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Thinking about banding, but I have a few general questions please.

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Hi I'm new here so I hope I'm doing this right. Please forgive me if not.

I am considering a band. I live it the Atlanta area. I have some questions if y'all don't mind answering.

1. How much does it hurt?

2. How much pain meds did you need? (I have a 3 year old and don't want to be out of it.)

3. How long until you were released to go home?

4. How long do you feel one should take off work? (I'm a teacher so my job's not demanding - physically that is)

5. Anyone have any experience with CIGNA good or bad?

That should do for a start.

Thanks so much.:sneaky:

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Hi I will try and answer as best I can... Pain is a very individual thing, I have had gallblader surgery before and tonsils and I did not think it was as bad as either of those, but I am older and have gotten used to pain I guess. I took pain meds for the first 2 days home and then at night only. They helped me to sleep.. I checked into the hospital at 8;30 am and was home by 1:30 the same day but every doctor is different on how long they hold you. I had my surgery on Thursday, worked from home half days Monday/Tuesday, went back to work on Wednesday and Thursday for 6 hours and was back to 8 by Friday. hope this helps.

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With the caveat that we (and our surgeons!) are all different, and this is just MY experience:

It didn't hurt much. I was sore as if I'd done bunches of sit ups. I had an easy surgery. I took my prescription pain medication exactly twice, and both times on day 2. Otherwise tylenol was ample for me. I am not superwoman but I didn't need to be "pain free". I preferred a little soreness to being "out of it". Although my surgeon generally keeps patients overnight he let me go home the same day. I had the surgery TWICE at 2 1/2 weeks apart and each experience was the same. (First time I had surgery but no band) So even op. #2, that close to the first one, didn't bug me. I'd think you'd need at least a week off of work. You might be one who needs more; if you have to be on your feet you might find it a little grueling, especially if you have an extended liquid post op diet. A problem might be picking up your toddler; many of us have a lifting restriction post op. How long and how much will depend on your surgeon.

I started my senior year of nursing school on the tues. following my fri surgery and was ok. I was never nauseated, felt fine, sailed through. Not all people are as lucky, though. Some feel ratty for weeks, some have severe nausea, some have debilitating gas pains. You would be safest to have the surgery during a school break so that if you needed more time off, you could take it without being stressed.

However you and your surgeon can make the "call". Personalities and health histories, the skill of the surgeon and the anesthesiologist, many things play a role in how quickly and easily you can recover.

As to Cigna, no clue, although I think there's a forum for ins. questions.

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Hi there...the other two have explained their own experiences, plus Restless monkey gave the "all options" approach to the healing process. (listen to RM, she's good...she's kept me from dehyrating myself many times...thanks mom....lol)

I'll just let you know what i had:

1. Hurt?? Much less then my previous 8 abdominal surgeries (appendix, hysterectomy, 2 tubal pregnancy, pcos cleaning twice) and 2 were just exploratory. My deciding factor on pain was if i could lift myself out of bed or not...or need my legs lifted into bed. All in all....the surgery was a breeze for me...no lifting in and out of bed...able to walk the next day for 15 minutes outside.

2. I stopped taking pain meds when i left the hospital. I tried liquid tylenol (panadol here in Aus) when i got home, but didn't notice a difference. I'm intolerant of high powered drugs like morphine or even codeine...they constipate me worse than any surgical pain. Nothing really needed FOR ME post-op, but everyone is different on their pain levels. (do you have help at home, as 3 year olds like to be picked up....would she/he be happy just having someone put the child on your lap to sit and snuggle??) Your homecare help is a needed thing with a toddler.

3. My MD gave me the option of going home or staying...it was all the same cost-wise. I opted to get one night without the kids or anyone snoring in my ear (drooling sometimes). Best night's sleep i've had in a few years.

4. Everyone's recovery is different...i think i was textbook or faerieland. Other than wanting to sleep alot (being a slug in a previous life)...i FELT i was ready to do more than my post-op instructions allowed, yet i still followed the instructions to a T. My walk, the day after surgery was only slightly painful and noisy, as all the neighbors figured either a car backfired, or i was having gas as i walked. (it was the latter of the two) If you have the luxury of taking a week off work, then pamper yourself and do it. If forced, i could have gone back to work 2 days later, but i would have wanted to be in bed or walking around farting the gas out. (just being honest here).

5. I have no idea about CIGNA, but spent most of my life in the US. I hate insurance companies in the US. I'm sure that if you look under the different topics/threads/forums, there is one that says "insurance questions" or something like that. You'd probably get some good responses there. I live in Australia now, and believe it or not, there's no way i'd qualify for coverage in the states...my BMI was too low, but i talked to my surgeon here and he said that with my co-morbidities, he'd give the OK. I had HBP, high cholesterol, 2 parents with diabetes, sleep apnea, etc....if he said i needed it, than it was a done deal. Insurance companies in Australia do not call the shots. But that doesn't help you with CIGNA. Ask this question in the insurance forum and i'm sure someone can help you.

Good luck with your endeavor....best thing i've ever done for ME. Research your options thoroughly. I have found that there are other options that work better for some people. I personally wouldn't change one single thing about my weight loss journey. I love my band, my doctor, and my new life....



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Again, we are all different. I've had almost every negative side effect you can have. I went into surgery at 8am and left the hospital at 2pm that Friday. Pain wasn't too bad, but I was very uncomfortable. On Monday I still was too weak to drive myself to my appts. My mother had to chauffer me around. By Weds, I could drive myself, but still felt like crap. I was pale and weak for about 3 weeks after the surgery.

I'm swollen for 3 weeks after each fill, and I have first bite syndrome. There are days where I don't even want to try eating, and even drinking Water is painful. I've not felt 100% since the surgery. Would I do the lapband again, I don't know.

You may want to schedule the surgery before a week long break or a holiday or vacation.

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The pain wasn't too bad. It was like I over-extended myself with sit-ups the day before. I went into the hospital on the early morning of a Friday. Because of a mix-up, I didn't get into surgery until about 4:30 in the afternoon. I didn't have much pain when I woke up in recovery, but I was probably still feeling the effects of the anesthesia. My doctor has the patients stay overnight so they can have an upper GI the next day to make sure everything is in place. I took pain meds a few times in the hospital. I was given liquid tylenol with codeine for home. I took it the first 2 nights because of discomfort. I was up walking the hospital halls the night of surgery and was able to drive the day after I got home. Not sure if I'd be energetic enough to chase around a 3-year-old, but I felt pretty good, and was back to work 5 days after surgery.

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These answers apply only to my situation, your mileage may vary.

1.How much does it hurt?

The surgery didn’t hurt at all. I had moderate shoulder pain for about 7-10 days but it was very manageable.

2. How much pain meds did you need? (I have a 3 year old and don't want to be out of it.)

I took liquid Tylenol for the first few days, I was very alert.

3. How long until you were released to go home?

I went home about 2 hours after surgery (somebody else drove) and had a moderate work day the next day.

4. How long do you feel one should take off work? (I'm a teacher so my job's not demanding - physically that is)

I avoided heavy lifting for several days. I would say give yourself a cushion from work for at least a few days if you can.

5. Anyone have any experience with CIGNA good or bad?

Sorry, I was self pay

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Hey BCat,

I had my surgery last Monday. I came across your post and thought I'd send you my thoughts...I have Blue Cross Federal, so I can't help you w/your insurance question.

I would suggest attending a surgeon's lecture-they do them everywhere-you will learn a lot, and get a "feel" for your surgeon. after attending my seminar, I completed a lengthly paper application. My insurance req'd a 6month "medically supervised wt loss program"-I did this, and I am SO glad that I didn't get approved right off-It gave me time to REALLY think about my decision. So, my surgery went well-I had very little pain-never did. My insurance req'd a 24hr stay, and I'm glad-I'm single and would have been scared to go home-although a friend could have stayed w/me. I was prepared for pain, but had little. I tell you though,the first 3 days were very weird in that I was very emotional and anxious for a/b 3 days--I also had nausea from starting high-protein shakes too soon. I'm one week out, and I feel like myself again---thanks be to God. I've gone off on a tangent here--If I could give you one tip, it would be to READ A ZILLION POSTS on this site-I have learned SO much from this site. I'm trying to remember your questions...sorry--I took no pain once home-I was sent home w/liquid hydrocodone, but never needed it. I had planned to take off one week, but decided to extended it by 3 days. Anyway, READ posts-Everyone is different---I wish you well.

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1. How much does it hurt?

- As people have said, it's different for everyone. I was actually in a lot of pain after surgery and the pain meds didn't do much for me, to be honest. It felt like someone had stuck a knife in my gut and rammed it around, lol. I didn't really have gas PAIN - it was more annoying/uncomfortable. Honestly, though, I'd go through it again and again if I had to because I know it was the right decision. And, after a couple weeks, you forget about the pain anyway and you're back to feeling as though you didn't have a surgery at all!

2. How much pain meds did you need? (I have a 3 year old and don't want to be out of it.)

- I took pain meds every 4 hours for the first couple days. I was taking Dilaudid and it didn't affect my mental clarity at all. I didn't have an "out of it" or tired feeling because I took the prescribed dose.

3. How long until you were released to go home?

-- I went in at like 6:15am. Surgery began at around 7:30am. I went home at around 1pm.

4. How long do you feel one should take off work? (I'm a teacher so my job's not demanding - physically that is)

-- My surgery was on a Tuesday. I took off Tues & Wed. Friday - Sun were my days off. I called out on Monday because I had RLS the whole night and didn't sleep a wink. So I went back Tuesday. I don't think I could have gone back any earlier with the pain I was in. It definitely wasn't comfortable the rest of the week, but I dealt with it.

5. Anyone have any experience with CIGNA good or bad?

-- N/A

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I had Cigna. They are great as long as you meet their requirements.

5 years weight history, 6 months diet supervised by doctor, BMI over 40 or BMI over 35 with one significant co-morbidity, psy evaluation.

I am not sure if it is still the same requirements or not. You can check it out at http://www.cigna.com/customer_care/healthcare_professional/coverage_positions/medical/mm_0051_coveragepositioncriteria_bariatric_surgery.pdf

For me, my BMI is at 42 but it only has been like that for 6 months; however, I do have sleep apnea and that is what made me qualified.

Good luck,

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1. I had vertually no pain at all.

2. See #1 ... I took absolutelyl no pain medication at all, not even liquid Tylenol.

3. My surgery was done outpatient. I was home by 2:30 in the afternoon.

4. I had surgery on Tuesday and went back to work on Friday. But give yourself a week if you have that option. better to err on the side of caution. I simply know me and knew from experience that I would be up, raring to go AND REALLY WANTING TO NOT BE IN THE HOUSE. I hate daytime TV and would rather be at work, LOL.

5. I was self-pay so have no comment.

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Hi I'm new here so I hope I'm doing this right. Please forgive me if not.

I am considering a band. I live it the Atlanta area. I have some questions if y'all don't mind answering.

1. How much does it hurt?

2. How much pain meds did you need? (I have a 3 year old and don't want to be out of it.)

3. How long until you were released to go home?

4. How long do you feel one should take off work? (I'm a teacher so my job's not demanding - physically that is)

5. Anyone have any experience with CIGNA good or bad?

That should do for a start.

Thanks so much.:mad:

Hello, Well I have CIGNA, and I got approved my first try, but between myself and my surgeons office I had all my duck in row.

1. Cigna requires a 6 month supervised diet - so that will be your first priority.

2. Physcological evaluation

3. I also talked to my PCP to talk it over with him although not required.

I had little to know pain, only problem I had was sleeping because I am a side sleeper. I also took a week off of work but I could have gone back in about 4 days, but I enjoyed the time to relax and let my body rest.

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