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Lolo 2020

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from Psyched in December 2018 Sleevers!   
    So I tried to be very measured today with real food . Had whey Protein in my green smoothie , then tuna salad at lunch and mid afternoon . Made a real dinner of salmon and steamed broccoli but could not believe how little of it I could eat . Will see if it holds me so I don’t graze the rest of the night 🤞
  2. Haha
    Lolo 2020 reacted to mousecat88 in Weight Stall Venting   
    This is 100% true - but impossible to follow. LOL. I weigh every.single.day. Sometimes I look at the scale and I'm like... naw... I'm not falling for your tricks today. But then I'm like... I MUST KNOW. And cave.
    On the plus side, I am down a pound this morning. HA. *adjusts ticker by one pound*
  3. Like
    Lolo 2020 reacted to Wanda247 in Weight Stall Venting   
    This may make you feel normal...My first 2.5 weeks I lost about 20 lbs...after that I didn't lose any more weight, not one ounce for another 4.5 weeks. I just kept telling myself, it's gotta start dropping because I am following my plan BUT I was losing inches like crazy and my clothes were getting to big. I was getting very frustrated as well, then I just stopped worrying about it so much.
  4. Haha
    Lolo 2020 reacted to mousecat88 in Weight Stall Venting   
    This is totally for my own sanity and not because I need a logical reply... but feel free anyways. I am 5 weeks out today and...
    Aight, I'm better. Not really. But UGH! I lost this much on Atkins. FMLLLLL.

    Just had to rant. Woooosssaaaa.
  5. Like
    Lolo 2020 reacted to drop the beat in Normal to stall this early?   
    Yes..I kinda weigh myself every morning and night. Maybe I need to relax

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Like
    Lolo 2020 reacted to GradyCat in Normal to stall this early?   
    Same here. It'll be six weeks Tuesday and I didn't lose anything during Weeks 4 and 5 but finally the scale started moving again today, so I have hope.
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    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from GradyCat in December 2018 Sleevers!   
    I’m in the same boat. Am planning on hitting wonderland by 2/15 too. Definitely has slowed down, but what can you do, even if you do just a pound a week, it is going in the right direction. I have started to eat more as well. So that’s a disappointment.. but so it goes. I just get busy with work and travel. I am getting in my steps, but i think you have to really eat no carb and 600 calories to keep up that same pace. Not sure i am up for that..
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    Lolo 2020 reacted to jenngetsthin in To snack in between meals or not to snack   
    I eat 4-5 small meals/snacks per day. My surgeon is fine with it. Otherwise I can't get all my Protein in (and I don't do shakes anymore). My typical Snacks are cheese or Jerky, sometimes Pork rinds or nuts.
  9. Like
    Lolo 2020 reacted to GreenTealael in Slow WL   
    So apparently im losing slowly according to my NUT. Only lost 10lbs in a month. And only two months out. We confirmed that I was actually stalled for 3 weeks.
    We are trying to figure out why and what to do about it because it was along stall
    May need to bump up exercising to 6 days a week. I started out in the high 240s and by surgery I was 238. Two months post op I'm 209
    Not mad at all, would have never gotten here alone, so no biggie to lose slowly.
    Anyone else a slow loser?
  10. Like
    Lolo 2020 reacted to sillykitty in shocking the system   
    I think it is very unrealistic to think that you will go forever without a normal cookie or brownie. There is food that is better for you, and food that is worse for you, and it's about balance between the two. But at some point you are going to craving and eat a "bad" food, and it will be all right. It won't be a failure, or lead to being overweight again, unless it becomes excessive. It's not a lack of control, it's being human. You know, even naturally skinny people eat Cookies and brownies and chips, and so much more from time to time.
    Now I don't believe in doing something to shock the system or break the stall. I believe stalls start and stop completely independently of what you do. I've stalled when I've eaten perfectly, and lost when I ate poorly, and vice versa.
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    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from Healthy_life in BMI Goal: is your BMI goal to be healthy or overweight?   
    What’s ur BMI? I am adamant I will get to healthy BMI and stay there
  12. Thanks
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from Frustr8 in December 2018 Sleevers!   
    Coexister, I had a stroopwaffle on the plane home last week and a chocolate covered biscuit at work last week. Felt so guilty and thought surely I will explode , right ? But all good - still I have told myself , no junk food , cakes, Cookies or alcohol till I reach goal and then only very little every again . I have 38lbs to go to goal , I’ve eaten that crap my whole life - I don’t need it any more , it doesn’t make me happy . Nothing tastes as good as being thin !
  13. Like
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from Frustr8 in BMI Goal: is your BMI goal to be healthy or overweight?   
    Amen sister
  14. Like
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from rs in Weight regain, 5 years out   
    Definitely a cautionary tale. The surgery is a tool not a cure and it requires a lifestyle change for the duration ..
  15. Like
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from Frustr8 in BMI Goal: is your BMI goal to be healthy or overweight?   
    Amen sister
  16. Thanks
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from LoveFood in 2 week stall   
    Yes there is the 2-3 week stall, don’t worry , the scale will drop big very soon. It still is not very cooperative I’ve found - I will work out , drink liquids and nada. My nut says that when I lose weight the fat cells fill with Water for a time a she said use cucumber water to flush out cells .. like a natural diuretic. But at the start ur body is super confused so don’t fret - it doesn’t know if it’s in a famine or what . Just stay the course , walk as much as you can , and drink ur liquids .
  17. Like
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from Wanda247 in Getting back on the wagon   
    Veronica my heart goes out to you because we have all been there. “Just eat less and move more “ “they say”! I finally saw a surgeon when , at 57 I knew I couldn’t do it - menopause had made me even more ravenous and despite spinning 5 x a week, the weight kept coming on . You know you need this surgery . Forget everyone else and do it for you . Commit to be good to yourself and work the steps . I am 6 weeks out and down 35 lbs - have another 35 to go . This is a journey and I know you can do it . But u need to commit that u will make the requisite changes in ur lifestyle . Good luck !!🍀
  18. Like
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from newlifeat41 in Experiences from anyone who has gone back on phentermine post gastric sleeve   
    I did phentermine years ago and that’s bad bad stuff for You. Surprised you have only lost 30 lbs with this procedure . Sounds like you are eating way way too much !! I was told 600-800 calories until goal . 60g plus of Protein, under 50g of carbs and as little sugar as possible . Make sure you do 10k steps a day or 50min if cardio plus strength training a few times a week. Most important, get Water in! People who maintain their weight after surgery eat an average of 1000 calories, but once they reach their goal . Skip the phentermine and use a food tracker and cut ur intake in half . I was a low BMI as well, this is a tool not a cure and u do have to work the steps, there is no magic pill
  19. Like
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from Wanda247 in Getting back on the wagon   
    Veronica my heart goes out to you because we have all been there. “Just eat less and move more “ “they say”! I finally saw a surgeon when , at 57 I knew I couldn’t do it - menopause had made me even more ravenous and despite spinning 5 x a week, the weight kept coming on . You know you need this surgery . Forget everyone else and do it for you . Commit to be good to yourself and work the steps . I am 6 weeks out and down 35 lbs - have another 35 to go . This is a journey and I know you can do it . But u need to commit that u will make the requisite changes in ur lifestyle . Good luck !!🍀
  20. Like
    Lolo 2020 reacted to SteveT74 in To snack in between meals or not to snack   
    Snacking is really not good for us sleevers. It triggers bad habits and grazing. I understand we might only be able to eat 4 or 5 oz during any given meal--and that helps with weight loss. However, if we are going to snack between meals, you can basically eat around your sleeve. You're not exercising discipline and that's NOT good. We want to change our past bad behaviors while we have this great opportunity. Even if you're losing weight with the snacking, that doesn't meant the snacking isn't having a negative impact on your weight loss. You have to also think about how this is going to effect you long term when your sleeve has greater capacity. I say NO snacking between meals.
    That said, I sometimes cave and have a snack--it's a tough thing to resist. I do everything I can not to eat it though. I'll make myself a drink comprised of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 8oz of Water. That usually kicks the cravings to the curb. If am still hungry after that, i'll allow myself a very small snack and track on MyFitnessPal so I stick with my macros and calorie budget.
  21. Thanks
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from Frustr8 in December 2018 Sleevers!   
    Coexister, I had a stroopwaffle on the plane home last week and a chocolate covered biscuit at work last week. Felt so guilty and thought surely I will explode , right ? But all good - still I have told myself , no junk food , cakes, Cookies or alcohol till I reach goal and then only very little every again . I have 38lbs to go to goal , I’ve eaten that crap my whole life - I don’t need it any more , it doesn’t make me happy . Nothing tastes as good as being thin !
  22. Like
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from SteveT74 in December 2018 Sleevers!   
    It is challenging . I have gone back to my entire crazy life of traveling a lot and running around plus working out . I sometimes forget completely I have a sleeve . Like today , where I had a Protein Drink in am, did spinning , ran home to shower and change and run to city for meeting . A poached egg before I left for city and brought a Protein drink . Didn’t finish it all and since I am getting on a plane at 5, stopped at a deli for a scoop of tuna salad . Got in car and took a few bites - too big , too fast , while I was on a work call . That didn’t work and trying to do my call while driving and throwing up was a challenge . This is hard !!!
  23. Like
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from SteveT74 in December 2018 Sleevers!   
    It is challenging . I have gone back to my entire crazy life of traveling a lot and running around plus working out . I sometimes forget completely I have a sleeve . Like today , where I had a Protein Drink in am, did spinning , ran home to shower and change and run to city for meeting . A poached egg before I left for city and brought a Protein drink . Didn’t finish it all and since I am getting on a plane at 5, stopped at a deli for a scoop of tuna salad . Got in car and took a few bites - too big , too fast , while I was on a work call . That didn’t work and trying to do my call while driving and throwing up was a challenge . This is hard !!!
  24. Like
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from rs in An honest update. Weight Gain   
    I am also so sorry you are struggling, we all know and feel for you, it is a battle. Perhaps be a little nicer to yourself, after all you must have done some things right! You lost 50 + Lbs! Maybe just breaking it down so it is a bit more manageable. Set your daily goals and start each day a new and don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t perfect. Personally i aim to get my steps in every day, but at one month out i had a bad cold and could barely get out of bed, so little if any steps that day! I try to plan my meals, my liquid , my exercise out a week, but do take it day by day, realizing it is a marathon , not a sprint. Sometimes i am ravenous too! But the good news is that a few tablespoons of food fill me up. Are you working with a nutritionist? Maybe that will help with hunger, also a personal trainer to get you motivated to move? I’ve spoken to a lot of thin people and no one wants to work out, they just view exercise and eating right as a daily chore, rather like brushing your teeth. No on wants to brush their teeth, but they do it because they need to. Perhaps approach your daily food and exercise intake the same? I am doing that, or trying to... seems to work. Just don’t give up on yourself!
  25. Like
    Lolo 2020 got a reaction from Alpaca55 in HUNGRY!   
    I had surgery 12/20 and no one told me I would feel ravenous ! U get very hungry on liquids and purées because once the inflammation goes down the liquids go right through! U don’t feel the restriction of the sleeve until U start eating real food , fish , steamed vegetables and fruit . That said I still do one shake a day because I can’t eat enough to get all my Protein in . You will feel the restriction at a month plus .. no worries

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