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Hi everyone, just a quick hello, checking in. I have no home computer -- hopefully I have a friend coming to fix it, but not sure it's fixable. If it's fixable I'll be checking in more often. Been busy at work too. Have a busy weekend planned -- taking DGD to Bass Pro Shop -- they are having arts/crafts, writing letters to Santa, free photo with Santa, etc. and then have a ticket for Make a Wish Foundation lighting display to drive through after dark tomorrow. Sunday we are heading up to our casino so DH can buy smokes and then getting together with some friends to play cards. Got all my decorating done last weekend -- was a busy one but so happy it's all done. I canceled my appt. for a possible fill this week -- I have plenty of restriction -- I had made t he appt. for "just in case" so I could get one if needed before the holiday. But I'm doing great and think I'm done with fills unless/until I can lose more weight. But think I'm done-- have been maintaining for a year and I'm fine with it.

Cheri, I wrote a note to you on FB -- I'm so saddened by this news. It just breaks my heart and scares me cause of the way my step daughter lives her life - she can be so reckless and stupid at times.

Took Aylah to the Christmas parade here in our little town last night - very nice -- it's our family tradiiton -- she gets so excited -- so fun to just sit and watch her watch the parade go by. We always park the car early and sit in the dar to stay warm although last night wasn't too bad. So far we've been lucky with the weather which is why we're cramming everything in this weekend just in case,

Next Sat. is the company Christmas party -- I'm on the committee so will be busy with that.

Lori, by my "what did I do wrong" post I was referring to the letters in my post and how hard it was to read. I don't know why it turned out that way, so I'm just typing this in regular small letters.

Meredith, sorry to hear of your band troubles, but so happy you will be pursuing a good resolution - you've worked too hard to go back - that's what keeps me going -- I love knowing how healthy I am now compared to before.

Janet, hope you're having a fabulous time.

Phyl, so happy Earl gave you that early Christmas gift -- how's Zoey doing?

Laura, sorry to hear about your Dad, but hope you will all continue with positive thinking -- I truly believe that it,truly works. Your decorations were so beautiful. Loved all the pics.

LauraK -- you are doing great -- miss you -- are you going west for the holidays?

Apples, sorry about your weather -- thinking of all the shoveling/snow blowing you've had to do lately -- hope you get a break soon -- when are you leaving for AZ?

Eva, hope your trip to Ohio is going well -- I'm from there -- haven't been there for several years -- maybe next year. Need to visit my brother.

Had my first counseling session yesterday -- wow, I really think I'll like it. I'm sure I'll benefit from it. Plus it's free for the first few sessions through my employer. Great deal!

Melissa, that woman has NO business going through your purse--definitely not cool -- she needs to have boundaries with her employees. Sorry you're having a tough time with looking for a job with benefits. Hope the new years brings you some new opportunities.

Chris, proud of you -- you're doing awesome!!! How's Debbie's finger? Hope it's healing well.

Arlene, hear ya on the fibro -- I've had some problems the last couple weeks since the colder weather has set in . I have a new recommendation from a co-worker who's mom has it - it's called Corvalen-- check it out on Amazon -- some of the reviews sound good and my friend says her mom has been doing so much better since she started on it - I ordered some and can't wait until it comes -- probably early next week. I'll keep you posted on how it goes I'm so excited to get some help with this.

Julie, hope you're doing okay -- I think of you often -- how's your weather? How's DD feeling these days?

Joyce, sorry to hear about the family drama -- I understand - it's why I'm going to counseling. Thinking of you -- glad you had a great trip.

Kelly -- WTG on the 3 lbs!!! I'm so happy for you-- keep it up!!

If I missed anyone, I'm very sorry, I'm at work and typing this quickly so have no time to reread anything or check on missing people. Just know that I love you all and miss everyone and hope to be back on a daily basis very soon. Computer problems really suck.


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Apples.......thanks for the frosting tip. I will use it. Those cakes are so dense they don't need much on them. That cold front will be here at 1am Sunday morning. It is gong to be about eighty tomorrow. So, I have about thirty hours till pain. UGH! I hope Lori doesn't get stuck at the MOA, but hey, what a great place to get stuck. Don't they have a QVC shop there? lol

Linda, thanks for telling me about that stuff. I will order some. I heard SAME is good too, especially for joints. It is not my joints......I think all of my pain radiates from my spine.......I just ache. HUGS! on your FM. Unlike you I get a few warmer days. I don't think I could ever live up North. I still think I need to move to a desert.

Phyl, that is so crappy that the manager could not help you. I hope you get your money back.

Sndy......the fact that you are keeping up the running in your home is awesome......You go Girl!

Julie.......How are you? What are they going to do to help you?

I just got a package from QVC. Yep, another Wii game......Julian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2011. It was just released. I hope there are levels. You know she is "hard core".

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Hi everyone. Enjoyed hearing from all of you. THanks for all your condolences on the loss of my student. Funeral is next Tues. Kids are really struggling. Some of the teachers don't realize what's going on on the insides because they look all back to normal but as I talk to them they tell me they're not sleeping at night, or they have to sleep with someone else. One eighth grade boy told me he asked his mother if he could sleep in her bed . Some are dreaming of being killed with Joi, Others are dreaming of killing the killer. They're scared they're going to die. They can't stop thinking about what Joi went through and how scared she was before she died. They think the sixth grade class is cursed. And, of course, they miss Joi. I brought some of this up to the principal who emphasized to the teachers that they needed to be pro-active in having their children see the counselors who've been coming to the school. As a result, a lot of the children went to the counselor today. The sixth-graders had gone the other day but they all went again today. Seventh and eighth graders went and I think some 5th graders may have gone. I told the fourth grade teacher what some of her kids were thinking and she'll make sure they see the counselor next week. They'll be available again the day after the funeral and possibly the rest of the week. I've encouraged the kids to go to the counselor and talk about some of these things.

One of the things I've told the kids that I hope will help them cope with thinking about what Joi went through and how terrified she was is to imagine the angels coming down and swooping up Joi and holding her close and comforting her, "It's OK. It's over now. You're safe. He can't hurt you anymore. No one can ever hurt you again. No more pain, no more sorrow. Just perfect joy and love in the presence of your Savior." That comforts me and changes the image of stark terror that my mind would otherwise not be able to escape.


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I hate to tell you cake people this, but cake without thick frosting has no value. I don't eat cake for the cake. Never have. My motto has always been, Have a little cake with your frosting. And now, I would probably pb on the cake, so, I tend to take a piece and lick off the frosting and throw the cake out. My mother used to skimp on chocolate chips in the Cookies. Make me mad. I always liked a little cookie with the chocolate chips and never ate the Cookies for their own sake. So often people use margarines like Imperial that always taste badly to me in cakes and cookies. I can also taste the baking soda frequently. Wierd, huh?

Well, think I'm gonna go spend my Kohl's cash yet tonight. Gotta be at dress rehearsal for my concert tomorrow at noon and it'll take all afternoon. Concert Sunday afternoon. I am totally looking forward to it, especially after this past week. Christmas parade just went past my house with Santa and Mrs. Claus on top of a firetruck. My Chicago "suburb" of Thornton is actually a small town that's been here forever. So we still have some fun small town events like this. Gotta run.


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Cheri........such a beautiful thought for the kids to focus on concerning Joi. I know it will bring many of them peace knowing angels are caring for her. HUGS! for you too. I went yesterday and spent my Kohl's bucks. I bought me several things one of which was a black metal family tree that came with nine frames to hang on it. I have been looking for something like that for quite a while. I have a library table with all the family pictures on it, and I have run out of room. Now I can put the rest of the pictures on the wall above the table.

I saw on FB that Great was waiting for the plane to be de iced. Hopefully she is on her way home. We have missed ya!

Tx......how is it going?

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Hello all. Hope you are all enjoying your evening. Got home from work a little while ago and relaxing.

Apples~ Sorry if I came across wrong on my post this morning. Thats why I don't like having convos online. It is sometime hard to tell what someone really means beacause we are missing lots of aspects of conversation. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you and your support and reinforcement. Thank you! I was kinda rushing this morning but, I wanted to say that after my doc took the Fluid out of my band, I looked at it like a free for all, but after I talked to my dietitian, I felt more in check than I have in a long time. It is really hard to be hungry right now, but I know I will get through. Thank you again! Sorry if there was miscommunication.

Cheri~ WOW! That is a perfect thing for you to tell those poor children at a time like this. That is, if there is a perfect thing to say, which I am almost certain there is not. I'm sure those kids appreciate you more than you will ever know.

All~ Thank you for your support on here. I appreciate it so very much.

Well, doggy nephew Wallace was doing better this morning, but then developed a fever and a high white blood count this evening, so he will be staying at the anial hospital one more night (hopefully). I feel so bad for him and am still nervous. One of my annoying clients/former neighbors came in today to get her hair cut and scolded me for asking people to pray for my sisters dog! Amazing! She said that her friends mother was having surgery too and that was much more serious and I shouldn't be complaining about dogs. I understand that her friends mother was going through a tough time, but I was still mad at her for saying that to me. I wanted to tell her, well if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. It is her personality to act like this though and she has always been the "annoying" lady in the community. I was sad and thought that the other animal lovers out there could identify. Ugh. Well, time to take a shower, then hit the hay. SO tired. Again.

Night~ Meredith

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6pm Mpls new showed traffic just crawling. Great will get out of Mpls. Snow is dry so is easily taken off runways. When driving home about 2:30 today, the roads were thick with finger drifts but one side of the road was blown off. Mpls did not get what we are getting.

Cheri...happy you have your concert to keep your mind busy during this horrible time in your life. So good that you recognized what those children are going through and sought some help for them. Opening up and talking about it is a positive thing.

I am like you with the chocolate chips and butter. Why bake Cookies or cake with fake butter. I have never been much of a sweet eater though and am amazed that cakes and muffins (that consistency) sticks for me. I can eat Cookies or Cereal with not problems. In fact, unlimited amounts. I do love me some good ole' fashioned chocolate chip cookies.

Phyll...hope you see some results from your b__tching. What's not fair is that it might take 8 weeks. That little girl of yours is just waaaaaaaay cute in that cart of yours. Loved your shirt also.

Linda...nice to see your post. Hope you get your computer up and running. Miss you. We will be leaving for AZ the first week of Jan (hopefully). FIL got to his destination today. SIL sent a photo of him sitting at his kitchen table in his motor home having his daily beer. He is the cutest little 87 yr old. He stands about 5' (or less) and is a walking encyclopedia. He is going to have a great time with all is friends that he has not been able to see for awhile. I am hoping DH will be able to spend a lot of time with him while we are down there.

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PS: I hate to tell you cake people this, but cake without thick frosting has no value. I don't eat cake for the cake. Never have. My motto has always been, Have a little cake with your frosting. And now, I would probably pb on the cake, so, I tend to take a piece and lick off the frosting and throw the cake out. My mother used to skimp on chocolate chips in the Cookies. Make me mad. I always liked a little cookie with the chocolate chips and never ate the Cookies for their own sake. So often people use margarines like Imperial that always taste badly to me in cakes and cookies. I can also taste the baking soda frequently. Wierd, huh?

Well, think I'm gonna go spend my Kohl's cash yet tonight. Gotta be at dress rehearsal for my concert tomorrow at noon and it'll take all afternoon. Concert Sunday afternoon. I am totally looking forward to it, especially after this past week. Christmas parade just went past my house with Santa and Mrs. Claus on top of a firetruck. My Chicago "suburb" of Thornton is actually a small town that's been here forever. So we still have some fun small town events like this. Gotta run. Cheri

HAHA!! I totally agree with you about the frosting and chocolate chips!!


Glad your kids at school are getting some counselling. Such a difficult things for kids to deal with!

Well, doggy nephew Wallace was doing better this morning, but then developed a fever and a high white blood count this evening, so he will be staying at the anial hospital one more night (hopefully). I feel so bad for him and am still nervous. One of my annoying clients/former neighbors came in today to get her hair cut and scolded me for asking people to pray for my sisters dog! Amazing! She said that her friends mother was having surgery too and that was much more serious and I shouldn't be complaining about dogs. I understand that her friends mother was going through a tough time, but I was still mad at her for saying that to me. I wanted to tell her, well if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. It is her personality to act like this though and she has always been the "annoying" lady in the community. I was sad and thought that the other animal lovers out there could identify. Ugh. Well, time to take a shower, then hit the hay. SO tired. Again.

Night~ Meredith

What a mean thing to say!! Dogs are part of the family! Some people just don't get that I guess!!

OK...I am ready to have Janet back and to see Eva posting again.

Me, too!!

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So glad you are back! Forgot where you went, though!

Yes, I am having some wine now! And I had 2 cups of coffee this morning, Soup and another cup of coffee for lunch, a free latte.... 20 oz, at Starbucks, and now my wine.

Starbucks was frustrating. First, I was not feeling well and my cheeks were red from fever, so by the time I got to the manager, I was a little heated and sort of slammed my copies of the AMEX statement on the counter. So he told me I needed to settle down and if I slammed my hands on the counter again he was going to ask me to leave. So I told him if he asked me to leave I would be calling the police because I had "fraudulent" charges on my credit card from that store. So we both settled down and I showed him my paperwork and explained what happened. Showed him my SBX card transactions on my phone and what the girl did on Monday. So he told me to sit down and he disappeared for about 10 minutes. When he came back he told me there was nothing he could do and I needed to call this 1-800 # for Starbucks and if they did not resolve my problem I should call his personal cell phone #. So I came home and did that, and the rep told me I needed to contact AMEX and tell them to take one of the $70 charges off my credit card. So I went online and did that, but site said it could take 8 weeks to resolve! Plus I still had over $100 put on my card when I wanted $30! We'll see what happens now! So I asked the manager, "well, can I have a drink??" So he gave me a free latte.... so I ordered a quad shot 20 oz!! LOL! So at least I got 2 free drinks out of this! That ditz who waited on me Monday gave me a free drink because it took her so long (to double charge me!!)

You better take care of that back!!

Cart is running GREAT!! Took it to get the mail when I got back from SBX today.

I have not yet done ANYTHING for Christmas!! I am going to do mostly giftcards for our mostly teenage/young adult grandchildren.

Glad things went well with DH! I have always liked fruit cake. When I was growing up my Mom always ordered some from the door to door bread man... can't remember the name of the company. But it was good fruitcake. Hardly ever get any recent Christmas'.

Our oldest grandson just moved in with his girlfriend, so DD #1 cleaned out his room and made an exercise room.... put our treadmill in there (we don't have room in our condo), bought an elliptical and put their stationary bike in there. Oh... and their daughter gave them a small flat screen TV to put in there!! Her and her boyfriend just bought a 65 inch at the Black Friday sales!

ZOEY has worked out her place in the cart!! I keep putting her in the little plexiglassed area behind the seats, but today, on the way to the office, she jumped over the seat so she could sit next to me!! So I assume that's where she prefers to be! LOL


well Phylls you get em tiger I would be snapping mad too! I deff. would have been excorted out....damn them!

Hi everyone, just a quick hello, checking in. I have no home computer -- hopefully I have a friend coming to fix it, but not sure it's fixable. If it's fixable I'll be checking in more often. Been busy at work too. Have a busy weekend planned -- taking DGD to Bass Pro Shop -- they are having arts/crafts, writing letters to Santa, free photo with Santa, etc. and then have a ticket for Make a Wish Foundation lighting display to drive through after dark tomorrow. Sunday we are heading up to our casino so DH can buy smokes and then getting together with some friends to play cards. Got all my decorating done last weekend -- was a busy one but so happy it's all done. I canceled my appt. for a possible fill this week -- I have plenty of restriction -- I had made t he appt. for "just in case" so I could get one if needed before the holiday. But I'm doing great and think I'm done with fills unless/until I can lose more weight. But think I'm done-- have been maintaining for a year and I'm fine with it.

Cheri, I wrote a note to you on FB -- I'm so saddened by this news. It just breaks my heart and scares me cause of the way my step daughter lives her life - she can be so reckless and stupid at times.

Took Aylah to the Christmas parade here in our little town last night - very nice -- it's our family tradiiton -- she gets so excited -- so fun to just sit and watch her watch the parade go by. We always park the car early and sit in the dar to stay warm although last night wasn't too bad. So far we've been lucky with the weather which is why we're cramming everything in this weekend just in case,

Next Sat. is the company Christmas party -- I'm on the committee so will be busy with that.

Lori, by my "what did I do wrong" post I was referring to the letters in my post and how hard it was to read. I don't know why it turned out that way, so I'm just typing this in regular small letters.

Meredith, sorry to hear of your band troubles, but so happy you will be pursuing a good resolution - you've worked too hard to go back - that's what keeps me going -- I love knowing how healthy I am now compared to before.

Janet, hope you're having a fabulous time.

Phyl, so happy Earl gave you that early Christmas gift -- how's Zoey doing?

Laura, sorry to hear about your Dad, but hope you will all continue with positive thinking -- I truly believe that it,truly works. Your decorations were so beautiful. Loved all the pics.

LauraK -- you are doing great -- miss you -- are you going west for the holidays?

Apples, sorry about your weather -- thinking of all the shoveling/snow blowing you've had to do lately -- hope you get a break soon -- when are you leaving for AZ?

Eva, hope your trip to Ohio is going well -- I'm from there -- haven't been there for several years -- maybe next year. Need to visit my brother.

Had my first counseling session yesterday -- wow, I really think I'll like it. I'm sure I'll benefit from it. Plus it's free for the first few sessions through my employer. Great deal!

Melissa, that woman has NO business going through your purse--definitely not cool -- she needs to have boundaries with her employees. Sorry you're having a tough time with looking for a job with benefits. Hope the new years brings you some new opportunities.

Chris, proud of you -- you're doing awesome!!! How's Debbie's finger? Hope it's healing well.

Arlene, hear ya on the fibro -- I've had some problems the last couple weeks since the colder weather has set in . I have a new recommendation from a co-worker who's mom has it - it's called Corvalen-- check it out on Amazon -- some of the reviews sound good and my friend says her mom has been doing so much better since she started on it - I ordered some and can't wait until it comes -- probably early next week. I'll keep you posted on how it goes I'm so excited to get some help with this.

Julie, hope you're doing okay -- I think of you often -- how's your weather? How's DD feeling these days?

Joyce, sorry to hear about the family drama -- I understand - it's why I'm going to counseling. Thinking of you -- glad you had a great trip.

Kelly -- WTG on the 3 lbs!!! I'm so happy for you-- keep it up!!

If I missed anyone, I'm very sorry, I'm at work and typing this quickly so have no time to reread anything or check on missing people. Just know that I love you all and miss everyone and hope to be back on a daily basis very soon. Computer problems really suck.


I totally agree with you on the purse thing! Man if someone went through my purse I would get one of those things on 'The Fokkers" that are hidden like a nanny cam and bust her ass.....totally illeagle!

Cheri........such a beautiful thought for the kids to focus on concerning Joi. I know it will bring many of them peace knowing angels are caring for her. HUGS! for you too. I went yesterday and spent my Kohl's bucks. I bought me several things one of which was a black metal family tree that came with nine frames to hang on it. I have been looking for something like that for quite a while. I have a library table with all the family pictures on it, and I have run out of room. Now I can put the rest of the pictures on the wall above the table.

I saw on FB that Great was waiting for the plane to be de iced. Hopefully she is on her way home. We have missed ya!

Tx......how is it going?

You go with the qvc, man that stuff is too scary, I got drunk one night and ordered Dean Martin and I had to go confess to my mother and then call and cancel it....scary.. no telling what I might order!

Hello all. Hope you are all enjoying your evening. Got home from work a little while ago and relaxing.

Apples~ Sorry if I came across wrong on my post this morning. Thats why I don't like having convos online. It is sometime hard to tell what someone really means beacause we are missing lots of aspects of conversation. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you and your support and reinforcement. Thank you! I was kinda rushing this morning but, I wanted to say that after my doc took the Fluid out of my band, I looked at it like a free for all, but after I talked to my dietitian, I felt more in check than I have in a long time. It is really hard to be hungry right now, but I know I will get through. Thank you again! Sorry if there was miscommunication.

Cheri~ WOW! That is a perfect thing for you to tell those poor children at a time like this. That is, if there is a perfect thing to say, which I am almost certain there is not. I'm sure those kids appreciate you more than you will ever know.

All~ Thank you for your support on here. I appreciate it so very much.

Well, doggy nephew Wallace was doing better this morning, but then developed a fever and a high white blood count this evening, so he will be staying at the anial hospital one more night (hopefully). I feel so bad for him and am still nervous. One of my annoying clients/former neighbors came in today to get her hair cut and scolded me for asking people to pray for my sisters dog! Amazing! She said that her friends mother was having surgery too and that was much more serious and I shouldn't be complaining about dogs. I understand that her friends mother was going through a tough time, but I was still mad at her for saying that to me. I wanted to tell her, well if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. It is her personality to act like this though and she has always been the "annoying" lady in the community. I was sad and thought that the other animal lovers out there could identify. Ugh. Well, time to take a shower, then hit the hay. SO tired. Again.

Night~ Meredith

Well that lady will get hers....Karma has a way of dealing with doggie haters....Shame on Her!

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sorry been crazy here the last couple of days. My dryer went out this week. I found it with wet clothes in it on wed night. Went to laundry mat Thursday and in the middle of doing laundry I started to drop the basket of clothes I had folded. I tried to catch it without using my left arm and twisted my back. Hurts pretty bad. PT us going well. Had better range today than I've had yet.

Just found out they are going to do surgery on my dad on the 20th of dec. They are putting a port in at his belly button. It will take 6-8 weeks to heal and then they will start his dialisis(sp). I will be going up there on the 19th. Starting to get nervous already. Sorry, but I am a worry


Debbies finger has almost healed. Other than being shaped wrong and a little sore still u would hardly know it had happened.

Well o think my muscle relaxer is kicking in finally. Good night and hugs


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Chris, sorry about the back, shoulder and your dad. The Lord bless and keep all of you. I love this font size. Those who use 4 are so much easier to read. Its really easy to do. Just use Fast Reply. When you click in the window you'll be given choices on the top. You can click on your size and color and then start typing, or, when you're done, highlight your text and click on size and color. How is this light grey? It seems easy on my eyes and no one uses it. I wear a lot of grey. It's a great neutral color on me.

Gotta be at dress rehearsal at noon. Gonna go Water my plants and then walk at the community center before then. We've got snow on the ground outside and I won't risk falling on a hidden slippery spot. Gettin' too old for that.


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Chris...DH's mother was on dialysis for just about 10 yrs and lived a good life. Yes, dialysis altered their way of life for her and her DH but most days she felt pretty good. About the only troubles she had was that the ports in her arms kept blowing out. Wish she would have had the port in the navel. Not sure why she didn't have it. Makes sense that it would cause less trouble. Sorry about your injured back. Hope it heals quickly.

Sun is shining this morning. It's been a while since we have seen it. Lots of snow on the ground after the storm that went through. DH is out pushing snow. He has a plow on his pickup. We do not have much snow to shovel...only up in front of the house. Other than that, it is all pretty much done with the truck.

Hoping that Great was able to get out of Mpls. Heard on the 10pm Mpls news that a Delta plane went off the runway last night. Of course, panic set in until I heard it was a plane coming in from Atlanta. They had to pull it back to the runway from a grassy area and up to the gate. It seems all DH and I talk about is "when" we can get out of here. And to think....I used to love winter. We each had a snowmobile and would ride over 100 miles some days....even in below zero temps. Used to stand outside and watch snowmobile races all day long for 2 days as DS raced. Now it just running to the car that has been running for 20 minutes to warm it up.

Burrrrrr and Damn

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Good Morning Gang! Tx......sorry about the shoulder issues. I hope your dad has a quick recovery. I know you must be worried. HUGS!

Cheri........have a great rehearsal!

Just checking in to say I am babysitting today. My DD went to the children's symphony with the two yr old and I have the baby. I will check in this eve. CBL!

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    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      · 1 reply
      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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