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May 25, size 10 midrise jeans

Sharing with: Everyone incisions and tummy at 18 months   Uploaded: May 19, 2007 SEND DELETE I was trying to take a picture of my scars last week, but I was thrilled to notice that my jeans are not the least bit tight now!!! I am hoping that since I finally have some fill in my band again that I can drop another 5-10 lbs in the next month or two.....or 3 at this rate! Even so, I am pretty happy already! Heck of a sight better than I felt or looked in size 20W.




Still holding at 155lbs

Took this last night before we went to eat. Great reminder of why I need to work on maintaining right now.   Fourth week being unfilled. It sucks, but hopefully I can get in to see my doctor and work towards restriction again. He wanted me to give it 4-6 weeks to let everything calm down and heal.




April 15

155 lbs   I was down to 152, and have GAINED! I ended up getting an unfill on March 29th. I started having issues with my fill and not being able to handle solids well. PBd a few times, which hasnt happened in months. Got to the point only liquids and thin mushies would go down. I have been unfilled to 1cc for 2 weeks and it is tough. I ate a PBJ sandwich with a glass of milk for breakfast one day........so I KNOW that I am wide open. Have been trying to make good choices until I can get back to get refilled. Upside is I am in size 10 pants and jeans!




Mar 5

154 lbs!!!!   OMG!!! I am only 9 lbs to goal! I am going to make it! Man I needed that fill, I went from 2cc to 2.7ccs. I think I may be pretty restricted. I dont like to be very tight......I prefer to be able to eat a healthy variety of foods and just have help with the portions. We will see.




Feb 17

160 lbs   Still making headway, slowly but surely I will get there. I am going for a tiny fill today. I was at 2.4 in October and went for a fill (to 2.9) and struggled for a week until I went back and he unfilled me to 2 css. I hate the darn fill issues I have. I swell so much I cant tell for a week if it is the fill amount or swelling. I think I will stick with the slow loss and stay at 2ccs forever, lol.




Jan 20

162 lbs!   Finally am dropping pounds again. I think it is going to be very slow from here to goal. I have 17 more pounds to goal, and at this rate it will take me 17 weeks to lose it....4 months, and that is without anymore stalls or plateaus. Hopefully I can make it to goal by summer!




Dec 27

167 lbs   I am pretty excited! I weighed this morning and I have actually dropped a few pounds over the holidays! I am just 22 lbs from goal now, 145 is getting closer and closer. I had to buy some new jeans and size 14 DOES NOT FIT ANYMORE!!!! I am solidly in size 12 now.




Dec 10

170 lbs   I feel like I have been stuck at 172-169 for months and months. I have been losing slow to nothing in reality. Blah Blah Blah...I know what needs to be tweaked. Too comfortable and complacent lately.         *I am such a moron......I just noticed that people leave comments and I want to say thanks!




169 lbs!!!

I finally made it to 169 lbs last week. Unfortunately I am still there, but I am thrilled to be down 60 lbs! Just over 1lb a week loss average and it would have been more without the damn plateaus. I am only 20ish lbs away from goal! Cant wait to be there.




Sept 30

173 lbs   Down 56 lbs. I am not sure why the loss is going so slow now... that isnt entirely true, I have only been working out once/twice a week since school started. I have lost fairly slow the whole time, which is fine, but I have barely lost anything in the past month. I really want to hit 169 by my one year band anniversary on Oct 27. (4 lbs in 4 weeks, lol) I think I will be able to reach that for a mini-goal!!!




Aug 25

176 lbs. Officially down 53 lbs in 10 months. I am very happy with the progress....It seems a little slow at times but I still have all my hair...lol. I am not having any problems with sagging or loose skin, etc... I am very happy and healthy AND IT SHOWS!!!!




Aug 8

Aug. 8 179!!!! I am down 50 lbs! I feel like shouting from the rooftops, lol. That little fill I had last week (from 2.1cc to 2.4cc) has made a huge difference. I can still eat all foods but the hunger and portions are back under control. I also wonder if the fact that my doctor put me back on Metformin is helping. I have done the slow loss and stalls the entire 2 month I had stopped taking it. My last A1C was not that great and I have been back on the Met for 2 weeks. I dont care why....I am back rolling with weight loss. I was 183 the day I got my fill, I dont think I have ever lost 4 lbs in one week during this entire process!!! I am so happy!     Aug. 5 181 lbs.   I am down 48 lbs. It has been coming off slowly for the last couple of months, but it is still coming off. I got a tiny fill Tuesday, it seems to be helping. I havent been visiting here much since I have been off for summer break, having too much fun doing stuff outdoors and with friends. John and I have been really good about getting in our 45 minute walks this summer. Even though the weight is coming off slower now, see such a change in my body. I think the walking has done major good for my legs and butt, lol!....... All the bicep and tricep work has my arms looking great. I am really pleased with my progress and feeling so good physically!!!!!!




June 17

186.5 lbs   The weight seems like it is coming off at a snails pace now. I guess it really isnt so bad. I started June at 190, so I have lost 3.5 lbs these last 2 weeks. I have 8 weeks of summer break left, I hope I can drop 12 more before school starts. I guess that will be my new goal......174lbs by August 15 (which is my 14th anniversary!).




May 28

190 lbs   It has been slow going the past few weeks. I am constantly hungry and know I am in need of a tiny fill. I am going to schedule one as soon as I am out for summer. I hate the end of the school year, it so hectic and stressful, the kids just suck the energy right out of me. I have gotten into a bad habit....everyday at lunch I ask for my tea in a to-go cup. I never drink with meals but finally realized that I had starting drinking my tea as we got in the car to head back to school. Very counterproductive for keeping the hunger at bay. Time to get this weight loss back on track!




April 19

Wednesday   194!!! I am pretty excited, I am down 35 lbs in 5 and half months. More than I have ever lost before, I usually struggle for months to drop 20 and then discouraged or frustrated and give up. I have had a week here and there where I didnt lose ANY but it always catches up....I have averaged 6 lbs a month every month. I have yet to hit an actual plateau, but I am sure it will happen. I still need to get back to exercising.




April Fool's Day!

Saturday   I feel like I am sabotaging my self these past few days. I woke up starving yesterday. Fridays are such a relaxed day at school, we can wear jeans with our staff shirt. I felt really cute in my new (this particular pair size 16W) denim capris, staff polo, and Keds! I must be feeling TOO carefree. I passed Jack in the Box and thought "what the hell". Got the double sausage thing.....#17.   breakfast....2 pieces sausage, egg (did trash buns) and half hashbrown   lunch...soup, was feeling guilty   snack 1....soup didnt fill me up, OF COURSE, and there was German chocolate cake in lounge for March birthdays.....ate a piece, I had no idea cake was easy to eat.   snack 2.....handul of jellybellies one of my students gave me, okay....maybe 15 little jelly bellies   Snack 3.....small pack of animal crackers, 130 calorie pack   supper.....3 shrimp, 2 bites of fish, 2 bites of beans   snack 4......2 sugarfree mini reeses, 1 small sugarfree mint patty   I am insane. It is not even PMS. I think I feel relieved that I made first goal and just felt like "F it, I am taking a day off". I will focus on staying on track today.




March 30

Thursday   Havent been tracking food. It really seems like no matter how good or bad I eat I consistently lose about 6 lbs a month. I skipped breakfast and was starving at lunch. I was really bad at lunch....I had a Subway wrap and was only able to eat half. About 30 minutes later I was still freaking hungry and drank some water. Of course the water didnt help, so I ate the other half of the wrap. I need to keep some damn protein drinks in my mini fridge in my classroom. I had a light supper though. Some grilled zuchinni and about 4 bites of a pork chop.




March 28

Tuesday 198.5!!!   Yesterday was my 5 month anniversary and I am down 30 lbs! I am thrilled!! I have refused to compare my loss to anyone elses, I am losing at the rate I lose at! I have consistently lost about 6 lbs a month. I have so many NSV's I cant begin to list them, but I need to...just to look back at. 30 lbs has made a HUGE difference on my body, especially from the waist up.   1. My waist is SIX inches smaller. 2. Ribcage under my bra is FIVE inches smaller....36 inches and one inch smaller than my waist!! Goodbye back fat. 3. My arm at the bicep is only 12.5 inches, ! 4. From size 20W pants to size 16 and 18.....16-18 misses, not W!!!! 5. My boobs stick out farther than tummy...no longer look 5mo pregnant. 6. There is not ONE coworker, friend, family that has not noticed and commented on the weight loss (and I am still in the closet with banding) 7. First time under 200 in about 4 years. 8. My face is getting thin enough I am starting to feel really pretty again. 9. I feel 'heavy/normal' and not huge, bloated, puffy 10. My ankles never ever get edema anymore. 11. I have zero nighttime reflux anymore. 12. My DH says it is like having sex with a different woman because he can FEEl such a difference in my body. 14. My back is completely smooth. No roll above waistband or around bra. 15. Blood sugar stays very stable (thanks to no bread, lmao) 16. OFF BP medicine....was only borderline and now normal. 17. Gone from (bust,waist,hip) 48.5,43,51 to 46.5(-2),37(-6),47(-4)......big fat gut is so much more in portortion now, hell! its gone!!!...maybe that is why everyone notices I have lost weight. My shape is still big but back to being very shapely now.   I could keep going but these are the major ones....in no particular order.




March 7

Tuesday 202 lbs   199 is so close I can taste it. I have actually lost 8 lbs since February 7th. I have picked up the pace a bit. I need to get off my big butt and start working out. I am hoping to hit 199 by March 21, which gives me 2 weeks to lose 3 lbs.....since i am averaging 1.5 a week I think I can do it without any problem.




March 3

Friday   I love this restriction. I think I am at my sweet spot.   b......thin oatmeal, couldnt eat all of it.....got full l......1 piece of fish, 2 shrimp, 1 onion ring d.....T-bone steak tiny tiny bites chewed very well and had no problems. part of a twice baked potato. snack.....2 sugar free mini reeses peanut butter cups




Feb 28 204 lbs

Tuesday   204 lbs!!! I am officially down 25 lbs in 16 weeks! I had a nightmare of a fill on Saturday. Done under flouroscopy my fill doc (who will remain un-named) supposedly added .4 to bring me to 1.9ccs. I swallowed water fine but by the time I got home I was completely shut and spitting up slime and foam. By sunday I was desperate and in pain. I called Dr. Sanchez and he met me Monday and when they (he and Dr. Susanah both met me) drew out fluid I was filled to 2.4 ccs. That fill doc had put me from 1.5ccs to 2.4 ccs and it just slammed me shut. I am so upset and will never go back to that fill doc again. I went 48 hours without a bite to eat or a sip of water. I was in worse pain than I was post op. How the hell could he make a mistake like that? I know I swell after fills, I was swollen shut after surgery requiring an extra night in hospital, and I let fill guy know that I wanted to take a conservative approach on fills. He read my charts before flouro.... I went from 1.0 to 1.3 to 1.5 and had wanted to go to only 1.7ccs this time. He said that he wanted to add .4 and take me to 1.9.....but I had 2.4ccs in my band. I absolutely love Drs. Sanchez and Susanah for driving 3 hours to meet me and do an unfill!!!!!and they didnt charge me a penny! I just dont understand how my fill doc could make such a mistake....needless to say I will never go back to him. I am now at 2.1 and taking off .3ccs was instant relief. It felt so good to drink that cup of water that I dont even mind being on liquids for a few days.   b..... oatmeal with some flaxseed l......Cream of chicken soup d.....chicken with mushrooms and some sauteed zuchinni with squash   I had no issues at all with breakfast or lunch and went for a normal supper and had no problems. I guess the liquids and mushies arent as necessary after an unfill.




Feb 21

Tuesday 206 lbs   Well, I actually stayed down a pound. I think that makes me 8 down from Jan. 1st. I am going to get a tiny fill on Saturday, not because of the rate of weight loss....but because I am hungrier all the time and can eat anything and hate it. I tried a bisquit this morning and had no problem at all, went down like butter. I notice I have to have a snack between meals or I am starving. I think I will ask for a .2cc fill which will put me at 1.7ccs. I have lost SIX inches from my waist now. I dont know how it is so much smaller when the scale has barely moved.   b.....2 pieces sausage, 1 bisquit l......1 slice pizza and salad d......DH took me out and I had a 8oz ribeye and baked, ate most of both with no problems at all. I think my band is emptying before I finish eating. I know I am not very restricted.




Feb 19

Sunday   Went over to Mario and MaryLou's last night and I drank 4 glasses of Merlot. I feel completely like shit this morning. I have the worst hangover ever. I took an Actos and had a bowl of potato soup. My blood sugar is probably going to be screwed all day now. I am out of test strips and need to go to Walgreens and spend freaking $50 and get some. I must have been majorly dehydrated this morning, scale said 204 lbs. It will be back at 207 tomorrow, I need to STOP weighing everyday, lol.




Feb 18

Saturday 207 lbs   b........Atkins Advantage drink l......... Lean cuisine   It is 4:00 and I am starving. I am having another protien drink, I should just eat some chicken or something....it stays with me longer. I am getting a small fill next saturday! Maybe to 1.7ccs.   dinner.....the last of the leftover meatloaf and a salad




Feb 17

Friday   b.....weight control oatmeal, piece of sausage l......taco salad, no shell snack..........3 cheese cubes d......3/4 cup meatloaf with sourcream, salsa, cheese, tortilla chips mixed into it. Was like taco salad! snack....CIB   OMG,,,I need a fill. I am not staying full at all and just trying to not eat CRAP in between meals. I get full on smaller amounts, I just dont STAY full. I have gone from 214 on Jan 1st to 207.5 today. I am in the one lb a week range. Still slow and steady.



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