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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123

    March10 to March11

    what a trasformation... good for you!!! what is your secret? I have lost 50lbs and still have another 50lbs to go...but i have been stuck at the same # for over 6 months. congrats!
  2. Gorda123


    you look great!! i am at the 230 lbs mark....been stuck for over 6 months. My goal is to be below 180lbs. It must be great, how long did it take you?
  3. Gorda123

    arms 3

    I know it has been a while... how are you healing? is it all you expected? Once i loose another 50lbs i may concider having a tummy tuck and breast lift...after having 3 kids the skin in my belly are is looking saggy and sad. hope all is well
  4. Gorda123

    New To this site

    hello, I was also banded in sept 2009. This site is great to keep me motivated...i shuod come in it more often. How are you doing?
  5. Gorda123

    post op 2 years

    you are not alone. I am almost 2 years out but I have not lost nearly as much as you have.i still dont see the 50lbs i have lost. THe muffin top is what bothers me the most. I am much older than you and have had 3 kids..so maybe my belly will never be flat and firm but i would like to wear a sweater without seeing anything bulging out. I keep telling myself that it took mye10 years to gain 100 lbs so why expect to loose is in less that 2-3 years" I know how it is to be in your ealy 20's and feel fat. YOu made the right decision to do it while you are young, dont give up. It is a struggle to loose the weight but even a bigger struggle to look at ourself in the mirrow and see what other people see--- Beauty!! good luck
  6. Gorda123

    5 months post op

    you are so right!!! i have been banded since Sept 2009 and i have lost 52 lbs. In the last 6 months i have stalled and i do know why--- ***THe Eating of crunchy salty carbs*** I find myself eating snacks that i dont really need. THe BAnd is a Tool and some part of my brain is refussing to change my ways. I am very happy that i have not gainned any weight but it is fustration that i still have another 50 lbs to get to my ultimate goal. For now i am sticking to small Goals like keeping my calorie intake to 1200 and looseing 10lbs by Aug. Good luck and chin up!!!
  7. Gorda123

    Why do I sabotage myself sometimes.

    good for you!!!! we all slip when goodies come around sometimes. We just have to pick ourself up and start new.
  8. Gorda123


    congrats!!!! you must be so proud....
  9. Gorda123

    I feel like my weight lost is stagnate!

    i know what you mean.. the scale has not moved down for me in the last 4-6 months!!!i go to the Y 2 or 3 times a week and get on the elliptical and dont get off till i have burned atleast 400 cals. My guess that my graising is the problem..BUT still i eat about 40% less than before the band. I still need 50lbs to loose but most importantly i want inches off my waits?core area. THe muffin top is killing me!!! I do get compliments and its had to just say thankyou cuz i dont see much difference... BUT i will try to loose 10-15lbs by Aug for a wedding...small goals are good right? Good luck with your struggels.
  10. does anyone understand the Weight Watches new "point PLuss" versus the Old Point system? does it help?

  11. Gorda123

    so..ummm ..yea...

    in Sept it will be two year since i was band and i have lost 50lbs...keep in mind that in the last 6 months i have not lost. I have been sabotaging myself by grazing during the day. I go to the gym 2-3 times week and dont get off the machines till it tells me i have burned atleast 300-500 cal. We all work diffently...i am always amazed at people that loose 60-100 + in one year. I guess i am not one of them but i am ok with it. I keep telling myself "it took me 10 year to gain 100lbs, so what if it takes me 2-3 years to take it off" good luck
  12. Gorda123


    congrats !!!! i am still waiting for that moment. right now i fit in a 1x and a size 20 pants.... my goal is to fill in a XL and size 14 jeans without the muffintop lol have another 50 lbs before that.
  13. Gorda123

    -106, 10 lbs away from goal! <3

    look at those long legs.. you look amazing!
  14. Gorda123

    Already down 2 sizes!

    wow!! what size are you now. Im stuck at size 20..my goal is to fit in a size 14 jeans and not have a muffintop lol
  15. Gorda123


    great job!!!! what is your secret for the flat belly... mine just doesnt want to go away
  16. Gorda123

    My Lap Band is not working anymore

    i am a grazer!! and i believe that is why i have not lost or gained any weight in almost 6 months!! i know i need to stop and do what has to be done... eat 3 square meals a day and drink my water...workout ofcourse. I have been banded since SEPT 2009 and have lost 50lbs.....still have 50 lbs to go, so i dont see it as my band failing i see it as sabotaging myself by tricking my band . Good luck
  17. Gorda123

    A Date???

    Take the chance... if anything you will make a friend and hopefully have a good time
  18. After having my kids home all last week, now i have to clean the house and plan a meal for 12 people. Ofcourse my husband has put in his request for Asparagus and for desert Chocolate & Coconut cupcakes...yeah so that means i have to make atleast 16 of them. OH and i am working the weekend.... I plan on making - SPiral ham with sweet & Spicy pinneaple Sauce - Mash potatoes - Roasted Asparagus - GReen beans ( for those who dont like Asparagus) - Salad I am pretty sure i will not be eating, i have leaned that my band does not like it when i have people over and limits ehat i can eat...specially meat...and i sure want to make sure i do not get stuck. Thakfully the people coming over are family members that are low key and if anything goes wrong thay will not judge... alto can go wrong with 3 small kids on a sugar high thanks to the Easter BUnny!! lol I am hoping a can get back on track..i have not lost any weight in the last 5-6 months and now i have a wedding in Aug and it would really be nice to feel comfortable in a summer dress HOPE everone has a great week!!!
  19. Gorda123

    This band has a mind of it's own!

    yikes...sorry to hear u r having such problems.... i have almost no restriction after 7 fills...my band is almost to its limit. I have not lost or gained any weight in almost 6 months...very fustrating. I have gotten stuck because of stressfull moments..so now i try not to eat with my kids lol When i do get stuck i make sure i go to the bathroom and start doing my breathing and spitting up..the longest it has lasted is 45 mins of hell...it doesnt help that when i lock myself in the bathroom i have 2 toddlers banging at the door telling me to come out Anyways..dont get down on the band...it si not a miracle cure... sure i have not lost much weight 18 months=50lbs BUt i have to let myself that it will take time. I do think that if you are constantly tight and cant even pass down liquids you should get the band loosen up. Like some one said if you dont eat you dont loose. Best of luck and Chin up!
  20. great job!!! i am stuck at size 20... my goal is to be a size 14...another 50lbs to go.
  21. Gorda123

    First dance.

  22. Gorda123

    summer before after

    GREAT JOB!! cant wait to be able to wear a tankini
  23. Gorda123

    i need someone to relate...

    thanks everyone!! I think i need to keep goodies and candy in the house that i dont care for.... I am cooking Easter lunch for 12 people ( ham, Asparagus, mash potatoes, salad and chocolate coconut cupcakes) One thing about having people over is that i have learned i cant really serve my self a plate and eat it since my band gets really tight (stress). So i just focus on everyone else eating. The easter bunny will be coming over with lots of chocolate, i let my kids have 1-2 piece per day so i am hoping i can stay away from the stash for the next few weeks. Hope all is well
  24. Gorda123

    i need someone to relate...

    Hi, is there someone out there in their mid 30's with smalll kids? stay at home moms? stressed over being surrounded with food ( kids constantly asking for meals/snacks/juice/treats)? I have become a bird..picking at food here and there. If i am home it seems i am 70% of the time in the kitchen preparing something for someone and while i do that i eat with out really being hungry. I have a 7 year old daughter and 4 year old twin boys that are handfull and seem to always be hungry. I am being very carefull of what i feed my kids because i do not want them to feel deprived but i also dont whan them to grow up overweight. I want my daughter to see me at a healthy weight, we do not use the word FAT in my house. I want to be around for my kids graduation from high school and college. I want to be there for their weddings and i want to be able to hold my grandkids.... Wow it seems i am getting way ahead of myself. Today im feeling a little emotional i guess and i just need to vent. What better place than here. Summer is just around the corner and i want to make a change. I know i wont reach my Goal this year. BUT what i do want is to see the #s on the scale go down even if its 1/2 a lbs a week. My kids motivate me and stress me out at the same time...does that make sense??/ Hope everyone out there are doing well!! VIc
  25. YOu can do it... just be realistic. I keep telling myself " it took me 10 years to gain 100 lbs.. i cant expect to loose it in 1 year". Right now i have had the band for 18 months and have lost 50 lbs... that puts me half way to my goal. I have been in a plateau since last Oct...thanks to eating between meals. SO i have to get back on track ( checking calories ) and getting 2-3 workout per week andi know i will get to my healthy BMI...BUT i dont pay to much attention to the scale, what is important to me is how my clothes feel. Good luck!!

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