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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from Tanickab38 in Will I Ever Be Able To Eat Rice Or Pasta Again?   
    I had a bougie size 38 and handle Pasta and rice just fine. I chew it VERY well though and overcook it so all the swelling is done in the cooking and not in my stomach. I've heard that some people just can't tolerate it after VSG but some do. Good luck!
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    frumpynomore reacted to PdxMan in The Sleeve Gastrectomy and How and Why it can Fail (Surgery Current Research 2014 publication)   
    I don't know if I would go so far as to say failure of the patient in as much as I would say failure for the patient to fully understand the consequences of what they were doing. Failure to set reasonable expectations, as I often chime in about.
    So many times I see people posting their disappointments with their weight loss. They lose a pound every few days and then when that slows down, they throw their hands in the air screaming, "What am I doing wrong!!??" Then, they get a case of the fucked-its and "cheat".
    I think everyone goes into this with the best of intentions. Not everybody is doing this to get skinny. They just want to lose enough weight to get off medications or the like. They aren't interested in exercising and putting in the effort to cook nutritionally balanced meals. I applaud those folks. They set their expectations based on what they knew they wanted and were capable of.
    The folks who do have expectations of getting skinny need to really examine what work they are willing to do to meet that expectation before having the surgery. Those who have had the procedure know this is not a magic bullet. I was devastated at first mourning the loss of food as my comfort mechanism. I had no idea it would hit me as hard as it did. For me, it was the fact I am also part of a 12 step program dealing with addiction that I was able to address these and learn.
    Now understand, these are my truths and may or may not be anybody else's. But one of the reasons I come to this forum and stay here to share my experience, strength and hope is because it is a constant reminder of where I came from. I am my own worst enemy. Self knowledge does not prevent self sabotage.
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    frumpynomore reacted to Oregondaisy in need some tough love from my fellow vets!   
    Coops I could not take the menopuse symptoms and I got on bio identical hormones. I feel so much better and honestly, I hope I never have to stop them.
    I can't live without sleep.
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    frumpynomore reacted to gmanbat in Veterans, why do we do it?   
    Veterans...why do we do it?
    Answering the same questions thousands of times, saying "good luck" or "my prayers are with you" to people about to go to surgery, welcoming countless newbies, dealing with people who are easily offended and strike back, trying to give solace to people who are being chewed up by family, coworkers and relatives, ....why?
    The ability to share someone else's feelings.
    I believe it is the hallmark of mental and emotional maturity.
    It is.....being human as humans were intended to be.
    Think about it, with just a few lines or a paragraph we can alleviate the suffering of another human being. Our triumphs become theirs, our knowledge from mistakes made relieves them from falling into the same traps, our battles won becomes the catalyst for their struggles to overcome despair.
    Who needs grateful feedback? Realizing that our small effort destroys misery is an amazing reward. We are helping people create beautiful lives, helping humans rise from the ashes.
    Empathy acted upon is love.
    Love, ...the more you give the more you have ...and the more you want give it.
    Now there's an addiction worth diving into!
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    frumpynomore reacted to vicki s in Looking for anyone who has been re-sleeved~   
    Thank you sooooooo much Amanda and Laura for linking me up...I feel so much better now that I have read her story....I love this site, you guys rock....We are so fortunate to have each other for support... :wub:
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from Vivian19 in Austin, TX surgeons.   
    I used Dr. Ganta. He performed the single incision through my belly button and I had zero complications. I never needed any pain meds.
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from Beach Lover in Sleeved Twice - My Story   
    NUMBER 1 RULE: Always trust your gut instincts! I'm glad to hear that you did! It's just so unfortunate for you that your first surgeon was incompetant! Good luck on your second Journey!
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from Trcyprkr70 in What I Really Want To Know About A Tummy Tuck   
    O.k., i'm 49 and had a TT 2 months ago!!!! I am not too old to enjoy it! TRUST me, i've already experienced some things behind closed doors that were unimagineable before!!! Give it to the starving children you ask? I give, give, give all the time and think if I would have only given to myself more i wouldn't have gotten in to this place I'm in! Giving isn't always monetary so give to the needy your time if you feel compelled. I don't think that I could fully appreciate my thin self without removing the skin. I WILL BE WEARING A BIKINI THIS SUMMER IN ALL MY GLORY OF BEING THIN....Your friend asked you "what's it matter anyways and who is going to see you in a bikini? the answer is........ME!!!!!!!!
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from Cheer Mama in Slimies. Foamies.   
    OMG! YES! You will know when it happens! It has happened to me three times since my VSG which was Dec. 2011 and it isn't fun! All three times happened because I over ate. The last time just happened this past Saturday. I made a piece of Cod fish and some brown rice. Well, I love rice and was sitting in front of the T.V. and ate too much! Rice blows up in the stomach and I knew that but I was mindless eating not paying attention and it happened. I got real sick to my stomach and just knew I was going to throw it all up but instead of vomit it's FOAM and lots of clear liquid like saliva. The foam is awful! It lasts for about an hour and then all is fine just like it never happened but when you're going through it, it seems like forever! Hard to explain other than you will know when it happens!
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from Bellanana5 in Syntrax Nectar Caribbean Cooler   
    I use vitacost.com and the Syntrax Nectar is 32.41 and free shipping. It's the best priced website I've found.
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    frumpynomore reacted to rebecca_dsu in A Rant: Did you not read anything on this site before asking? Are you new here?!   
    I'm fairly new around here, and am pre-sleeved, but sometimes I have to smack my forehead seeing the same questions over and over. And seeing the same questions from post-opers who were pre-opers on this site and participated in answering other folks same questions, but now all the sudden they are post-op and have forgotten everything they read.
    So here we go... if you've been recently sleeved, here's some things you would have already learned had you actually read some of the other posts first:
    - The first few weeks suck..yep, you aren't the only one.
    - No you won't feel as much restriction until you start eating real foods...your stomach isn't too big, nor was your bougie bigger than everyone elses.
    - Yes, other people have stalled between weeks 3, 4, a few months, and 6 months, and days that end in y...you are not the only one who has ever stalled, so breath easy.
    - Yes, that pain in your left shoulder probably is gas...so walk it off. EDIT: If that's not working, seek the advice of your surgeon...most of us are not doctors (some could be...I dunno)
    - Yes, other people did experience hair loss at 4ish months out (start taking your Biotin as soon as you are cleared for Vitamins if you haven't already been taking them)...if it's falling out now, it's too late to prevent it, so make sure you are eating enough Protein and taking your Vitamins so it grows back.
    - "I've lost X pounds in X weeks...is that normal?" Gees Louise...everyone on this site is different. Our ages are different, our height, our starting weights, our preop loses,our genetics, the amount of time we've been obese, what we are actually eating, our workouts...there is no "normal", so stop asking. If you have lost and are losing, you are doing just fine...if you are in a stall, hang in there...
    - "Should I be able to eat this much?" Whether you should be able to or not, you are...so this question is negated. Don't try to eat as much as you can just to see how much you can eat.
    - Yes, you probably will have loose skin (depends again on your age, genetics, how long you've been obese, how obese you were, etc....).
    - No, blending fruit up into a smoothie is not considered "ok" for full liquids...that's what we call a "puree"
    I'm sure there is way more to add to this list, so feel free to.... I just feel like we see the same questions over and over and over and over and over and over...ha
    End rant
    I'm sure I have asked redundant questions myself, and will.... but I do try to use that thing they call "Search" or Google... Thanks to all you post-sleevers who constantly answer the same questions over and over with grace and patience
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from HatheryOnHerWay in Oh, the shame.   
    I might as well jump in....went to a movie last night....enough said?!
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    frumpynomore reacted to makemyownluck in Slider foods   
    Slider foods, to weight loss surgery patients, are soft simple processed carbohydrates of little or no nutritional value that slide right through the stomach without providing nutrition or satiation. Crackers, chips, pretzels, Cookies, cakes, candy, etc
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    frumpynomore reacted to apricotsmommy in Sugar free Popsicles!?   
    Okay, deep secret time. I ate a whole box in a day around week four. guess my head hunger needed to go on a binge. For what it's worth, doc said no limit and laughed at me when I asked if it was okay.
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from LindaS in Bathing suits.   
    I have a very different way of thinking than most people that are overweight or have loose skin. Even at my highest weight I still wore a bikini to public pools and beaches. I've always had the frame of mind that "if you don't like what you see then quit looking at it"! I never let my weight be my "excuse" for not living. I was the one that I'm sure many people looked at and said "she must not have a friend to tell her not to wear that" or "she shouldn't be wearing a bikini with all that going on" BUT I am a sun worshipper and never let anyone's opinion stop me from enjoying the things I wanted to do. I look around me and see that everyone has faults and nobody is perfect. I've yet to see anyone that didn't have their own issues of some sort. I am not without embarrassment or insecurities or inhibitions it's just that I look past them and try my hardest to ignore them. Now that we all have had the VSG and working to try to look physically better it's imperative to work on our minds and thoughts too. GO AHEAD AND PUT THAT BATHINGSUIT ON! You look FABULOUS just the way you are!
  16. Like
    frumpynomore got a reaction from Momonanomo in Large sleeve!   
    I can certainly understand your worries BUT YOU ARE STILL LOSING! Please try to not get discouraged. I have been a slow loser too and my sleeve was a medium size bougie. I can eat an 8 oz steak, 1/2 baked potato and even some salad before I get full. It's still less than what I could eat pre-VSG but it's a lot more than what most people can eat that have had a VSG. Keep your eye on the end result. You will lose the weight you want to...so what if it takes a bit longer...you will still get there!!!
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve in pre op and 4 month post op pics   
    You are looking GREAT! It won't be long until you reach your goal weight! CONGRATS!
  18. Like
    frumpynomore got a reaction from Momonanomo in Large sleeve!   
    I can certainly understand your worries BUT YOU ARE STILL LOSING! Please try to not get discouraged. I have been a slow loser too and my sleeve was a medium size bougie. I can eat an 8 oz steak, 1/2 baked potato and even some salad before I get full. It's still less than what I could eat pre-VSG but it's a lot more than what most people can eat that have had a VSG. Keep your eye on the end result. You will lose the weight you want to...so what if it takes a bit longer...you will still get there!!!
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from Kelly1334 in 2 months today..update pic   
    WoW! You look FANTASTIC! Good for you and best of continued success!!!
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from mrsplusamericajacksonville in so nervous! TMI!   
    I think you have become super sensitive to your weight and are unconsciously using sex as a tool to not eat in preparation for your preop diet for surgery...GOOD FOR YOU...GOOD FOR YOUR HUSBAND!!!
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    frumpynomore got a reaction from Brenda0928 in Shame on me!   
    I know that there are a LOT of us on here that have or had the same issues with a significant other that you had. I feel for you and just know that you are not alone. You are sooooo smart to seek therapy so that you won't make the same mistake again. Good luck to you!!!!!
  22. Like
    frumpynomore got a reaction from Brenda0928 in Shame on me!   
    I know that there are a LOT of us on here that have or had the same issues with a significant other that you had. I feel for you and just know that you are not alone. You are sooooo smart to seek therapy so that you won't make the same mistake again. Good luck to you!!!!!
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    frumpynomore reacted to Tink22-sleeve in pre op and 4 month post op pics   
    Down 48lbs and 19 inches
    Hit like if you can see a difference
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    frumpynomore reacted to Fiddleman in Low cal salad dressing you might enjoy   
    We use a Salad Dressing made by Bolthouse that uses yogurt instead of high fat to create a fully body and good taste. A serving is 45 calories. I like to put even less of a serving on my lunch salad that I eat with my Protein. My favorite flavor is their honey mustard, but I think they make all flavors with yogurt from 1000 island to blue cheese. Fat is also low by nature of yogurt. Enjoy and let me know what you think.
  25. Like
    frumpynomore got a reaction from Cheer Mama in Slimies. Foamies.   
    OMG! YES! You will know when it happens! It has happened to me three times since my VSG which was Dec. 2011 and it isn't fun! All three times happened because I over ate. The last time just happened this past Saturday. I made a piece of Cod fish and some brown rice. Well, I love rice and was sitting in front of the T.V. and ate too much! Rice blows up in the stomach and I knew that but I was mindless eating not paying attention and it happened. I got real sick to my stomach and just knew I was going to throw it all up but instead of vomit it's FOAM and lots of clear liquid like saliva. The foam is awful! It lasts for about an hour and then all is fine just like it never happened but when you're going through it, it seems like forever! Hard to explain other than you will know when it happens!

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