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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. Thanks so much for your feedback on my post today! We are all walking a path, may it be right and good and blessed.

  2. Hi you are going to be a beautiful SKINNY person! You are so beautiful already. I sent you a reply to your private message tonight, hope you got it, but when I went out and came back to this site, it did not show my reply. So let me know ok? Sounds like you are on your way and I am so happy for you!

  3. LEft a Message on July Bandsters for you.

  4. Hey I left a message on the July Bandsters site to your question about Ketosis! Hope you are coming along better now.

  5. Thanks Wonderwoman2009! You were banded on my Birthday! I turned 56! How about that? I have about 40 lbs to go to my goal, worked out tonight at a local gym I joined a couple of months ago, I can tell it really helps. It was hard at first tho! I am dead set on getting to my goal next year, lets keep the Journey going, best wishes to you.

  6. You will never believe this! I TOO have a tipped port, the Doctor could not feel it so he took me to ex-ray to find the top of it, and then raised me up on the table, (actually rotated me on the table, until it was in a good position) and go the fill in! I only got .6 cc's, but he said that was good, and I hit Onderland this morning! Took a photo of the Scales HA HA! I was so happy, cause it was the first time in 15 years! I am so glad for you, you know 34 lbs is an aweful lot of FAT, If you put three 10 lb bags of sugar and one 4 lb bag on the table they would look like a lot and just try to pick them all up in a garbage bag, and they would be heavy, you could not tote them around all day without being exhausted! You are doing great! I you are going to do better now! I am so proud for you! I love my LapBand!

  7. Hi, Following your Blog! My daughter is also a Teacher. I have another daughter getting married in October and I have to get busy losing some more weight and order my dress. I have to challenge myself some more. I need to get back to writing the food I eat down and more water too.

  8. Hi mary, you look great! I feel the same way, when I get to a 10-12 size, I may want to stop taking off the weight, I don't want to lose all my butt! LOL My husband says I will have a case of the Gone A**, he might be right, but for now, I like losing every month! (And not gaining it back!)

  9. Hi Dee! Wow and 18 is good, I was so glad to get out of the 24-26 W's, and now that I look at those pants, the butt looks so big! LOL and it WAS! Ha! I squeezed into a pair of reg. 14's and I like the new jeans. I don't want to buy any new clothes that are too big for me, cause the tight ones will make us feel FAT and we will push to lose more weight. I am going to get on ALL protein (No Carbs) for three or four days next week! This gets the Fat Burning process going again and on the fifth day I will add up to 50 grams of carbs. I want to lose 15 lbs in the next five weeks or by Valentines Day! Best Wishes to you and lets keep in touch! I have a Consignment Store and a FaceBook page, I am going to post photos and conditions of the clothing on there, I will get you the link so you can check it out! You don't even have to be a Facebook Member to do it, but if you are, I am on there as Janet Starnes Hurst!

  10. Hi! And thanks for the comments. Guess What? Our meeting was called off due to bad weather!!! But~~~I found a site today with lots of good info about LOW CARB dieting and how to get the lbs going down again and Fast. Check out my blog tomorrow at www.blogspot.com/thegoldendayz

  11. Thanks for starting the group Dogs Love Bandsters~Cute Idea! I love my babies too. Congratulations on your band! You will love it, the results are amazing. Life is different with the band but I adjusted well over time you will too and the time will pass and one day you will wake up a new person. Again Congrats!

  12. Hi, Well, I have not reached my second goal, but I have reached my first, and just staying there is a weekly challenge. But I think I just have to watch the portions now, I KNOW what I should and should not eat, but I can eat slow and eat a lot that way if I am not careful. I am staying in a size 14, that is what I was when I got married so I have never been a tiny person! LOL I feel good, but I want to be in a perfect size 12 within the coming year. Hoping and Praying! And you are welcome for the prayers, they are freely flowing for all us LapBanders! People think we cheated somehow to lose the weight but I have found this journey challenging and difficult at times, but very rewarding and in a shorter period of time than my other diet programs, AND we know that when we lose the weight it will stay off! Because If I ate everything in the kitchen, I could only hold just so much of it! Best Wishes!

  13. Just wanted to day you look awesome, keeping it off now will be easier with the band. I am one year out and counting the pounds away too! Hope I lose and look like you in a year!!! God Bless.

  14. I love that I can "Move" now and not get out of breath! I had trouble with osteoarthritis before the band and taking off the weight. I was taking expensive Celebrex for Pain in my legs and feet, and wearing high heels was out of the question anymore, my feet swelled so bad and my ankles. God it seems so long ago and it has only been five months tomorrow! I have not taken ANY meds since. You will get your fill, and you will learn to live with the fills and see your weight start coming off, don't get discouraged, just take it a day at a time. Plan your menu one week in adv., no more, when you are through with that week it will just roll into the next week. I DO weigh everyday! I do go to LapBand.com and log my food, moods, exercise everyday. It keeps me on track, and that was something I NEVER did or wanted to do before my band. I went from size 24 W pants to 16 R now(jeans) Other styles of pants 14's! You look happy & I know you will do well,keep in touch as you go along.

  15. Happy New Year to you. Hope your Christmas was good, I do have to say, I have had the Apple Pie and Ice Cream! But, It was my present to me, and I worked my A** off at the Gym tonight trying to get it off! I am getting another fill on the 7th of Jan., I can tell I am hungrier right before my fills! Hope you are doing good.

  16. Thanks Debra for your sweet comments, and starting on Monday, it is back to the grind. I have to write down all my eats again and get serious about this last 20 to 25 lbs and get rid of it once and for all. No more excuses! I am going to be using and watching for your recipes to help me. Thanks so much for all you do.

  17. So sorry to hear about your home back in Oct. I lived through it in 1989, it is hard. Love your new head shot! Hope you have a Happy New Year and things begin to look up, I will keep you in my Prayers!

  18. So true about the Vacation, looking back at the photos I did have a great time and relaxed. Now I have lost 5 1/2 lbs since returning home so I am back! Just want to lose about 20 more and then maintain. I want to look good, not emaciated and old, just my age, and grandma's need a little lap! LOL You are looking great, keep it up, good to hear from you again!

  19. You are doing great and look great! You are losing in the right places to start with, I have been banded for 5 months today! Lost 57 and 1/2 lbs, down from a 24W to 14 R. Feels great! Keep up the good work, keep smiling it helps motivate you! Be happy cause you are on the right track now! Keep in Touch.

  20. Thinking of you today, praying for you and hopeful that all is well and you are going to be on the road to recovery! You will now be one of us a true "Bandster"!!!!

  21. Hi, I hope all is well with everyone today. I did not have a very active day today. I have good intentions to walk, but then the day got upset with elderly mother and elderly father-in-law, stress, OMG, and the day was a bust. Just about the time I had a little daylight to walk, I took off my heels, got out my tennis shoes and here comes one of my customers just killing time, yes my time to go walk. So I left work barefoot feeling defeated and drove home that way. I got home fixed dinner for my husband and myself, then weighed. I usually don't weigh till morning after checking my ketosis. I was down a whole pound on a night weight!!!! A great end to a not so great day. I think I will committ to join the Gym, I know if I do I will go because I will be paying for it! LOL I have a luncheon tomorrow and one on Wed. for my Class Reunion Planning. I plan to eat before I go and munch on a salad with low fat dressing and water afterwards! I am looking forward to the reunion!

  22. Doe's anyone know how to post a photo instead of this question mark? I am learning this site.

  23. Hi hope you are doing great, looking forward to a New Year! How much weight have you lost and did you weather Christmas allright?

  24. Hi Nana09, I would like to be your friend here on LapBandTalk! Befriend me. I had my surgery on July 29th, 2009 and left the hospital on July 30th, 2009 to start my journey. I have lost 31 lbs too!!!!! I hope it is 32 in the morning! I have been on the three day protien diet and have taken off 3.5 lbs in three days. Tomorrow I start eating a few more carbs! I think you look great! We should help each other. I thought I was not doing so good, as I have heard about others loosing more weight faster, but I feel like I am right on track, I was in a size 24-26 and now in an 18W. Feels Great! You are looking good, what size are you in now?

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