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Blog Comments posted by Gorda123

  1. I was banded in Sept 09 and since then i have stayed away from bread... I still have no restrciton after 3 fills. My weakeness is rice.. i am blaming my Latin herritage for not being able to stay away from RICE!!

    I have my next fill in May..i hope this one gets me close to my "sweet spot" i will be crushed if i get stuck with rice, I rather give up bread & Pasta.

    good luck

  2. I keep reading about people getting fills every 2-4 weeks and i am thinking my surgeon is going way to slow. I have had 3 fills in the last 7 months...the next one is on May. I have zero restriction and have lost about 34lbs...1/3 away from goal. And i am paying for al of mine.

  3. wow i have been complaining about my 3 little fills..since i still dont have much restrcition. BUT i think having 9CC injected all at once is EXTREME.maybe you could talk to the otehr people your surgeon has done this to. But you need to remember that everyone is different.. so people find their sweet spot with onlt 3CC or 4 CC, others need more (like me). But if in my next fill my surgeon told me he planned to place 4 cc all at once i would refusse. I want to loose the weight, but i want to do it the healthy way.

    Good luck and take it easy.

  4. DITO!!! i got my band in Sept 09 and have lost 35lbs. I still have zero restriction even after my 3rd fill.So i am guessing i am not at my sweet spot. I am eating way to much i know it.Its hard to break habits and when you have 3 small kids that are constantly asking for snack it makes it a little harder to fight the cravings.

    Good lucck and keep it up!!

  5. ok how does Saline get "LOST"??? maybe that is whats happening to me... I got my 3rd fill 2 weeks ago and i have ZERO restriction with 5.6 CC. I am going back in MAy for another fill...since the fill ihave only lost about 2 lbs!!!

    I can eat alot... but i try to keep my calorie intake below 1300.

    Good luck

  6. hi... i am going though the same thing.

    I got banned on 9/30/09 and since then i have lost 35lbs...now i have been stuck at 243-245lbs for the mast 2 months. I just got my 3rd fill last week. and i have ZERO restriction. Iam doing cardio 3 times a week for 1 hour ( sweating my butt off). I am fustrated..

    I have been taking Biotin for the last 2 moths cuz i was loosing alot fo hair and my nails were getting paper thin. I think it works. The pill is very small, sometimes i cut it in half before swallowing.

    For protein i eat cottage cheese 1cup has 26grm, also BLALANCE Bars, they dont taste to bad. I try to keep my daily protein intake above 65-70 grams.

    good luck

  7. WOW..it seems my Dr is real coservative then.

    My first fill i got 3 cc 2nd fill got 1cc 3rd fill got 1cc. that has been in the last 6 months. Maybe i should ask him to kick it up a noch since i have no real restriction..

  8. 53 inches that is great!!! I dont get upset with the scale i rather look at how clothes fit.

    dont be so hard on yourself. i just had my 6 month eval and the scale said i only lost 3 lbs in TWO months!! ouch! my body has always been good at maintaining, it doesnt like to let got of my fat.

  9. I am happy for you... 93 lbs is a huge change and i can imagine you see it and feel it everyday!!

    You are a very positive person and it is a great help to read your post and I am thankfull for all your advise.

  10. yes i saw it... it is sad that she agreed to do a "reality show" but is not willing to be honest with her weight. I know the camera puts on 10 lbs but really. I am 5'8 and currently weight 250...there is no way she is 230!!!

    sad... but entertaining

  11. Tej few times i have been stuck i have been HOME... and pressure a and the slime has only lasted foe few minutes. I cant imagine the day it happens in public.

    I still eat rice usually i make sure it is wet (sauce).I think the combination of eating the rice first and then the fish did u in. Maybe you should focus on your protein first and then if you crave the rice make sure it has sauce.

    thanks for sharing

  12. I am getting my 6 month eval and my 3rd fill tomorrow. I sure hope this time it works. I have had ZERO restriction since Jan. I am pretty sure i am eating the right things but just to much ( quantity).

    Im working out 3 times a week.. i can now be on the bike for 1 hour and sweat my ass off...the machine tells me that i have burned 300+ calories but im not sure if i should believe it.Mu nect challenge is to try the step machine and gett into a aerobics class with out fainting or making a fool out of myself.

    wish me luck.

    I am dreading getting on the scale tomorrow...i have lost only 5 lbs since my last fill in Jan.:lol:

  13. hi, I also have straight hair i have been taking Biotin for the last 2 months i have to say that i am not loosing as much hair as i was before i started taking it. i am also just noticing new growth ;-) so i would recommend it. The first month i did not see much change but in the second month i did.

    it is a small bill so its easy to swallow. I bought it at Target.


  14. I HAVE MY 3RD FILL COMING UP NEXT WEEK. I have had zero restriction since feb so i am hoping that after the fill i will feel full longer. i have also been eating stuff that i will probably not be able to eat...like pasta salad, crackers and penut B, wild rice... im getting hungry!!

    I have not had bread in 6 months...and i guess/hope i will be giving it up.

    I need to stock up on soups and cottage cheese.

    Good luck

  15. its 5:45 am-- i am on my way to the gym.

    I became a member of the YMCA this week to see if getting out and doing cardio out side the house will work better that doing it infront of the Tv.

    Getting up before the kids is the only chance i have to do a work out..

    why am i fustrated???

    well after almost 2 months since my 2nd fill i have lost olnly 3-4 Lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a HELL!!:)

    I will admit i have not been perfect with my intake of food. I have ZERO restriction.

    But i have been keeping up with the 64 oz of water a day and excersising 2-3 times a week.

    I see my surgeon next week for my 6 month follow up...he better be prepared to give me a aggressive fill. right now i have 5CC and the is not doing much and i have lost a total of 35 lbs since Feb 2009. Still have 70lbs to go.

    have to go burn some FAT!

    It seems all my post are negative...but believe me when i say that i am greatfull for my BAND and i do not regret it. Hopefully soon i will have apmething positive to report.:)

  16. my Surgeon and nutricionist told me in my first 2 months post op iti s very important to take the protein in to heal in the healling process. The said that if for some reasoni could not take in enought solid protein to have a shake or somethink liquid high in protein ( i perfer cottage cheese) . I think protein shakes and bars are going to be a part of this new life cuz simetimes the band will not be willing to accept "normal food".

    After the 3rd month post op i was noticing hairloss, so since theni have really focusing on protein intake and also taking Biotin... it has helped.

    good luck

  17. I can relate a bit... every time i go into Boston to see the surgeon i am always stuck in traffic and what surrounds me?? block after block of great restaurants that are calling my name!!!

    Im joining the Gym tomorrow...i hope to have the dicipline of working out for 2 hours...at this point i would be please with 40 mins

    You are doing good!

  18. I can tell you it is not going to be easy.. I have 3 small kids and a husband that love to eat!!!! I have had to suffer through dinners where everyone is enjoying a large plain pizza while i eat a cup of cottage cheese. Sounds unfair i know...BUT i also know that i have a choise. I could grab a slice and take small bits and chew and chew to make sure it went down... but for that plain ppizza it is not worth it.

    For me the solution is that i serve myself in a salad plate, so that when i feel full i dont see a huge amount left over. Same goes for when i go out to eat, the minute the food arrives to the table i ask for a small plate, fill it up and ask for the rest to be bagged so i dont even have to look at it. Yeah, it is still hard to see the people around you eating their full meals but the Band is something i committed to so that i can loose the 100 lbs for ever.

    It is amazing what you can give up. Befor ethe lapband i as addicted to Diet coke, i drank 2-4 cans a day as my caffeinne, i was so scared that i was going to have terrible craving and get myself in touble... but so fr it has been easy to stay away. I have not beem 100% perfect with my diet, bad habbits die hard. My weakness is till crunchy, salty food such as crackers, chips, pretzels.

    It is ol to feel scared. it is ok to feel left out when others arond you stuff their faces...we are all human. Just remember that the BAND will change your life for the better.

    Good luck

  19. Take it easy...i cant say i know what you r going though since i have had 2 fill ans still feel no restriction. But at the same time i keep telling myself and my surgeon that i want to take it slow, i want to be conservative about how fast my band gets full cuz i dont think it is healthy for my body to go from eating 8 oz of food to 2oz per meal...and specially not being able to keep your body hydrated.

    YOu are not going to gain all the weight back, just think before you eat. writting what you eat can keep you honest.

    Good luck!!

  20. Cottage chesse had tond of protein, and is goes down well.

    YOur fill was done on Monday so i think you should be eating muchies for a while, till you adjust to the fill.

    I am almost 6 moths post op and have only lost 33lbs. I have had 2 fills and still have ZERO restriction, i am hoping that when i get my 3rd fill on the 25th that will get me to the sweet spot. I seems to be hungry alot, specially on the days o work out and i have to admit i have not been 100% complient with what i am eating. I am HUMAN and we are all diferent.

    In your case i woud take it easy, maybe have 4-5 small mushies meals a day and go back to eating solids slowly so that you are not in pain..

    Good luck

  21. It is OK to be nervouse.. dont be afraid to ask questions, that is what the nurses and Dr are there for.

    The BAND is worth it, it will give you the opportunitiy of a life time...so get a good night rest!!

    We are all human, so mistakes/slips will happen. you just have to get up the next day and start again.

    Keep us posted.... i love the idea of thre new bag/wallet.

  22. oh yeah another thing...when you are sitting down it helpt to put a pillow on your belly...cuz you dont want little hands, legs, bodies bumping into your incisions.My kids wanted to check my "booboo" every 10 mins and play doctor.

    Walking is also good.

  23. I had a C section to deliver twins. it is not worse.

    You do feel achy where the incisions are and you do need to be careful lifting over 10 lbs for a while. For me it was hard since i have 3 small kids and they all seem to want to be lifted or on me while i sit. And it does hurt if you get elbowed!!! still nothing compared to a Csection. i milked it for about 1 week, let my husband do the laundry, give baths, ect...let him experiense a piece of what i do day in and day out.

    be BRAVE!!! and good luck

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