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About SmolGojira

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Went in on Nov 3rd 2022. It was rough, the gas pain for me was so bad, it felt like someone had been punching me in the back no matter what I did. Pain killers would not help. In the ICU, I puked blood, I was scared.
I kept getting nauseous ( If this happens, TELL THE NURSES ASAP!) I kept trying to brave it out which you should never do, because you do not want to puke. Eventually one of the nurses put me on a drip for anti Nausea meds. I felt so much better. I also stopped puking.
Drinking water will be hard, I found that standing up when you drink helps for the first 2-4 days. It will help you burp too which you need to.
I'm needing to inject myself once a day for 3 weeks with blood thinners. This is so painful, it's been almost a week at home and my stomach is purple and sore. If you have someone that can help you with this, it may help.
Sorry if it's TMI: Constipation, is a real issue. I think because I had been on nothing but water for 2 weeks, that's why I can't really go... I've just started back on the Optifast and if I still don't go, I need to get medication from my GP

Height: 163 cm
Starting Weight: 118 kgs
Weight on Day of Surgery: 115 kgs
Current Weight: 85 kgs
Goal Weight: 58 kgs
Weight Lost: 33 kgs
BMI: 32
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 09/09/2022
Surgery Date: 11/02/2022
Hospital Stay: 2 Days
Surgery Funding: n/a
Insurance Outcome: n/a

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
