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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from chiquitatummy in Taking bigger sips without pain?   
    Wow, they are advancing you slowly! I hit 4 weeks and they said I can start eating whatever I wanted as long as I could tolerate it lol. But... they advanced me a little faster than others. I think normal diet for my team is usually around 6 weeks. Hang in there!
  2. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Arabesque in cant stomach dairy foods   
    I had the sleeve and definitely had some food intolerances, especially in the beginning. Stay away from things that are making you sick... but don't be afraid to try again after a few months. Just because it is making you sick now, doesn't mean it always will. Lactose intolerance is a big one that folks may experience... but may not be permanent. I have gone through different stages with different foods making me sick. Of the ones I still don't tolerate, most I shouldn't be eating anyway!
  3. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to HealthyLifeStyle in Rip Off!!!!   
    TY for the suggestion, it never even crossed my mind to try this.
  4. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to catwoman7 in Plateauing & Aggravated   
    you're within a normal BMI. Being at a normal BMI, or within 10 or 20 lbs of it, means losing weight is REALLY tough. I used to roll my eyes at normal weight or slightly overweight women who'd b*tch and scream about how hard it was to lose 10 lbs. Ha! Now I totally get it!
    on top of that, what you're dealing with are normal weight fluctuations. Weight goes up and down a couple of lbs for lots of reasons - e.g., you had a lot of sodium the day before so you're retaining Water - or you have fuller intestines that usual (maybe you ate a lot of Fiber the day before - or you're constipated). Those two things can easily cause your weight to go up a couple of lbs. But when that's the cause, it's not true weight and it's usually gone in a day or two.
  5. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to Arabesque in Well, the honeymoon may be over   
    Thank you everyone for your support, common sense advice & your your kind words.
    As some of you know, it took me about a year & an additional loss of 10kg to find my maintenance sweet spot. And I was eating a lot - several Snacks a day just to get the calories in so I wouldn’t loose more. Now I’m eating a little less & on about 1200 calories a day. I have a little wriggle room with calories I could cut but I wouldn’t really want to go below that 1200. I’d be back where I spent most of my life basically starving myself. Eating only once or twice a day kills your metabolism & I did that a lot from age 13. It was my default. And I don’t want to live like that again.
    Yep, I do have some wriggle room with my weight but I like my weight where it is. Though I’m a lower BMI I’m not bony by any stretch. And believe me I still have ‘fleshy’ thighs. But finding clothes that fit can be a bit challenging at times.
    Been watching Dr Matthew Weiner’s videos about the end of the honeymoon period & his reset diet. I have his book too so I’ll be doing some reading on the weekend. 🙂
    Fingers crossed I can quickly discover what will work for me in this phase.
  6. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to catwoman7 in Well, the honeymoon may be over   
    yes it does get a lot more challenging once you get a couple years out. That's when a lot of people start gaining. Just monitor yourself constantly - and set a drop-dead weight -- the highest you're willing to go - and if and when you reach that (which you likely will at times), it's all hands on deck until you get back comfortably into your range again. It does take constant work. I get so tired of it - but on the other hand, I never want to go back to where I was before, so I'm willing to do what I have to do.
  7. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to Recidivist in Well, the honeymoon may be over   
    I see that you are well below your goal weight and at a quite low BMI, so you certainly have a comfortable cushion. I think you've done very well if you feel that your honeymoon is just ending now, because I think mine was over at about 14 months. To be honest, I prefer maintenance (at least so far) because it seems like I can eat more or less normally--albeit a new normal--and my weight stays within a pretty tight range. You just have to find that sweet spot, and after nearly two years you definitely have the knowledge to do so.
  8. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to catwoman7 in Finally a little bit more interesting diet suggested by my surgeon   
    sounds perfect - Protein, healthy fat, and a vegetable!
  9. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to jadore in Finally a little bit more interesting diet suggested by my surgeon   
    Half boiled egg n avocado.. with peppers
    Sent from my CPH1923 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Hop_Scotch in Is anyone allowed to have people with them in the hospital to get surgery ?   
    I know it is tough... but it is for the safety of all patients. Really, do you want someone else's significant other exposing others to COVID and then you getting it while recovering from surgery? I can tell you... post-op is unpleasant enough without adding a COVID infection on top of it.
    But really... when I worked in hospitals we rarely allowed adult patients to have overnight guests. Only under a few special circumstances (like having a baby or someone actually on their death bed). Visiting hours were during the daytime only. I know I was trained this way, but I don't see it as a big deal to not be allowed an overnight guest. And with COVID going around, I would consider yourself lucky to know he is allowed during visiting hours.
    If this is a really big concern of yours, you might want to consider postponing your surgery. Otherwise, it is what it is. Have your cell phone with you when he leaves so you can talk and/or facetime when you need him in the evening/night.
    And while I say all that... I was actually blessed that my husband WAS allowed to spend the night. We didn't plan for it. I had just assumed he would go home to our daughter all along. But night came and he didn't leave. Daughter got to be home alone with our dogs for the night (teenager). And he ended up staying with me and taking care of me. Honestly... I could have done it without him, I mostly slept. He mostly slept. But when I had to get up and pee he was there to help me so I didn't have to wait for the nurse. So it was nice, but wouldn't have been a big deal if he had gone home. My surgery was of course PRE-COVID.
  11. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to catwoman7 in 5 mths post op- can’t eat More than 2 bites   
    that's not normal - you said you talked to your doctor - was it your PCP or your bariatric surgeon? Something doesn't sound right..
  12. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to GradyCat in 5 mths post op- can’t eat More than 2 bites   
    That sounds like an awfully long time to only be able to eat that amount. Have you talked to your doctor? Certain foods will disagree with your new pouch (I still can't eat steak or potatoes or pasta) but you should be able to eat more than a couple of bites at this point.
  13. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to Cape Crooner in 5 1/2 Years Post Op Observations   
    I haven't been here in five years, but I thought I should share what I've learned on this journey...
    1. My sleeve was a very minor surgery. Less than 30 minutes passed between being knocked out and the recovery room. Quite frankly, I think this option should be more widely available for marginally obese people. Unlike the other bariatric surgeries - which change your plumbing, this is simply the removal of the stretchy part of the stomach.
    2. Think long and hard about who you tell. I told a handful of family members and I think that was a mistake. I suggest you either tell everyone, or just the absolute minimum (spouse or care giver). Within the first year I was sure everyone knew and I felt I was being dishonest.
    3. The honeymoon is real. For 18 months it's virtually impossible to gain weight, but after that, you most certainly can. My smaller stomach can hold 8-10 ounces of food and get refilled after about an hour. If you fill it with sugar or fat and keep refilling it, you can certainly get back all your weight. I initially lost about 90 pounds and that was too much. People kept asking me if I had cancer. I've since put 25 pounds back on and while I wish it was 15, it's fine. My weight is what it was when I was an athlete in college. I have used my reduced weight and energy to excercise and I think that has helped. I generally do 100,000 steps a week. Again, eating/drinking the wrong stuff and not exercising would surely lead to more weight gain.
    4. I no longer count calories, but I do have a few tricks to keep things in check. I have designed a menu with a lot of 200-500 calorie meals and I have 3-4 of these every day. I burn enough EXTRA calories a day exercising to offset the calories I drink (I only drink 100 calorie cocktails - nothing sugary).
    5. There's a lot of good and bad information on alcohol on this site. I waited 6 weeks (the European guideline) and the eased in with weak cocktails and wine. I don't think it hits me harder, but since I'm likely to have less food in my stomach, the effect is to be hit harder. I can see no reason to wait 6 months or a year other than minimizing caloric intake. The Sleeve is a timeout from your bad lifestyle, but it's not a permanent timeout. At some point you'll create a new lifestyle that will include birthday cakes, pizza, French fries and booze. You need to manage around all of these risky consumables. You should think about it ll as you enter your journey, never stop reevaluating, and constantly adjust.
    I hope this helps someone...
  14. Congrats!
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Lily66 in The Maintenance Thread   
    OMG... I just realized... I am officially in MAINTENANCE! Didn't even occur to me when I hit my weight goal. I will finally see my nutritionist again at my next 3 month appointment in mid-May. Curious as to whether or not she will tell me to do anything different. I feel like I am already eating in Maintenance Mode. I don't measure everything, but I do watch what I eat. I occasionally eat a LITTLE junk, but mostly healthy. I am walking a ton. Today I did an UPHILL hike which for me is very hard because of my tachycardia. My HR gets over 145 going uphill and then I get VERY short of breath so I usually end up stopping every 40 feet or so to catch my breath. You know what? Today I hiked uphill like a NORMAL person! I was excited. Back to food... I know I can eat more than most bariatric folks in a sitting, so I have to watch that. But what is funny is I can still eat faster, but can still only take 5-6 sips at a time lol. Anyhow... I feel I am still on the right track and don't deviate too much.
  15. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from GreenTealael in One Year Out!   
    Tomorrow morning marks my one year anniversary! Seems like so long ago that I was anxiously awaiting my surgery. Nervously wondering if I was doing the right thing or was I taking drastic and unnecessary measures. And then post-op dealing with the pain every time I tried to re-position... the stabbing pain from the main incision with movement. The barely being able to take a sip of fluids, much less actually eating! What an adventure this year has been. Do I regret any part of this crazy year? Well... I totally regret this Coronavirus nightmare that has taken over my life, but I am so proud of myself for taking control of my body and my health. I lost over 100 pounds. I wear a size 4. I look healthy. I FEEL healthy. So, my first weight was 226.8 pounds at my first weigh in. I was about 205 on surgery day. I got down to 123 (point something). I am maintaining at about 125-128. My goal was 135 and a size 6-8... so I will take it! And today, just at the 365 day mark... I saw my cardiologist. My labs are PERFECT!!! Well, not my bilirubin (you may recall that is a long time issue for me), but everything else is perfect! Not only were my LDL cholesterol and triglycerides WAY DOWN... my HDL cholesterol was REALLY GOOD! So much so that I am OFFICIALLY off my metoprolol for tachycardia (stopped taking it several months ago due to low blood pressure) and I am OFFICIALLY off my Lipitor for cholesterol!!!!! I had asked 6 months ago if I can try to go without it... he insisted on 6 more months, repeat labs, and then he MIGHT consider it. Well, I didn't even have to bring it up. He was so happy he just told me to stop it. He wants me to get follow up labs at my PCP in 6 months, and see him again next year... but he predicts he will be releasing me from his care altogether. YAY! We also discussed my never ending mysteriously high bilirubin and the tests I did this year that left us with no answers. He has determined that I probably have Gilberts Disease which is a benign liver disease. He wants me to see a specialist to do the differential diagnosis.... but I predict that will be quick and I won't actually need any ongoing treatment. But... I do want to do it because I want to finally put a name to whatever causes my bilirubin to be elevated all the time (my whole adult life at least). I see the FNP at the surgeon office for my one year follow up tomorrow. I did those labs the same day, and they too were excellent (besides the bilirubin lol). I think they are having me see the nutritionist too... somehow she didn't show up for my last appointment which was supposed to be by phone call.

    Exercise.... I love walking and hiking, although work has been crazy so that has been a challenge. I try to do 3-6 mile walks in the early AM (at 4:30 before the AZ heat rises), but this past month has been a challenge. Getting better again though. Food: I eat pretty well, although I could do better. I have to be careful because lately I have been craving salt and sweets again. Depending on what it is, I tolerate most of it well. It's funny because I can always go a long time without them.... but when I want them I want them. It just dawned on me though that I haven't had Protein Bars in the house for several months. I found one that got hidden among other items and just ate it... and was reminded that this is exactly what I need to fulfill my sweet tooth without filling my stomach with crap. As soon as I came to that realization, I hopped online and ordered 6 bags of the Unjury Mighty Bite Protein bars. They are the perfect size and fill me up quite well.
    Anyhow... that is my 1 year update! Stay healthy everyone!
  16. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from GreenTealael in One Year Out!   
    Tomorrow morning marks my one year anniversary! Seems like so long ago that I was anxiously awaiting my surgery. Nervously wondering if I was doing the right thing or was I taking drastic and unnecessary measures. And then post-op dealing with the pain every time I tried to re-position... the stabbing pain from the main incision with movement. The barely being able to take a sip of fluids, much less actually eating! What an adventure this year has been. Do I regret any part of this crazy year? Well... I totally regret this Coronavirus nightmare that has taken over my life, but I am so proud of myself for taking control of my body and my health. I lost over 100 pounds. I wear a size 4. I look healthy. I FEEL healthy. So, my first weight was 226.8 pounds at my first weigh in. I was about 205 on surgery day. I got down to 123 (point something). I am maintaining at about 125-128. My goal was 135 and a size 6-8... so I will take it! And today, just at the 365 day mark... I saw my cardiologist. My labs are PERFECT!!! Well, not my bilirubin (you may recall that is a long time issue for me), but everything else is perfect! Not only were my LDL cholesterol and triglycerides WAY DOWN... my HDL cholesterol was REALLY GOOD! So much so that I am OFFICIALLY off my metoprolol for tachycardia (stopped taking it several months ago due to low blood pressure) and I am OFFICIALLY off my Lipitor for cholesterol!!!!! I had asked 6 months ago if I can try to go without it... he insisted on 6 more months, repeat labs, and then he MIGHT consider it. Well, I didn't even have to bring it up. He was so happy he just told me to stop it. He wants me to get follow up labs at my PCP in 6 months, and see him again next year... but he predicts he will be releasing me from his care altogether. YAY! We also discussed my never ending mysteriously high bilirubin and the tests I did this year that left us with no answers. He has determined that I probably have Gilberts Disease which is a benign liver disease. He wants me to see a specialist to do the differential diagnosis.... but I predict that will be quick and I won't actually need any ongoing treatment. But... I do want to do it because I want to finally put a name to whatever causes my bilirubin to be elevated all the time (my whole adult life at least). I see the FNP at the surgeon office for my one year follow up tomorrow. I did those labs the same day, and they too were excellent (besides the bilirubin lol). I think they are having me see the nutritionist too... somehow she didn't show up for my last appointment which was supposed to be by phone call.

    Exercise.... I love walking and hiking, although work has been crazy so that has been a challenge. I try to do 3-6 mile walks in the early AM (at 4:30 before the AZ heat rises), but this past month has been a challenge. Getting better again though. Food: I eat pretty well, although I could do better. I have to be careful because lately I have been craving salt and sweets again. Depending on what it is, I tolerate most of it well. It's funny because I can always go a long time without them.... but when I want them I want them. It just dawned on me though that I haven't had Protein Bars in the house for several months. I found one that got hidden among other items and just ate it... and was reminded that this is exactly what I need to fulfill my sweet tooth without filling my stomach with crap. As soon as I came to that realization, I hopped online and ordered 6 bags of the Unjury Mighty Bite Protein bars. They are the perfect size and fill me up quite well.
    Anyhow... that is my 1 year update! Stay healthy everyone!
  17. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from GreenTealael in One Year Out!   
    Tomorrow morning marks my one year anniversary! Seems like so long ago that I was anxiously awaiting my surgery. Nervously wondering if I was doing the right thing or was I taking drastic and unnecessary measures. And then post-op dealing with the pain every time I tried to re-position... the stabbing pain from the main incision with movement. The barely being able to take a sip of fluids, much less actually eating! What an adventure this year has been. Do I regret any part of this crazy year? Well... I totally regret this Coronavirus nightmare that has taken over my life, but I am so proud of myself for taking control of my body and my health. I lost over 100 pounds. I wear a size 4. I look healthy. I FEEL healthy. So, my first weight was 226.8 pounds at my first weigh in. I was about 205 on surgery day. I got down to 123 (point something). I am maintaining at about 125-128. My goal was 135 and a size 6-8... so I will take it! And today, just at the 365 day mark... I saw my cardiologist. My labs are PERFECT!!! Well, not my bilirubin (you may recall that is a long time issue for me), but everything else is perfect! Not only were my LDL cholesterol and triglycerides WAY DOWN... my HDL cholesterol was REALLY GOOD! So much so that I am OFFICIALLY off my metoprolol for tachycardia (stopped taking it several months ago due to low blood pressure) and I am OFFICIALLY off my Lipitor for cholesterol!!!!! I had asked 6 months ago if I can try to go without it... he insisted on 6 more months, repeat labs, and then he MIGHT consider it. Well, I didn't even have to bring it up. He was so happy he just told me to stop it. He wants me to get follow up labs at my PCP in 6 months, and see him again next year... but he predicts he will be releasing me from his care altogether. YAY! We also discussed my never ending mysteriously high bilirubin and the tests I did this year that left us with no answers. He has determined that I probably have Gilberts Disease which is a benign liver disease. He wants me to see a specialist to do the differential diagnosis.... but I predict that will be quick and I won't actually need any ongoing treatment. But... I do want to do it because I want to finally put a name to whatever causes my bilirubin to be elevated all the time (my whole adult life at least). I see the FNP at the surgeon office for my one year follow up tomorrow. I did those labs the same day, and they too were excellent (besides the bilirubin lol). I think they are having me see the nutritionist too... somehow she didn't show up for my last appointment which was supposed to be by phone call.

    Exercise.... I love walking and hiking, although work has been crazy so that has been a challenge. I try to do 3-6 mile walks in the early AM (at 4:30 before the AZ heat rises), but this past month has been a challenge. Getting better again though. Food: I eat pretty well, although I could do better. I have to be careful because lately I have been craving salt and sweets again. Depending on what it is, I tolerate most of it well. It's funny because I can always go a long time without them.... but when I want them I want them. It just dawned on me though that I haven't had Protein Bars in the house for several months. I found one that got hidden among other items and just ate it... and was reminded that this is exactly what I need to fulfill my sweet tooth without filling my stomach with crap. As soon as I came to that realization, I hopped online and ordered 6 bags of the Unjury Mighty Bite Protein bars. They are the perfect size and fill me up quite well.
    Anyhow... that is my 1 year update! Stay healthy everyone!
  18. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from GreenTealael in One Year Out!   
    Tomorrow morning marks my one year anniversary! Seems like so long ago that I was anxiously awaiting my surgery. Nervously wondering if I was doing the right thing or was I taking drastic and unnecessary measures. And then post-op dealing with the pain every time I tried to re-position... the stabbing pain from the main incision with movement. The barely being able to take a sip of fluids, much less actually eating! What an adventure this year has been. Do I regret any part of this crazy year? Well... I totally regret this Coronavirus nightmare that has taken over my life, but I am so proud of myself for taking control of my body and my health. I lost over 100 pounds. I wear a size 4. I look healthy. I FEEL healthy. So, my first weight was 226.8 pounds at my first weigh in. I was about 205 on surgery day. I got down to 123 (point something). I am maintaining at about 125-128. My goal was 135 and a size 6-8... so I will take it! And today, just at the 365 day mark... I saw my cardiologist. My labs are PERFECT!!! Well, not my bilirubin (you may recall that is a long time issue for me), but everything else is perfect! Not only were my LDL cholesterol and triglycerides WAY DOWN... my HDL cholesterol was REALLY GOOD! So much so that I am OFFICIALLY off my metoprolol for tachycardia (stopped taking it several months ago due to low blood pressure) and I am OFFICIALLY off my Lipitor for cholesterol!!!!! I had asked 6 months ago if I can try to go without it... he insisted on 6 more months, repeat labs, and then he MIGHT consider it. Well, I didn't even have to bring it up. He was so happy he just told me to stop it. He wants me to get follow up labs at my PCP in 6 months, and see him again next year... but he predicts he will be releasing me from his care altogether. YAY! We also discussed my never ending mysteriously high bilirubin and the tests I did this year that left us with no answers. He has determined that I probably have Gilberts Disease which is a benign liver disease. He wants me to see a specialist to do the differential diagnosis.... but I predict that will be quick and I won't actually need any ongoing treatment. But... I do want to do it because I want to finally put a name to whatever causes my bilirubin to be elevated all the time (my whole adult life at least). I see the FNP at the surgeon office for my one year follow up tomorrow. I did those labs the same day, and they too were excellent (besides the bilirubin lol). I think they are having me see the nutritionist too... somehow she didn't show up for my last appointment which was supposed to be by phone call.

    Exercise.... I love walking and hiking, although work has been crazy so that has been a challenge. I try to do 3-6 mile walks in the early AM (at 4:30 before the AZ heat rises), but this past month has been a challenge. Getting better again though. Food: I eat pretty well, although I could do better. I have to be careful because lately I have been craving salt and sweets again. Depending on what it is, I tolerate most of it well. It's funny because I can always go a long time without them.... but when I want them I want them. It just dawned on me though that I haven't had Protein Bars in the house for several months. I found one that got hidden among other items and just ate it... and was reminded that this is exactly what I need to fulfill my sweet tooth without filling my stomach with crap. As soon as I came to that realization, I hopped online and ordered 6 bags of the Unjury Mighty Bite Protein bars. They are the perfect size and fill me up quite well.
    Anyhow... that is my 1 year update! Stay healthy everyone!
  19. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from GreenTealael in One Year Out!   
    Tomorrow morning marks my one year anniversary! Seems like so long ago that I was anxiously awaiting my surgery. Nervously wondering if I was doing the right thing or was I taking drastic and unnecessary measures. And then post-op dealing with the pain every time I tried to re-position... the stabbing pain from the main incision with movement. The barely being able to take a sip of fluids, much less actually eating! What an adventure this year has been. Do I regret any part of this crazy year? Well... I totally regret this Coronavirus nightmare that has taken over my life, but I am so proud of myself for taking control of my body and my health. I lost over 100 pounds. I wear a size 4. I look healthy. I FEEL healthy. So, my first weight was 226.8 pounds at my first weigh in. I was about 205 on surgery day. I got down to 123 (point something). I am maintaining at about 125-128. My goal was 135 and a size 6-8... so I will take it! And today, just at the 365 day mark... I saw my cardiologist. My labs are PERFECT!!! Well, not my bilirubin (you may recall that is a long time issue for me), but everything else is perfect! Not only were my LDL cholesterol and triglycerides WAY DOWN... my HDL cholesterol was REALLY GOOD! So much so that I am OFFICIALLY off my metoprolol for tachycardia (stopped taking it several months ago due to low blood pressure) and I am OFFICIALLY off my Lipitor for cholesterol!!!!! I had asked 6 months ago if I can try to go without it... he insisted on 6 more months, repeat labs, and then he MIGHT consider it. Well, I didn't even have to bring it up. He was so happy he just told me to stop it. He wants me to get follow up labs at my PCP in 6 months, and see him again next year... but he predicts he will be releasing me from his care altogether. YAY! We also discussed my never ending mysteriously high bilirubin and the tests I did this year that left us with no answers. He has determined that I probably have Gilberts Disease which is a benign liver disease. He wants me to see a specialist to do the differential diagnosis.... but I predict that will be quick and I won't actually need any ongoing treatment. But... I do want to do it because I want to finally put a name to whatever causes my bilirubin to be elevated all the time (my whole adult life at least). I see the FNP at the surgeon office for my one year follow up tomorrow. I did those labs the same day, and they too were excellent (besides the bilirubin lol). I think they are having me see the nutritionist too... somehow she didn't show up for my last appointment which was supposed to be by phone call.

    Exercise.... I love walking and hiking, although work has been crazy so that has been a challenge. I try to do 3-6 mile walks in the early AM (at 4:30 before the AZ heat rises), but this past month has been a challenge. Getting better again though. Food: I eat pretty well, although I could do better. I have to be careful because lately I have been craving salt and sweets again. Depending on what it is, I tolerate most of it well. It's funny because I can always go a long time without them.... but when I want them I want them. It just dawned on me though that I haven't had Protein Bars in the house for several months. I found one that got hidden among other items and just ate it... and was reminded that this is exactly what I need to fulfill my sweet tooth without filling my stomach with crap. As soon as I came to that realization, I hopped online and ordered 6 bags of the Unjury Mighty Bite Protein bars. They are the perfect size and fill me up quite well.
    Anyhow... that is my 1 year update! Stay healthy everyone!
  20. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from GreenTealael in One Year Out!   
    Tomorrow morning marks my one year anniversary! Seems like so long ago that I was anxiously awaiting my surgery. Nervously wondering if I was doing the right thing or was I taking drastic and unnecessary measures. And then post-op dealing with the pain every time I tried to re-position... the stabbing pain from the main incision with movement. The barely being able to take a sip of fluids, much less actually eating! What an adventure this year has been. Do I regret any part of this crazy year? Well... I totally regret this Coronavirus nightmare that has taken over my life, but I am so proud of myself for taking control of my body and my health. I lost over 100 pounds. I wear a size 4. I look healthy. I FEEL healthy. So, my first weight was 226.8 pounds at my first weigh in. I was about 205 on surgery day. I got down to 123 (point something). I am maintaining at about 125-128. My goal was 135 and a size 6-8... so I will take it! And today, just at the 365 day mark... I saw my cardiologist. My labs are PERFECT!!! Well, not my bilirubin (you may recall that is a long time issue for me), but everything else is perfect! Not only were my LDL cholesterol and triglycerides WAY DOWN... my HDL cholesterol was REALLY GOOD! So much so that I am OFFICIALLY off my metoprolol for tachycardia (stopped taking it several months ago due to low blood pressure) and I am OFFICIALLY off my Lipitor for cholesterol!!!!! I had asked 6 months ago if I can try to go without it... he insisted on 6 more months, repeat labs, and then he MIGHT consider it. Well, I didn't even have to bring it up. He was so happy he just told me to stop it. He wants me to get follow up labs at my PCP in 6 months, and see him again next year... but he predicts he will be releasing me from his care altogether. YAY! We also discussed my never ending mysteriously high bilirubin and the tests I did this year that left us with no answers. He has determined that I probably have Gilberts Disease which is a benign liver disease. He wants me to see a specialist to do the differential diagnosis.... but I predict that will be quick and I won't actually need any ongoing treatment. But... I do want to do it because I want to finally put a name to whatever causes my bilirubin to be elevated all the time (my whole adult life at least). I see the FNP at the surgeon office for my one year follow up tomorrow. I did those labs the same day, and they too were excellent (besides the bilirubin lol). I think they are having me see the nutritionist too... somehow she didn't show up for my last appointment which was supposed to be by phone call.

    Exercise.... I love walking and hiking, although work has been crazy so that has been a challenge. I try to do 3-6 mile walks in the early AM (at 4:30 before the AZ heat rises), but this past month has been a challenge. Getting better again though. Food: I eat pretty well, although I could do better. I have to be careful because lately I have been craving salt and sweets again. Depending on what it is, I tolerate most of it well. It's funny because I can always go a long time without them.... but when I want them I want them. It just dawned on me though that I haven't had Protein Bars in the house for several months. I found one that got hidden among other items and just ate it... and was reminded that this is exactly what I need to fulfill my sweet tooth without filling my stomach with crap. As soon as I came to that realization, I hopped online and ordered 6 bags of the Unjury Mighty Bite Protein bars. They are the perfect size and fill me up quite well.
    Anyhow... that is my 1 year update! Stay healthy everyone!
  21. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from GreenTealael in One Year Out!   
    Tomorrow morning marks my one year anniversary! Seems like so long ago that I was anxiously awaiting my surgery. Nervously wondering if I was doing the right thing or was I taking drastic and unnecessary measures. And then post-op dealing with the pain every time I tried to re-position... the stabbing pain from the main incision with movement. The barely being able to take a sip of fluids, much less actually eating! What an adventure this year has been. Do I regret any part of this crazy year? Well... I totally regret this Coronavirus nightmare that has taken over my life, but I am so proud of myself for taking control of my body and my health. I lost over 100 pounds. I wear a size 4. I look healthy. I FEEL healthy. So, my first weight was 226.8 pounds at my first weigh in. I was about 205 on surgery day. I got down to 123 (point something). I am maintaining at about 125-128. My goal was 135 and a size 6-8... so I will take it! And today, just at the 365 day mark... I saw my cardiologist. My labs are PERFECT!!! Well, not my bilirubin (you may recall that is a long time issue for me), but everything else is perfect! Not only were my LDL cholesterol and triglycerides WAY DOWN... my HDL cholesterol was REALLY GOOD! So much so that I am OFFICIALLY off my metoprolol for tachycardia (stopped taking it several months ago due to low blood pressure) and I am OFFICIALLY off my Lipitor for cholesterol!!!!! I had asked 6 months ago if I can try to go without it... he insisted on 6 more months, repeat labs, and then he MIGHT consider it. Well, I didn't even have to bring it up. He was so happy he just told me to stop it. He wants me to get follow up labs at my PCP in 6 months, and see him again next year... but he predicts he will be releasing me from his care altogether. YAY! We also discussed my never ending mysteriously high bilirubin and the tests I did this year that left us with no answers. He has determined that I probably have Gilberts Disease which is a benign liver disease. He wants me to see a specialist to do the differential diagnosis.... but I predict that will be quick and I won't actually need any ongoing treatment. But... I do want to do it because I want to finally put a name to whatever causes my bilirubin to be elevated all the time (my whole adult life at least). I see the FNP at the surgeon office for my one year follow up tomorrow. I did those labs the same day, and they too were excellent (besides the bilirubin lol). I think they are having me see the nutritionist too... somehow she didn't show up for my last appointment which was supposed to be by phone call.

    Exercise.... I love walking and hiking, although work has been crazy so that has been a challenge. I try to do 3-6 mile walks in the early AM (at 4:30 before the AZ heat rises), but this past month has been a challenge. Getting better again though. Food: I eat pretty well, although I could do better. I have to be careful because lately I have been craving salt and sweets again. Depending on what it is, I tolerate most of it well. It's funny because I can always go a long time without them.... but when I want them I want them. It just dawned on me though that I haven't had Protein Bars in the house for several months. I found one that got hidden among other items and just ate it... and was reminded that this is exactly what I need to fulfill my sweet tooth without filling my stomach with crap. As soon as I came to that realization, I hopped online and ordered 6 bags of the Unjury Mighty Bite Protein bars. They are the perfect size and fill me up quite well.
    Anyhow... that is my 1 year update! Stay healthy everyone!
  22. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from GreenTealael in Pandemic Check In   
    I had a bad week last week, but managed to get back in the swing of things this week. I am cooking more healthy meals and this last week I walked 8-12 miles every morning. Took today off to catch up on housework. Hoping to be able to continue walking... summer heat has arrived.

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  23. Congrats!
    momof3_angels got a reaction from BlueIGT in 100 pounds down!   
    Oh my, I never in my dreams would have thought I would say that I have officially lost ONE HUNDRED POUNDS! But today, that is exactly what I have done!
    Starting weight 226.8. Today's weight 126.8, and I feel great! Solidly in a size 4. Love wearing tight fitting clothes and DRESSES! I haven't loved wearing dresses since I was in HS (despite the fact that I weighed under 135 until I was 23). Still need to lose some "calf" and still need to flatten my belly and tone my upper arms. But I love this weight. Wondering if I will be able to stay here, or will I put on the infamous 10 pounds.
    Only negative is my husband actually told me I look "sickly" a couple weeks ago. I never thought I went through that phase. Then this week he commented I look "skeletal". And I KNOW I don't. I have even asked a friend to be honest and tell me if I do look sickly or skeletal at all (since I am obviously not impartial). She says I look great, which made me feel better. When I let my husband know that his comments upset me, he does backpedal... but I cannot unhear those words. I really think he doesn't mean to be hurtful, but he does say things like that without thinking and it does hurt.
    Anyway... I officially stopped trying to lose weight a couple months ago. I hit my goal back in April and was happy there. It surprises me when I do drop pounds again. I guess I need to up my calories some more. I don't totally follow my diet anymore. I do eat limited sweets to satisfy cravings. But outside of that, I am not eating "bad". I haven't had anything to drink since July other than Water, Vitamin water zero, and occasional gatorade zero or Decaf and unsweetened herbal teas. I don't count my calories (have always been bad at that), but I do eat small portions and not too frequently. Most of the time I avoid any carbs. I mix my Protein source with veggies. I do best with my eating if the two are actually mixed together (for example, I cook ground beef with cabbage, onions, peppers, and tomatoes - my stomach loves things like that). I guess I just have to figure out what to add in, without developing bad habits again! When I DO add carbs, it is most often a little potato in whatever I cooked, or Beans (which is also protein so that one is usually pretty good). I "LOVE" pizza... so I do sometimes eat that, although most of the time I get one with a cauliflower crust. If I eat a real pizza, it has a very thin crust.
  24. Congrats!
    momof3_angels got a reaction from BlueIGT in 100 pounds down!   
    Oh my, I never in my dreams would have thought I would say that I have officially lost ONE HUNDRED POUNDS! But today, that is exactly what I have done!
    Starting weight 226.8. Today's weight 126.8, and I feel great! Solidly in a size 4. Love wearing tight fitting clothes and DRESSES! I haven't loved wearing dresses since I was in HS (despite the fact that I weighed under 135 until I was 23). Still need to lose some "calf" and still need to flatten my belly and tone my upper arms. But I love this weight. Wondering if I will be able to stay here, or will I put on the infamous 10 pounds.
    Only negative is my husband actually told me I look "sickly" a couple weeks ago. I never thought I went through that phase. Then this week he commented I look "skeletal". And I KNOW I don't. I have even asked a friend to be honest and tell me if I do look sickly or skeletal at all (since I am obviously not impartial). She says I look great, which made me feel better. When I let my husband know that his comments upset me, he does backpedal... but I cannot unhear those words. I really think he doesn't mean to be hurtful, but he does say things like that without thinking and it does hurt.
    Anyway... I officially stopped trying to lose weight a couple months ago. I hit my goal back in April and was happy there. It surprises me when I do drop pounds again. I guess I need to up my calories some more. I don't totally follow my diet anymore. I do eat limited sweets to satisfy cravings. But outside of that, I am not eating "bad". I haven't had anything to drink since July other than Water, Vitamin water zero, and occasional gatorade zero or Decaf and unsweetened herbal teas. I don't count my calories (have always been bad at that), but I do eat small portions and not too frequently. Most of the time I avoid any carbs. I mix my Protein source with veggies. I do best with my eating if the two are actually mixed together (for example, I cook ground beef with cabbage, onions, peppers, and tomatoes - my stomach loves things like that). I guess I just have to figure out what to add in, without developing bad habits again! When I DO add carbs, it is most often a little potato in whatever I cooked, or Beans (which is also protein so that one is usually pretty good). I "LOVE" pizza... so I do sometimes eat that, although most of the time I get one with a cauliflower crust. If I eat a real pizza, it has a very thin crust.
  25. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from ms.sss in Do you see yourself as thin yet?   
    I do. With clothes on I really like my body shape (minus the fact that my boobs always shrink when I lose weight lol - I am small chested). For me, I do still think my calves are way too big. And clothes off, I don't like my belly yet... but part of that is the fact that I had 3 c-sections. And also when I lost weight this time, I see more stretch marks and it's a bit too saggy/loose. Not sure if I will ever like those things about myself. I thought I was done losing weight/clothing sizes... but this week I have started dropping pounds again. I weighed 103 and wore size 3 when I graduated high school. After nursing school and before my first baby I weighed 135 and wore a size 5. I was 24. I have never been that small since (although I came close when I lost my last baby weight before my whole body rebelled against me). Today? I weighed in at 128.3 and wear a size 4! And I stopped trying to lose weight a couple months ago. Anyhow, like I said, I am happy with my clothed body, but still wish I could get my stomach and calves to a size/shape that makes me happy. I do think it is hard for most of us to be completely happy and not view some part of our body through a warped lense.

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