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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by fatnomore50

  1. Yes, I am in week five and still have these gurgling noises. I had them with the lap band also. I called them plumbing noises as it sounds like water slowly going down a stopped up drain. I too am afraid of eating and or drinking too much. Consequently I am not eating very much at all. I just need to remind myself that it will not be like this forever.

  2. i HAD to smile when I saw your post today. I have started to eat things so many times-not actually eaten them, just about though. I am three weeks out post op and I am still working on it.

  3. i am 13 days post-op and i havent lost weight everyday. I think I know how you are feeling, when I saw the scale this morning, I said outloud "Oh ----, here we go again....." I am 20K dollars poorer, my husband is so trying to believe in me and this process, I had lapband 5 years ago and only lost 50 pounds. I have a lot more to go. I was beginning to feel that I had found the way- had to have parts of me surgerically removed to do it- but I thought I was on my way. I dont know if this is normal or not. I dont know if me not being able to tolerate the taste of ANYTHING or not is normal. anything I am allowed to have leaves a sickly sweet taste in my mouth. I heat up soup and can only eat about 2-3 spoons and then something happens and I cant eat anymore. I dont have that wonderful feeling of food not being the focus of my life. I am so sick of jello and soup I could cry. I dont tolerate eggs so thats out. I tried to drink my protein drink and it made me sick so I threw it out. Waiting on more to be shipped by a different manufacturer and flavor. Basically, I am getting in no protein and no fluid- I was told cant have diet soda, even splenda tea tastes awful. Help.

  4. Thank-you for your kind words and I did survive ! I am at home sipping and walking zero nausea and loratab liquid every 4 hours. I cannot understand how I am so hungry, it seems that all i think about is food.

  5. Hi- I am in the north Louisiana area. Will that be helpful with regard to your questions? About 3.5 hours west of Jackson, Missisppi. As for shopping, my favorite hobby, I have found Mississippi to be far superior to Louisiana if you are comparing shopping in general. I am to be sleeved in June (late June) and have not started looking for any protein or specialty items. Please let me know if I can help.!

  6. :biggrin0::biggrin0:I am wishing you luck and prayers and for thr surgeon to do exactly what he needs to do when he needs to do it. I keep thinking about the $40,000 I have invested and the hassles I have endured and it is amazing that something so simple is so hard for the likes of people like me. I think this is the right journey for me even though roadblocks keep popping up. For example, surgery date was next Friday. Had to cancel, because my employer said I had to give 30 days notice to be out 2 weeks. Next surgery date available is June 21, 2010. I am telling myself the extra time will give me time to get myself in better physical shape for the procedure. Please stay in touch and before you know it you will be waking up and your hubby will be there and you will be on your way to the other side of this. Please keep us posted.

  7. Ditto sister. My surgery is scheduled for a week from Friday! I feel everything you said and I am scared about some freak thing happening and I throw a clot or something. Yet I am just as ecstatic about being normal looking in the near future. Maybe we can walk this out at the same time??

  8. This is my first healthcare related job and I too work for a hospital.. Their health coverage does not cover WLS either- imagine??? I have never encountered attitudes toward sick time and medical leave as I have in this community. I would have thought that the insurance coverage would have covered anything and everything, and time off for medical leave (unpaid) would be a given. Go figure.

  9. thanks and that is a great suggestion. The most I have ever been able to dedicate is 5K, I would be very surprised if I could dedicate 20K. I have been using the flex plan for years, but with another employer. I am working for large non-profit now and their benefit year is the same as their fiscal year- July to June. So, you are quite right, July would be the time to try the 20K. I think I will just be bummed if I have to wait another year, but it just might come to that. Thanks for the idea, hopefully, it will be my plan C.

  10. I hear you and I feel the same pain, except I have about 80 pounds more than you at this point. In a bizarre way, I wonder what my life will be consumed with if not food, if not dieting, if not wondering what I can wear that fits the person on the inside, yet not too revealing or revealing. I feel that life has passed me by in so many ways as I tried inconsistently to fight this battle. What do people of normal weight, responses to guilt and anxiety do with their thought life? Do they wonder about global warming and gov't run healthcare while I am trying to figure out what to eat for dinner?

  11. Hi, I was wondering if anyone is to years post band surgery with very minimal results? I have over 200 pounds to lose and have only lost about 50. I will coming up to year 3 in Aug 2009. I have had all the fills as reccomended by my doctor and had them when he said it was time. I have been faithful with appointments and with doing the best I can with protein being my main dietary food. I started 5 days per week of physical therapy last October and have been faithful with that also, and it has been documented for my physician. I d one hour of cardio per day at my max heart rate and most days do some strength training (weight lifting0 I have asked my physician if she will look into my hormone leptin levels and she said that she could order the test but would not know what to do with the information. Is anyone else experiencing this??

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