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Lolo 2020

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Lolo 2020

  • Rank
    Junior Guru

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Spinning, riding horses
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  • City
    Long valley
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  1. I went to dr Shillingford in December 2018 and it was the best thing I’ve ever done . $10k all in , surgery went perfect and I am down 60lbs . He is the best !
  2. Lolo 2020

    Weight regain...I don't know where to start.

    Omg Gradycat we got sleeved the same month 2 years ago ! I also have gaine 12-13 lbs with covid and some family tragedy . Working to take it off now and once I stop eating sweets after 7 it seems to be working . I feel so depressed about it but know I still have lost 60lbs and I will get this 10 back off ...protein first !
  3. Lolo 2020

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Omg, yes ! So stressful and my go to food habits have definitely kicked in 😭. And I can’t go to the gym to deal with stress , miss spin so much but not sure I want to but a peloton . Am walking but not the same and work busy so sitting .. it’s all hard !😫 besides the whole thing being scary !😱
  4. Lolo 2020

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Sophie u look amazing !! Congrats ! We did it !
  5. Lolo 2020

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Thanks Sophie ! I pretty much am in maintenance , fluctuate between 169-172 and although the charts say 168 is goal, this fees just fine . I am a size medium /8-10 and don’t really have any loose skin . Exercise a few times a week and probably eat 1500 calories a day . Life is good ! How r u doing ?
  6. Lolo 2020

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Mine was December 18th last year . I lost 50lbs in 3 months and 75 lbs and was at goal weight within 6 month. I am wearing a size 8 and Fee amazing - best thing I ever did !! Get excited !
  7. Lolo 2020

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    💃💃mine was done dec 18,2018 and I am down 78lbs and reached my goal weight last month . Life is so much better than I had ever hoped for . I wish u the same success
  8. Lolo 2020

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Coexister- I have found the “inspire” protein crunchers and s’mores cookies to be a lifesaver against bad food choices ! Tons of protein and a bag satisfies !
  9. Lolo 2020

    How many calories do you eat a day?

    Very very slowly , but yes still losing weight . I have lost 10lbs since May
  10. Lolo 2020

    I cant believe how far I have come..

    Congratulations!!🎉 I also just got to goal and fee like the albatross around my neck has been lifted !
  11. Lolo 2020

    How many calories do you eat a day?

    I am at goal , 170lbs and lost 75lbs since 12/18/18 surgery . Don’t really count calories , still focus more on my 60g of protein , per my surgeon. I estimate I eat around 1200-1400 calories a day . Still drink a protein drink in the am and use inspire protein cookies and crunchers as snacks and have continued to lose 1-2 lbs a month , but really don’t want to go lower . Spin and walk every day . Still focus on water .
  12. Lolo 2020

    Bypass or Sleeve

    I have to agree . I had a hiatal hernia fixed during my sleeve in December and despite the repair the reflux came back with a vengeance . I am slimmer than I have ever been, 5 lbs from goal but had to increase my meds from lansaprozole to include famotidine as well and went from taking just am to pm as well However it’s manageable, I am happy with my new weight and there is the obvious benefits from not doing RNY- I don’t worry about dumping etc and my digestion is the same . Sounds like u have an extreme case and I would chat with ur doctor

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