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Ima Fox

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to swimbikerun in Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...   
    Girlfriend listen to me:
    Your money is the SAME size and color as those skinny people.
    You know how they got skinny and stay that way? By not caring what some other person with a hangup has and getting in there and working it!
    You will have role models in front of you to keep motivated.
    I didn't care. I was in a gym for college age people. I got out there walking and then cheering on any one else larger. I then kept working it until I was down girlfriend ...
    do not under any circumstances, after you've come this far, let someone with a small mind interrupt your Quest to be healthier.
  2. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to mi75 in Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...   
    hey everyone, i saw the surgeon today and he says i am doing AWESOME!!! when i asked about working out, he said "join a gym tomorrow".
    there is a great gym in my town, about 4 miles from my house. they even have child care for my little one and classes for my tween to try, including a pool and swim lessons!
    i really like it there and took a tour of it last year when i was considering joining then. but.........
    this gym seems really full of REALLY thin and fit people. i'm still a VERY big person. i have issues about being around people socially simply due to my weight. i just feel like in public, everyone is noticing my weight. at a gym, well i think it would be worse. they open at like 4am so i have even thought of going there at 5 and working out when, hopefully, the attendance is minimal...
    HOW do i get over being a fat lady a a skinny gym?
  3. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to itsmekarenlee in How long after surgery until you got blood work done?   
    To check vitamin/mineral levels and whatever else....? And do you know what specifically was checked?
  4. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to 7 Bites_Jen in The Bariatric Foodie   
    Have any of you heard of this site? I've been checking it out lately and she's got some pretty interesting recipes. She's very similar to The World According to Eggface and our page.
    Her site is: http://bariatricfoodie.blogspot.com/

    I encourage you guys to check it out!
  5. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to Kindle in Being alone post-op   
    I was with my sister in Mexico for the first 3 days, but all she really did for me was keep me company (and make me walk to Starbucks with her twice a day) I flew back by myself day 3, went grocery shopping and drove myself home 5 hours day 4, and came home to a driveway covered in snow that I had to plow. I have two 50 pound dogs, 2 cats and 2 horses that I was able to take care of just fine by myself. Of course I had friends I could have called for help, but I never needed to.
  6. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to une nouvelle vie in Being alone post-op   
    I think a lot of it will depend on how your surgery goes. We all have a different experience. I had no complications and only had to take a total of 3 pain pills so I felt great. Even still, I have two cats and there were times in the first 48 hours I felt too lightheaded to mess with their litterboxes so I can't imagine not feeling well and taking care of a dog, they're a touch harder than cats.
    I agree with the members who said to have people check in on you. If you have a visitor 2 or 3 times a day they can help you do some of the things you can't do on your own if you need someone.
    On my 3rd day post-op I sent my helpers home but that's only because I got very lucky with a smooth surgery and no complications. Keep your options open!
  7. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to Bob2013 in Being alone post-op   
    You should be fine. The surgeons want you to be lightly active after surgery. Its too easy to let someone do the things you should be doing yourself, like fixing your own food, walking to the bathroom, ect. Being by yourself will force you to do those little things, making your overall recovery go alot faster.
  8. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to LaChasida in Being alone post-op   
    Being single with no relatives living anywhere nearby, I traveled out of the country alone for surgery last month, and I've been alone at home since returning. I don't know what anybody could have done for me that I've been unable to do for myself? But everyone's experience may be different, of course... Best of luck to you!
  9. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to Jewells70 in Being alone post-op   
    I encourage you to spend the first 3 days to week with someone or have them stay with you. You will be on liquid pain meds, dealing with life after major surgery, and will need help keeping track of your Fluid intake. Though I am sure some have done it alone u wouldn't recommend it. I don't know how I would have made it without my mom & bff's checking on me! You'll understand what I mean soon! Best of luck!
  10. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Being alone post-op   
    My surgeon said to make sure to have someone drive me home (nodriving for 10 days,) If your sisters are so worried maybe they could take turns coming to you!
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    Ima Fox reacted to Tamlyn in Energy and back to work   
    I don't know how much this matters, but my doctor told me to drink regular juice and Popsicles instead of sugar free ones. (Plus water.) He said the first week out, you need the sugar for energy. I had my surgery last Tuesday and was back at work today (Monday). I wouldn't say I feel great, but I have enough energy to get through the days without Protein. REALLY looking forward to full liquids, though!!
  12. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to joatsaint in I had my surgery on 21 July and today I had my first setback   
    I had similar problems and could only "stomach" Cream of Mushroom Soup. I was only eating about 3/4 of a can per day during the 1st 2 months post-op. I could tolerate other foods, but it was really only a teaspoon of this and a teaspoon of that. I wasn't really up to eating any normal foods till about the 3rd month post-op, and then, I was still only eating 4 or 5 bites.

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    Ima Fox reacted to Kindle in I had my surgery on 21 July and today I had my first setback   
    You may just have to slow down. I didn't get to puree's until 3 weeks out . And even then I could only do 1 "meal" a day. It would take me all day to process it. In fact, I had to drink most of my fluids and not have anything puréed until later in the day because I couldn't drink much after eating. And the most I ate at a time was 1-2 tablespoons over 20 minutes. Gradually I could consume 2 "meals" and then more. The same happened when I got to soft foods. I just had to go super slow each time I transitioned to new, more solid stuff. It was 3 months before I could comfortably eat.
    And as for the burning, my surgeon had me on 40mg Omeprazole for 2 months, but I still had to take Maalox or Rolaids sometimes.
  14. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to finallyfree101 in JULY 2014 SLEEVERS GROUP   
    Hi July Sleevers, It seems like we are all so different, gpippin66 I think it's amazing your Dr. was able to help you! I had mine July 3rd and am doing exceptionally well. walking helps with that pumped in surgery air and mine seems to be dissipating. I only have a little pain and am working through it. My starting weight was 316 lbs when I started this process and as of today I am at 258lbs and cannot believe that sounds so good. I've been on Liquids since memorial day and have 2 weeks to go, I cannot wait to make changes but fear it at the same time. I look forward to your success stories and any suggestions as our diets change. I'm not sure how to puree meat I would love suggestions since it sounds like most people are going to solids sooner than later? I went back to work right away and still feel a little tired but I cannot complain at all, this will have saved my life by staving off disease. Really any suggestions as you move to soft foods and pureed meat would be helpful, I'ma planner.
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    Ima Fox reacted to gpippin66 in JULY 2014 SLEEVERS GROUP   
    I had my surgery yesterday 7/7. I was supposed to have the gastric bypass but he found a football sized ovarian cyst which interfered with my intestines so he converted to a gastric sleeve. He was able to remove 3 litres of Fluid from the cyst but there is another 2 litres left, so it looks like another surgery down the road. I had researched the gastric bypass seven ways to Sunday but now I have the sleeve and don't know what to expect. Looks like I start my research all over again! Small price to pay for a thinner future. I'm glad he was able to do something. I would have been so upset if I woke up with nothing! Otherwise I'm doing well. I have discomfort due to the gas. When does that start to pass? Soon I hope. Good to hear from the Julyers!
  16. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to Earlygirl139 in JULY 2014 SLEEVERS GROUP   
    I'm so excited to see this thread up! I too had my surgery on July 2. My pre-surgery weight was 260. I am so happy to report that to date ( and I weigh myself daily), I am down 12lbs! I couldn't be more thrilled. I have my first post-op dr visit tomorrow. I've been feeling relatively fine other than being pretty sore and my stomach is still swollen. I am also finally starting to gain some energy. I was so weak all week long. Today is the first day that I felt like I could actually do some light housework. But, of course I over did it and now my stomach is really sore tonight. So, I guess I will have to take it one day at a time.
    At any rate, congrats to all of the July 2014 sleevers and I am looking forward to staying in touch!
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    Ima Fox reacted to Mellyb251 in JULY 2014 SLEEVERS GROUP   
    July 24th here! I had my last meal out at a restaurant tonight before I start my pre-op diet, so weird to know I won't eat this much ever again.
  18. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to Maryannie in JULY 2014 SLEEVERS GROUP   
    Howdy, I had the sleeve on July 2nd, 2014. I'm glad you started this. Yesterday, I thought I was up to a walk and went to the mall. Not a good choice. I felt dizzy and didn't enjoy at all. I feel tight and bloated. I know our recoveries will all be different. However, I have lost ten pounds or 20, if I count the post surgery pounds. Tomorrow will be the one week mark. I'm thrilled to have that behind me. I'm doing what my doctor told me to do religiously. If he told me to pick my nose ten times a day, I'm sure I'd be doing that to. Getting down all the Protein and Water is a challenge, but it helped with the feeling of a bit of nausea I felt this morning. Glad that is over. Funny thing, my sister-in-law and good friend were with me during the day of surgery. They told me later how the doctor came out and spoke to them after the surgery. They are not in our world. He complimented how great my liver looked and said it was one of the best he'd seen. I explained later that he was telling them that I was a good girl in the pre-op stage. :-)
  19. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to Seela in Is this Dehydration?   
    I had this happen to me once when my son was in the emergency room and I didn't eat all day. Low blood sugar, as soon as I ate something I was better. Be careful in the early months when you don't feel hungry, it's easy to forget to eat.
  20. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Is this Dehydration?   
    It could be dehydration...But you also need to consider that it maybe Hypoglycemia. Both act similar and alcohol has a lot of sucrose in it!
    If you do have dehydration. G2 or coconut Water will help.
  21. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to Jersrose43 in Is this Dehydration?   
    Dumping is diarrhea and that was not mentioned.
    Several other posts have these exact symptoms and more like reactive hypoglycemia where too much or little sugar in the system and insulin is released.
  22. Like
    Ima Fox got a reaction from SD Kelly in Terrified   
    Hello Friend,
    It seems to me like you aren't ready to have the procedure. I think you should wait until you're ready. You might want to cancel or postpone your surgery. You might also want to interview other Drs. if you don't feel comfortable asking him/her medical questions or think s/he is too aggressive. Many questions you asked are medical and should be addressed to a medical professional regarding thyroid, anemia, etc.
    I'm a teacher too and will have 3 wks recovery before I have to return to the trenches. My surgery will be July 24th and I'm going for it. I'm sure I want it but am also really scared because I've never had surgery. My mom has had quite a few and shes still around to tell it. I'm ready for a change.
    Trust your intuition & be true to yourself. The surgery is voluntary. You don't have to do it right now or ever. If your heart is telling you to wait, then wait.
    Good luck to you.
  23. Like
    Ima Fox got a reaction from SD Kelly in Terrified   
    Hello Friend,
    It seems to me like you aren't ready to have the procedure. I think you should wait until you're ready. You might want to cancel or postpone your surgery. You might also want to interview other Drs. if you don't feel comfortable asking him/her medical questions or think s/he is too aggressive. Many questions you asked are medical and should be addressed to a medical professional regarding thyroid, anemia, etc.
    I'm a teacher too and will have 3 wks recovery before I have to return to the trenches. My surgery will be July 24th and I'm going for it. I'm sure I want it but am also really scared because I've never had surgery. My mom has had quite a few and shes still around to tell it. I'm ready for a change.
    Trust your intuition & be true to yourself. The surgery is voluntary. You don't have to do it right now or ever. If your heart is telling you to wait, then wait.
    Good luck to you.
  24. Like
    Ima Fox reacted to TEXASLADY52 in Lost my butt...   
    LOL! The other day I went in to see the NP.....she said I can tell in your face you are losing weight....I laughed and said "I am waiting for the day that you tell me that you can tell with my butt that I am losing weight"!
  25. Like
    Ima Fox got a reaction from Luvin_Life125 in unkind drs   
    I think you should inform the company that employs the Dr. Think about him doing it to someone with fragile mental health causing them to spiral or worse. I agree that this person is a bully. People do that stuff because they continue to get away with it. I would've released the Crackin on him for sure.I would've asked/demanded to speak to to the office manager immediately. I would have TOTALLY shamed him. There have been occasions when people have erroneously mistaken my politeness for weakness, but never twice. I'm sure you'll do what's best for you, but I hate to think of him victimizing people one after another. He needs a reprimand. I'm really sorry your Dr. is so highly unprofessional & mean-spirited. This would have eroded my confidence in him. He sounds like a sadist.

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