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Anyone Else Go Offtrack & Gain?

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I think I definitely need veteran advice & ideas of how to restart weight loss. I was sleeved 11/27/12. So, I am now a little over a year out. The first 6 months I did awesome. Lost weight like gang busters. 101 lbs. in 6 months. Then the next 6 months I lost 19 & then gained 10. So, I'm 13 months out, now 110 down with 130 or so MORE to go. *SIGH*

I know this surgery was not a magic cure. I know that there are things that I should be doing that I'm not (counting my grams of Protein, drinking Water, exercising). It's like I totally lost momentum & I am so depressed about it. I am a vegetarian so the Protein part has always been hard for me. I think it was at about the 6 month mark that my sleeve was able to handle about anything. It's easier & tastier to eat Pasta than tofu over & over.

Has anyone else gone through something similar or know someone who has? I feel like I probably need to go back to Water & Protein shakes for a couple of weeks (as much as I loathe the thought of protein shakes) & try to "reset" my body. It is definitely used to simple carbs & sugar again. I dread going through the withdrawal.

I am also struggling with my self-esteem. How could I screw this up? I was given a second chance to live a healthy life & I'm not doing it right. I was feeling resentful that my diet has to be so different. I think that I thought that I would be able to eat "normal" food, but in smaller portions. It really looks like I will always have to eat fairly "clean" & the sleeve helps with portion sizes of those foods.

Yes, I want to be a healthy weight. Yes, I want to feel better. Yes, I want a lot of things. I am just having a REALLY hard time getting back on track. I just got engaged on New Year's Eve. We are going to get married in the Fall. I can't help but thinking that if I had been on track this whole time that I would have been healthy on my wedding day. Now I'll be fighting the world of plus size bridal gowns. I'm not giving up. I just don't know how to pick myself up & move on.

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I don't recommend all liquid at this phase. I'd cut out all carbs except those from veggies, whole grain and dairy. Clear the crap out of the cupboards and stock up on your fav low cal foods. Wanna treat? Eat fat free yogurt and veggie dippers. I mix my yogurt with the packaged ranch dressing mix. Very low cal and a splurge. Join the valentines challenge. Get a food scale if you don't have one and weigh your food. And remember, you can't hate yourself thin. When you want to snack, close your eyes and picture dancing on your wedding day, thinner, healthy and happy. See a counselor if you need to to help some of the "why" you eat. Buy yourself a present for getting back on the wagon. Make a list of foods you eat and then next to them write better substitutes. For example, instead of Pasta, Beans. They have more Fiber and Protein. Lynda

Edited by lsereno

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And one more thing, after watching my naturally thin friends, they all eat healthy most of the time with the occasional splurge. There really isn't another way that I have seen. Lynda

Edited by lsereno

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Now you are saying that "yes" you want all those things....................get up and do something about it. Pasta has no nutritional value and certainly has no Protein. If you are a vegetarian what are your other protein foods? Yogurt, Beans, veggies shouldn't these be your mainstay. You have done a terrific job so far.............you can make it to your goal. You can accomplish any goal you set your mind to; one day or meal at a time!!

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Hi Dede u are not a failure! U have lost 100 pounds u are on a journey. I had my surgery in 2011 and never reached goal or even come close. I am a vet that now needs to use the sleeve tool to lose weight after surgery. Isereno gave excellent stratgies. One I wanted to add is a picture board. Visualization of your end self. Keep a pic oof what u lool like now and a pic of your fav gown. That may give u strength to stay on track. And my last suggestion plan a treat. Clean eating is good but feels like denial and dieting. We have to make this. Eating a lifestyle. I haven't mastered this but must find a way to satisfy the sweet tooth without giving in to the carb monster or the trigger foods that take us all down a dark road. Congrats on the engagement!

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Love the picture board idea. I haven't seen that posted here before but I have used them in the past. Made my last one pre-op with a picture of a happy healthy woman wearing a sundress and sandals standing by a beach cruiser. Check! Picture boards are really powerful tools.


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I bottomed out at 209 in August and am at 220 this AM, so yes, definitely can gain weight if you fall off the wagon. The monkey is always on our backs. I had been doing well with running until November, when it got cold, and I've been doing elliptical since, which just doesn't burn as much. Holiday chocolates, etc., etc. you know the drill.

The sleeve is just a tool. My doctor pokes me in the stomach and tells me, "I can only fix this part. I can't fix this part (pokes my head)."

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All straight forward great advice. Where do I find the valentines challenge? I haven't been on the boards since it was still just Vertical Sleeve Talk & I'm a little lost

I don't recommend all liquid at this phase. I'd cut out all carbs except those from veggies, whole grain and dairy. Clear the crap out of the cupboards and stock up on your fav low cal foods. Wanna treat? Eat fat free yogurt and veggie dippers. I mix my yogurt with the packaged ranch dressing mix. Very low cal and a splurge. Join the valentines challenge. Get a food scale if you don't have one and weigh your food. And remember, you can't hate yourself thin. When you want to snack, close your eyes and picture dancing on your wedding day, thinner, healthy and happy. See a counselor if you need to to help some of the "why" you eat. Buy yourself a present for getting back on the wagon. Make a list of foods you eat and then next to them write better substitutes. For example, instead of Pasta, Beans. They have more fiber and Protein. Lynda

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Valentines Chalange:


I am a vegetarian too, and managed to lose to goal on veggies, dairy and eggs(a few). It can be done. I also went through a period of time where I was gaining... and it took a while to really turn it around, but I did, and am now at goal after 3 years.

I find I really have to cook to get the best quality vegetarian food, with the occasional meal out. So many restaurants serve Pasta or french fries and such for vegetarians, really junk food. I had to really get creative to get enough Protein in, but it can be done. Pasta does have some Protein, but really most of it is not that great for you. I pick out Dreamfields or whole wheat pasta and measure out 1 oz if I want pasta.

how about:

low fat cheese sticks, soy and regular milk, yogurt, seitan products, TVP, tofu, Dried tofu sheets (yuba) Beans, nuts, nut butters, seeds, tempi, eggs, egg whites... there are so many veggitarian sources of protein to choose from, morning star has some great products. I make my own "turkey", meat loaf and beef steaks from great recipes I have found along the way. It does take work, but you can make and freeze in individual servings. I cook on sunday for the week. Really use those veggies too, most of them are low calorie and so delicious, raw or cooked. I make a pot of veggie Soup sometimes every night of the week (then its on to stir fries and casseroles...) You can do it! Just stay away from sugar, white flour and the like... dump it out or give it away! Set yourself up for success by planing ahead, shopping for success, figure out your favorite foods and modify them to fit your protein and lower carb needs. I like mexican food, but could not eat that every day or fat fat fat!!!! I do make pots of Tomato veggie Soup, with chili and cumin, sliced onions,"groun round" and a tiny bit of sweet corn... really so good, and leaves me feeling like I just ate a big mexican meal. My husband likes it too. You can do this! Use Myfitnesspal, measure or weigh the food for a while, then test again now and then... weight yourself, and measure yourself too! Its a new start. Get out there and move, find something you have always wanted to try, or learn... I started birdwatching, and go out the the local "wilds" 2-3 times a week for a walk and a look. I don't even know I am exercising, its just so fun and beautiful! And last by not least, hang out here, the support is great!

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Thank you for the great, detailed response! I very much appreciate it. I have gotten out of the habit of cooking & I really need to branch out on my Proteins. I just have done so much plain tofu, plain Greek yogurt & one chili with TVP that I don't want to even see a package of tofu or greek yogurt again. I have 4 containers of that poor chili in my freezer right now. I'm actually starting to get pretty grossed out by dairy but am afraid of taking in too much soy. You didn't say it was easy, but you are successful. That gives me hope.

I have to tell my fiancé that I can't bake Cookies for him anymore too. There are ALWAYS fresh baked Cookies in the house. Hopefully he'll understand that I need to get in a better place. He's a BIG junk food junkie. He was great about keeping it away right after my surgery, but it's slowly crept back in the house. I hate to be a bother, but I'm one of those people who just can't have it in the house.

Right after the surgery is certainly very difficult, but I think at about 9 months out is when I started to really struggle. At that point I think my sleeve "normalized" & I just haven't been taking care of myself the way I should. I have to grocery shop Wednesday. So, no time like the present.

Valentines Chalange:


I am a vegetarian too, and managed to lose to goal on veggies, dairy and eggs(a few). It can be done. I also went through a period of time where I was gaining... and it took a while to really turn it around, but I did, and am now at goal after 3 years.

I find I really have to cook to get the best quality vegetarian food, with the occasional meal out. So many restaurants serve Pasta or french fries and such for vegetarians, really junk food. I had to really get creative to get enough Protein in, but it can be done. Pasta does have some Protein, but really most of it is not that great for you. I pick out Dreamfields or whole wheat pasta and measure out 1 oz if I want pasta.

how about:

low fat cheese sticks, soy and regular milk, yogurt, seitan products, TVP, tofu, Dried tofu sheets (yuba) Beans, nuts, nut butters, seeds, tempi, eggs, egg whites... there are so many veggitarian sources of protein to choose from, morning star has some great products. I make my own "turkey", meat loaf and beef steaks from great recipes I have found along the way. It does take work, but you can make and freeze in individual servings. I cook on sunday for the week. Really use those veggies too, most of them are low calorie and so delicious, raw or cooked. I make a pot of veggie Soup sometimes every night of the week (then its on to stir fries and casseroles...) You can do it! Just stay away from sugar, white flour and the like... dump it out or give it away! Set yourself up for success by planing ahead, shopping for success, figure out your favorite foods and modify them to fit your protein and lower carb needs. I like mexican food, but could not eat that every day or fat fat fat!!!! I do make pots of Tomato veggie soup, with chili and cumin, sliced onions,"groun round" and a tiny bit of sweet corn... really so good, and leaves me feeling like I just ate a big mexican meal. My husband likes it too. You can do this! Use Myfitnesspal, measure or weigh the food for a while, then test again now and then... weight yourself, and measure yourself too! Its a new start. Get out there and move, find something you have always wanted to try, or learn... I started birdwatching, and go out the the local "wilds" 2-3 times a week for a walk and a look. I don't even know I am exercising, its just so fun and beautiful! And last by not least, hang out here, the support is great!

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Hello!!! I am getting back on track too. I am 2 1/2 years out. I am about 5lbs from my low weight (today) and 20lbs from my NEW goal. I was originally satisfied with just a BMI of 29.9 or less. Now I am shooting for 150's or a size 8, whichever comes first :-) (size 12 now) I was eating junk and not working out for the past year, I am lucky I only regained 7-8lbs! I am down 3.5 lbs since the first of the year.... I have been:

1.) following a modified intermittent fasting eating schedule, kind of like the 5:2 diet many vets are following...

2.) eating 80 grams of Protein per day

3.) drinking lots of Water

4.) weight lifting to increase lean muscle and rev my slightly slowed metabolism

We can do this!!!! I know we can. Summer is coming, and it is so nice to feel great about ourselves, that’s my motivation.

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All such great support. Self correction is part of making changes permanent. Whenever you self correct, that's the right time. Coming here is a step in making that u-turn.

If I think I'm not living for wellness, I go back to basics: community support, eating plan, and move my body in ways that make me happy and challenge me and tracking.

Clear the stinkin thinkin of shoulding on yourself. Heehee. Instead of thinking about what you should do, think about what you'd like to do/ want to do. Very powerful shift.

Also, getting some medical support might help. Go see your primary doc for a physical and some labs.

You get to decide where to put the effort! :)

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Nice to see you sleeve! I was off track, and got back on... also the 5:2... Im at goal, and eventually will probably do what you have, and lower my goal another 8-10. Maintaining right now is good though.

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so I have read! you are my inspiration!

Nice to see you sleeve! I was off track, and got back on... also the 5:2... Im at goal, and eventually will probably do what you have, and lower my goal another 8-10. Maintaining right now is good though.

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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    • Teriesa

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