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Dashing in for another quick visit...

Pat - hope you survived the day. How was the Seafood Alfredo? Sounds Yummy!

Cindy - swearing more... Hmmm. I don't know if I could do that and not get arrested - or fired! LOL! I hope everyone here will smack me if I get out of hand. I try to control myself, really...but DH says I swear like a sailor!

Mary - Hugs! Good luck with your hearing. Sad about the Cousin. I will never understand the whole Suicide concept. How can anyone have lived a life so devoid of joy that they would kill themselves? Or is it just that one moment when they hate life so much? Would they change their minds, if they could? Very sad.

Darcy - happy news about the ddog. I am sure she will learn her limits very soon and be happy as can be within her invisible fence. How is your fill going? Is it working for you? I hope so. Hugs!

I will try to stop by again later. I really can't believe how quiet it has been today.


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Wow I didn't realize I was gone this long :Banane33: . I've kept up with the reading of everyone's posts but, didn't have time to reply.

Nope I haven't ridden my bike yet because it's still being worked on. Hubby just sanded down the gas tank and he's going to paint it for me. Betty hubby does ride and he has a bike. 750 Honda something lol. I've still got a lot of learning to do when it comes to bikes, sizes, brands, styles etc. We'd both love to get a Goldwing someday but, that's a long time coming. Gotta pay the boat off first.

Exciting news today. Hubby, DS and I went out on a few errands. We pulled into the plaza and just ahead of us was a teen running and another behind him. The doink tripped and fell head over heal then got up, I looked at the chaser and it was a she and then another guy was on the ground near the door. I realize the guy running stole from the store. Hubby was driving, chased the guy, cut him off, slammed the car into park jumped out and chased the guy and knocked him on his ARSSSSSSS. That guy wasn't getting up with my hubby there. I got on the cell and call the cops. Turns out the guy has 2 warrants for similar charges, stole $346.25 from that store and knocked the manager on his but to the point where he had to go to the hospital to make sure he was ok. We were in the right place and the right time to help. I got scared that the guy was going to pull a knife or something cause he was searching around his jacket but, with my BIG BEAR of a hubby chasing the guy threw the DVDs, Video Games and everything and tried to hold up his pants while running lol. You know the ones....they wear their pants half way down their ARS. Well that didn't help this guy! lol. Cops thank hubby for helping but, said he really needs to be careful. Jerks like this carry needles etc. Hubby said he thought of that and that's why he shoved the guy by the shoulder blades. :woot: Exciting night for sure.

Part of this trip out involved Kentucky Fried chicken. I figured I'd have the taters and thought I'd try a small bite of chicken. BIG...did I say BIG? Mistake! Two bites of mashed pots and one bite of chicken and the golf ball was there. UGH. I almost started to cry it's so frustrating. I don't want an unfil though because it's only certain foods that do this to me right now and I may of swallowed that bite of chicken too early. Still....stinks worrying if I'm going to lose it at the restaurant or not. I won't be eating out for a while.

Betty - So sorry to hear you have sick family. I do hope your aunts feel better soon. Hugs :( and I hope you're doing ok.

Bene - How are you doing with your fill. I've read you like the restriction but, have you gotten anything stuck or that golfball? Man I've had it at least once every other day since 4/12. I soooo have alot to learn.

Darcy - Isn't it amazin that kids even in their teens turn to kiddos really quick when they are hurting or uncomfortable? I love knowing my son trusts me that way too.

Mary - Whew...sounds like you've had a heck of a time with this divorce. I do wish you the best and I hope it all works out in the end. It's never easy but, when you're dealing with a future ex like yours it sounds even worse. God bless you and your children through this whole thing.

Cindy - Hows it going my friend? Are you resting up from all those tests? Is it this year you're retiring?

Pat - Man I hear ya on the workers thing. I had an employee call in sick Tues, Wed & Thurs of last week. I had FRiday off and found out she was out that day as well and didn't call anyone to let them know. There was no message on my voicemail either. Monday no call no show. In the afternoon I called the only other number I had for her which was her daughters. The daughter was pretty abrupt and said she hadn't talked to her mother since Saturday. That she'd call her and call me back. NOTHING. Today...no show, no call so I emailed her. Finally wrote me back said she wouldn't be returning. No explanation nothing. UNREAL!!!! I have another leaving at the end of next month because her MIL is leaving for India and she doesn't have a sitter. She wants to work nights (we don't have a night shift) or work from home (we can't because of HIPAA requirements). Helloo I had to sign my life away to be able to have access from home and I have to have a dedicated room for patient privacy purposes. UGH UGH UGH! Sounds like I should be working for you :) Man what I wouldn't give and I'd show you what a good employee is like :)

Patty - I can guarantee your ex spotted those flowers and heard your son say they were there :) He just didn't want you to know. Sounds like you're coming along on the banding. That's great. How much more do you have to do in order to get a date?

Donna - I think we all go through what you went through today. Have you ever heard the song by Joshua Kadison that has the line "Why do I feel like the invisible man?" I cant' remember the exact name of the song but it might be invisible man. It states how I felt alot when I was growing up and sometimes happens now. All the hussle and bussle going on around us sometimes makes us feel lost. The eating, getting mad for it then eating again wellllllll I think we can all attest to that's why we're here in the first place :) I think when things aren't going right we turn to what we know but, now you have a tool around your tummy to help you get back on track. Go easy on yourself......look out at that ocean...take a deep breath and think about all that's good in your life. I know it helps me :) Oh and when it comes to checking to see if anyone realizes your gone....I can attest that this advanced thing only goes so far lol. If I dont' see someone's name within scrolling I can't think of what to reply in a personal. I do think of everyone though....*wink...I have a cheat sheet with everyone's screen names and real names on it so I can remember who's who. (Old age..shhhh our secret)

Eileen, Eileen my favorite typed noise making machine hee hee. I love it when you come up with all those sounds and noises lol. School skippin today are ya? Better make sure the Boss Principal doesn't find out or ...did ya take a holiday? lol I hope you have fun with DD.

Dianne - Curves and your bike? WOWZA and I thought I was doing good just going to Curves even though I really didn't wanna lol. Good for you and I hope it helps move things along on the scale :) You deserve it with working out that hard!

Anne - How are ya? When is that fill going to be again? Forgetful me!

Well....I've probably missed someone and I apologize.....blame it on the advanced email scrolling hee hee.

Love you all and hope you have a fantastic HUMP day tomorrow heh heh

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I was kinda pissy this AM on the way to work, but called a DF who is battling Lung Cancer that has spread, she has to use a walker now and have help taking a bath, she's 45. Needless to say, by the time I got to work and finished talking to Kay, I thought, how petty of me, I've got my health, I've got it ALL.

Betty, sorry about the family illness. Sounds like you have several aunts. I had 24 aunts and 24 uncles on one side of the family, my dad had 12 bros and sis. Lots and lots of cousins, 2nd cousins, now 3rd cousins.

RB, the Alfredo was good going down and still pretty tasty when it come back :omg: , I can't believe I said that, :kiss . It's been one of those days nothing stayed down, but I wasn't giving up, finally about 4:15, I got the rest of it down, by then I was starved.

OMG Sherry, your husband could have been shot, Teddy Bear or not. Although, I know he's a real hero :clap2:. Glad he wasn't hurt.:bandit

Ok Gang, Dianne's making us look bad with all that exercising, as Eileen would say, WTF.

Speaking of which, (I did say which, LMAO), where are you hiding? Eileenie, you're mighty quiet today. As for the fish, they're Croakers, I scaled and my DH filleted em, then I fried them with some hushpuppies.

Like Betty, I love to fish, especially since we moved on the Water, I just turn my speakers at the pier on, pull up a chair, rig two lines, kick back and watch the rods bend, then start reeling.

Cindy, I can't believe you smoked. I use to tease the DH every time he'd start to cheat and say, well, if you have on puff after a week or two, that means you haven't quit, you just cut wayyyy back, then he'd stop.

Cindy, you must have been watching me today. The first hour was a little slow and I had some new magazines in the mail, so I did some online shopping between phone calls. By days end, I thought I was gonna need a cocktail, but I went to Gson's ballgame and to check on DS, he's got a 24 hr virus. Called me at 5:50 this AM to tell me he was throwing up, scared the chit outta me, do you know how many horrible things you can think of that could be wrong in a split second :paranoid ? I went by to check on him tonight, cleaned the puke outta the sink, cleaned out the dishwasher, put clean dishes away, took him some Soup and ice cream. Something very very strange going on there, Zack's bouncy was out, when I asked why, he said "she" had brought him by for a few minutes, but of course he couldn't remember which day. I'll bet you anything she was there today, she has to go within a mile to take her DD to school and pick her up. I think I've raised a son who is an idiot, what in the hell is he thinking? Now that I think back, he stayed home Saturday night, after he cut his finger, hmmmm, it's all starting to fall into place now. :( :Banane33: :woot:

Thanks for asking about his hand friends, now I think it's his mind that's gone. WTF!!!!!!

Darcy, I used fireballs, every time I wanted a cig, specially when I was driving, that's when I missed em the most. I quit having sex so I didn't have to worry about the after sex part.....just kidding. As for 13yr old daughter, enjoy those special times while you can, take em anyway you can get them.

Mary, let us know how it goes in court darlin, you and Patty need to exchange #'s, I imagine you two could give each other some tips and advice, like how to plant flowers in your house :) . Like Cindy, I'm proud of you too, that's quite a challenge starting a weedeater, much less using the dm thing. Sorry about his cousin though, sooo sad.

Patty, I hope your band date gets scheduled really soon. It would be nice if it was right after school was out and you wouldn't have to miss on your new job. Are you still in love with him or is it not polite for me to ask? If so, I apologize in advance.

Doc, sorry you're feeling down, of course we miss you. It's easy to miss you if you don't at least say hello.

Anne, come out and play with us.

Nitie nite friends.

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I am feeling better... did the correct food "stuff" yesterday. Sat on the beach and took a couple of deep breaths. Can;t excersise this week due to a broken toe!

It was very hard for me to "expose" myself yesterday .... I don't do well letting my walls down. Thank you to those that supported me. I know that I have to do this for me. I am the only one who can help myself get out of these times when "food additiction" take overs. This is an inside job!

These "F" words are going to kill me if I don't hit them head on... FOOD AND FEELINGS......... lol

I'll catch up on personals latter after work and beach : - )


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BOO !!

I can't stay and play, boss is all over me naaaaaaaaaah naaaaaaaaaah.... I'll catch up later... LOVE YOU !!!

Donna we are all here for the same reason...we are addicted to food. hugs and kisses to you all.

One more quickie.....if any of you get that golf ball stuck feeling...try to cough. I noticed since my allergies are acting up and if I get stuck, the coughing helps loosen it and plop ! you can feel it hit bottom...at least for me.

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Ohhh when I get that golf ball I do all kind of things to try to get it to move... cough, swallow, burp, walk, pace, jump up and down...pray! It finally moves but, sometime UGH it takes 20-30 mins to go away. I don't like that feeling at all. UGH.

home from work....my shoulder/neck were really hurting and gave me one hell of a headache working towards a Migraine. Got really dizzy and had to have DH pick me up and bring me to the chiro.....ahhhhhhhhh doing much better. Still a little stiff but, much better. be back later :(

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Eileen- How was who' who? How are they old enough to know? I bet it was cute.

LOL Darcy-love the word twoterville!! I'm so sorry about the panic attacks. Maybe more sex will help those! My Hubby says more sex is the answer to EVERYTHING...lol..I sure wish I felt that was! I do have energy these days. It feels good I sure hope it lasts! I walked in the grocery store this morning and felt like a fool without a cart so I grabbed one so no one would think what is that lady rushing around here for..lol I haven't been great with food so I'm hoping the exercise will help.

Ok What I'm I doing wrong with Sandy and Lucy. Sandy got trained on the fence a few weeks ago and she is still getting zapped once in a while. Lucy, or Lunny Luse, as I like to call her, we just put her collar on her Monday. She doesn't even act like she hears the buzz. We still have the protector on the collar so she hasn't been zapped, I'm I just being impatient! I have to tell you, she cracks us all up! You know I put a bell by the door and now she rings it when she wants to go out..HOW CUTE IS THAT...anyway this morning she thought it was fun to watch Mommy jump up everytime she rang the bell. Talk about exercise!

Donna- Give your self a hug! We ALL go through ups and downs. I'm on an up right now, but I've had more downs than ups. Do you look at the scale everyday? I HATE the scale!! I look once a week at the most and try to only look every other week. It makes so feel like a failure when it goes up. So I will grab more Hershey kisses, what the heck! This is all a process and these feeling are all normal. My last down time I brought home a puppy...be careful....Hugs..

Patty-I can't wait for you do get your date and shock the heck out of him as your going down!! GL with the paper work. Hang in there..think of the mouse, I'm sure he makes you smile...hugs...

Beannie-I wish I could do that, but I'm chicken. My doc told me that I now have a 10% chance of slippage so I really have to stick with all the rules...bummer huh. Looks like I'm going to be in NJ on June14. Maybe hopefully you'll be there. I'll keep you and Eileen posted. I may come up for a longer visit in August.

Pat-Ummm Olive Garden! I have been having cravings for that salad since before my second surgery! I'm on a spinach salad kick this week and totally enjoying it! Hope work gets better. Maybe your son will get her sick to her stomach!!!

This exercise thing I'm going through I hope it lasts! I have been doing more because of the upcoming Cancun trip and also my poor snacking! I really need help with that! Today I'm eating like a jerk! Well not really but I haven't had my PT shake yet and I've munched an a few nuts and raisins. I know I'm setting myself up for a fall if I don't do something smart about eating now!

I brought a new bathing suite at Sears yesterday. I think I look pretty good in it. I also think it is the cutest BS I've ever seen. It looks like a black dress and then by the boobs there is another piece of fabric that black and white almost looks like a little jacket. Anyway I'm ready for CANCUN!!!

I hope you all have a good day. It's coldish her today and off and on much needed rain.

bye for now

SherryW-Talk about Superman..wow how scary, but exciting at the same time. You are good with your list of everyone's names!!! I use the email to remember to get to everyone, other wise I forget who said what by the time I finish reading.

Betty-How are things going?

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Okay, let's see...lots of headaches around here. Lots of crazy family also. food addiction? Check! Okay, guess I'm in the right place!

Thank you for being here, all of you! Do you know the story of the flying geese? They take turns leading, so they can fly further....one leads, then drops back, while another leads...it reminds me of us. It's okay if we're the leader for a while, then need to follow for a while. Donna, this story is especially for you, but it fits for all of us.

Pat, is your son basically "you know what" with that crazy girl? She must have "some" skill! Sorry...you raised a good son, he chose the idiot part. LOL! Forgive me if I am over-stepping.

Hey, I gotta go, but I wanted to share the story of the geese...whoever is stronger, leads. Then we'll switch.

Hugs, Cindy

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Hey ya all..

Just got back.. Well it neither went real bad, but nor did it go good. We get another Hearing in May. The good part is the pro active stance I took sending his Lawyer a letter in regards to child support came in handy. When the Judge asked his side about child support they Lawyer said that was not figured out. I said NO that is not correct and it is figured out and I did send you the figures. So the Judge stopped what he was doing and looked at the Lawyer and said "Your Client better start paying something cause he is getting behind" Oh you should have seen the look on the Lawyer's face. PRICELESS:devious

My STBX did not watch his words and admitted he drank when he has the kids. Not anymore per ruling from the Judge -- NO Alcohol

He gets to see them everyother weekend Sat and Sun but NO overnights..

He also gets to come by and pick up his tools and a truck box he has in the back yard.

To tell you all the truth I really belive it is his Lawyer that is pushing him but I hope that when he starts coming by for the kids he will maybe say something and I will tell him lets talk and agree. Because the Lawyer I am going to get is going to eat and spit you out and I do not hate him not think he is a bad person I just want my kids to be safe and happy... Humm

I will come back later..

on a good note I won a 1000.00 dollar shopping spree on line.. Now I can send something to those I owe a gift too...

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Me, me, me, you owe me a gift, LOL, just kidding, even if you did I'd tell you to spend it on you and the kids.

Cindy, DS called her today, cause the deputy stopped by Monday investigating her larceny charges which could be a felony, based on the $$ amount. Last week she had told him she was going to drop everything, but today she said she wanted "her" stuff back. It will never end, and I still haven't seen my gson :think .

Donna, glad you're back with us, maybe it's time for a fill. I swear this last one I got hates hot weather. Today it's cool, I've been eating all day, yesterday, well you know how it goes.

Later gang, gotta go the boss is lurking, (my wanna be my boss DH).

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It's 11:34 and WHY am I home? Because Lewis got sick at school. I had 4 kids in my office and I wrapped up what I was doing and said good bye to my manager -- I worked for 90minutes!

Yesterday was a total insult! You guys know that I have had my heart set on that TIVO machine and I was gonna get it yesterday.... but I had a few more questions. First there wasn't any floor clerks at circuit city and so I went to hunt one down. When he comes to my area he heads straight to the man standing by the Tivo machines, COMPLETELY IGNORING ME! This is where I hate being a girl, we are invisible to mechanics, and in electronics stores, also pet shops but thats another story. When he finally acknowledged me I find out that I don't have enough money. The machine is $200 + the TIVO service fees and I don't have the $550. to get it :bananadoggywow: I then went to another store to find out what they charge.... and once again COMPLETELY IGNORED BY STORE EMPLOYEE'S. I walked past 7 men at Best Buy and NO ONE asked if they could help. I read the shelf tag, got my information but I was fuming! I was in a foul mood for awhile and cooled off by dinner time. All I wanted to do was surprise the boys with our new machine -- urgghfmph (deleted) bad words from nice mommy.

Pat: You don't have to apologize.... but are you asking if I still Love my Ex? Uhhhhh, NO! If you want to know why it's important that he noticed my flowers... it's a head game. Dan purposely dragged on our divorce proceedings and rarely showed up to court dates. He got rid of his attorney and decided to use mine. When the final papers were made he was ordered to pay for half of my attorney fees ie: $4,000 divided by 2 equals $2,000. I haven't seen a penny. Our divorce was May 11, 2004. On June 12, 2004 he got married. Then on May 11th 2005 he had a baby. I tell you all this because it hurt my kids and it hurt me. When I meet someone I believe that he will finally realize what he lost. Which is partly why I bought the flowers for myself. And the impact of that is really what I want him to feel. Marriage is SO very complicated, and I am in no hurry to get married again. One thing I want to add, is that his new wife is NOT the reason we were divorcing and I have no malice toward her.... unfortunately she REALLY dislikes me but I figure thats because I hurt her man.... which I think is really weird because if I hadn't dumped him, she wouldn't have been able to marry him. I know, it's all stupid! Do sound lovestruck? I hope not... to be further discussed later, Lewis is getting into stuff, and I gott stop him. Hugs,

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Hey All...

Well... I should tell you that I have had two glasses of wine while preparing dinner... so I am very relaxed and amiable! Today has been an introspective type of day... wondering what the heck is wrong with my brain!!!???!!! Ladies... I literally can not stop myself from binging from eating. I am going to make another appointment for a second fill but honestly... I have my doubts on how effective that will be. I am not eating because I am hungry... I just have this compulsion to shove something in my mouth every five seconds!!!! (I'm glad my hubby isn't here to make a comment on that!)

Patty... I remember praying that my ex would find a significant other... when he did... I was sooooooooooo happy!!!! Unfortunately ther is not a woman alive that can tolerate him... it didn't last and 10 years later he is still single! Isn't it wierd to feel like barfing at the thought of loving a person you one married???? Sorry about the TIVO experience... I would love to have TIVO... we just haven't managed to check into it yet. I find it halarious to go into any electronics department... they always treat ya like a "little woman"!!! WHen I find a salesman or salesperson that treats me with respect... I treat him or her with a purchase... it's a lot like training a pet. :Banane20:

Pat... Unfortunately... sex is a very powerful thang... hopefully your son's brain will grow more powerful than his...errrrr... physical needs before long! I am sorry that you are missing out on your grandbaby... (((Hugs)))

Bubbame... I'm so glad this meeting is behind you... I hope the rest of the process goes as smoothly as possible. Again... Divorce sucks!

Sex is the answer to every single problen according to my husband... hmmm... I'm prettty desperate... maybe I'll give it a try! Anybody have a cigarette????? :bananadoggywow:

Cindy... THose doggone H.A.'s need to take a hike already!!!!! Oh... apparently more sex may be the cure according to my hubby. :fruitsex:

Sherry... See the above comment to Cindy. :Banane57: Man... Your hubby is as crazy as mine... we had a guy slam into a tree close to our home last hear... he then backed up and parked his much disabled car in an appartment complex nearby and go tout and took off on foot... three men from our street took off after him and cornered him (one was my hubby)... needless to say... the driver was drunk and on his way to jail sooner than later and this was early evening at the time when most people go out for evening walks. I can't believe he didn't hit anyone!

Donna... I am really glad you are feeling a bit better.... I think sometimes we all try not to pressure when people disappear from the radar around here... mostly out of respect... you are loved. :Banane33:

Betty... You are so right... if I go out right now and buy a pack... I am going to feel like a big pile of poop... soooo... why am I sitting here planning the whole rendevous to the minute-mart in my mind???? Not going to do it... but will probably spend the whole evening wishing I could! I wish they would just outlaw the stupid things! WHo are things going with your sick faminly members????

Okay... imagine I forgot somebody... sorrrryyyyy.... I'll catch ya next time!

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Oh, I missed you guys! DH is out of town this week and the kids have been keeping me hopping. If I can't concentrate it's just not worth trying to catch up on here. Quick Callie story (my 2 year old): I was on the phone with my mom and thought that the kids were happily watching a video. I had left a stick of butter on the counter to soften. I walked into the family room to find Callie smushing the entire stick into my couch. Sigh. I'm going to sell that girl to the gypsies one of these days... Good thing couch cushions have two sides! :Banane20:

Darcy, you're not the only one kicking back with a glass of wine tonight. I bought one of those boxed wines at the store today. I wish that I could reach out and snap you out of what my sister and I call "binge mode". I have been mindlessly stuffing my stomach for the last 5 weeks, and went up 16 lbs on the scale. Man it hurts to type that... For the last 3 days I've been on Slim Fast trying to minimize the damage, but of course I could kick myself. I began exercising 3 days ago too, which is a small miracle. So, what's my rambling point? That it really only takes one good day to get back on track and stop bingeing. I know you can do it too!

Donna, it means a lot to me that you opened up to us! I have a hard time opening up too, and even though this is a weight loss support site it's embarrassing to admit when we're eating badly. I hope you're feeling back in control! (((HUGS)))

Patty, I'm sorry that the TIVO didn't work out for you. Maybe you should look into the $10/month option so that the up front costs are a little lower. Hope your son is feeling better!

Pat, I hope those girls get back in the office for you tomorrow. Isn't that baby about 3 months overdue by now? I hope your tummy is feeling better.

Eilene, how's it hangin? Doesn't that boss man ever go out of town? When I get that golf ball feeling next time I'll try your coughing trick. I'm so desperate for restriction I'm almost looking forward to the golfball... WTF?! :bananadoggywow:

Mary, it sounds like your court date went pretty well. Don't tell STBX about the shopping spree - he'll want half! :biggrin1: On a serious note, I hope you two can work things out amicably. He may be an a**hole, but he'll always be in your life to some extent with the kids. (((HUGS)))

Cindy, thanks for the geese story. It's very appropriate. I have an idea - let's fly over the houses of the ex's and the soon-to-be-ex's and drop some bombs! What a visual...

Sherry, how are you feeling? I hope that headache didn't turn into a Migraine.

Dianne, you have a smart pup there! I can't even get my kids to ring the doorbell when they want to come in. :fruitsex: We have one of those doggie fences too. Do you still have flags in the yard? That might help them get the hang of it.

Beanie, I'm glad you're having a nice quiet day. It sounds like those are few and far between with your job. Enjoy your break!

Betty, how are you doing today? I'm so sorry that your family is going through such a tough time. I'll be thinking of you all. (((HUGS)))

I really hope I haven't forgotten anybody because my hand is cramping up from all this typing. And my arms are exhausted from all this cyber hugging too! That's okay - they need toning. :Banane57: Love you guys!

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I Made it!!!! I am an official bandster now!!! I had it done last Monday, and made it home from Mexico yesterday....yesterday was rough, 5 hours in a car, 4 hours in planes, layovers, transfers, overbooked flights...we left the hospital around 8:30 AM and madeit home about 9:30 PM.But I am home and after a night in my own bed, I feel like a new person again!

Surgery went well according the the Dr. and my barium swallows. No nausea, minor gas pain in the middle of my chest, off & on. My only serious issues I have at this point, is that all of my incisions are very high, and it makes a bra an act of torture! However today, it isn't so bad...Yesterday was just a difficult day. My SIL had hers done immediately after me, and she too is doing well, has already called this morning to let me know SHE has already lost 11 pounds. Oh well I knew doing this together would bring out her natural competetiveness (?), and I can deal with it....afterall I have all of you to whine to about it!!! I am down a total of 10 pounds from my original consultation, and pre-op diet, but I figure it is 10 gone wooohooo only another 120 to go!!! in 1- pound increments maybe it will be easier!

I scanned through some posts, although have not got to read them all fully, phone is ringing off the hook! I do want to say that you and all your family isues will be in my heart and prayers Betty, the feeling of it all happening at once, and being unable to control any of it is so scary. And Darcy, as for the quitting smoking, been there...I quit on April 1st, 1991. It was my 1991 New Years resolution...I said I would quit April 1st. Figuring if I wimped out I would say it was an April Fools joke!!! Then my DD's father told her "Your Mom will never be able to quit!". Thank heaven he said that or I might not have!!! I did it to spite him! And have never regretted it, I will admit that I gained about 20 pounds, but I had no band to help. However it is now 15 years later, and I'd say once a year or so I will be sitting down after dinner and reach down in the side of the chair (where I used to hide my cigarette case from my DD, to keep her out of it) to get my cigarettes, about the second time I feel around for them it hits me what I am doing!!! It always blows me away!!! Good luck, my best advice is simply that quitting sucks...it is hard as hell. And if you go back and smoke today, then eventually when you quit again you have to live this day over again.....it only gets easier. I never ever wanted to live days 1,2,3...over again, so I refused to!!! Best of Luck!!!

Off to see where DH is I need him to lift my suitcase. Thanks for all the positive thoughts while I was undergoing my banding!!!!


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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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