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About brwneyedgrl96

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  1. brwneyedgrl96

    Thighs after weight loss

    Have you been exercising?
  2. brwneyedgrl96

    Thighs after weight loss

    I did not know that about being the most problematic. Are you comfortable wearing shorts and stuff?
  3. I’m curious how your thighs looked after surgery? I’ve always had big thighs and I’m lm looking forward to wearing short skirts this summer... wondering how everyone’s thighs looked after losing 100 pounds??
  4. brwneyedgrl96

    Weight Gain

    Thank you for responding! That makes me feel better... just so dang frustrating when you work so hard and you see that. Yesterday abs the day before I was only able to work out for 35 minutes instead of my usual hour Because of time constraint and I was like seriously?! Ugh I hope you’re right!! I had a great week last week and now this ... trying not to get discouraged but it’s hard. I was also just put back on birth control.. seasjonique (the generic one). The dr said I shouldn’t gain weight... I’m questioning everything now 🤦🏼‍♀️
  5. I had surgery September 15th and the last two days I’ve gained weight. Please tell me this has happened to other ppl?? That it will go away?? I’m so upset!
  6. This is scary! How’d everything turn out? I hope you’re home and much better now!
  7. brwneyedgrl96

    Weight loss

    Thank you! Can I ask what your starting BMI was?
  8. brwneyedgrl96

    Weight loss

    I don’t see a signature? Sorry if I’m missing it 🤦🏼‍♀️😂
  9. brwneyedgrl96

    Weight loss

    Thank you for responding! It’s good to hear I’m along path with others!
  10. brwneyedgrl96

    Weight loss

    Forgive the typos.. it’s all black so I can’t see as I type!
  11. I had gastric bypass in 9/15. I am 5’1 and day of surgery I weighed 250. I have Hashimotos. I’m just looking to see ppl with similar stats and their weight loss. Please, I know everyone is different, looses differently etc. I just would like to see how other ppl are getting along. So far, I’ve lost about 18 pounds post op and that seems to be so little to me. I lost about 3 or 4 pounds this week (third week weigh in) and that seems so minor. Again, I know everyone is different, I’d just like some similar ppl sharing journies so I can relate! Thank uou!
  12. brwneyedgrl96

    Tummy rumbles?

    Right? Lol I’m struggling more mentally I think... I still have some pain but nothing like it was. Hbu??
  13. brwneyedgrl96

    Tummy rumbles?

    Oh I am for sure staying on plan. Just a general comment! Was just curious what the rumbles were!
  14. brwneyedgrl96

    Tummy rumbles?

    May seem like an odd question 😅 but.. I haven’t felt hunger yet. I had my surgery September 15th. I have had a lot of noises from my tummy tho. I’m wondering if this is my insides settling (kinda like a csection) or if this is a hungry tummy rumble without the empty hunger pains? 🤔 I should be starving.. I’ve basically only been drinking with maybe a few sooonfuls of broth. I’m so over broth I just can’t stomach it anymore 😓
  15. brwneyedgrl96

    Pre op diet

    Thank you!! You helped calm me down 😅😅 I’m starvingggg lol

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