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Help! I Have Gained Weight After 1 Year

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I was aware as I read your entry, overboard, that you are really focusing on the few weeks of not-so-good eating and even gaining, and totally missing all the work you did, yes YOU DID over the last year. That is our eating disorder talking. It is not the truth. That is the voice that got us here. The black/white thinking. The all/nothing. People who live a healthy lifestyle blow it sometimes - and they let it go and get back on the health path. You can do this. I can do this. It's a lie to think we can't - and we must not let that voice take control!!! I need you to try again - because you are a mentor to me - as are so many of those who had surgery 1, 2, 3+ years ago. You will not gain it all back. You can do this! I do not mean to sound all polly-anna and innocent here - but we must fill our minds with what we CAN do vs. the fear of failure and lies we have believed before that we won't make it. Please don't do that to yourself. Please. Just take care of yourself tomorrow. Then write about it and do the same thing the next day. We are all behind you because YOU ARE US!!!! We must stay connected and push each other in the direction of health and success and LIFE. Big hug!!!! Amy

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Thank you all so much for your advice and thoughtful opinons. I feel better having admitted my problems on here. It is tough to face the gain because I don't want to go back to where I was. Thanks for the encouragement. It has only been three days but I am down two pounds! I do think weighing myself regularly is key so I don't get this surprise again. That was a habit I had been following before my long summer vacation which brought on the gain. I am stepping up my exercise and going back to the eating habits that worked. Trying to keep the cheese in moderation. Nuts too! The nutritionist at our support group meeting said nuts are fine but only in moderation (like the cheese). If I need to nibble I guess it should be veggies. I truly do appreciate your help. Thanks so much. You have all helped me calm down and focus.

I never met a cheese I didn't like. It is hard to stop at an ounce, but doable. I mix full fat cheese in with mini light baby bell, laughing cow wedges (they come in all kinds of flavors) and light string cheese.

I think us, the formerly obese, do have to practice due diligence with food portioning. Like I said in my last post, I will be weighing myself and measuring out portions for the rest of my life. I will also be eating high Protein and pretty much eating how I am in the losing phase with a few added in healthy carbs. I love my diet the way it is now. I used to eat all kinds of crap - even if I wasn't really crazy about it just because it was there. I mean, who really, truly likes Hot Cheetos? I'd rather have a steak or some shrimp cocktail!

You are definitely a role model. You saw yourself slipping and nipped it in the bud. We're proud of you!

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I'm a year out, and I had been stalling for months. I couldn't figure out why. After a lot of effort and no results, I decided to do something different. I read some articles that said the calorie count reported on a food label can be off by as much as 20 percent. That shocked me, but it got me thinking that maybe my calorie count was wrong.

And I think I was right in that. To be more accurate, I bought a food scale in August (I wanted it for my birthday),and I bought a lot of tiny bowls. I even bought a tiny casserole type bowl that can go in the oven and has a lid. All of this helped me get a better handle on my portions and calories.

The biggest thing that shocked me? I thought my full fat cheese snack was 1 ounce and turns out I was eating 3 ounces. scales can help..

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I have had my surgery end of June 2010 starting at 210 pounds and by June 2011 I was down to 114 pounds. From June 2011 until end of July 2012 I managed to keep my weight to 114-115 pounds. Well, starting August 2012 i started to put on weight and by September I gained 9-10 pounds( in ONE month), it is now end of January 2013 and I haven't managed to lose any weight and I have been careful about what I am eating, except the Christmas period where I had a lot of chocolates. So nothing in 4 months

From surgery till August( 2 years 2 months) I could eat anything I wanted, anytime I wanted and I never been exercising except the day to day chores around the house and a bit of walking now and again.

To explain better...I could have up to 3- THREE!!! ice creams in a day and I would eat crisps everyday and sometimes I could have extras plus my food.

I never been too keen on butter, cheese or fast foods- actually after my surgery I found it really difficult to eat cheese bcos would make me sick some horrible green bitter stuff.

Also when i would eat something too caloric( like 3 ice creams in one go- lol) my body will start shacking and I would be sweating alooooot, and I mean I could see the sweat running on my body in big lumps. Also would sometimes sweat just by doing nothing, I could watch TV and the sweat pours out.

Oh since November I have been on Alli diet pills which didn't work at all, then I have tried Raspberry Ketones, again without luck, my body won't get rid of anything.

Since my weight gain, I stopped sweating and I do not get shacky after I eat and what changed the most--- I'm craving foods I could not eat before, like butter, cheese, curry, lasagna, jam etc

I am trying to cut down on sugar( my biggest enemy) and sticking to fruit but even so I sometimes go over my daily limit ( a small apple has 11 g of sugar in it, 10 medium strawberries has 6 g of sugar, there is sugar in milk, yoghurt, even vegetables). I did all the research I could find on the web, at my weight/ height/ age my body needs around 1300 calories just to keep me alive, If I was to exercise 1-3 times a week that will increase to over 1600 cal per day. if I want to lose weight they say to eat 1200 calories, which i did for 3 weeks( I've been mostly on 1000 cal per day) and again no weight loss, there actually been an increase for about 4-5 days but I got down to 123-124, this is where my body seems to be comfortable at. But I am not

I have also took my measurements and from Dec 14 2012 to January 15 2013, I gained about 5 inches around my belly!!! But my weight its pretty much the same +/- a pound. I know this is crazy to read but its even more crazy when I see it happen, sooo frustrating.

I still eat small portions of food and I weigh pretty much everything and I even started to exercise( long walks and sometimes I run also- which I never ever ever did before.


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I have had my surgery end of June 2010 starting at 210 pounds and by June 2011 I was down to 114 pounds. From June 2011 until end of July 2012 I managed to keep my weight to 114-115 pounds. Well, starting August 2012 i started to put on weight and by September I gained 9-10 pounds( in ONE month), it is now end of January 2013 and I haven't managed to lose any weight and I have been careful about what I am eating, except the Christmas period where I had a lot of chocolates. So nothing in 4 months

From surgery till August( 2 years 2 months) I could eat anything I wanted, anytime I wanted and I never been exercising except the day to day chores around the house and a bit of walking now and again.

To explain better...I could have up to 3- THREE!!! ice creams in a day and I would eat crisps everyday and sometimes I could have extras plus my food.

I never been too keen on butter, cheese or fast foods- actually after my surgery I found it really difficult to eat cheese bcos would make me sick some horrible green bitter stuff.

Also when i would eat something too caloric( like 3 ice creams in one go- lol) my body will start shacking and I would be sweating alooooot, and I mean I could see the sweat running on my body in big lumps. Also would sometimes sweat just by doing nothing, I could watch TV and the sweat pours out.

Oh since November I have been on Alli diet pills which didn't work at all, then I have tried Raspberry Ketones, again without luck, my body won't get rid of anything.

Since my weight gain, I stopped sweating and I do not get shacky after I eat and what changed the most--- I'm craving foods I could not eat before, like butter, cheese, curry, lasagna, jam etc

I am trying to cut down on sugar( my biggest enemy) and sticking to fruit but even so I sometimes go over my daily limit ( a small apple has 11 g of sugar in it, 10 medium strawberries has 6 g of sugar, there is sugar in milk, yoghurt, even vegetables). I did all the research I could find on the web, at my weight/ height/ age my body needs around 1300 calories just to keep me alive, If I was to exercise 1-3 times a week that will increase to over 1600 cal per day. if I want to lose weight they say to eat 1200 calories, which i did for 3 weeks( I've been mostly on 1000 cal per day) and again no weight loss, there actually been an increase for about 4-5 days but I got down to 123-124, this is where my body seems to be comfortable at. But I am not

I have also took my measurements and from Dec 14 2012 to January 15 2013, I gained about 5 inches around my belly!!! But my weight its pretty much the same +/- a pound. I know this is crazy to read but its even more crazy when I see it happen, sooo frustrating.

I still eat small portions of food and I weigh pretty much everything and I even started to exercise( long walks and sometimes I run also- which I never ever ever did before.


good news is you are still sitting at 124lbs correct?

do you work out? It sounds like you need to lift some weights to gain lean muscle and get your metabolism going!

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I have had my surgery end of June 2010 starting at 210 pounds and by June 2011 I was down to 114 pounds. From June 2011 until end of July 2012 I managed to keep my weight to 114-115 pounds. Well, starting August 2012 i started to put on weight and by September I gained 9-10 pounds( in ONE month), it is now end of January 2013 and I haven't managed to lose any weight and I have been careful about what I am eating, except the Christmas period where I had a lot of chocolates. So nothing in 4 months

From surgery till August( 2 years 2 months) I could eat anything I wanted, anytime I wanted and I never been exercising except the day to day chores around the house and a bit of walking now and again.

To explain better...I could have up to 3- THREE!!! ice creams in a day and I would eat crisps everyday and sometimes I could have extras plus my food.

I never been too keen on butter, cheese or fast foods- actually after my surgery I found it really difficult to eat cheese bcos would make me sick some horrible green bitter stuff.

Also when i would eat something too caloric( like 3 ice creams in one go- lol) my body will start shacking and I would be sweating alooooot, and I mean I could see the sweat running on my body in big lumps. Also would sometimes sweat just by doing nothing, I could watch TV and the sweat pours out.

Oh since November I have been on Alli diet pills which didn't work at all, then I have tried Raspberry Ketones, again without luck, my body won't get rid of anything.

Since my weight gain, I stopped sweating and I do not get shacky after I eat and what changed the most--- I'm craving foods I could not eat before, like butter, cheese, curry, lasagna, jam etc

I am trying to cut down on sugar( my biggest enemy) and sticking to fruit but even so I sometimes go over my daily limit ( a small apple has 11 g of sugar in it, 10 medium strawberries has 6 g of sugar, there is sugar in milk, yoghurt, even vegetables). I did all the research I could find on the web, at my weight/ height/ age my body needs around 1300 calories just to keep me alive, If I was to exercise 1-3 times a week that will increase to over 1600 cal per day. if I want to lose weight they say to eat 1200 calories, which i did for 3 weeks( I've been mostly on 1000 cal per day) and again no weight loss, there actually been an increase for about 4-5 days but I got down to 123-124, this is where my body seems to be comfortable at. But I am not

I have also took my measurements and from Dec 14 2012 to January 15 2013, I gained about 5 inches around my belly!!! But my weight its pretty much the same +/- a pound. I know this is crazy to read but its even more crazy when I see it happen, sooo frustrating.

I still eat small portions of food and I weigh pretty much everything and I even started to exercise( long walks and sometimes I run also- which I never ever ever did before.


Go back to the basics and make sure you are getting between 70-90 grams of Protein a day. Cut out the refined sugar, white flour, rice and potatoes.

Protein first will forever be the key for us.

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Hey, thanks for replay, I weighed my self today and I'm actually 122 pounds, I dont work out except walking and a bit of running cus Im really in a bad shape, the longest i can run its 4 minutes and im dead lol

Im not sure if lifting weights is what i want to do, as i still have alot of fat around my belly/ legs and i would hate it to look even bigger, i think im going to wait to get rid of another 5 pounds and then considering the weight lifting. X

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Go back to the basics and make sure you are getting between 70-90 grams of Protein a day. Cut out the refined sugar, white flour, rice and potatoes.

Protein first will forever be the key for us.

I must add that I am also an emotional eater, I do not eat bcos Im hungry I eat cus ...I dont know why!!!??!!

I could go without food for at least 1 day by the time I get the feeling of hunger, that could happen 2-3 days a month but then the rest I eat even tho I am not hungry, like I said, I still have small portions but making the wrong choices. I thought bcos for the first 2 years I could eat anything I wanted, I could continue eating like that. But I was wrong and now I will deff try to eat only when Im hungry and as you said, mainly protein and cut out all the bad foods. Thank you for your answer

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I must add that I am also an emotional eater, I do not eat bcos Im hungry I eat cus ...I dont know why!!!??!!

I could go without food for at least 1 day by the time I get the feeling of hunger, that could happen 2-3 days a month but then the rest I eat even tho I am not hungry, like I said, I still have small portions but making the wrong choices. I thought bcos for the first 2 years I could eat anything I wanted, I could continue eating like that. But I was wrong and now I will deff try to eat only when Im hungry and as you said, mainly Protein and cut out all the bad foods. Thank you for your answer

It doesn't seem like you are too off track weight wise. A lot of people are for moderation on the bad stuff, but there are some of us who have trigger foods - especially carbs make our bodies crave even more and more of them until we feel out of control.

Eat well, but eat smart.

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Hey, thanks for replay, I weighed my self today and I'm actually 122 pounds, I dont work out except walking and a bit of running cus Im really in a bad shape, the longest i can run its 4 minutes and im dead lol

Im not sure if lifting weights is what i want to do, as i still have alot of fat around my belly/ legs and i would hate it to look even bigger, i think im going to wait to get rid of another 5 pounds and then considering the weight lifting. X

I am a bigger guy and most weight circuits allow you to adjust the seats, bars and seat so most machines can accommodate everyone. If you do not like the weight circuit at the gym try some free weights at the gym or buy yourself some dumbells to use at home or you could even use milk jugs and fill them with Water, just about anything will work.

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I am a bigger guy and most weight circuits allow you to adjust the seats, bars and seat so most machines can accommodate everyone. If you do not like the weight circuit at the gym try some free weights at the gym or buy yourself some dumbells to use at home or you could even use milk jugs and fill them with Water, just about anything will work.

Thanks for the tip, appreciated xx

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