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Found 2,095 results

  1. Day 3 of renewing my commitment to the Lap Band program! I know that the food obsession is not out of hunger or necessity. Doing my best to just take care of today!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Irritating as it is, there is something to be said for the "one day at a time" approach.

  2. mmsackett

    Items for Bariatric People

    Items I have found and purchased that are made for bariatric patients
  3. Just starting my bariatric journey. First appointment with the surgeon on February 6th. Pre surgery weight 233 lbs. I am 4'11". 

  4. Hi everyone!!! I hope all is well.


    After a bariatric Surgery/gastric bypass procedure and a patient loses over 100lbs/has a lot of loose skin............. does that SAME Surgeon perform a tummy tuck and a loose skin removal for the patient/ does health insurance cover it?

    I will be sure to ask the Surgeon when I have my initial meeting with him/her 2 months from now. 

    Any input would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    1. Lynnlovesthebeach


      No, different surgeons. A plastic surgeon does the tummy tuck and skin removal. You would have to check with your insurance for coverage because they are all different. Some cover panniculectomy (loose skin hanging from the abd) but most will not be covered.

    2. MandM1188


      Thank you so much!!!!😍🥰

  5. {{$title = \IPS\Output::i()->title;}} {$title} Marketing weight-loss surgery is competitive. A strategic plan and experienced guidance can help you win. Bariatric surgery marketing and advertising are commonplace… and necessary. That’s because the CDC says nearly 40 percent of Americans over age 20 are obese. As obesity rises, so does the interest in bariatric surgery, which has opened up opportunities for surgeons to change their case mix and help make a difference in more people’s lives. There are new techniques, new options for patients, and new ways for surgeons to provide appropriate, effective treatment. What also has increased is the competition between bariatric surgeons. To compete, bariatric surgeons must stand out. The increase in both demand and opportunity has created a much more competitive market for bariatric surgeons, one of the most common challenges we’ve seen for these types of practices. In some areas, there is a virtual deluge of bariatric surgery marketing messages from weight-loss surgeons. In most markets, candidates for weight-loss surgery have plenty of choices. So, how do you compete? At BariatricPal, we know that competing in a crowded market means standing out from the competition. And that means having a compelling bariatric surgery marketing message, getting it heard and having it drive response. Marketing works, even in healthcare, even for referral-driven surgical practices and especially for practices — like bariatric surgery providers — who must directly appeal to prospective patients. Competitors are marketing. aggressively. To stand out from them, you can’t merely market your bariatric practice. You have to market it well. You have to promote it strategically. A strategic path to marketing bariatric surgery effectively to grow your practice. Strategy is the hallmark of our approach to helping bariatric practices maximize their success by marketing effectively. With strategy at top of mind and more than 20 years’ experience to their credit, our professionals come to the table with knowledge not just of healthcare marketing but specifically of how to most successfully plan and implement bariatric surgery marketing. Our strategies for weight-loss surgery practices consider the need to create a compelling message while also speaking to potential risks, complications, the mental-emotional aspects, and the level of commitment patients need to make. We know stoma from stomach and duodenum from jejunum. Our marketing professionals are also familiar with the differences between today’s modern procedures, from lap band and sleeve gastrectomy to gastric bypass and even duodenal switch. And we understand that the highest standard of ethics is of paramount importance. Marketing bariatric surgery ethically because your reputation is everything. As a surgeon, your reputation is your chief asset. At BariatricPal, we never forget this, and reputation management and enhancement are woven into the fiber of all of our professional services. Everything we do is to solidify your good reputation, which is why take a strong position for marketing ethically. While ethics are clearly not insisted upon by all bariatric surgeons in their marketing, we see no distinction between ethical medical practices and ethical messaging. We believe in marketing our bariatric-surgery clients with the same commitment to reputation that they demonstrate in the operating room. Scientific marketing: measure the results of your efforts. Branding. Internet strategy. Referral-building. Practice representation. Staff training. Print collateral. TV and radio marketing. Our marketing strategists will devise a customized plan that will help you achieve your goals within your marketplace. We do this scientifically, basing what we do on what we know works in markets like yours for weight-loss surgeons like you. Also, our scientific approach to marketing bariatric surgery means that we measure the results of your marketing efforts, as well. It’s vital to know what is and isn’t working so, together, we can make adjustments to your messaging in order to best achieve your goals.
  6. Hey Everyone~


    I am new to Bariatric Pal and my surgery is in 2 days.  Starting to get a little nervous, but am excited as well!  Any feedback about how to cope with the next 2 days is welcome:)

    1. MowryRocks


      It's scary. on that side of things. Much, much less on this side. I'm 9 mos. post op and I just live my life now. Like really live it. That's the best part right now. Build yourself some good exercise habits as soon as you are cleared and it will make the road much easier. I'm available if you have questions.

  7. YASSSSS! Finally! I went to see my bariatric Counselor and she told me she faxed my evaluation letter. Paperwork is almost done. I'm so close :-)

    1. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      Yay!!!! For you.

    2. 120Cassy
    3. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      You're welcome. I remember that feeling it is tremendous.

  8. Hey all you Bariatric Beauties out there...just a little "food fact" for you. I have found (someone else may have done so before me) a product of "flaked light tuna" different brands Clover Leaf for one, in little 85 g cans pop lid, and only 90 cals (if you're counting) in assorted flavours (Canadian spelling ) eg. lemon pepper, lemon dill, spicy thai, teriyaki. I take them with me on walks and as well a sm container of sugar free apple sauce and I'm good to go. Hope this isn't old news...I'm a newbie:unsure: 

    1. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      Thanks Sherrie for the support and info I'll try that... going to the casino on Sunday and while all the rest (it's a bus trip) go for the buffet... I'll take my sad little can of tuna and sit on the bench all by myself and chew my food slowly and feel satisfied. LOL !!! just joking it's not that bad...really I think...no really?;)

    2. Berry78


      I like the convenience of tuna pouches, but some have MSG in them ;P

      If money is an issue, I guess I can see sitting there with your tuna.. but it might be worth the money for the socialization at the buffet. Soup should go down real easy (almost normal portion), so have that if you don't want to be embarrassed.

    3. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      Thanks for the feedback

      No it's not a money issue it's a temptation issue. All the other stuff and of course the dessert part with all the cakes and puddings and what not screaming "eat me" and as well sitting at the table watching all the others stuffing their faces with all that food. Why bother !

      Funny enough I really haven't had any sweet cravings since the surgery...very interesting? I have suger free choc. pudding sitting in my fridge for weeks now and I don't crave.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  9. Bariatric Fusion vitamins... I'm sure they are easier than whatever I'd be doing if I wasn't using them, but man the sheer volume of stuff in your mouth when you chew them, lol... They get washed down with water ASAP. 

  10. Have an appt with a Bariatric Dietitian and she is coming to the house. Hopefully she can help me out with what I am doing wrong in that I haven't lost anything in 4 weeks and I am only 10 weeks post op.

    1. ssflbelle


      Yes I thought that not waiting a 1/2 hour or longer wasn't right so I will not listen to that bit of advise. However everything else seems to make sense according to what a lot of the people on this site were saying to me when I posted about the 41 grams of protein that the surgeon told me to eat and to stop the shakes. So now that I have the info from a Bariatric dietitian her info is what I am listening to except the drinking part.

    2. MIMISAN


      I have been having the same kind of problem recently, I am 5 weeks out and haven't lost any weight in 2 weeks. I lose and gain the same pound over and over again. I am frustrated but trying to keep my head straight. I get at least 60 to 80 grams of protein a day and I am getting in my fluids. I don't savvy.

    3. her1981


      I have shared with many that I only lose 1 week per month. The other 3 I'll maintain or go up and down and then in one week I'll lose 8-10. Example, on March 8th, I was 302. On April 1 I was STILL 302. Today I am 294. This happens to me EVERY month. Try not to stress the weight every week and trust the process.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  11. Emory Bariatric Center anyone?

  12. Any Synergy Bariatric Patients Out there that are current on here? Buffalo, New York.

  13. A bariatric patients dream haha. 1/2 cup of taco filling (beans ground turkey & onion) with 1T light sour cr http://t.co/9E1fNcFY

  14. I am going through the SE Bariatric Center in Beaumont. I tentatively selected Dr. Dean. I am currently working on 3 month pre-surgery clearance for insurance. I am so nervous and excited. Did you hear that a surgeon in the area is leaving and changed his name?

  15. No :[. I have my stuff sent in to the bariatric hospitial. Just waiting for them to call and set up our appointment so they send everything into insurance.

  16. HI I saw that you also went through Synergy Bariatrics, I am also going there, I just went to my pysch appointment last week so now Im just waiting to hear from the office to get me in to see the DR. So how long did it take you to get in, and after that how long was it til your actual surgery date. If you have any tips or things I need to know please let me know. Thanks for your time.

  17. I am having it done in Oxnard at St. Johns. My surgeon is the director of Bariatric there. I was told at my initial consultation last month that once I am approved it is like two weeks from there. I want to wait until the end of February though because I am going to Bakersfield with some girl friends next month and they dont know about it so I dont want them wondering why I am only drinking liquids lol...


    did you grow up out here? are you in college? do you work? do all your friends know or are you keeping it quiet?

  18. Tampa Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Wil Aguila



    Wilfred Aguila, M.D. is a native of Florida and has served communities in Florida since he graduated from the University Of Miami School Of Medicine in 1991.

    Dr. Aguila completed his surgical residency at the University of South Florida and is an expert in general surgery specializing in surgical treatments for obesity.

    Learn more about Wilfred Aguila, MD.


    I had surgery 4/29/2010

  19. Did u get my reply about the Bariatric Advantage shakes?

    Hope u are still doing good.

  20. Got your message. I got the realize band. Dr Floch from Fairfgield County bariatrics did it in June of '09. They're a wonderful group. Who's doing yours?

  21. For those who are kaiser patients in the S.F. bayarea, their is a bariatrics dept. in Richmond and South San Francisco. You just have to get referred by your Doctor. I will have my 1st fill on Dec 9. I researched for quite sometime, due to far travel and expensive fills. My doctor has referred me to SSF Kaiser, my fill will be only $10 which is my copayment. Good Luck, let me know if I can be of any help.

  22. Hi Renewed Hope,


    Happy Birthday!!!! Have a great weekend!!!!

  23. Hi,

    I am seeing Dr. Brown but mine is in Denver at Colorado Bariatrics. Same guy? He seems wonderful and he's done tons of lap bands. I feel very comfortable with him.

    Thanks for replying!

  24. I went through SouthWest Bariatric - Dr. Clark. How about you? How is the process going for you? How much are you down in 3 months? I feel so sore and bloated I wonder if I have even lost an ounce at this point!

  25. My "bariatric University" class is scheduled on 2-8-11. Will you be there or have you done it already?

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