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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. janetsjourneytoslim

    Recipe Of The Day! 15 Minutes And On The Table Recipe

    Thanks for sharing, sounds yummy and QUICK!
  2. Hey Marw, I am fine just been to Disney with my grandson for his birthday and have not posted. Still having a little problem with keeping certain foods down. I have a real tight restriction. But I am over the flu thanks for thinking of me. Hope all is going well for you.

  3. janetsjourneytoslim

    The Flu is going around~Lapband Patients Beware!

    :eek:It freaks me out with the winter approaching. Catching a flu bug can be very dangerous. I have been down with the flu for the past three days, and although I felt so bad, I never threw up. I was so afraid that I would start throwing up and not be able to stop. I did get sick to my stomach, and dizzy but fought the throwing up with all my might. Thankfully I had gotten a re-script on the nausea meds given to me by my Dr. before my cruise. I took one of them, let it dissolve on my tounge and it really helped. Repeated vomitting can cause band slippage. So I recommend to all band patients to keep some anti-nausea meds close at hand! I lost over 4 1/2 lbs from this sickness, certainly NOT the way to take the weight off though! I could barely drag from the couch to the bed and DREADED having to get up to go to the bathroom. I think my resistance was down because of the work I did for the wedding of my daughter a week ago. I got TOO tired. We do have to keep a schedule, I have learned that and when we get off schedule, we PAY for it! Well I am on the mend to full recovery today. Back on track again and Praying that all goes well the rest of the week, today is my oldest grandsons birthday and I am scheduled to go to Disney this weekend with him, so maybe I will have the strength and they won't have to push me in a stroller! LOL Here's to a great day to all of you.:thumbup:
  4. Thanks Girl, I feel better today still not eating as much but that can be a good thing, ha! Just showered and washed my hair and that always gets me back to feeling better. I am going to wash my poor dog, he keeps looking at me like he is thrown away. Heading to Disney on Friday and I will be leaving like a pack mule with all my food and stuff I can eat and my meds. Yes ask your Dr. about the "Quick Acting" meds that melt on your tounge like Zofran. It is so good to keep something cause nothing can stop that wave. I literally HATE to throw up, that is one reason I never had the By-Pass surgery, hey you are looking great!

  5. janetsjourneytoslim

    Proud Momma Today!

    :rolleyes:Well I did do something right, I have one of the most beautiful daughters in the world. We have only got the sneak preview photos to add today from the wedding, (took over 1,500) and I will go broker (yes I said broke-er! LOL) buying them when we see them all. This guy is great. You can see his work at chrisvisualphoto.com :thumbup::wub:[ATTACH]424[/ATTACH] :wub:[ATTACH]425[/ATTACH] :wub::wub:[ATTACH]426[/ATTACH] Just click on the photo to enlarge them. The lighting he uses is fantastic. You will see more with ME in them in a week or so. They are on a Honeymoon to Belgium and Germany at the present time, son-in-law is full German and still has relatives they will visit with while there. My baby is off to see the world and has the whole world ahead of her!:tt1:
  6. janetsjourneytoslim

    Jenny by the Fence

    Thank you so much. I think so too, LOL. She had a fun wedding.
  7. janetsjourneytoslim

    Proud Momma Today!

    Thanks everyone!
  8. Thanks Debra for your sweet comments, and starting on Monday, it is back to the grind. I have to write down all my eats again and get serious about this last 20 to 25 lbs and get rid of it once and for all. No more excuses! I am going to be using and watching for your recipes to help me. Thanks so much for all you do.

  9. janetsjourneytoslim

    It's ALL About ME!!!!

    It will be that way for awhile, and then you will realize that it is done for them as well, they will have YOU for a lot longer, the children will know you have preserved your health by being leaner and adding years to your life. For every thirty minutes of exercise you do you add two days to your life, did you know that? Every thing I did for MYSELF and I was so selfish in the beginning. I think I had to have that attitude to get on with it and get through it, too! But all that I did for me, reflected towards my family and my loved ones. My husband finally told me the other day "You look good honey, you look SOOOO good!" I was on top of the roof, so even tho I did do this for me, I get nothing from me that counts anymore than something from them. God bless you and I wish you well on your surgery and your journey. 16 mos out and counting.
  10. janetsjourneytoslim

    Wedding Pics 10-10-10 Daughter Jennifers Wedding

    Pics of the Whole Wedding, it felt so good to be smaller than ever before at my daughters wedding, I got so many great compliments too, it was wonderful.
  11. janetsjourneytoslim

    I have survived!

    :smile:Well I am back, the couple has Wed and I survived it all. It was a fairy tale come true wedding, complete with their own written vows which made us all cry! They are off on a trip to Belgium, and Germany for two weeks Honeymoon. All that food and I ate so little, I was so proud of myself and the control I have now. So many compliments on how good I looked, I so loved it and just let it soak in! Can't wait to share the photos with all of you in a week or so! I had one person come up to me and tell me that the band is what his wife is looking into and that seeing me made her mind up. 16 months almost post band and lovin it! Bless you all!:cursing:
  12. janetsjourneytoslim

    Help!!!! I'm starving!!!!

    Please stick to the Diet, it is crucial to a good surgery, YOUR LIVER has to be small and if you are not dieting right now, it won't be and could get in the way during surgery and placing the Band could be difficult. Just think about getting through one hour at the time and don't eat but what you are suppose to, please. I just don't want to see you have any problems. It is so hard right now, but promise you after the surgery it will get better.
  13. janetsjourneytoslim

    Throwing up~~Again! Nerves?

    :confused:I hope it is just a case of the jitters and or my nerves, I have had a very hard time keeping food down today, and I want to eat, cause I am HUNGRY! I start burping and then here it comes! After this wedding, I am going in to the Dr. if it does not calm down. The rehearsal was a hit, but the dinner was not, Spaghetti and meat sauce, Garlic Bread, Salad with all the trimmings, cheese cake, cookies brownies you name it, it was all there, could not eat at all, just drank some tea, finally I got a little cheese cake down to stay! Oh well, will try tomorrow, the wedding is Sunday, my daughter looked so radiant tonight, I took a ton of photos but was so sick and throwing up, did not realize I was not in one photo tonight!! Praying for things to get better.:frown:
  14. janetsjourneytoslim

    Crazy for Corn Chips???

    :confused:Don't know why but I have been wanting to eat corn chips lately. I know I should not, but they just make me want them so bad, and they go down so easy! Well one time I was Crazy for peanuts, just had to have them, and they went down fine. Now I eat raw Almonds, although they are rough on the teeth! This is a crazy time for me, I have been adorning a wedding gown today for my daughter, just glued on Hundreds of Swarovski stones to the dress, it is absoultly georgous! She is going to be so beautiful, I have to try not to cry, but it is going to be a sad day as well due to the fact that my best friend her future Mother-in-law Rita passed away back this March with a massive heart attack and then two weeks later her future Father-in-law killed himself over it. Now my Son-in-law has no parents and this wedding is the only HAPPY event for him this year. He is such a good man, and we have known his family all our lives. Rita was 56 and Fred her husband 57. So very tragic. This is all she wanted was this wedding and grandchildren. She will be with us in spirit and every time I hold my grandchildren, I will hug them for her and Fred! Pray that God will bless this union and make a happy day for our children, life is a circle that keeps going round and round, and how did I get here from these crazy corn chips? Nite all.:confused:
  15. janetsjourneytoslim

    Go, go, go!

    I have wanted to participate in a 5K run for awhile now, maybe soon, enjoyed your pics, looks like you are having fun and enjoying like and that is so important for all of us on this journey, Great Post! Thanks
  16. Hi, Thanks so much Shonette, it is going to be so great we are very blessed! I will post photos for you all to see, she is as sweet as she is beautiful!

  17. janetsjourneytoslim

    Listed Under BEST BLOGS!! Thanks to all of YOU!

    :smile:Well I was looking under BEST Blogs today and Found MYSELF on page 13! Did you know you could go back a read through older blogs from people who have had surgeries years ago? That is what I was doing and found myself there too, thanks to all of YOU! And a lot of you guys are there too! This website is so helpful to me, I tell anyone who is interested in the lapband in the least bit, to log on to this site! So far I have blogged 129 times with 388 comments! Check it out you could be there too!!!! Have a wonderful banded day!:confused::thumbup:
  18. janetsjourneytoslim

    Who's that Girl

    Love the pic, I too felt this way after losing weight and going to a Class Reunion of 40 years! This year! IT was awesome all the comments that I got, so ENJOY! Accept their praise, you deserve it, you have worked hard.
  19. janetsjourneytoslim

    Recipe Of The Day! Sauteed Cucumbers With Seared Scallops

    Sounded so delicous I am going to SAMS Wholesale now for some Scallops!
  20. janetsjourneytoslim

    Back to the real world!

    Sounds terrific!!! I am so glad you got out and took that Vacation, you needed it, About the time it has been for you, I went on a cruise to Mexico, EVERYONE but me was worried about me! How would I EAT???? Whatever, we had this surgery to live our lives BETTER and not STOP living. Congrats, live and have fun, life is short!!!
  21. janetsjourneytoslim

    Enjoy the Good Life!!!

    :smile:A Good Life is a choice!!!! There are guidelines for a good life!!!! There is a world full of peace and joy for all of us. Blessings will chase you and find you wherever you are!!! If you are a Christian and believe that is true, you believe what the Bible tells us and that there is a God Above watching over us! I DO! The Bible contains guidelines for that good life! God has PREARRANGED and made ready a good life for you! Psalm 4:7-8 You have put more joy and rejoicing in my heart than(they know) when their wheat and new wine have yielded abundantly. In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust.:confused:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
