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Blog Comments posted by yecats

  1. I would go in and tell my boss as soon as possible. This would be more of a courteous than looking for approval. You do not need anyone's approval for this surgery. You are an adult and can make your own decisions and I think that you are making an excellent choice. I too did not tell that many people except very close friends and family. I figure that is nobodys business anyway. It was the best decision in my life and i will never regret the surgery of going to Tijuana Mexico to have my surgery with Dr F Garcia. He has given me back my life and it will never be the same for which I will be forever grateful.As for the larger co-worker that went off on you about doing it the old fashioned way I will dismiss her and let her see the results that you are going to achieve. If losing weight for some of us was that easy then why is she still so overweight. And do not let her tell you that she wants to stay that way and that she happy.Please keep me posted as to your surgery and how you do after. I know you will do great and have my support.

    Thank you so very much. Your post definetly gave me a jilt in the right direction. Your right. I do not exude self confidence, I also do not like the attention either way positve or negitve. Would I like support yes. I do not need approval though. Thanks again :)

  2. My heart goes out to you. How hard it must be to be so aware of your situation, trying to improve it and have others live the extreme opposite, especially while dealing with recently being sleeved.

    A few things,

    1) You seem to be quite young, thank God that you did not get caught up in this for the rest of your life. You are stopping that chain , that life cycle of dysfunction. Many of us have families living in these same situations. I am 47 years old and wish I stopped abusing myself long ago with food. My father died of obesity related illnesses and all his siblings. I was right there with them for years. So give yourself some credit, you are doing something for them. Be an example. Be loving to them but make good choices for you. You can not change them, and it sounds like they don't want to change.

    2) I hope you understand how this relates....

    Three of my siblings died of drug related incidents. I really was bitter with them for some time, without even realizing it. I did not understand it, I was so bothered by seeing my sister wither into a shell of who she was. I was a lot younger and very impressionable. I was experimenting with things I shouldn't of been also yet I made different choices and by the grace of God had the will to stop.

    My point is this...I now look at there lifestyles as a lesson to me. When they died like that it was not in vane. Do you understand? I might not always no what I want but I sure no what I don't want. I did not want to go out like that. Looking at them in this perspective, allows me to live free of that lifestyle. They showed me very well what I did not want to end up like.

    Your family is actually showing you something very powerful. I know you want to save them and it hurts terribly but you can't honey.

    Don't be angry with them, it will eat you up. Love you Mama while she is here. Show your sister how she can recover. Pray!!!!

    :) -Sorry to go on and on....

  3. What an inspiration you are. I can not wait to continue to hear of your journey. I believe your Mom would be very proud of your dedication to getting healthy. Be sure to post some pics as you lose. Keep caring for your self and do not spend to much time watching cable alone. Mr. Wonderful is out there waiting for you!!!!! :) I am not saying you NEED to have a boyfriend but new boyfriends sure are fun!!!!

  4. i am not sleeved yet but from reading on here you are actually one of those that are blessed with not having a sudden stall. Do not look for something wrong. Everything you pointed out sounds very positive. Sounds like God is blessing you with exactly what you need at the time, enjoy your ride. Also congrats on the downsize, soon enough those 26's will fall of even with the rope. I can not wait to be sleeved!!!!!

    You are doing wonderful!!!!!

  5. My heart goes out to you and your situation. Due to the fact that you rely on prayer then hopefully it will give you comfort to know that it is in God's timing when this will work out. You do not see it now but there is a reason, and it is a good one why it has not happened yet. One day you will not only be blessed with the perfect right time to be sleeved but also understand why it is then and not now. Those words are meant to comfort you. Rely on your faith foremost!!! Your husband is scared, that is the real issue, you do not need that right now, but reconize what it is, It truly isn't opposition, it just feels like it right now. I see it that he loves you a whole bunch. Just wondering,... could you turn that vacation time into $'s and save up for MX. There are some great Dr. down there that have tons of experience, some way more than in the states. If that is even a consideration, be VERY choosy!!! Do not go on price alone. I myself have not been sleeved yet, finances fell through a month or so ago and everything seemed to turn against me getting sleeved. I now honestly see how much better off I am for that happening. It was disheartning and I cried for days but now I am so much better off. I should be sleeved here in the next couple of months. I can not wait!!! One more thing, you said something that was key ... STAY POSITIVE, EVEN IF IT LOOKS BLEEK, that is the only way and fastest way to make it happen. A good attitude, especially dealing with red tape goes a lot further than being negitive. I would want to push someones paperwork through that was sweet, even go the extra mile, verses someone agrravated and hostile. God Bless you Sleeve Sister, I am praying for you right now!!!!

  6. Take the high road, if you run into him be pleasant. Be sure to be happier than when you last seem him lol.

    Do not leave the place YOU ENJOY! He is doing it because he is curious or regrets his decision. That attitude gives him more reason to realize what a mistake he has made. Keep your head up smile (have some earphones in, mp3 maybe) and most importantly...... keep walking.

  7. When people tend to act like that they generally act like that no matter what you do or do not choose to tell. What I mean is if you shared, you might of had a negitve reaction anyway. Obviously she is one that is put off easily.

    It is not like you are sisters or forever friends, where not that it is right but her hostility would make more sense.

    Pray for her and enjoy your new you! lol

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