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Dee, how are you doing...newly post op and all. You still on a liquid diet? Are you hungry?

I had a little meltdown yesterday. But, picked myself up in end and now I'm back on track. My real hunger has not come back yet, it's the "brain" hunger that is frustrating me at the moment :smile:

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Good Morning, girls! I've been reading your posts this morning, I was too tired to read last night, so I got up early so I could post b/f we get busy today. Everyone sounds like they've had a good wk! I bombed!!!! I guess I'm still stressed and did not make good choices this wk and the scale SCREAMED at me this morning!! I gained 2 pds, I think it the first gain in a long, long time so I'm trying not to beat myself up too bad!! I'm not going to change my ticker b/c I AM GOING TO GET THEM BACK OFF!!! My DD has found a job but it means that she will not be able to see Eli very much b/c of the hours, it's a convenience store. She did have an interview with this one place, a youth ranch, and they asked her if she would consider being a mentor for some of the kids there. The director has never been on drugs or drank and the kids are telling him that he has no idea what they go thru so he is looking for someone that has been there and done that. He read DD's testimony in the paper and is interested in her but he doesn't know when he will call her and she needs a job now. I told her to take the first job and if the ranch calls her then just explain to the store that she needs this other job b/c that's what she will be going to school for. So we'll see what happens. My job is still stressing me out but it is getting better. I don't handle changes very well!

Janet~~ I'm really glad you found a way to go! Sounds like a fast trip and you'll be tired when you get home.

Dee~~ Congrats on your losses!!! You're doing sooo good! It looks like your going to make your Turkey Day goal by Halloween!!! That's awesome!!

Laura~~ We have the couch and love seat that have the recliners in them and just love them!! I'm going to get new ones some time next year, for my new living room, and I'll give these to my DD when she moves out. That was cute what Nels said about calling and cking up on his fav chair!! Hope the knee is doing better!

Great~~ Good for you on the suite!! I haven't been in the hospital all that much but my Dh has and it was always stressful when he had a room mate! He always rested better when he had a room by himself! I'm like you, I would rather do it and get it over with!! I hate to wait and worry!!

Well, I know I've missed some of you, I'll try to get some more in later!! By for now, Sharon

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I could use some help and support! ME! ME!

I am scheduled for banding in Mexico, on 10/16 and nervous as can be. I know I have to get this weight off, but I am scared of the process.


currently 250

41 year old mama to two kids, in Portland, Oregon

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This is a great place to come lots of support. Everyone is great. I believe you will do great. There was a woman I talk to on my local support board and she just got back from Mexico last month having her band put in and she is doing great. You will do fine. But post any question you need answer and it will get answered. i think the board is slow because alot of people are away this weekend.

Okay now for me

Things are going okay struggling with the 16 pounds I want to lose to hit my goal of 200. It scares me I guess cause i am self sabotaging. Eating and not exercising. And I have been very stressed at work.

My DH and DH and I are going to a hauted house tonight:scared2: I like them but don't see much if you get what I mean. This will be the second time my son has been to one. He went to the one rated number one in Ga last year and loved it. This one is not as scary as that one but it will scare me. LOL I will check in with you guys later.

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I could use some help and support! ME! ME!

I am scheduled for banding in Mexico, on 10/16 and nervous as can be. I know I have to get this weight off, but I am scared of the process.


currently 250

41 year old mama to two kids, in Portland, Oregon

Welcome, Heidi !!!! You will be o.k.!!! I don't know of one single person who was not nervous before surgery!!! Think of this as being the first step on a new journey and we are all here to help you along the way!! You have found a great place to come to for support, all the ladies here are so very helpful and can answer any question that you may have! We will all hold your hand as you go and just know that you are not alone!! Come back as often as you can, you'll feel better and let us know how you are doing!! TTYL Sharon :thumbup:

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Hello everyone!

Sorry I have been such a stranger, but you know how it goes some weeks! So busy! There is lots of good news though, 1) Found a great house with a new realtor that is andrews bro-in-laws mom and put an offer in on it yesterday! It is in "quick sale" with the bank who the owners now had their mortgage through so hopefully they can get it through before the Nov 30th deadline that the government has for the first time homebuyer program! Pray. Please. 2) Lost 4 more pounds this week! :smile: 3) I went over to my parents house last night and took my sweatshirt off. My mom, who is not very emotional started crying! And said that she is just so proud of me and happy for me. I laid on the couch with her and cried for a minute. It was nice to have that moment with just the two of us.:thumbup: But, there is some bad news: my best friend is in the process of having a miscarriage and it is just so sad and devastating for all of us. :(

I have to eat something now, so I will check back tonight. Sorry I've been such a stranger. More later on everyone else, I promise!

Love, Meredith

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Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. Had me a good cry on the way home today. We locked up the lake place for the winter. I am always fine once I get home but hate saying goodbye to good friends and locking up my peaceful place up there. Anyway, it's done and now I am in the middle of unpacking what I needed to bring home. My friends call me the "Condiment Queen" and each year when I come back from shutting up the lake place I need to deal with double the Condiments. Luckily we have a second kitchen in the basement and have room for them down there.

This thread has been pretty quite this weekend. Will catch up with you all later.

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Happy Sunday. Was woken up this morning by a phone call from DS. He is the overnight manager at a Walmart and he ran some machine over his right foot. He needed to go to the ER so we met him and spent the morning there, then back to his work for more workers comp paperwork, RX's etc. Good news it's not broken, but he does have a severe sprain in several places and possible torn ligaments. He has to go to a workers comp dr tomorrow. Funny, he borrowed the crutches I have here for my surgery, they only adjusted to 5'10 and he's 6'8 and he tried to use them getting to the hospital. Luckily they had some longer ones for him there.

I am getting nervous for tomorrow. I check in at the hospital at 1015 for a 1215 surgery time. Got my little bag packed and am ready. I'm not so much scared but just not looking forward to the process but look very forward to my new knee and less pain a few weeks down the road.

We were going to go camping this weekend to keep me occupied. We didn't go cause the weather got colder. I am so glad we didn't go. I saw in the paper that Estes Park was 20 degrees yesterday morning and where we'd be camping is a higher elevation yet so would've been teens for sure. That's too cold for a tent!

Not sure I will check in again before tomorrow. If not, DD has a laptop she is loaning me for the hospital so will try and check in there.

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Happy Sunday. Was woken up this morning by a phone call from DS. He is the overnight manager at a Walmart and he ran some machine over his right foot. He needed to go to the ER so we met him and spent the morning there, then back to his work for more workers comp paperwork, RX's etc. Good news it's not broken, but he does have a severe sprain in several places and possible torn ligaments. He has to go to a workers comp dr tomorrow. Funny, he borrowed the crutches I have here for my surgery, they only adjusted to 5'10 and he's 6'8 and he tried to use them getting to the hospital. Luckily they had some longer ones for him there.

I am getting nervous for tomorrow. I check in at the hospital at 1015 for a 1215 surgery time. Got my little bag packed and am ready. I'm not so much scared but just not looking forward to the process but look very forward to my new knee and less pain a few weeks down the road.

We were going to go camping this weekend to keep me occupied. We didn't go cause the weather got colder. I am so glad we didn't go. I saw in the paper that Estes Park was 20 degrees yesterday morning and where we'd be camping is a higher elevation yet so would've been teens for sure. That's too cold for a tent!

Not sure I will check in again before tomorrow. If not, DD has a laptop she is loaning me for the hospital so will try and check in there.

Wishin you the best, Great, and a speedy recovery time. You are lucky to have Phyll here to "walk" you through it. God Bless:wub:

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Sharon, sounds like your daughter is sticking to the right track...a job is a good thing. As long as she is doing something until something better comes along is a great step in the right direction. Is Eli still in counseling? Or did that ever get started?

Heidi, welcome. I was banded in Mexico too. Being nervous is normal, but it really isn't bad. You'll do just fine. There are a bunch of people at different stages that can share their experiences with you. Good luck.

1day...I wonder if there is some way we can psyche ourselves into not stressing about the eating bad, not exercising, not reaching the goal we want to be at and let it go. Then maybe we will reach our goals because we aren't obsessing about them. I haven't figured that one out either. I think the stress we put ourselves under doesn't help either.

Meredith...hey there!! That so nice you and your mom had a special moment and you are doing so fabulous with your weight loss. So the house you made an offer on isn't the same one you liked before? I'm glad you found another real estate agent. It should be someone you like.

Apples, sorry you are sad about closing up your lake house, I can understand that. So do you remember to use those Condiments in the 2nd kitchen? I think I'm enough of a space cadet that I would forget they are down there.

Lori....the best to you tomorrow and following days. I'm sure you will do very well after you get through the first couple. I think the drugs are some of the worst part of surgery. I'm sure you knee will love you in about 4 weeks, especially from what Phyl and Cheri say.

Well so much for all my good intentions. We went to the Trinity site this weekend. It's in New Mexico and it's about a six hour drive from here. We left Friday night and came home Saturday evening. Eating of the road is not an easy way to stick to a diet or exercise. I didn't do too bad, but it wasn't the strict adherence I wanted to do. And today was no better. I've been snacking all day because I've been cooking all day. It hasn't been all bad stuff, but not the plan I intended again. I didn't exercise today, but I'm tired. I did a bunch of chores (everything had to be done today because I wasn't here yesterday) and I made applesauce cake, apple pie, and I'm making dinner. I won't eat much dinner because I'm really not hungry. The best thing about all of this is tomorrow I will have food for lunch and stuff set up ready for work.

Okay, I have to get back to dinner. Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Dee, meltdowns happen...don't I know. However, it doesn't have to rule your life and you go forward.

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Hi guys~

It has been a relatively quiet weekend for our thread. I have been busy and haven't had a chance to get on here. We have been trying to get the house together for our company that will be here a month. (DH's sister and her 25 year old son). They were supposed to come in this Friday but their flight to West Palm Beach was overbooked and they got bumped. They could only get a flight to Miami! So instead of 40 min to go pick them up.... it's 2 hrs!!! Geez. Just a taste of what's to come with them. <deep cleansing breath>

Great~ Keeping you in my thoughts!!! Best of luck with your surgery! I know you will do great!

Apples~ Hugs. Sorry you had to say bye to your peaceful place for a while. We have to try and touch base this week if you can. Things will be hectic the next week, but then the week after DH and the sis and son will be going to New Orleans. (I opted to stay home with Nelson- too long of a drive for me). The only crazy day for me is Tuesday. Volunteering for N's school for school pictures, reading mom and lunch with him. Will be home in the afternoon after 3 though. Let me know what day is good and we can make a phone date. : )

Meredith~ WTG on the weight! You are doing so awesome girl! You FLEW by me!!! I am so proud of you though. I did drop a couple FINALLY. Tell us about the house!!! I hope it all goes ok. I remember how excited I was about our first home. There is nothing better. And the moment you had with your mom sounds so sweet. I know my parents are so happy for me too that I am finally getting healthy. That's all our parents want is for us to be happy and healthy.

Hi to everyone else... sorry don't have time to write more.

peasout~ Laura

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Hey everyone, I'm back............... but I'm still the complaining, miserable person I was when I left.. It was a very long weekend with lots of pain... The shot in my shoulder has evidently not worked... Had it last Tuesday.. Had PT on Friday again and he said I should get progressivly better!!!... Well, I've progressed alright... or digressed if you ask me... So much pain and throbbing... not much sleeping... too much crying.... Just don't know what to do anymore.. I think the pills are making my stomach upset...... What the heck do I do????? We are supposed to leave for Ohio on Thursday to see our grandsons, but I can't make a 1200 mile trip with this pain.... I have PT again in the morning, (if I make it to morning!!!). Maybe he will shed some light on this when he hears how bad it's been all weekend still........ so there is my big wail............Sorry, gotta tell someone.....

Lori, good luck tomorrow.... I'm sure you will be just fine....

Apples, sorry you're sad, but we are the winnners here as we have you back full-time again.... Glad you have lots to occupy yourself with until you get adjusted again..

Meredith, congrats on the weight loss and the new house... You must be just feeling so foxy.... Good memory with you mom... that's nice...

Sharon, things sound good with your daughter... she's headed in the right direction... great...

Eva, just take a breather, you'll be fine...

laura, hugs on the long visit.... sometimes a short stay is just so much better... How's the new furniture???

gotta go gang... sorry if I missed anyone... time to go scream or cry or something.... I'm throbbing again.... Somebody tell me this is going to get better..... I really need to know there is an end to this pain.... Thanks for listening to me wail............ Julie

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Julie, I'm so sorry for your pain.

Great--prayers on the surgery. I went dancing last Friday. Knees did not hurt afterward.

When I know I'm going to be eating at a special event or in difficult situations, I give myself permission to eat more and make it part of my plan. I prepare for it by only having a Protein shake for two of my meals. I'm careful to stick rigidly to the band protocol the day or days after. That way I have nothing to feel guilty about or to overeat over.

I have to do that a lot on weekends when most of my opportunities to overeat occur. By having a plan I'm able to relax and enjoy my food as well as the event.

I did that Friday night when I went to a 50th celebration of my college that was held in the Grand Ballroom at Navy Pier in downtown Chicago. I sang in a mass choir, ate wonderful food, watched fireworks off the pier, and danced for an hour and a half. (I also factored all that excercise in as well). I ended up losing another lb.

I've got a 40th high school reunion this Saturday. Held at the high school, not as fancy but still a special event.


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Great.... you will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow! You will do GREAT!! We're all with you in this.. all the way!

Apple, know how you feel! I get very sad when we leave our winter getaway every spring. In fact,, it gets a little worse every year! The more time we spend down there, the more friends we make and the worse I feel when it's time to leave! But this week, I'm feeling sad because we're having to say goodbye for the winter to our two girls and their families! I'll be back in Feb. for a few days.

Meredith, so glad you found a new realtor and a house you're happy with!! How is your Grandma??

Julie.. so sorry about your shoulder problems. Hope you get some relief soon, and that it doesn't interfere with your travel plans!

Okay... that's all I can remember! Don't know if Janet has checked in, but she's back from her weekend in Texas for her aunt's funeral. Sounds like it all went fairly well.

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