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Blog Comments posted by sdh5463

  1. Don't feel bad... I lost one too yesterday. I had got to work and wrote this nice long absolutley fabulous blog about how I didn't get filled and then I hit save so I could edit it after I got some work done and poof it was gone. so my masterpiece became a tired 1/2 as good as the original one, but I got it done. I get my first fill tomorrow under flouro. I'm praying that it works this time!!! I haven't gained as I am policing myself quit strictly however, I think today I felt the "comfort" of food at a "party" at work. I know I ate way to much but I am ready to get back on track tomorrow with the liquids!

    P.S. Follow me on Blogspot at: 2010's New Life 4 Me!!!

  2. Sorry guys for the incorrect link to my "blogspot" blog. The real link for it is below. Thanks to BG. Please forgive me I'm as technically challenged as a 2 year old sometimes. :tongue_smilie:

    I am scheduled for my first fill tomorrow at 10:30am. I will be blogging to tell all about it as soon as I get home... so look for me (and please follow. And if you have a blog let me know the link. I will return the following of course) Thanks!

    Here's my real blog link: 2010's New Life 4 Me!!!

  3. Hi All,

    I have to ask some questions... I am scheduled for my first fill on 2/22. My band is 4 weeks old now and I know I need this fill more than anything right now. Even tho I am not able to eat as much as I did before surgery I still know in my heart that I am able to eat way more than I should right now! I want my fill but am so very nervous about it! I hear that some get numbing medication for their fills and some do not. At this point I really don't even know if my surgeon does or does not offer anything to numb. My port is right above my belly button. Anyone else got that? I also, am getting nervous about having the gas pains after eating again. I seem to have developed a major burping and farting syndrome since getting my band.

    Ok youcan tell me to shut the heck up... just get the fill and don't worry so much. But could you please tell me some of your experiences too!

    Do you or don't you get numb? Help?! I'm starting to worry

  4. Yes, My Band is 17 days old today! I need to tellyou that I will be posting strictly LB stuff on here because of my decision to keep my band a secret from like everyone in the world! But once I get the hang of it there will be more posts on my other new blog: visit me there at: http://2010snewlife4me.blogspot.com/

    Now, yesterday I had my first post op appointment with my surgeon... I thought he was going to kiss me! He is so happy with my progress and 26 pound loss that he said ok... Lets give it a few more weeks and then we will start your fills. Yahoo! This is a man of very few words. and yesterday I think he said more to me than he has said in 6 months of consultations. My DH said it was because he wasn't there! Yeah ok, you keep thinking that DH!!!

    I think this is a good thing that I will be starting my fills on 2/22/10, because I feel like I have been eating more the last 2 days than I should... Altho, today I had very little for lunch and I am very very full. I cannot stress how glad I am that I made this decision and stuck with it. I know I will be a better person in no time.

  5. Hey folks, Happy MLK Day to those of you who may have had a long weekend as I did! Actually I have been off work since last Tuesday when I was banded but today was a freebie day off.

    I got on our scale here this morning and I find it so hard to believe that it read 31 lbs lower than when I stepped on it 5 months ago. I am really, really excited to go to my nutritionist app't on Thursday and see if it really is true! Is it really possible to drop this much so quickly?

    I started eating mush today... yogurt for breakfast, mashed taters and gravy for lunch and will probably have pudding or jello for dinner. I've been very, very "full" all afternoon so I may not eat dinner at all if the full feeling doesn't go away?

    Tomorrow I head back to work... I am planning my meals now to see what/how I can do this till I get back on regular foods!


    YESTERDAY I had the first "movement" since Surgery 6 days ago! And my DH said to me... "R U ok?", to which I answered OMG, I feel like I just had a baby out my butt!

    Why is it that the Dr's and all the social workers and nutritionists DON'T tell you about this. And suggest a laxative? Really? I mean seriously?

    I'm with you on this "tracking"... what do we need to do first?

  7. I was just banded on 1/12 and I have bloat too but as far a vitamins? I have been tolerating my regular ones that I have always taken as long as I take them one at a time and slowly. I like Life Water and Vitamin Water. Protien will come when you get back on "real" food... Cheese, milk, chicken and fish are great sources. There are lots of ppl on here that have lots of great ideas. keep "browsing" and read posts and blogs. It helps It sure has helped me!

  8. Today is Day 4... I didn't try on my jeans because I am still a little bloated from the actual surgery. Today was a busy day and I probably did more than I should have only being 4 days out but my surgeon said, "get up, get out, activities as tolerated". That's the tricky part AS TOLERATED.

    What you may not know is I sing... I sing alot! I am in a competition barbershop chorus and also a competition barbershop quartet within that chorus. I am also in another concert chorus, and do solos for them often! So drinking water is NOT a problem for me... Anyway today my quartet had a rehearsal, at 10. Dr G. told me to take it easy, no high notes or really low notes but the rest is "as tolerated". Now mind you, ONE of my quartet members knows that I had the surgery the 2 others do not. Rehearsal was ok... we kept the practice easy and shorter than normal because I had a hair and nail appointment. DH is having a blast driving me to practice and then on to the appt's. :rolleyes: After the appointments, we went and did a little grocery shopping and then came home... I had had nothing to drink except my milk with all my meds this morning and then water from that point on. When we got home guess what? I was hungry... actually hungry, for the first time since I got banded. SSSOOO, Here is the mistake I made. Dr G. told me I could transition into mushy foods on days 4-5 and then transition into real foods again after my nutritionist appt. on 1/21. OK... Yahoo! Mushy food... I'm hungry and I can have something mushy... What do I want??? KFC mashed potatoes and gravy!!! no drinking for 30 min before we eat, right?... so when I dish out the 2 small teaspoons of potatoes and gravy I am really hungry. So much for making the meal LAST... in 10 minutes, tops, those potatoes were GONE! Then I realized what I had done so I quit! I got OUT of the kitchen, went and laid down and started watching TV. 30 minutes after the potatoes I was sipping my water again but it just wasn't cutting it.... I took a shower and made myself a huge mug of white tea.

    Right now, I'm pooped. tea is gone and I feel so extreamly overfull I don't care if I eat at all tomorrow. I have one of those "gas" pains in my shoulder, so I know that I didn't tolerate things to much today. Thank God tomorrow is Sunday and the only thing I have to do is get up! I am off for the Holiday on Monday too, then back to work on Tuesday. That will be exactly one week post op. Lets pray that I tolerate work alot better than I did today!

  9. I am officially on Day 3 of my clear liquids post op. I really have not been hungry. I have wanted in my head to be able to chew on something but have resisted. I have drank more water than I thought possible and P'ing??? Hello... I feel like every 5 minutes I have to go. Honestly FOR ME... it is NOT AS BAD as people on here talked about. I almost backed out because of the stories I read. I am so very glad I did not. I am excited to move on to the next phase and get a fill, which won't be for at least a few weeks, but I can "feel" the weight coming off now, already. My rings are getting looser and when I put on a pair of jeans tomorrow I can not wait to see how differently they fit/feel...

  10. Yes, I am banded folks. I am officially one step closer to a healthier and happier me!:lol: It has not been bad, so far at least. I am on day 2 of the clear liquids - post op and have not had to much pain, or to much gas. I haven't really been all that hungry yet. I can't believe that it has been this "easy". :lol: I must repeat to anyone that is getting banded soon, or even just getting on the schedule... Remember immediatley post op... walk, waLK, WALK and sip, siP, SIP!!! This advise was given to me and it has been the best advise I could have received to make this time easier for me... (Thanks so much "BG") :thumbup:

    I really just wanted to say hi to my band land friends out there and let you know I am doing well... Pre-op diet took me to a total of 21 lbs lost since the beginning... :laugh:I just have 70 to goal now! And I cannot wait for my friends and family to see the new, happy & healthy me!

  11. Yes!!! today is my day!!! As I sit here listening to my DH getting HIS breakfast... I'm thinking to myself... I really am NOT hungry! I thought I would be but I am not!:thumbup:

    We had a rather disturbing/tiring day yesterday. My dad needed a heart catheterization and had it, while in there the found that he was 80% blocked so they did the angioplasty, he came thru will but last night ended up in ICU for observation. I'm a little nervous about going into my own surgery today while he is down stairs in ICU. But I will push thru it!:lol: No one in my family knows that I am doing this but I may end up telling my brother today!

    I am on schedule so far... 9 am arrival at the hospital for an 11 am surgery... Next time you hear from me, I will officially be a Bander!!! WHOO HOO :lol:

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