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this isnt working for me !

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It been about a month since my surgery, had my first fill last week and ive only lost 5 lbs. havent had the nerve to get on the weights but i think i gain a pound or two from the likes of my eating. i dont have enough restirction i think. its only been 1 week since my fill and im eatting im hungry urgh. feel sooo frustrated, i ask myself if im doing something wrong maybe i exspected to much from the band. im not losing as much as others. i was looking forward to reporting to everyone how much is coming off but nope. its not happening. anyone know what im talking about? :confused2: :biggrin:

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A pound per week is pretty good loss. Right now you probably don't have much restriction (my doc says the average number of fills to get good restriction is around 3...but everybody is different), so you'll have to be careful what you're taking in. Eat only until you're not hungry (as opposed to "full") and eat healthy foods (no junk!!). Eventually you will get to where you have good restriction, but until you get there, use common sense, exercise, and try to be patient (I know that's hard). Good luck!

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I so know what you mean. I also have not lost but 5 pounds since my first fill and I feel guilty that I can eat more than I think I should be able to. I have my next fill on 07/29 so I am hoping that things will change.

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Be patient! I know it is hard to do but it takes time to readjust your eating habits. The first 6 weeks isn't about losing weight it is letting the band heal. Now that time is over is the time the work will start. First of all get to know your band. It is not a magic fix for our problem but it will help you if you let it. Always eat your Protein first, then vegetables, then fruit. Measure your food so that you will get an idea of what a portion looks like. Chew your food, then when you are done with what is on you plate get up and walk away. I try and leave the food on the stove and just put what I am supposed to eat on my plate (use a smaller plate so it looks like it is more) that way I am not tempted to sit there and take another spoonful. Do not drink with your meals, wait at least 45 minutes after, an hour is even better. Be sure you are drinking a lot of Water in between meals. Your band is a tool so you have to listen to it. It will be subtle in the beginning for most people so you have to be sure to put good things in your mouth, there will be days when you slip and eat something you shouldn't have but that is O.K. we all do it so you have to forgive yourself and remember tomorrow is a brand new day. Talk to your Dr. and see if he/she has a paper or guidline of what you should and shouldn't me eating. This is a good place to get support and we will be here. I have been banded since October, 2007 and the most I have lost in one month is 8 lbs, my average is 3-5 so don't beat yourself up. Everyone is different, not everyone loses the same. Good luck and stay positive. We didn't put this weight on overnight so please don't expect it to come off that fast.

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i was banded 23rd of june and have only lost 5lbs i am starting to feel down about it now and dont have a fill until 11th of august its like mental torture i so desperatly want this to work i am starting Atkins today hoping it may help. this is taking alot longer than i thought xx

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I too was banded on the 23rd and have only lost the 8 lbs from the one week liquid diet. It does get frustrating seeing the same # everyday on the scale but Im sure it will get better . It has to or there wouldnt be so many people who love their bands right?

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I've heard a lot of people say that it can take up to your third of fourth fill before you get true restriction. I'm almost 4 months out and I just had my third fill and I finally have some semblance of restriction. Since my initial weight lost on the liquids after surgery, I haven't lost any more weight. But I haven't gained either, so I've got that. They call this part "Bandster Hell", where you can still eat pretty close to what you could before and you're stuck with your own will power. It will get better, you just have to be patient and know that you have to give it time. Let your doc know that you're still hungry, that you can eat more than you feel you should, that you're not losing weight. Get another fill.

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banded, popsicle, and clairey -- I agree with plain, jb, and luv. However, I know your frustration, I have been there. As a matter of fact, I am not far from it. I had surgery May 9th, lost 15 lbs from pre-op to 2 weeks post-op. I plateaud for about 3 weeks. The last 6 lbs have been yo-yoing up and down for about 5 weeks. I have had one fill (6/27) and still feel very little to no restriction. By very little I mean, if I take a large bite of something, chew it 2-3 times, and swallow, I can feel a little discomfort that lets me know the band is there. But if I eat at a normal pace, take a normal bite, and chew thoroughly. I can hold an enormous volume of food.

I also have a large appetite. My stomach lets me know quite often that it is empty. Unfortunately, I have to wait 6 weeks between fills! Grrrr!

This is what I'm currently doing to keep losing:

1) I watch my carbs. My meals consist of Protein and veggies. Right now, I'm not even eating fruit, but you may not want to be that strict unless you are "low carbing" (Atkins, etc). I don't eat bread, crackers, flour, sugar, milk, yogurt, etc. I try to keep my carbs below 30g. And they only come from eggs, cheese, and vegetables. It controls my appetite, keeps me from craving junk and sweet, and keeps me satisfied with each meal.

2) I get in enough Protein 60-70 grams. I drink at least one Atkins or SlimFast LowCarb each day as a snack, often with string cheese, almonds, sometimes both! If Breakfast is on the go, then I'll have a Atkins Protein Bar or Protein shake. So, sometimes I end up having 2 shakes.

3) I drink TONS of Water. The standard 8 - 8oz servings plus and additional 8oz for every 25 pounds I'm overweight. Some is in the form of unsweet tea or crystal light.

4) I exercise. I am trying to work back up to daily. I was doing well, but got off track a week ago. But at least 3 times a week. My weight loss has been fluctuating on a daily basis since exercising (don't know why). And my scale has not shown a loss in about a week, but I can tell I'm losing inches, so I'm sure it's the whole muscle increase phenomenon.

5)I journal my food intake on thedailyplate.com. I try to do it everyday, but sometimes I don't quite make it. But I'm very consious of what I consume. I try to keep my calories between 1000-1200. After I lost the first 15 lbs. I plateaud for about 3 weeks. I don't think I was consuming enough calories. When I began to eat, I began to lose. Then I continued to eat and began to gain. That's what started the yo-yo effect, but low carb has prevented that.

6) I also post regularly, usually at least onece daily, for support and accountability.

Several weeks ago, I was also very disgusted, frustrated, and discouraged. But reality finally set in that I was in bandster hell and I could either wait it out with weight gain or maintenance, or I could work my butt off to lose while waiting for restriction. I have good weeks/days and bad. But I'm pressing on.

Some people have been blessed with good first fills or large weight loss right after surgery, others, like us, have not. I feel that most people who have lost large amounts of weight, thus far, have been where we are and worked by making lifestyle changes to get where they are. I am determined to get there, bandster hell or not. Good luck to you! Keep us posted! :biggrin:

Edited by MSnika3

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The first month is for healing and you have lost 5 pounds in a month which is GOOD. That is 5 pounds you will never see again. 1-2 pounds a week is great, some months are better than others, It will work, just hang in there

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banded, popsicle, and clairey -- I agree with plain, jb, and luv. However, I know your frustration, I have been there. As a matter of fact, I am not far from it. I had surgery May 9th, lost 15 lbs from pre-op to 2 weeks post-op. I plateaud for about 3 weeks. The last 6 lbs have been yo-yoing up and down for about 5 weeks. I have had one fill (6/27) and still feel very little to no restriction. By very little I mean, if I take a large bite of something, chew it 2-3 times, and swallow, I can feel a little discomfort that lets me know the band is there. But if I eat at a normal pace, take a normal bite, and chew thoroughly. I can hold an enormous volume of food.

I also have a large appetite. My stomach lets me know quite often that it is empty. Unfortunately, I have to wait 6 weeks between fills! Grrrr!

This is what I'm currently doing to keep losing:

1) I watch my carbs. My meals consist of Protein and veggies. Right now, I'm not even eating fruit, but you may not want to be that strict unless you are "low carbing" (Atkins, etc). I don't eat bread, crackers, flour, sugar, milk, yogurt, etc. I try to keep my carbs below 30g. And they only come from eggs, cheese, and vegetables. It controls my appetite, keeps me from craving junk and sweet, and keeps me satisfied with each meal.

2) I get in enough Protein 60-70 grams. I drink at least one Atkins or SlimFast LowCarb each day as a snack, often with string cheese, almonds, sometimes both! If Breakfast is on the go, then I'll have a Atkins Protein Bar or protein shake. So, sometimes I end up having 2 shakes.

3) I drink TONS of Water. The standard 8 - 8oz servings plus and additional 8oz for every 25 pounds I'm overweight. Some is in the form of unsweet tea or crystal light.

4) I exercise. I am trying to work back up to daily. I was doing well, but got off track a week ago. But at least 3 times a week. My weight loss has been fluctuating on a daily basis since exercising (don't know why). And my scale has not shown a loss in about a week, but I can tell I'm losing inches, so I'm sure it's the whole muscle increase phenomenon.

5)I journal my food intake on thedailyplate.com. I try to do it everyday, but sometimes I don't quite make it. But I'm very consious of what I consume. I try to keep my calories between 1000-1200. After I lost the first 15 lbs. I plateaud for about 3 weeks. I don't think I was consuming enough calories. When I began to eat, I began to lose. Then I continued to eat and began to gain. That's what started the yo-yo effect, but low carb has prevented that.

6) I also post regularly, usually at least onece daily, for support and accountability.

Several weeks ago, I was also very disgusted, frustrated, and discouraged. But reality finally set in that I was in bandster hell and I could either wait it out with weight gain or maintenance, or I could work my butt off to lose while waiting for restriction. I have good weeks/days and bad. But I'm pressing on.

Some people have been blessed with good first fills or large weight loss right after surgery, others, like us, have not. I feel that most people who have lost large amounts of weight, thus far, have been where we are and worked by making lifestyle changes to get where they are. I am determined to get there, bandster hell or not. Good luck to you! Keep us posted! :biggrin:

Wow MSnika, I'll have to read some of your posts more often. You're a very motivating person :scared2: I haven't been banded yet (coming soon), and I'm already fighting myself - but your post helps. Once I'm banded if I feel like I'm not losing "fast enough" I'll just keep reading this post.... Thanks!

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Another to thing remember is you chose the band so that the weight will come off slowly and successfully. I made the choice between the band and gastric bypass to choose the band. Those that take if off slower look better and much more healthier. You have to remember that the difference now when you get on the scale is that it is not moving up. It may be the same or slowly moving down, but that is success!!!!!

Be happy with any weightloss, it is what you have been wanting and now achieving.

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It been about a month since my surgery, had my first fill last week and ive only lost 5 lbs. havent had the nerve to get on the weights but i think i gain a pound or two from the likes of my eating. i dont have enough restirction i think. its only been 1 week since my fill and im eatting im hungry urgh. feel sooo frustrated, i ask myself if im doing something wrong maybe i exspected to much from the band. im not losing as much as others. i was looking forward to reporting to everyone how much is coming off but nope. its not happening. anyone know what im talking about? :confused2: :eek:

Are you doing any exercise? Exercising regularly will make a big difference if you are not already doing it. Even if you just walk some everyday, it will help out a lot. I'm sure once you get better restriction, the weight will start coming off a little faster too.

Sorry you feel frustrated but just try to be patient. It takes a little time to adjust to new eating habits so just do the best you can until you get another fill. Good luck!

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Wow MSnika, I'll have to read some of your posts more often. You're a very motivating person ;) I haven't been banded yet (coming soon), and I'm already fighting myself - but your post helps. Once I'm banded if I feel like I'm not losing "fast enough" I'll just keep reading this post.... Thanks!

Well thank you! I just like to share my experience whenever it applies! Sometimes it gets a bit long-winded! :eek:

Edited by MSnika3

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Hey MSnika3,

I was banded May 8 & have only lost 9 lbs. I've had 2 fills & will be getting another this Fri, Thank God! I have NEVER been able to diet. It seems it works against me whenever I did. This is why I got the band. I feel I shouldn't have to live on a diet...just eat very small amounts of what I want (within reason). People who are thin eat what they want in smaller portions so this is what I'm hoping for with the proper restriction. Even with 2 fills I still have very little restriction, I can eat as much as I could b/4 the band. Hope you have better luck with your 2nd!

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Wow. You had a fill a month after surgery? Lucky duck. I had to wait seven weeks!! I'm losing at a rate of 1.3 pounds per week. I don't know about you, but I was told time and again before surgery that the weight will come off slowly with LapBand. If I wanted to see rapid weight loss, then I should go with Gastric Bypass. If you weren't told that the weight would come off slowly, then you definitely were not educated in the ways of LapBand. I'm sorry for that. But if you were told, then this is just the process of losing weight with the band. Hang in there. If you have a bad day of eating, move on to the next day. I'm assuming your weight didn't appear overnight. It's not going to come off that fast either. Plus even if it did, you wouldn't be able to maintain that way for long. Slower is better. We need this time to relearn how to eat. What to eat. What our body is craving and what our body needs.

You've lost five pounds! If you don't think that's a lot, next time you're at the grocery store try holding five packages of butter. That's a lot of weight. You lost that! Celebrate that victory and keep your eyes on the prize.

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