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Found 17,501 results

  1. NSV weekend!! Went to a taping of Americas Got Talent in SF. Before, I would have been sqeezing into the chairs, now...I easily sit in the chairs, cross my legs, have room to wiggle..LOVE IT!! And I realized I have a lap now!! The small things in life :0}

  2. finds it interesting that my Nike's are too big, but I really didn't notice until my right heel got so irritated that now I can't wear ANY shoe on it!! LOL... NSV and a pain.. LITERALLY!!

  3. NSV I fit into my cheer uniform from high school again! haha :) woo hoo

  4. 1More NSV from family, I was taking my brother to the stor some elderly man was taking long in front of him , I told my brother used t I was about to bump him , my bbrother then replied but you don"t have the badunkadunk butt u used to have so i thanked him and then we laughed and he see's me everyday it felt good to know that they r noticing .

  5. MAJOR NSV!! i gave all of my 20s to my friend about 6 months ago, so my 22s and 24s are so baggy i can take off the 24s without unzipping/buttoning... need pants to go out tonight and put on a pair of 18s and they FIT... like a second skin practically but they look good!!! :)

  6. what does NSV mean?

  7. NSV Alert!!! I bought a dress 2 years ago and wore it once with it being VERY snug, well, I put that dress on yesterday and not only did it fit but it was a little big. I LOVE MY SLEEVE (even though I get frustrated with it, I LOVE IT)

  8. Awesome NSV (non-scale victory...) Blood pressure last week was 120/70!!! Had been much higher than that earlier! Woo hoo!

  9. So happy Monday everyone...and my good news of the day: I bought size 12 jeans on Friday and they're not even snug!!! That was my goal from the beginning so it's a huge NSV!!

  10. 12 Day Post-op NSVs: No more pain meds, wearing jeans and slept on my tummy last night! Also 1 pound away from my wedding weight. #wls

  11. My first #wls NSV! First, I got a job call back yesterday for the first time in well over a year! And we... http://tumblr.com/x2f20yixjy

  12. I was at a HS football game tonight. Saw a woman I've known in passing for years, I waved and said hello, and she looked at me with a confused blank stare. Then it dawned on me- she didn't recognize me. LOL! Awesome NSV.

  13. mommykristie

    Nsv And Updates!

    I have been so busy the past few weeks, that I have not had an opportunity to even check out the boards. However, I had to share a little nsv today. I have been working with a personal trainer three times a week and boy am I out of shape!! Even during a simple hamstring stretch, I could not grab my ankle and pull it up. I was grabbing my shoestrings, my sock, my shoe,...whatever I could manage. Talk about embarrassing! Today, I finally could grab my ankle up!! Silly, I know, but I was determined to get that foot!! One thing I have noticed is that for the past few weeks with ending school, vacation, etc., the pounds have not been coming off. Inches..yes, but the scale is barely moving It would be nice to see those numbers move a little more. I am trying to concentrate on being down clothing sizes since my scale seems to be stuck. On the bright side, it was so pleasant to sit on the airplane without worrying this time. Also, all of the rides were much more comfortable at the theme parks. I even had to pull the seatbelt tighter! WooHoo!!
  14. bashful1269

    First day back to work and an NSV!!!!

    Today was my first day back after having surgery on 7/22/09. I am a wage continued employee which means that I continue to receive my full salary whether or not I'm there, so I took ten days to recoup. Since that's what my doctor told me would be a good amount of time considering the type of work that I do. I'm glad I listened I'm BEAT!! I had every intention of going to the gym today after work, but there is just no way. I'll go for my two mile walk after it cools down a bit. Work was good now time for the NSV!! Hot Greg NOTICED I had lost weight and told me that I was looking good!!! Yea!!!!! Me!!! :sneaky::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::tt1::thumbup: and I was able to completely slip my size 16 work pants down over my hips without undoing the buttons or zipper...time to go SHOPPING!!! I have a feeling it's going to be my new addiction...shopping! That's all the energy I have for the moment. I'm going to take a much needed nap!
  15. Ok.. this is funny so be ready to giggle.. Katerzz's NSV of the day: When your nurse whos giving you an unfill tells you its time to retire my pants. She tells me, "they are wayyyy to big on you i cant believe you can keep them up" (btw.. the pants.. i love them they are black silky pants that ive had for years Granted, almost 70 lbs later.. well ya you get the picture) HAHAHAHA I'm loving it... (i think the fresh water is going to my head after that unfill)
  16. luvlif


  17. luvlif


  18. Jack

    Am I Crazy?

    I know my own concept of 'personal size' began shifting when I EMOTIONALLY realized I was no longer usually the largest person in the room. And the sudden discovery there were entire STORES that sold clothing mismarked without "XXXX" in the size tag. Perhaps the BIGGEST 'NSV' I've never listed here, is when I suddenly realized when wiping in the bathroom, I no longer was a "go between" but suddenly had the optional "go around" approach. Body dysmorphia in our psychic software is subject to a lot of discussion from time to time. Being able to slip between partially open doors, or when doing home chores, being able to fit into a space previously inaccessible, was a clue for me as much as 'size' on my clothing. Getting rid of all the old XXXX stuff helped, but I did keep one set of 'fat clothes' just to remind of where I had been. It's odd to hold those old 56-58 sports shorts up now, but there I was. And here I am, still a bit confused about 'what size AM I'...... seeing that reflection in the store windows without the 'usual crowd' following my every step.....
  19. the best me


    Girl, I thought it was something awful...you can handle this! Think of all the other more difficult things you have experienced in the past months and don't TELL me you can't deal with this little problem. Quit drinkng with your meals! There. Now update us about the horses on your NSV Dream Come True thread...
  20. blahblahblah

    Bestest Nsv Ever!!!!

    An NSV is a non scale victory...something that has happened as a result of weight loss, but has nothing to do with scale numbers... When I didn't know what it meant, I guessed that it meant New Skinny Victory...and to be honest, I still say that in my head when I see/type it! Rain
  21. babedoe4

    Hi all, I'm checking in

    Don't get down on yourselves. Remember the NSVs!!! Remember how you looked and felt before your surgery. Good! Now keep it close and restart at the beginning with the liquids , shakes and mushies and increase your daily exercise. Remember when you could only walk a little and had to stop??? Keep up the great work and concentrate on the NSvs right now and change what your are noticing to be old or bad habits. The band is our tool and you need to use it as such.But you control how successful it can be.Daily slips are ok, just remember to restart at the basics and get back on track. Good luck. Keep us posted
  22. my DH, bless him, is 6'3", 155-160, runners build (with a little bit of a belly)... i am out of clean shorts so just for grins, i put a pair of his on (men's Large)... here they are! not huge, but they fit... wonder if he'll even notice they are his?
  23. juliegeraci

    NSV - i got in my DH's shorts ... ;)

    That is a great NSV. Good job! Can't wait for my TT.
  24. GrizGirl

    Finally, an NSV

    Here it is, my first NSV I bought a pair of Old Navy womens size 20 shorts in April for a family cruise. I am now able to yank them down (over the backside!) without unzipping them! My twin sister knows this and I had the pleasure of being "pantsed" this weekend!
  25. Butterfly07

    My NSV List

    I am at 10 months post-banding and wanted to share my NSVs with all of you. :clap2: In no particular order: 1. I have a noticable jawline & cheeckbones, and only 1 chin. 2. I can sit in any seat now and not be squished in by the sides. 3. I now shop in the misses section for my tops (size Large). 4. I weigh less now than I have for the last 18 years. 5. I can cross my legs! 6. I can sit in a booth in a resturant without my belly hitting the table. 7. My collarbones are visible again. 8. Hubby can reach all the way around me when he hugs me. 9. I am just over 1/2 way to my goal weight (mine, not doctors). 10. I can look down when standing and see my toes! At my first visit to the surgeon my weight was 329. I now am 249.6. My personal goal is 165 or so (doctor says 135). At 5', 3", that was a lot of weight to carry around. I work out 1 1/2 to 2 hrs 5 days a week at the gym and love it. I hope to be at goal weight at my 2 year bandaversary. Thanks for sharing with me.

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