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  1. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Jeanniebug in Dealing with Sabotage   
    ^ All of this. If she wants to f*ck around, let her find out.
    Toxic manipulators really don't deserve any chances, especially when they are clearly in the process of gleefully causing damage.
  2. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in 3 months post op and I'm done.   
    That lady is still in a process, and so long as her doctor and team are on-board and guiding her, good for her. Someone else's happiness is no-one else's business.
    Consider how many people thought our obese bodies were disgusting and they'd "rather die" than look like us. Thinking the same of a skinny person is the exact same energy. Glad you're finding your happy place weight wise, but no need to be judging others on the way. We've all had our fill of that, surely?
  3. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Jeanniebug in Dealing with Sabotage   
    ^ All of this. If she wants to f*ck around, let her find out.
    Toxic manipulators really don't deserve any chances, especially when they are clearly in the process of gleefully causing damage.
  4. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Jeanniebug in Dealing with Sabotage   
    ^ All of this. If she wants to f*ck around, let her find out.
    Toxic manipulators really don't deserve any chances, especially when they are clearly in the process of gleefully causing damage.
  5. Like
    Smanky reacted to Jeanniebug in Dealing with Sabotage   
    Wow... Just, wow... I agree with others about locking the fridge and cabinets - and throwing away all the junk she brings into the home.
    Ask her if she wants to go into a lockdown dementia facility. Because the way she's acting, that's where she belongs. You might want to have an intake nurse come evaluate her, just to prove the point that you mean business. If she doesn't straighten up and fly right, she's being sent to a home. Clearly she's incapable of feeding herself proper food and she's losing her memory - proven by her eating your special food and saying she didn't.
  6. Like
    Smanky reacted to summerseeker in Comments on your body   
    Is thin shaming as bad as fat shaming? oh yes. These are our bodies, we have done the work and when we say we are done, we are done with loosing. No-one else should have any input.
    I always believe in this - If you cannot say anything good then keep your trap shut
  7. Like
    Smanky reacted to sillykitty in Dealing with Sabotage   
    IMO, the real problem here is your husband.
    "my husband has said, she can't buy a house until interest rates settle down, there's no rentals in the area and he can't kick her out because she will have nowhere to go, so we just have to put up with her until then."
    None of those things are your and your husband's problem. I'm sure there are some rentals, somewhere. She has lost the privilege to live in your home, and she needs to deal with the consequences.
  8. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Tomo in 3 months post op and I'm done.   
    Nobody has said that. In fact, everyone's said the opposite.
  9. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Tomo in 3 months post op and I'm done.   
    Nobody has said that. In fact, everyone's said the opposite.
  10. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in 3 months post op and I'm done.   
    That lady is still in a process, and so long as her doctor and team are on-board and guiding her, good for her. Someone else's happiness is no-one else's business.
    Consider how many people thought our obese bodies were disgusting and they'd "rather die" than look like us. Thinking the same of a skinny person is the exact same energy. Glad you're finding your happy place weight wise, but no need to be judging others on the way. We've all had our fill of that, surely?
  11. Like
    Smanky reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Loving my progress!!!   
    Awww thank you It's a hard fought battle, but every milestone makes it so worth it.
  12. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in Loving my progress!!!   
    Honestly, I'm just loving how happy you are as you progress. It's a joy to see!
  13. Like
    Smanky reacted to SmolGojira in How long did you drink protein shakes after bypass?   
    Meeting your Protein goals is really a "For the rest of your life" thing, just like with Vitamins. Which we would have to do even without having the surgery, it's just that now with the surgery, it will be so much harder to fit in all those great nutrients, which is why we need to have more nutrient dense foods to fuel our bodies. The amount you need to eat per day depends on what your Height and Weight is.
    The good news is that this doesn't have to be in Protein Shake form. You can do it just with diet. If you have a dietician, it's worth chatting to them about other ways to get your daily protein in. Some people just find the shakes easier. Others are happy eating it in their daily food.
    Below are a bunch of foods high in protein, you can make amazing meals with these and get all your daily protein without using shakes
    1) Beef Skirt Steak: 26.7 g Protein Per 100 g
    2) chicken Breast: 23.1 g Protein Per 100 g
    3) Canned Tuna: 23.6 g Protein Per 100 g
    4) Lean Pork Chop: 22.4 g Protein Per 100 g
    5) Sockeye Salmon: 21.3 g Protein Per 100 g
    6) Lentils: 25.8 g Protein Per 100 g
    7) Shrimp: 20.3 g Protein Per 100 g
    😎 Sardines: 20.9 g Protein Per 100 g
    9) Lamb Chop: 20.4 g Protein Per 100 g
    10) Cocoa: 20 g Protein Per 100 g
    11) Cod: 17.9 g Protein Per 100 g
    12) Cheddar Cheese: 24.9 g Protein Per 100 g
    13) pumpkin Seeds: 18.5 g Protein Per 100 g
    14) Beef Jerky: 33.2 g Protein Per 100 g (Dont know if we can eat this)
    15) Nutritional Yeast: 50 g Protein Per 100 g
    16) Turkey Breast: 24.6 g Protein Per 100 g
    17) Parmesan Cheese: 35.8 g Protein Per 100 g
    18) whey Protein: 70 g Protein Per 100 g
    19) Dried Squid: 72 g Protein Per 100 g
    20) Mackerel: 18.6 g Protein Per 100 g'
    Then there's also things like Peas, Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, Sprouts, Mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, Edamame, Sweet corn, Winter Squash and Yummy Avocados.
    Hope this helps

  14. Like
    Smanky reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Loving my progress!!!   
    I finally weigh less than 300, for the first time in 17 1/2 years!! I'm off all 3 diabetes meds, my anti-inflammatory/joint pain med, and my blood pressure med. I do cardio 3 days per week and weight training 2 days per week. On cardio, I'm up to an hour and a half. On weight training days, I'm at right around an hour. Never in my LIFE did I think I could ever be here. I know I need my rest days, but I actually hate taking them LOL I look forward to working out, which is so crazy and foreign to me.

  15. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from GreenTealael in Will my face and neck regain their appearance after rapid weight loss?   
    You look young, so you're in with a much better chance of skin regaining some elasticity over time than someone my age. My neck was the first part of me to really start showing the ol' skin-slack, so much so I just had to have a sense of humour about it. That said, with a consistent, targeted skin care regime with high actives, there's been definite improvements to both my face and neck (my body on the other hand, I'm just gonna have to learn to love that loose skin). From what others have said who are years out, your body will go through a settling period, so don't assume you've achieved your "final form" until a good stretch of time. Hydration, nutrition, some good skincare and spf, and patience and you'll likely see things settle.
  16. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Starwarsandcupcakes in The Plant-Based Bariatric: Can It Be Done?   
    Lifestyle issues: none. I went vegetarian back in 1989, and have been vegan for about 7 years now. Likewise my partner. I've always been a supplement taker, so I've never been anemic or had any issues (outside of eating too much junk food and carbs, of course, leading me here!). Post-op, my labs have been consistently good, so even with the malabsorbtion factor, I've been able to nourish myself well. The only thing any blood test has found was 8 weeks ago when I landed in hospital after a bike accident and the labs showed I was low in magnesium. So I've been taking a mag supplement since then which is fixing that.
    Never a whisper of kidney stones.
    It's tough recommending any Protein Drinks since I'm in Australia and we don't have access to the same brands as you guys over there. The best protein water I've found that's both tasty and not absolutely drowning in stevia is MyProtein's Clear Vegan Protein. I know you can get that one internationally. It's not as much protein per serve as a shake (it's 10g per serve), but since I have to drink a couple of litres of water a day anyway, getting 3 of those in means I've got over half my daily minimum protein intake plus water, so I love the double-up. Other vegan protein waters with higher protein counts that I've tried have either been too cloyingly sweet or just straight up revolting. The MyProtein one is like drinking cordial. Minus the sugar. The Apple & Elderflower flavour is the bomb.
    Also: vegan protein will absorb as well as non-vegan. I promise it's a myth that you can't get enough protein from plants. Plenty of vegan athletes and body builders can attest! 💪
  17. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from kc892020 in The Plant-Based Bariatric: Can It Be Done?   
    Hi, certified vegan bypasser here! 🤓 It's totally doable, and I've had no issues at all hitting my Protein goals both with and without vegan protein Water. The protein water has been a big help, but honestly, even if I wasn't vegan I'd still be using the protein water as there are days when I just want to eat vegetables and don't want to deal with heavy seitans.
    Speaking of, seitan (wheat meat/faux meats) are the best source of high protein I've found. The best ones can be sourced from good Chinese grocers in the freezer section. If you have a Trader Joes or Wholefoods near you, I expect they'd have a great vegan section. Some examples of the protein counts in the seitans I have access to:
    Chinese supermarket Not Pork 100g serve = 165 cal, 21g protein
    Chinese supermarket Not Duck 100g serve = 150 cal, 19g protein
    Princess G brand "Crispy G" 100g serve = 266 cal, 17g protein
    Sayur Not Pork 100g serve = 155 cal, 21g protein

    Lamyong is another great faux meat brand. But if you can't source good faux meats, good old tofu comes through:

    Firm Tofu (½ cup/126g) = 181 cal, 21.8g protein

    Marinate that tofu in something delicious, and fry it up with some asian greens!

    Some mung bean pastas are high in protein. Not the nicest wheat Pasta substitute, but with a nice tangy Tomato sauce and a little vegan Parmesan, it's acceptable. Also check the nutritional info on the back of Gardein products, I think they're pretty easy to find.

    Soy milk has about 8g of protein per serve, so that's another way of slipping some extra protein in, especially if you can tolerate Protein Shakes. Protein fortified soy milk (10g per serve) in a plant based Protein Shake gives me a whopping 40g of protein in one go, so again, on days when I'm just craving vegetables, I can do a shake for Breakfast and a protein water or two throughout the day and easily hit my goals.

    Some vegetables are also higher in protein, like edamame, but I honestly just stick with protein water and seitans, as that's what I enjoy.

    Hope that helps!
  18. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Arabesque in Regretting the surgery   
    It's major surgery, and it hurts. I felt like I'd been hit by a truck for a solid week.
    That said, my nausea and pain medication did help. Call your team if you're not able to manage yours.
  19. Like
    Smanky reacted to ms.sss in 3 months post op and I'm done.   
    i would take the "stop losing weight " comments from others with a grain of salt.
    when you lose weight quickly it may be jarring to others looking on from the outside. i theorize that their idea of your bigger self is relatively fresh in their minds so a skinner newer you seems drastically different. i also theorize that if you were to drop the weight slower over time u'd likely get less comments.
    the same people who told me to stop losing weight when i was 160-ish lbs at 3-ish months (when i was still technically obese for effs sakes) are the same people who fawned over me when i got to 115 several months later.
  20. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Tomo in 3 months post op and I'm done.   
    Nobody has said that. In fact, everyone's said the opposite.
  21. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in OMG I did it!!!!   
    Gotta love a milestone! That's awesome - and you've earned it!
  22. Like
    Smanky reacted to SuziDavis in OMG I did it!!!!   
    Congrats!!!! I am 3 lbs away from this goal and I am so excited to get there!
  23. Congrats!
    Smanky reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in OMG I did it!!!!   
    I'm ugly crying right now. I'm below 300, for the first time in almost 18 years. I can't believe it. I don't even have words. I never thought I would see this. I really didn't. I can't wrap my head around this. I'm below 300. I'M NOT 300 ANYMORE!!!!!!!

  24. Like
    Smanky reacted to SuziDavis in 3 months post op and I'm done.   
    1. You have no idea how her health was before her surgery.
    2. your hair will most likely thin out as well, and then come back, it happens to the majority of us.
    3. If her start weight was much higher than yours, she probably is happy to be healthy and less worried about the excess skin.
    4. You should consider the way people might look at you...
  25. Like
    Smanky reacted to Arabesque in 3 months post op and I'm done.   
    There are temporary side effects of losing larger amounts of weight like we do through this process. One is Hair loss & some lose more or less than others. Another is looking drained, wan, tired or even gaunt. There are other individual things too. But most of these are temporary. Once our weight stabilises & our eating changes to include a broader range of foods & nutrient sources & our portion sizes increase these things change. Over time our hair regrowth is more noticeable & our remaining fat seemingly resettles. Well it did for me & my friends who also had the surgery.
    Around the time my weight loss had almost stopped, my uncle told my mother I looked like death. My hour glass shape had gone but I felt good in myself & very pleased with what I had achieved. Within a few months of my weight stabilising my curves returned (hello waist - though I still don’t have a butt). My uncle told me I looked great & others commented on my glowing, healthy skin. My hair was thickening as the length of the new growth was nearing that of my existing hair.
    A short time of not looking my best is nothing. Happily pay that price to feeling & looking how I do now which is way better than I have in forever. I don’t even really care about my saggy, loose skin - I’ve earned it - it’s a reminder of where I was & what I did to get where I am now.

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