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Words of Wisdom...Please?!

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I'm a pre-bander and I'm stalking a lot of postings here....I came across this one and had to put in my two cents of my journey to getting banded. I have really kicked things into high gear the past two months and have decided "IT IS TIME" and I've worked really hard at finding new "yummies" because I know there will be times I give into my head...sometimes you just have to, right?

I was a Mt. Dew addict...literally. Nope, now it is Crystal Light Honey Lemon Green Tea. I used to have a Jethro Bodine lunch (meaning huge), now it is a Lean Cuisine or Smart One and fresh cut veggies or a yogurt. Greek Honey vanilla Yogurt with a package of Splenda..Yummy. I've also learned to like the taste of sugar free pudding and Jell-o. I think if you change these simple things, you can still treat yourself once in a while. The sugar free chocolate pudding really satisfied my sweet tooth and the craving was gone. Before I would have had a Snickers.....I'm good now. Also Fiber One oats & chocolate bar...yummy but probably not so good for you (but I'm really need fiber with these changes).

Can you suggest some really good Protein shakes and powders? I've tried them before in the past on my many diet adventures and cannot find one that I can even try to pretend is a glass of chocolate milk, or a Wendy's Frosty. I know they aren't going to be the same, but there has to be something out there that tastes good and can be semi-enjoyable.

Great work everyone...I am so excited (and terrified at the same time) of my new life ahead. No more ugly fat lady clothes for me. I want to shop in the normal section again....I'm not even looking to be skinny. Healthy is my goal...I will be thrilled to reach 165, anything extra is a bonus.

I like pure pt pre-made pt shakes - vanilla cream - add whatever you like for fruit and ice really yummy and so is the chocolate - I they sell it in powder forms - never bought it - I'm well past the shake phase put will have one for Breakfast or a snack every now and then

Good luck on your journey..

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I'm a stalking pre-bander too, surgery is set for 3/1. For Protein shakes, I've found Muscle Milk Light is pretty good... I've only tried Vanilla Creme and Cookies n' Creme so far, but I'm going to pick up the chocolate Milk and banana Creme this week.

Whatever you do, stay away from Bariatric Advantage (what my surgeon's office recommended)... gross!

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I am a stalking pre-bander too. My surgery is in two days, 2/25/11. I've been on LBT for days seeking information to cure my "cold feet" about this whole process and questioning what I am about to do...(surgery that is). This thread is really helping me. I have been drinking Slim fast drinks and a small meal for my pre-op diet. What do you you think of Slim fast drinks in general for Meal Replacements after surgery, actually after the liquid stage of the post-op diet? I also need more words of encouragement to go through with the surgery. HELP. I am 5'3", weight 215 lbs, I am 44 years old, and I do not want to get any bigger and I fail at diets after 3 months. I am ready for a life style change..........HELP!!!!

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I'm almost 2 years out, having lost 100lbs after 16 months. The surgery was a breeze for me - minor discomfort, no pain or gas, and easy recovery. This has absolutely been the BEST thing I have ever done for myself and my overall health and well-being! I can relate to all that IndioGirl posted. I am dealing with 'head hunger' and allowed 10 lbs to creep back on over the holidays (chocolate and chips go down way too easy for me, and are trigger foods that I have a hard time controlling portions). While I hit several plateaus during the past two years, this is the first gain. I am fortunate that my Surgeon provides a well-rounded aftercare program, at no additional charge, including weekly support group meetings and an 11-month cognitive behavior therapy course. If you have support group resources available, I encourage you to take advantage of them, as the surgery only helps with the physical issues - you still need to find a way to work through the mental issues related to obesity. I allowed my exercise to lapse over the holidays, and just got started again. I think I'm back on track (and down 2 lbs) with the support of the meetings, and I've re-joined a group of women who participate in local 5K & 10K runs and train together. Our goal last year was a 5 mile mud run, and that really motivated me to exercise regularly. I didn't exercise at all prior to the Lap Band, and running was the last thing I ever thought I would do - now I love the way it helps tone my body and makes me feel! This year's goal is a mini-Triathalon, and that goal has motivated me to re-establish a regular exercise routine. Since I have a desk job, I make sure to take a daily walking break and I go up and down 7 flights of stairs in my building. I also park at the far end of the 4th floor parking structure, so that is another 4 flights of stairs once or twice a work day. If traditional exercise is not appealing to you, just increase your daily activities - no elevators, more stairs, park farther away, walk around your work environment as much as possible, and find fun, active things to do on your days off. As for Protein Shakes, Slim Fast are pretty low on Protein compared to other options. My absolute FAVORITE (and I've tried many) is Premier Brand chocolate Protein Shake available at costco or online. They are pre-made in a carton, and taste like chocolate milk without the sickeningly sweet artificial sweetener aftertaste. A case of 18 goes for $24. They also come in vanilla, but I prefer chocolate. They are low-cal (160 cals), low sugar (1 gm), low fat (3 gms), include Fiber (3 gms), and high protein (30 gms - 50% of a woman's daily requirement) I drink one each morning for Breakfast, and I'm satisfied until lunch. My husband is type II diabetic, and he drinks one each morning for breakfast, too. It's really important to get enough protein, and with the limited amount of food you will be able to eat, a good-tasting high protein shake can be a great supplement. Best of luck to all of us on our journeys! ;)

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Congrats to you all! I was banded in August 2010 and feel like I've been on track since the surgery. I've pretty much stuck to the low carb/high protein/high fiber diet with tons & tons of cardio in the beginning. I added weight training/core training after the first 75lbs came off. Since then, I've been going to the gym twice a day during the work week. One hour cardio/core before work and 1hr strength training during my lunch. I looked at it as though it was a life or death situation for me. I chose life and will not let anything get in the way of my workouts or diet. Before the band, "I" was my biggest problem with all the excuses. Since I've lost over 100lbs, I reward myself now and then with whatever I want to eat or drink for a day, within moderation. My only words of wisdom are:

1. Don't look at it as thought it's the end of your "favorite foods" life. Set small attainable goals, then reward yourself. Me for instance, after every 25lbs, I've eaten whatever I want to for a day. Then I get back on track for the next reward.

2. The band doesn't make you lose weight; you make you lose weight; the band is just a tool to make your job of losing weight easier.

3. IMHO, you can't do it with the change in your diet alone. You have to tackle this like it is the fight of your life and make time for gym time. Whether it is at an actual gym, in your basement, garage or back yard, make time for cardio of some type. STICK TO YOUR FAT BURNING RANGE, NOT YOUR TARGET HEART RATE. Just because you're barely sweating and not out of breath doesn't mean you're not making progress.

4. Add strength training/weight lifting. The more lean muscle you add, the more fuel (calories) you burn.

5. Remember, you didn't get the way you are over night! It took time to put it all on, it'll take time to take it all off....

6. Above all else, If you fudge before your first attainable goal/reward, or at any time during your journey, don't look at it as a failure, you're going to make mistakes. When you make them, just learn from them and get back on track. And, whatever you do, don't fall back into your old excuses of, "Well, I ate a pint of ice cream yesterday, so my week is shot, I'll just eat this doughnut cause I already messed up. I'll get back on track when I go back to work."

When I decided to get the band, I also decided to stop making excuses and started taking my health seriously. Next to my wife and kids, it has been one of the best things I could have done for myself or for them!!!!

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I am a stalking pre-bander too. My surgery is in two days, 2/25/11. I've been on LBT for days seeking information to cure my "cold feet" about this whole process and questioning what I am about to do...(surgery that is). This thread is really helping me. I have been drinking Slim fast drinks and a small meal for my pre-op diet. What do you you think of Slim fast drinks in general for Meal Replacements after surgery, actually after the liquid stage of the post-op diet? I also need more words of encouragement to go through with the surgery. HELP. I am 5'3", weight 215 lbs, I am 44 years old, and I do not want to get any bigger and I fail at diets after 3 months. I am ready for a life style change..........HELP!!!!

I'll bet your doctor will tell you to stay away from slim fast! Stick to a good multi-Vitamin and powdered Protein. Natures Perfect Isopure, Dymatize Nutrition's line of Proteins and Optimum Nutrition's line of Proteins are all excellent and meet the Protein, fat, carb requirements of the preoperative/post-op diets. I have used Dymatize Nutrition's ISO100, Elite Gourmet and Elite whey protein isolate. All are excellent, low carb and economical. A 2.5lb tub of Elite Gourmet is around $20. ISO100 is around $26. Good luck to ya!!! Protein takes longer for your body to metabolize, keeping your metabolism up and satisfying your hunger longer than slim-fast/weight loss drinks. Good luck to ya!!!

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I am a stalking pre-bander too. My surgery is in two days, 2/25/11. I've been on LBT for days seeking information to cure my "cold feet" about this whole process and questioning what I am about to do...(surgery that is). This thread is really helping me. I have been drinking Slim fast drinks and a small meal for my pre-op diet. What do you you think of Slim fast drinks in general for Meal Replacements after surgery, actually after the liquid stage of the post-op diet? I also need more words of encouragement to go through with the surgery. HELP. I am 5'3", weight 215 lbs, I am 44 years old, and I do not want to get any bigger and I fail at diets after 3 months. I am ready for a life style change..........HELP!!!!

I was 52 when banded 250 lbs - my weight limited the quality of my life - I had none .... I lost my weight in 1 yrs time - I have maintained that loss for almost 3 yrs (7/11) Just know that the band is only a tool and you have to do the work in choosing good healthy foods and exercising - I rarely drink shakes - my doc want you to eat real food - shake are mostly pre-op and post op while you are still of full liquids - If you are ready for the lifestyle change the girl go for it - why waste anymore of your life being fat..

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I'm almost 2 years out, having lost 100lbs after 16 months. The surgery was a breeze for me - minor discomfort, no pain or gas, and easy recovery. This has absolutely been the BEST thing I have ever done for myself and my overall health and well-being! I can relate to all that IndioGirl posted. I am dealing with 'head hunger' and allowed 10 lbs to creep back on over the holidays (chocolate and chips go down way too easy for me, and are trigger foods that I have a hard time controlling portions). While I hit several plateaus during the past two years, this is the first gain. I am fortunate that my Surgeon provides a well-rounded aftercare program, at no additional charge, including weekly support group meetings and an 11-month cognitive behavior therapy course. If you have support group resources available, I encourage you to take advantage of them, as the surgery only helps with the physical issues - you still need to find a way to work through the mental issues related to obesity. I allowed my exercise to lapse over the holidays, and just got started again. I think I'm back on track (and down 2 lbs) with the support of the meetings, and I've re-joined a group of women who participate in local 5K & 10K runs and train together. Our goal last year was a 5 mile mud run, and that really motivated me to exercise regularly. I didn't exercise at all prior to the Lap Band, and running was the last thing I ever thought I would do - now I love the way it helps tone my body and makes me feel! This year's goal is a mini-Triathalon, and that goal has motivated me to re-establish a regular exercise routine. Since I have a desk job, I make sure to take a daily walking break and I go up and down 7 flights of stairs in my building. I also park at the far end of the 4th floor parking structure, so that is another 4 flights of stairs once or twice a work day. If traditional exercise is not appealing to you, just increase your daily activities - no elevators, more stairs, park farther away, walk around your work environment as much as possible, and find fun, active things to do on your days off. As for Protein Shakes, Slim Fast are pretty low on Protein compared to other options. My absolute FAVORITE (and I've tried many) is Premier Brand chocolate Protein Shake available at costco or online. They are pre-made in a carton, and taste like chocolate milk without the sickeningly sweet artificial sweetener aftertaste. A case of 18 goes for $24. They also come in Vanilla, but I prefer chocolate. They are low-cal (160 cals), low sugar (1 gm), low fat (3 gms), include fiber (3 gms), and high protein (30 gms - 50% of a woman's daily requirement) I drink one each morning for breakfast, and I'm satisfied until lunch. My husband is type II diabetic, and he drinks one each morning for breakfast, too. It's really important to get enough protein, and with the limited amount of food you will be able to eat, a good-tasting high protein shake can be a great supplement. Best of luck to all of us on our journeys! ;)

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Thanks for your reply. You have helped me tremendously. I'm ready for surgery and exercise!

I'm almost 2 years out, having lost 100lbs after 16 months. The surgery was a breeze for me - minor discomfort, no pain or gas, and easy recovery. This has absolutely been the BEST thing I have ever done for myself and my overall health and well-being! I can relate to all that IndioGirl posted. I am dealing with 'head hunger' and allowed 10 lbs to creep back on over the holidays (chocolate and chips go down way too easy for me, and are trigger foods that I have a hard time controlling portions). While I hit several plateaus during the past two years, this is the first gain. I am fortunate that my Surgeon provides a well-rounded aftercare program, at no additional charge, including weekly support group meetings and an 11-month cognitive behavior therapy course. If you have support group resources available, I encourage you to take advantage of them, as the surgery only helps with the physical issues - you still need to find a way to work through the mental issues related to obesity. I allowed my exercise to lapse over the holidays, and just got started again. I think I'm back on track (and down 2 lbs) with the support of the meetings, and I've re-joined a group of women who participate in local 5K & 10K runs and train together. Our goal last year was a 5 mile mud run, and that really motivated me to exercise regularly. I didn't exercise at all prior to the Lap Band, and running was the last thing I ever thought I would do - now I love the way it helps tone my body and makes me feel! This year's goal is a mini-Triathalon, and that goal has motivated me to re-establish a regular exercise routine. Since I have a desk job, I make sure to take a daily walking break and I go up and down 7 flights of stairs in my building. I also park at the far end of the 4th floor parking structure, so that is another 4 flights of stairs once or twice a work day. If traditional exercise is not appealing to you, just increase your daily activities - no elevators, more stairs, park farther away, walk around your work environment as much as possible, and find fun, active things to do on your days off. As for Protein Shakes, Slim Fast are pretty low on Protein compared to other options. My absolute FAVORITE (and I've tried many) is Premier Brand chocolate Protein Shake available at costco or online. They are pre-made in a carton, and taste like chocolate milk without the sickeningly sweet artificial sweetener aftertaste. A case of 18 goes for $24. They also come in vanilla, but I prefer chocolate. They are low-cal (160 cals), low sugar (1 gm), low fat (3 gms), include Fiber (3 gms), and high protein (30 gms - 50% of a woman's daily requirement) I drink one each morning for Breakfast, and I'm satisfied until lunch. My husband is type II diabetic, and he drinks one each morning for breakfast, too. It's really important to get enough protein, and with the limited amount of food you will be able to eat, a good-tasting high protein shake can be a great supplement. Best of luck to all of us on our journeys! ;)

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I'll bet your doctor will tell you to stay away from slim fast! Stick to a good multi-Vitamin and powdered Protein. Natures Perfect Isopure, Dymatize Nutrition's line of Proteins and Optimum Nutrition's line of Proteins are all excellent and meet the Protein, fat, carb requirements of the preoperative/post-op diets. I have used Dymatize Nutrition's ISO100, Elite Gourmet and Elite whey protein isolate. All are excellent, low carb and economical. A 2.5lb tub of Elite Gourmet is around $20. ISO100 is around $26. Good luck to ya!!! Protein takes longer for your body to metabolize, keeping your metabolism up and satisfying your hunger longer than slim-fast/weight loss drinks. Good luck to ya!!!

Thank you for your response and support! I need to educate myself on nutrition and will purchase better Protein Drinks for my post-op diet. I'll look into the powdered protein you mentioned. I am glad they are economical. Well, I'm ready for surgery tomorrow and my head is on straight.

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I was 52 when banded 250 lbs - my weight limited the quality of my life - I had none .... I lost my weight in 1 yrs time - I have maintained that loss for almost 3 yrs (7/11) Just know that the band is only a tool and you have to do the work in choosing good healthy foods and exercising - I rarely drink shakes - my doc want you to eat real food - shake are mostly pre-op and post op while you are still of full liquids - If you are ready for the lifestyle change the girl go for it - why waste anymore of your life being fat..

Thanks, Indiogirl. I am going for it! You are an inspiration to me....no more wasting time being fat for me!

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Syntrax Nectar is a WONDERFUL Protein Drink. They have 100 cals and 23g Protein per scoop and come in LOTS of flavors. There are milk based flavors (chocolate, vanilla, etc) and fruit flavors (strawberry kiwi, lemonade, fruit punch)......I drink the Vanilla bean torte and the strawberry kiwi! You can get sample packs for around $15 (online) that have 13 different flavors to try. They have individual serving pouches or the large bulk containers.

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