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It does sound as though the doctor has an Atkins mindset, which says to count carbs, not calories. That can work, and I have lost quite a bit of weight (65 lb) doing Atkins, but I couldn't keep it off.

Low fat foods often make up for the fat by adding extra sugar to make them taste better, so they aren't necessarily a good alternative. I usually look for low sugar rather than low fat in processed foods, and it seems to work for me.

I don't know if this is your problem, but I have trouble being honest about portion size. I estimate rather than measure, and usually estimate low. Have you tried actually measuring your portions? Just trying to come up with ideas, not accusing you. Like I said, I know I lie to myself with portion size.

Yes I do recall my doctor saying that low-fat and fat free had 'fillers' in them that could hurt my weight loss efforts.

I agree, maybe I am not accurate with the measurements. I will start being strict about what I eat, because it may be just what is keeping me at this plateau... which moved today for the first time. :thumbup:

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I have a scale in which I weight & measure my foods - I have a little bowl that holds only 1 cup - I eat off sandwich plates not regular plates.

Snowbird's right about low fat having more sugar and that's why I don't like the lowfat dressings - I don't really buy low fat - cuz I eat food that I prepare and not processed foods.

Thanks!! All great ideas. I will scrutinize my measurements! ty ty ty

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I can honestly say having lost 100 pounds as of this morning...this band is not a con. I would love to mentor you...but as fair warning...I give tough love. I am not going to condone poor behavior (I don't do it in my classroom either!), but I would love to support you as you change your life. Please either post here or PM me with 2 days of food that you have eaten (everything...licking cream cheese off the knife, tasting a sauce that you have cooked...they all add up) and tell me how much and what exercise you are doing. From there we can take baby steps and you can see how much this band is really going to work for you!

Congratulations on losing 100 lbs! Good for you! I hope to be able to say that some day too:)

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I am thrilled. The scale has been stuck for so long and 2 days in a row it has moved. yes I'm a daily weigher. I only track one day, but I have looked at the same weight 4-ever.

Thanks for your help. Sometimes it is hard to just hear/see the good news. I'm sure I'll be back for more help.

Like, do any of you have problems with your band being to tight some days to get food down? I run into that sometimes, which I think is just as bad as being too lose because when it is too tight it is hard to find things that go down.

Yesterday was one of those days, but I remembered that refried Beans work well on those days. So I had that for dinner.

Do any of you have other suggestions for tight days? Because it is tempting to eat foods that go down easy but aren't packed with Protein. Yesterday even tuna salad, soft eggs would not go down.

Other days I'm loose as a goose.

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I am thrilled. The scale has been stuck for so long and 2 days in a row it has moved. yes I'm a daily weigher. I only track one day, but I have looked at the same weight 4-ever.

Thanks for your help. Sometimes it is hard to just hear/see the good news. I'm sure I'll be back for more help.

Like, do any of you have problems with your band being to tight some days to get food down? I run into that sometimes, which I think is just as bad as being too lose because when it is too tight it is hard to find things that go down.

Yesterday was one of those days, but I remembered that refried Beans work well on those days. So I had that for dinner.

Do any of you have other suggestions for tight days? Because it is tempting to eat foods that go down easy but aren't packed with Protein. Yesterday even tuna salad, soft eggs would not go down.

Other days I'm loose as a goose.

Yeah I am so glad to hear that things are moving! Sorry I didn't PM back yesterday to check on things but I had doctor's appts up the ying/yang for my TT.

Beans are usually what I go back to if I can't get things down. Personally I think being too tight is worse that being too loose. When I am too loose I can just use some discipline to not eat, but when I am too tight there is nothing I can do about it. I just have to suffer!

I am soooo excited for you.

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Yeah I am so glad to hear that things are moving! Sorry I didn't PM back yesterday to check on things but I had doctor's appts up the ying/yang for my TT.

Beans are usually what I go back to if I can't get things down. Personally I think being too tight is worse that being too loose. When I am too loose I can just use some discipline to not eat, but when I am too tight there is nothing I can do about it. I just have to suffer!

I am soooo excited for you.

No problem... life goes on whether we want it to or not, right? BTW, I have already had a tt. Yes at 270lbs!!! I have a nice flat tummy. It was not done for cosmetic reasons, but part of a bigger surgery. I just want to 'warn' you ... I've had 14 plus operations and all were painful, but nothing compared to the TT. Of course there was a lot of other stuff going on. I say this not to scare you, but so you can talk pain management with the doctor. Once they get your pain under control, it is just rest, recoup and enjoy the new tummy!!!!

Yes I agree that too tight is just a set up for eating chocolate bars and other soft bad foods. I mean there is only so much a person can take before they start to want to eat anything that will go down.

So far today is going well.

When is the TT?

Thanks to again to you & all! You have no idea the confidence I've felt again in myself, just from the feed back from my new 'mentors.'

I know we can go to the LBT for anything but it is nice to have some experienced losers to help some of us who have issues from time to time. ty ty ty

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My TT is July 3 and my doc is ALL about pain management. I will have a pain pump and I am on strict orders to take my pain meds EVERY 4 hours for a week. No skipping any doses. That means setting the alarm to wake up. She told me it was going to be very painful and to expect the worst pain of my life...but that when I look down and see a flat tummy that I will get a smile. The good thing is that I will have liquid pain meds because I am too afraid to take pills even though I am unfilled. I would rather have the nasty taste then not want to take the pills if they get stuck!

14 SURGERIES! YIKES! One of the reasons that I had the lap band was because that was where I was afraid I would end up. My mom had 6 angioplasties, 1 open heart surgery, and over 30 (YES OVER 30) angiograms. Plus she had a hystorectomy, her appendix removed, her gall bladder out, several cysts removed, toes amputated, vascular bypass on her legs, and that just touches the surface. Then after all of that died at the age of 53. That was what I saw in my future and I did NOT like it at all.

I am glad that you have found confidence again. Just as I tell my students...If you believe in yourself, you can do almost anything, if you don't believe in yourself, you can't do anything!

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My TT is July 3 and my doc is ALL about pain management. I will have a pain pump and I am on strict orders to take my pain meds EVERY 4 hours for a week. No skipping any doses. That means setting the alarm to wake up. She told me it was going to be very painful and to expect the worst pain of my life...but that when I look down and see a flat tummy that I will get a smile. The good thing is that I will have liquid pain meds because I am too afraid to take pills even though I am unfilled. I would rather have the nasty taste then not want to take the pills if they get stuck!

14 SURGERIES! YIKES! One of the reasons that I had the lap band was because that was where I was afraid I would end up. My mom had 6 angioplasties, 1 open heart surgery, and over 30 (YES OVER 30) angiograms. Plus she had a hystorectomy, her appendix removed, her gall bladder out, several cysts removed, toes amputated, vascular bypass on her legs, and that just touches the surface. Then after all of that died at the age of 53. That was what I saw in my future and I did NOT like it at all.

I am glad that you have found confidence again. Just as I tell my students...If you believe in yourself, you can do almost anything, if you don't believe in yourself, you can't do anything!

I'm sorry about your Mom, salsa. My surgeries were more of a bowel problem that I had and some hernias that came from those other surgeries. I've been lucky to have good 'fat' health. I have parents in their 70's, and both overweight but healthy. It was the right decision for you to do this. For me it was wanting to be fit when I am old. Although my parents have good hearts, BP, etc, they are not able to get around great. (I'm rambling... coffee doing overtime here)

I'm glad your doctor prepared you for the surgery. You are going to do well and seriously as long as the pain is managed you will be thrilled with the flat tummy that you won't care. How exciting!!!!

Your students are so fortunate to have such a caring teacher.

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First I want to commend you for coming here and being receptive to the advice of others. It's very hard to do and not get defensive. That's a great attitude to have during this process!

IndioGirl is a very successful bandster and I think she was right on in her advice to you. Especially about the Protein shake. I think I might ask your doc about that again and make sure he still thinks you should use one. I've learned from my doctors and from other successful bandsters (and personal experience) that Protein shakes don't really help us, unless we are on full liquids for some reason, because they don't stay in our pouch. When we drink Protein Shakes, our band can't work to keep us full because it goes right through and we want to eat more again. I know a lot of people around here swear by their Protein shakes but that's just my experience and what I've learned from others who know. I would consider a good high fiber/high protein Cereal instead, if you can tolerate it--GoLean Crunch is a good one, for example. Or eggs are always a good choice--I usually scramble 1 egg with some egg beaters and add some veggies or a little cheese. Also don't forget that we don't just need protein. We also need some complex carbohydrates and Fiber and good healthy fats--like Omega 3's and monounsaturated fats from vegetable sources. Your doc is right that you don't need to go fat free, but you do want to watch that you aren't getting too many calories from fat, and the ones you do get aren't saturated or trans fats.

You haven't mentioned when you had surgery and what your fill status is like. If you are unable to swallow (or keep down) chicken or beef, I'm wondering if maybe you are too tight? A lot of times you can end up with "soft food syndrome" where you avoid solid lean protein because your restriction is too tight to tolerate it--then go for the soft foods that go down easily, but have more calories and encourage us to eat more. It seems counterintuitive, but your band might work better with a slight unfill. We should always be able to get in our protein through solid, lean sources--fish, chicken, etc. That is what helps our bands work to keep us full for 3-4 hours.

The next thing is just going back to band basics. Are you eating about 1-1.5 cup of food, or less, per meal? Protein first, then veggies, then starch if there's room? Not drinking with meals or afterward (rules seem to vary but most say 45 min to 1 hour after meals)? Able to stay full for 3-4 hours after a meal? If so you shouldn't really need 3 Snacks a day in addition to 3 meals. I usually have 1 snack so I eat a total of 3 or 4 times a day and am satisfied.

Exercise is always a challenge when you have injuries, but whatever you can tolerate will help you. Certainly if you can get to a pool for Water aerobics, swimming, or even Water jogging or water walking will help and be gentle on your joints. If you can walk around your neighborhood that is good exercise. If not, I would consider seeing a physical therapist so they can help you develop a plan that you can physically do. I could never have gotten close to goal without nearly daily exercise. I have exercised 5 days a week for the entire time, since before being banded. Now it drives me crazy when I miss a day, I really need the stress relief!

Wow, mom of 6 kids, hats off to you. Good for you taking care of your health. :crying: You can do this! You can always come here for support. I also agree with the recommendation to find your surgery month support board here. Mine is Marchies of 07 and they are a huge support. It's helpful to talk to people who are at the same stage and share tips and encouragement.

Good luck!

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Just 2 cents on the 1,230 calories. With 100lbs to lose, 1,230 calories is not too high. If it actually was 1,230 since everywhere would calculate it differently. As you lose weight, you'd eventually have to change it to a lower number but not yet.

Anyway, just saying.

Good luck Mavis :crying:)

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Wow, mom of 6 kids, hats off to you. Good for you taking care of your health. :eek: You can do this! You can always come here for support. I also agree with the recommendation to find your surgery month support board here. Mine is Marchies of 07 and they are a huge support. It's helpful to talk to people who are at the same stage and share tips and encouragement.

Good luck!

TY TY TY!!!!

I've been doing pretty good. Your 'band rules' are a little different than mine. They said my meal should be 1/2 cup to 1 cup. I should, as i said, start my day with a high Protein drink. They have us basically follow the bypass plan. That is a mistake. I see that now.

I did wander off my plan this weekend. I need to really figure out why I do that. Of course with the band I can't eat much, but it was the kind of things I put in my body. Like cheetos??????? :sad:

I'm going to keep coming back here, and humbly admit when I fail, and open up to all the wonderful help that you all have provided.

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TY TY TY!!!!

I've been doing pretty good. Your 'band rules' are a little different than mine. They said my meal should be 1/2 cup to 1 cup. I should, as i said, start my day with a high Protein drink. They have us basically follow the bypass plan. That is a mistake. I see that now.

I did wander off my plan this weekend. I need to really figure out why I do that. Of course with the band I can't eat much, but it was the kind of things I put in my body. Like cheetos??????? :sad:

I'm going to keep coming back here, and humbly admit when I fail, and open up to all the wonderful help that you all have provided.


Ok - no more cheeto's I love the puff ones - but I just don't buy them - If they were in the house then I would eat them - I just avoid food's that I know are not healthy... I really do - I had family here a week ago - we had a choc cake - I ate some - but it was within my calorie budget - but these are trigger foods for me - so I really just try and stay away from them..

I read lables - so I know how many calories are in a serving and how many serving are in a bag.. I rather have real food for my calories and not the junk..

It takes time - now that you ate them you can only move forward - exercise more - and really put in the effort to make better choices.

Making better choices will show up on the scales and that will be your reward -

You can do this - you really can - I beleive in you...

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I have to agree with IndioGirl. You just have to get rid of the cheetos. If they are not in the house...you can't eat them. You are much less likely to buy them if you have a craving than you are to walk out to your kitchen and grab them out of your cupboard. If you say your kids want them...find something different for them to eat. THey don't need them either.

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Those cheetos happened to be at a family gathering. UGH. Funny we have individual chip bags for lunches, baked, pretzels etc. Some good some bad. But I think I will even stop buying them altogether. My skinny family can do without.

Thanks both of you.

I think that it is not so much a 'trigger' food that i have problems with as a trigger situation. then I just start looking for something to eat.

For example, in the car this evening, something my dh was saying was driving me up the @#!$ wall. He was just talking, and for some reason it was getting on my nerves. So I pulled out my side salad that I had not had time to eat, (from McD's) and started munching. I KNEW it was because something he said triggered something in me and I was feeling overwhelmed with emotions of annoyed, angry, agitated. So the chewing, eating etc, helped. Frankly, he said nothing that was bad. He was just stating an opinion, that wasn't mine. BELIEVE ME I was being childish. After several loud yawns, I had to eat something. Thought I would explode. :sad:

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You know, you sound like you are going to lose like I did. I never once lost 2 lbs a week. I would go for weeks and weeks and not lose. Then all of a sudden I would drop 5 lbs having not done anything differently. I think our bodies get to a set point, and decide they are going to stay there for awhile. (except for Indio lol)

The important thing here is not to go back to old thinking. In the past before banding, I would think " I am not losing anyway, so I might was well eat (insert any junk food) . Now I know that if I stick with my food plan and my exercise, the scale moves eventually.

As for Protein shakes, again we are all different. I love them. I hate to cook and do dishes so often I will have a Protein shake for dinner. I really don't get hungry, just head hunger. I can easily drink 3 -4 Protein Shakes per day and not be hungry. My doctor really wants us to have at least one per day to make sure we get our Protein in. However, a lot of people do get enough protein from their regular meals.

For me, exercise is definitely the key. I hope you can get back into it

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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