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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About jenngetsthin

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 03/27/1972

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    Legal Secretary
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I started the process on September 27, 2017 by attending an information seminar at the hospital hosted by one of the bariatric surgeons. On October 3, 2017 I saw my PCP for a referral. She is very supportive. I saw the nutritionist and psychologist on December 12, 2017. I saw the surgeon for consult in January. I went back in June and had gained weight. I then buckled down and started losing weight. I went to the bariatric support group and then went back to the surgeon in early July and had lost enough for her to schedule my surgery. My surgery is August 16, 2018 and I have to start my pre-op liquid diet on August 2, 2018. I am currently doing a 1200-1400 calorie, high protein, low carb diet to try to lose more before my weigh in appointment on August 1, 2018. My preop appointment is scheduled for July 30, 2018.

Age: 52
Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Starting Weight: 310.6 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery: 291.9 lbs
Current Weight: 219.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 174 lbs
Weight Lost: 91 lbs
BMI: 38
Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 10/03/2017
Surgery Date: 08/16/2018
Hospital Stay: 1 Day
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
jenngetsthin's Bariatric Surgeon

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
