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  1. Like
    Lily66 reacted to AZhiker in I feel like I’m not doing all I can   
    There's nothing fraudulent in telling people you decided to take control over your weight problem. Period. If they press you, it is perfectly acceptable to say something like, "You know, most people regain weight loss within a year, so I really don't want to talk about it or give advice to anyone else right now. Ask me again in a year, if I am still maintaining my weight loss." I think this is very reasonable and actually a wise answer. There's nothing worse than telling people about personal success in anything and then end up eating your words later. I have no doubt that you will be successful in your weight loss, but you don't have to give details to anyone, until you are ready. Some people like to just put it out there, and other people feel a bit to vulnerable to judgement to do that. I still haven't told anyone (except immediate family) about my surgery. My co workers see how I eat, and how healthy it is. There is no question that healthy eating and exercise is what is keeping my weight off, and so they don't even ask.
  2. Like
    Lily66 got a reaction from Dinah55 in Regained weight support   
    Once again, one size doesn’t fit all and that’s the great thing about a forum like this, as a smorgasbord with many perspectives and options sans calories. Generally speaking, with just a tad of introspection each of us know what we need to do, given the individual circumstance we’re in.
    There have been times in life that I needed direct straight talk and other times when ‘I had the facts’ yet needed the positive Can Do!, You Go Girl!, You Got This!, support and motivation that community can provide. Both were and are valid needs. Both were and are available on this forum, both were and are what make it a great place! Take what we need and leave the rest.💖
  3. Like
    Lily66 got a reaction from roseannamichael in Tips for hitting your daily protein and water goals   
    Hey rjan, which Protein powder do you mix into your morning latte? I’d like to try that, and give my Premier Protein Cafe Latte a rest. Any tips on how to best mix protein powder in to avoid Gummy or clumpy coffee would also be appreciated. Thanks!
  4. Congrats!
    Lily66 reacted to Lynnlovesthebeach in Victory on the scale!   
    Exactly 5 yrs ago this month I stepped on the scale at my doctors office and it read 110, but it was KG! That means I had a BMI of 48. I remember being so depressed because that was the highest number I had ever seen. I remember thinking "man that's what I should weigh in pounds!" I am excited today because when I got on the scale this morning it read 110.6...POUNDS!! It's been a long road but I can't believe I finally got there!
  5. Hugs
    Lily66 reacted to Sassafras1 in Giving Blood   
    Thanks all. I'll wait for a while and see how it goes
  6. Like
    Lily66 got a reaction from Sassafras1 in Giving Blood   
    Agree with both above! As Mr Alley Gator indicated, big blood drive here in FL. A few weeks ago I asked surgeon if okay for me to donate, now 8 months out. He replied my bloodwork was strong so should be fine. Soul searching told me I’d be wiped out for way too long...much as I want to donate, just not ready yet.
  7. Like
    Lily66 reacted to ms.sss in Food Before and After Photos   
    Yet another bowl of random stuff from the fridge:
    Butter sautéed cremini mushrooms seasoned with garlic salt/pepper/smoked paprika, with diced tomatoes, topped with 1 slice of bacon bits, shaved Parmesan and fresh cilantro (preceded with a coffee martini, not shown): 268 calories.
    This concoction turned out to be like my favourite thing i’ve eaten in a couple weeks! Sooooo yum...ate it all.

  8. Congrats!
    Lily66 reacted to ChubRub in Telling the Kids   
    I know! LOL! I guess the bright side is maybe they never realized how big I used to be! Ha ha!!
  9. Haha
    Lily66 reacted to ms.sss in Telling the Kids   
    What the?!?
  10. Haha
    Lily66 reacted to ChubRub in Telling the Kids   
    I didn't tell my kids only b/c I didn't want my extended family to know, and didn't trust that my kids wouldn't slip and tell. They have not only never suspected anything, but they haven't even noticed that I've lost weight! Kids!!! LOL!!!
  11. Congrats!
    Lily66 reacted to lisafrommassachusetts in February 2020 Post-Op Thread   
    Good to hear from you @Lily66! I read about some folks who are only eating 600 or 800 calories after this long and I am amazed. I am losing slowly (very slowly) but mostly steadily. I feel so much better, I am wearing size 12 to 14, and my daughter jokes I have Benjamin Button disease. I have not returned to the gym since surgery (Covid), but I really, really need to do some weights. I own weights (2 lb and 3 lb); I bought resistance bands thinking I'd like them better, I have downloaded an 8 minute work out, and a 12 minute one...I have done everything but actually DO THE DAMN EXERCISES! lol. But with winter coming fast I need to get my heart into it. You sound like you are in a great place. I'm with you, if it stops here I am beyond grateful. I'm eating healthy, and keeping my Protein high. I have also enjoyed a glass of wine on a few nights by the fire! Life is good, all in all, except for the whole 2020 being the worst year ever. Continued good luck to you!
  12. Congrats!
    Lily66 reacted to bariatricbutterfly in Regained weight support   
    Let me add my point of view. Surgery is not the solution it’s a tool. Those same issues you lacked self control over pre surgery will be there post surgery. You must be willing to put in the work to optimize your tool.

    I’m close to 11 years post op. I went from 384 to 210 with my surgery. 6 years in I stalled and put in the work myself and went from 210 to 164.

    How did I do it? I spent time in counseling. Learning how to love me. Resolving issues that caused a negative relationship with food. Every once in awhile they will pop up. But investing in healing has saved me. I didn’t need a cheerleader in the process. I needed someone to hold me accountable. I didn’t want sympathy for making the decision to eat crap. Call me out on my sh*t. I got rid of those who wanted me to fail and created a healthier circle of people who wanted me to succeed.

    I recently put on 20 lbs. I didn’t get depressed. I earned every pound gained. I knew where I slacked. I let Coronavirus get me. I owned it and set a plan that didn’t include starving. Currently down 10. Clothes fitting again. Plan to be back at goal by Thanksgiving.

    The decision to have surgery is extreme. And it’s going to take extreme responses to give you a reality check. The reality is you’re going to have to put in the work to lose the weight post op. And that requires being called out on behaviors that may have need brushed under previously. It’s hard but it’s needed.

    Hit me up anytime on IG: @bariatricbutterfly. I work with women atleast 3 years post op experiencing weight gain and want to gain control on working their tool.

  13. Like
    Lily66 reacted to Recidivist in Will I like the new me & the new life?   
    Hi, KJ--and welcome! I'm nearby in Australia.
    I think that you already know the answer to your question based on a few of the statements in your post:
    "I know that losing weight and gaining health will be far more important than how old I may look, and what people think." "I have bad health issues like asthma, high BP, and really need two knee replacements....So it's going to be so good for my health I know." "Excited for the journey for a new me and better health."
    Exactly right--this is all about your health. It's about getting rid of the medical conditions that come with obesity and feeling good for the first time in decades, with lots of energy and a new zest for life. Looking slimmer is a nice side effect of the surgery, but the real reason to do it is to improve your health and add years to your life. I was 59 when I got surgery and can't believe how much younger and more energetic I FEEL. I wish I had done it years earlier.
    Do I LOOK younger? No. The weight loss in my face and neck has aged me a bit, and I will admit that it was a little disconcerting at first, but I'm used to it. As for what people think of me and say about me: I'm sure it was much more unkind when I was fat than now when I look a little older. And frankly, I couldn't care less. I did this for me, and it was the best decision I have ever made.
    I can only speak for myself, but I LOVE the new me! I have so much more energy, enthusiasm, confidence and hope for the future than I did a couple of years ago as an obese person with health problems and the likelihood of a heart attack within a decade. Now that I know how great it feels to be at a healthy weight, I wouldn't ever want to go back to the old me.
    Don't worry about what you will eat after surgery. You will find that your tastes change and you won't crave many of the unhealthy things you enjoyed before. And you can have a glass of wine and some cheese every now and then--it's a matter of moderation. I used to love sweets and high fat foods, and I don't eat them at all any more--and I never feel deprived.
    We all have fears and reservations about bariatric surgery, but you almost never hear anyone expressing regrets about having it done once they see how great they feel and how much more they can enjoy life once they get to a healthy weight.
  14. Like
    Lily66 reacted to KJ6262 in Will I like the new me & the new life?   
    Hello group ... am new to this, I am 58 and live in NZ if anyone else here does (a NZ buddy would be great as well as this fantastic group on this forum)? . After cancelling having a sleeve at the 11th hour 5 years ago I have finally decided to do it. Booked a week ago and surgery in just 4 weeks. Feeling excited and scared. have been this weight for 25 years or so, and worried about what I might feel about the new me.... maybe I wont like her and want the old me back!!!
    I also worry about how it may age me, as this extra layer does cover up lines etc! I know though that losing the weight and gaining better health will be far more important than how old I may look, and what people think... another worry of mine. I have been close to this size for so long, so worried people will talk negatively about my new look and also I may not like the new me either. I am not vain - the complete opposite, but think about what others say behind my back too much. Saggy skin? Worried about this as well, but guess inevitable.
    I fear the change in my habits I have developed, like drinking 2-3 glasses of wine a day, and how I will cope. Sad I know but I love a good glass of wine with my meals it will be such a big change! I think I can cope without the food, except cheese!! How did you all go on this... anyone in the same boat as me? I have bad health issues like asthma, high BP, and really need 2 knee replacements which I am trying to avoid doing this. So its going to be so good for my health I know.
    I would be happy dropping 25 kgs, (55 lbs) and hope I can slow the weight loss when I get there... as just scared I wont like the new me, and have made the wrong decision .... is this normal? Would appreciate any feedback. I have wanted to be slim my whole adult life, dieted for more than half of it, and excited for the journey for a new me & better health.
    Thanks all, this forum is a great go to for newbies like me.
  15. Like
    Lily66 got a reaction from kc892020 in Healthier, But Lonelier   
    I think it also boils down to the fact that some of us are more private by nature. Period. Realizing the spectrum of some let it all hang out, like it or not, here’s my reality, to the other end of utmost secrecy surrounding their personal journey. Most of us likely fall somewhere in the middle of this continuum and it’s all okay!😃 The important point is to know and understand ourselves well enough to consciously choose how we design our lives for greatest peace and quality regardless of what another thinks we should do.
  16. Like
    Lily66 got a reaction from kc892020 in Healthier, But Lonelier   
    I think it also boils down to the fact that some of us are more private by nature. Period. Realizing the spectrum of some let it all hang out, like it or not, here’s my reality, to the other end of utmost secrecy surrounding their personal journey. Most of us likely fall somewhere in the middle of this continuum and it’s all okay!😃 The important point is to know and understand ourselves well enough to consciously choose how we design our lives for greatest peace and quality regardless of what another thinks we should do.
  17. Like
    Lily66 got a reaction from kc892020 in Healthier, But Lonelier   
    I think it also boils down to the fact that some of us are more private by nature. Period. Realizing the spectrum of some let it all hang out, like it or not, here’s my reality, to the other end of utmost secrecy surrounding their personal journey. Most of us likely fall somewhere in the middle of this continuum and it’s all okay!😃 The important point is to know and understand ourselves well enough to consciously choose how we design our lives for greatest peace and quality regardless of what another thinks we should do.
  18. Like
    Lily66 got a reaction from kc892020 in Healthier, But Lonelier   
    I think it also boils down to the fact that some of us are more private by nature. Period. Realizing the spectrum of some let it all hang out, like it or not, here’s my reality, to the other end of utmost secrecy surrounding their personal journey. Most of us likely fall somewhere in the middle of this continuum and it’s all okay!😃 The important point is to know and understand ourselves well enough to consciously choose how we design our lives for greatest peace and quality regardless of what another thinks we should do.
  19. Like
    Lily66 got a reaction from kc892020 in Healthier, But Lonelier   
    I think it also boils down to the fact that some of us are more private by nature. Period. Realizing the spectrum of some let it all hang out, like it or not, here’s my reality, to the other end of utmost secrecy surrounding their personal journey. Most of us likely fall somewhere in the middle of this continuum and it’s all okay!😃 The important point is to know and understand ourselves well enough to consciously choose how we design our lives for greatest peace and quality regardless of what another thinks we should do.
  20. Like
    Lily66 reacted to MarvelGirl25 in Food Before and After Photos   
    I swear, every time I see your sandwiches and wraps I get such a craving for one lol
  21. Like
    Lily66 reacted to Mr Alley Gator in Does FSA Cover Vitamins?   
    No Just order online much cheaper

  22. Like
    Lily66 reacted to Pandemonium in Food Before and After Photos   
    I literally climbed a mountain today, so I am splurging and enjoying a delicious poke bowl with tuna, scallops, and spicy salmon. Seaweed salad base instead of rice and loaded with veggies and avocado.

  23. Like
    Lily66 reacted to GreenTealael in Food Before and After Photos   
    Asian take away General Tso chicken with broccoli (I wish I chose the tofu instead)
    Small size made 2 meals and didn't finish it

  24. Like
    Lily66 reacted to carlz in Slider foods   
    I see that you are going to give the Snacks away, but here is my experience anyway 🙂
    After a mere 13 weeks postop my cheat day turned into a cheat week, just like it used to in the old days. Or to put it another way, I ate around my sleeve for a week.... and got the expected results, I gained 1kg.
    For some reason I have no ill effects from eating chocolate or chips, the only difference is it takes me a day to eat a pkt of lollies instead of 1 sitting.
    So after a good cry, I quickly got back to measuring food and tracking nutritional info, and dropped that regain in 2 days. Plus I joined the gym that same day for the first time in 3 years.
    I think it is irresponsible of your nutritionist to advise you that it's OK for a cheat day. We only have the 'sleeve magic' for a limited time, why encourage people to cheat in the peak efficacy time, it just seems counterproductive.
  25. Like
    Lily66 reacted to carlz in Slider foods   
    From reading your posts I can see that you're well versed in nutrition and CICO, surely you know for every one gram of carbohydrate stored in the body (as glycogen) there is approximately 2-3 grams of Water retained.
    I didn't say I gained a kilo of FAT. It likely was water weight from the 7 day carb fest, and my return to eating a low carb diet would have flushed out that water weight.
    Regardless, it was the scare that I needed to get myself back on track, and show me I'll always need to be vigilant with my food choices.

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