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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    How much protein is too much?

    Thank you so much for all these suggestions! Yes I feel hungry sometimes after 30-60mins of a meal. So I drink water or protein shake. I do take PPI, that could be a possibility of why I still feel hungry. Most of the time it’s my head hunger craving for certain food. Also my tummy does rumble but don’t really feel hungry. I’ve been able to tell what type of hunger I am feeling. when I drink liquid, I literally sit there and drink with small sips through out the hours….when my tummy feel full from it, I come back to it later. I can feel the liquid traveling down when I drink. Yesterday was my first day being able to reach 60oz of liquid, but at night I didn’t feel well. Had my dinner at 6pm, went to sleep 11pm. I woke up feeling something up my chest and when trying to get up, I vomited. Sorry if TMI. It’s was all slimy mucus. No food. I was shivering, chills, migraine. I vomited a few times then vomited foamy bubbles… well after that I felt so much better. In search to see what is going on with me, it seems many bariatric patients go through this, but usually right after eating if they didn’t chew well or had too much food. I have tofu last night tho. It’s soft and should be easy to break down. On the bright side, It seems I am breaking my stall. From 241.6, I am now 240.6 lbs. even it’s only a little bit I am happy, because I am on this stall since 2 weeks ago, only 1 week after surgery.
  2. 1 point


    Thank you so much...your comments really helped me to CALM DOWN lol
  3. 1 point

    Finally reached goal!

    Congratulations but also gracious what an experience. How fortunate you have such a wonderful & caring surgeon who was on top of your symptoms straight away. Hope the rest of your recovery goes smoothly. PS: Realising you weigh as much as you did as a child is a head trip. I remember when I realised I must weigh what I did when I was 12. Twelve! Back in the seventies! OMG! And I was just a normal sized child then (before puberty hit.) I actually dug out my tutu from then & it fit (actually was a little big). Freaky!
  4. 1 point

    How much protein is too much?

    I'm curious @catwoman7, how did you determine your 100g protein requirement? Has it just been trial and error, or were there tests involved? Also, this is why I added a scoop of plain protein powder to my smoothie every morning (I say this in past tense because I'm on my preop liquid diet now and smoothies seem like a distant, heavenly memory compared to protein shakes). I also got my teen daughter doing this because she's mostly vegetarian and I know the veggie meals at school are questionable in the protein department. My typical smoothie recipe packs in 40g protein so I felt good knowing I was knocking out a big portion of the protein for the day first thing in the morning. I imagine I'll return to that at some point when I have the capacity for them again.
  5. 1 point

    ? about post op care

    if you're having your surgery in the US, the bariatric clinic usually includes post-op care, at least for the first year. My clinic provided it for the first five or so years - after that, patients who didn't have any issues (which is most of us) were referred to their regular PCP for their yearly exams/bloodwork. if you're having your surgery abroad, It depends on your US doctor if he/she will do follow ups. Check with them before your surgery. If it's an emergency, I can't imagine a hospital turning you away. Although that said, emergencies are pretty rare.
  6. 1 point

    How much protein is too much?

    If you were advised 65-75g protein as your goal & one shake helps you to reach that goal or just exceed it as this stage you’re doing well. When your nutritionalist recommended 2 shakes did they realise you’re able to get 40-50g of protein in eating real food? To me the goal was to be get all I needed nutritionally from eating real food. I never had another shake after the2 week liquids stage, so from when I began purées. I ate a high protein yoghurt or yoghurt drink to give me the extra boost of protein to help me get near or to my 60g goal. (It did take me a while but my surgeon & dietician were okay with that.) To help reach my fluid goals, I started drinking during the night. still do. Every time I get in or out of bed I drink. Get up to pee, drink. If I’m reading in bed, watching tv, on social media, etc. in bed, I sip regularly. I get in another 8-10ozs most nights.
  7. 1 point

    Looking for a reversal doctor

    Don't worry. From what I've read, in time, after your new tummy heals up you should be able to stretch that new tummy back out and regain all your lost weight. No doctor needed. But I have a feeling, over time you may change your mind. 🤔
  8. 1 point
    Peggy Anne

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    I get your frustration. I gained 5 lbs after Christmas and it just wasn't coming off. Last week I graduated off of Hint water and can now drink any water however I did change my diet. I know this is going to sound weird but it worked for me and I'll be 67 in a few weeks. I eat high protein, no sugar, sweetened with erythritol yogurt then my coffee with a small amount of sweetened flavored creamer and whipping cream. Lunch is usually a protein bar and a cheese stick. Protein bar is sweetened with the erythrirol.. Then the snacking begins - I make jello cubes out of unflavored beef gelatin, monk sugar and allulose, unsweetened kool aid and water. I make it thick and cut into 1/2" cubes. Place a hefty serving into a baggy and I can eat as many as I want. I snack from 3 til 8 on jello cubes, not non stop but maybe 3 baggies worth. I too was hungry all the time until I started eating the jello cubes. IDK why it works but in 5 days I lost 6 lbs. I pee non stop but that's ok with me. My jello cubes are about 35 calories a baggy but it's all protein and if you take a tryptophan with it it becomes a complete protein plus its tons of collagen. I've lost a lot of hair the past 6 weeks so trying to fight that. My surgery was 8/14 and so far I've lost 91 pounds (lost 45 before my surgery). I need new knees something awful so highly motivated. 17 lbs to go. I did join the gym 2 weeks ago in preparation for the new knees. Gotta get these old legs strong again. I hope things break for you soon.
  9. 1 point

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm February 22nd. I believe my pre-op diet is 10 days of liquids.
  10. 1 point

    Major Regain

    Hi just now seeing this. I went pack to basics and intermittent fasting. The two Protein Shakes and one meal is what you have to do to get weight moving. Also you can never eat regular again to maintain the weight loss. That’s what I found works for me. I keep my calories around 1000 or less per day and I’m fine. If I splurge one day I only eat a little of the bad item. Also no leftovers of not good food choice items

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
