    Drinking before, during or after a meal.....rules, and being told is one thing...but what do you experience if you do it???
    I can drink before, but have found out for MYSELF what happens if I drink while I am eating, AND I also know how long I need to wait to drink after I eat, just from experience....and it has nothing to do with the washing food down theory..it is more real than that....
    So when questions such as this arise, I have to ask...how does it affect you? Or does it affect you at all??
    Some can drink, some cannot...some can eat certain foods, some cannot...and the list goes on and on...
    The longer you live with the band, the more you're going to realize your own limitations and freedoms...this was one of the biggest lessons I learned...and my Dr. had strict rules in the beginning...now, he smiles when I tell him certain things I have discovered..even if they go against the early rules (for newbies)
    But if you are just starting out, not in the green Zone, have no restriction, etc, you HAVE NO CHOICE but to follow the rules for your own safety sake...you need to get the band doing what it is supposed to do first before you can start living the new life....
  4. Like
    lika92012 reacted to Jim1967 in Failure   
    Surgeons are like Auto Mechanics. You have some that excel at their job then you get those that float on by going about their job half ass. I could say the same about Patients as well but I digress.
    Read this smart person's blog about choosing your surgeon wisely. Great advice indeed.
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    lika92012 got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Any september bansters care to update ?   
    I am doing GREAT! Had a few ups and downs along the road, but overall can not complain.
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    lika92012 reacted to zburdeshaw in lost 200 pounds   
    I started my journey 13 months ago and with a lot of hard work, difficult decisions, and some very supportive people I am proud to say that I have finally lost 200 pounds.

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    lika92012 reacted to 2muchfun in Drinking with my meal   
    Sipping Water or any Fluid while you eat allows the food to travel right through your stoma and defeats the purpose of the band. Some of us sip Water or wine with meals occasionally but we wait until the food has passed through the pouch and into the stomach. Each bite takes about one minute to pass through if you follow the rules.
    I recommend newbies learn to eat without fluids until they have more control over their eating habits.
  8. Like
    lika92012 got a reaction from ttny007 in Question on TT   
    I'm 2weeks post TT and my appetite is just starting to come back, but yes I noticed that tied sensation. My Dr. recommended to buy for my scar silicone scar sheets, did you try that?
  9. Like
    lika92012 reacted to daisychains7 in Im 14   
    There are so many variables that contribute to how much weight you will lose and at what rate. Diet, amount/type of exercise, genetics, amount of Fluid in your band. Your doctor will be able to answer that question better than any of us can.
  10. Like
    lika92012 got a reaction from sherrilynn42 in Yikes...am I really getting a tummy tuck tomorrow??   
    Hi how did your surgery went? How do you feel now? My TT was on March 21, and today the first day I am feeling back to normal.
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    lika92012 reacted to ttny007 in Checking in   
    One week check up today and the dr was shocked! Said I look like I'm 3 weeks out not one. I'm only taking one pain pill at night. Last night I spent an hour at target and tonight went out to dinner with friends. Lots of walking and drinking Water. Doctor said he was very pleased and I'm just too excited lol.
  12. Like
    lika92012 got a reaction from ttny007 in OMG   
    my TT IS 16 days away, cann't wait for that flat tummy:-)
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    lika92012 reacted to ttny007 in OMG   
    Friday I had my TT. Was not bad and I believe doing Pilates 3 days a week is why. So today I was able to take all the bandages off and shower with the special soap he gave me. All I could do was stand there and stare at myself in the mirror. My stomach is Flat, I know it's suppose to be but I just guess I wasn't really believing it was going to be flat. I have a new belly button that's kind of cute lol. I'm swollen in the legs but that will go down. I just can't stop smiling. I've never had a flat tummy and to think it only took me 54 years! I'm thank all of you for your advice, it really helped with the journey. My dr doesn't use drains and the nurse had me get maxi pads and after my shower she said I should attach them to my panties in case there was leakage. This works great the only thing I would add is maybe crotchless panties so that you don't have to take the binder off all the time. I will keep you posted as time goes by.
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    lika92012 reacted to Scamp in Body lift with fleur-de-lis/anchor (vertical) abdominal incision?   
    Hi yes I have had a few Ops to be honest... (I will be paying off the Ops forever - But - That is a small price to pay for the amazing way I feel about myself right now - Could do with a face lift - LOLOL)
    Op1 = Brachioplasty and Breast reduction
    Op2 = TummyTuck (no muscle touched)
    Op3 = Inner Thigh lift
    Op4 = Outer Thigh/Butt lift
    Op5 = A rare outer thigh lift as Op4 did not do what I wanted it to all the way
    I still have tree trunk lower legs though...
    I did not have a lower body lift in one go - But i kind of did over a couple of different Ops - I am in the Uk by the way. I am also still using an E45 type cream every single day when I get up and just before bed - Even now - This keeps the skin supple and moisturised. I dont massage for hours etc - The tape made doing that not as needed - I just rub it in to keep the scar supple and moisturised.
    My TT recovery was a breeze as they did not touch the muscles - Was bent forward for maybe 4 or 5 days then all was fine after that - The compression garents I used all came from Eurosurgical, actually made by Design Veronique which is I think a US company. Worth their weight in gold the compression garments were. I lived in them for ages - The moment I was in compression - I had no pain and I knew all was held in place and I felt secure and happy.
    I was beyond goal weight when I started surgery (At 143lbs i think) - So I am wayyyyy beyond goal now - Even though the Ops only took off about 11lbs in all! I had like no fat left beneath my skin, well, just a little bit... lol - Today I was 124lbs vut I have had alot of worry in this past week so those lost 2lbs of stress shoudl return as mostly I am always 126lbs.
    If you search my name on here you should be able to find quite a few pics of my arms etc and other Ops. As have plonked them in a few posts. Never before would I ever put half nekkid pics of me anywhere - In my past life I would be in hiding - Now - After Ops - I have shown people more than I ever thought I ever would - I am fannnnntabulously happy!
    My surgeon told me to remove the tape at about 6weeks or less - But I had read somewhere on this site (after Op2) that the tape gives compression to the scars and that is the best thing to do to flatten and protect them - So from then on I tested on myself. My surgeons first words to me were abotu 'realistic expectations' - So I did not expect too much - Then he gave me the world and more!
    I found by sticking one type of tape on my left inner thigh and a different one on my right - My scars showed me that the cheaper tapes in stores are NOT as good as Micropore tape! As my left inner thigh scar is not as good and is redder than my right thigh scar at 2yrs post op! Shame I tested that on myself - but - I had no-one else around me whom I could find out information from - The scar still looks good but it very slightly pinker than the right inner thighs white line...
    This site is a mine of information on plastics and without this site - I don't know if I would have had the courage to go on - And people whom I emailed though this site - Gave me the emotional back up for me to keep going to go from the saggy alien I felt like - who has ZERO confidence to this new woman I am today.
    Someone on here said to me before Op1 - The words 'Eyes on the prize' and through all this past couple of years I have held those words close to me... And those few simple words served me well!
    The inner thigh lift was my most testing - That first time I stood up was ouch! But the moment I was in compression garment - All was fine again! No more ouch and all was great.
    Sorry to write a book - I guess when this journey has become a whole lifetime of it's own - It shows you how your thoughts of the who or the what you think you are - Changes so much in just one small Op - My life changing Op was Op1. I went for just the arms - And at the end I asked 'Oh can you fix my boobs while I am there' the first time I saw the new WONDERFFUL boobies - Ohh My God - I am WOMAN - For the first time in my whole life I felt like a real woman. I have lovely small boobs (I am a 34C - No implants after being a G cup I wanted smaller) OMG These boobs rockkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
    Also these words I was given mean alot

    Cosmetic surgery is rarely about vanity, and very often about self-esteem and confidence, and self-love. Those are important

  15. Like
    lika92012 reacted to Scamp in Body lift with fleur-de-lis/anchor (vertical) abdominal incision?   
    I would say YES - The Inverted T incision was the best thing I ever did! I started this at having lost about 110lbs - I was 42yrs old.

    after... 12 weeks 3 days post op...

    This Op was done in October 2010 (I did not have my muscles touched as had a previous hernia mesh put in)
    This is my last pic taken last year (Scuse big picture but it is the only way to show the scar well)
    21.10.2012 - Which is 2yrs 2 mths approx post op

    When I discussed with my surgeon this Op - He told me that if I did the normal Tummy Tuck I would look 'boxy' as this one pulls you in at the sides and you get a far better definition in the waistline.
    I have never been sorry I did this. My Mum said 'Its not going to hurt any more - And you would not want to feel you needed to go back and do it over again' - No regrets...
    My scar is a little bit stretched - That annoys me but - I can give you the trick to stop this - You keep the paper tape on your scar for TWELVE WEEKS post Op - Sounds a long time - BUT - It will stop the skin stretching - It does work as I have tried it on further scars from other ops and those scars are fabulous. I only wish I had known that trick before I had this Op! I also stayed in compression for 12 weeks. It sounds drastic and silly - But - When you spend alot of money on somethign - You will do anything in your power to make sure you are 10000% happy with the results. I am very happy with the results - Even with the stretched skin a little bit...

    Good luck to you - I have never felt so womanly in my whole life - Plastics has given me a gift that I can never ever put into words effectively :-)
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    lika92012 reacted to BayougirlMrsS in For those of you who drink or want to drink coffee   
    I will cut a person that tries to take away my coffee...... Just saying...lol
    In the south we are raised on coffee from the time we can sip from a cup.... my grandpa use to sit me on his lap and we would drink coffee... well i would drink.. What we call here... Coffee milk... 1/4 coffee & 3/4 milk... Those are some of my best memories... i miss him everyday.
    And now when my grand kids come over.... they do the same thing... Shhhhh don't tell my son or daughter in law...lol
  17. Like
    lika92012 reacted to B-52 in To all ye successful bandsters   
    For me...don't sell the band short...get out of the way and let the band do what it is designed to do...
    I feel many people over think something and make it more difficult than it actually is....
    It took me 5-6 months to figure that out....to let the band be in charge and dictate WHAT I eat, When I eat, and HOW MUCH I can eat....
    After that it has become all MAGIC...the EASIEST thing I have ever done, and STILL IS...it was ME who made it difficult....
    I stink at dieting, failed every time...I was a food addict, could not control myself and would eat all day...I could not follow any rules....so I had surgery to correct all that...once I learned not to fight the band and what it was trying to do....that's all it took.....my band is not a tool, it's THE BOSS....
  18. Like
    lika92012 reacted to CHEZNOEL in To all ye successful bandsters   
    Follow your doctors orders. Don't cheat. It is a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  19. Like
    lika92012 reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in To all ye successful bandsters   
    Well, I'm not sure if I'm a success yet because I'm not done losing, but I have lost 187 pounds in 13 months.
    For me, the main things have been learning how the band is meant to work and learning how to eat healthy.
    I also count every single calorie I put in my mouth, no exceptions. Even when I cheat, I log it. It keeps me accountable and also helps me stay on track.
    Really, I think anyone can lose with the band. All it takes is a little education, a little common sense, and a big desire for change.
    Best wishes.
  20. Like
    lika92012 reacted to Lisette in TUMMY TUCK?   
    Take your plastic surgery as seriously as you took your lapband, a TT is major surgery and you absolutely will want to have the best surgeon... shop around but don't go bargain basement for this. I paid $5000 in Mexico for a top board certified surgeon.
  21. Like
    lika92012 got a reaction from FAMOUS1 in Tt on12/23/12   
    just took a pick at your previous post,and saw your before pictures, and have to take my words back! You do not look great, you look AWESOME!HOT!
  22. Like
    lika92012 got a reaction from FLORIDAYS in Tummy tuck and breast left on Tuesday 12/18   
    I am excited for you and happy to know that everything went ok, keep us posted
  23. Like
    lika92012 reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Simple math, right?   
    Well, you are correct as far as math. The bottom line is, if you consume less calories than you burn, you will lose weight.
    With that said, the human body isn't so logical
    I've lost as much as 27 pounds in a month and as little as 7 pounds in a month. There is literally zero difference in my diet and exercise between months. I'm actually pretty strict with myself so it's not a matter of cheating either. Still, there's a huge difference, right?
    That's because while the math is correct, there's a lot of biology that math doesn't take into account. If your body was a machine, you'd be all set, but because you're human expect some surprises along the way, both good and bad.
    Most surgeon say to expect/aim for a 1-2 pound per week loss. I think that's very realistic and anything beyond that is just bonus.
    Best wishes to you
  24. Like
    lika92012 reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Tummy tuck and breast left on Tuesday 12/18   
    So happy for you.... Losing the weight was great.... but the Tummy Tuck has made an unbelievable change in me and appearance... I can't wait to see you outcome.
  25. Like
    lika92012 reacted to FLORIDAYS in Tummy tuck and breast left on Tuesday 12/18   
    6 hrs post op..
    Other then . Feeling a little groggy..... So far this isnt bad at all.... Sure hope it continues on this path.....
    Had some soup....a few bottles of water.... So far so good.

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