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Blog Comments posted by hollyncharm

  1. I met both my deductibles and could have gotten the surgery for 20% of the total cost and my fills would have been free but the decided to fire me for making an accidental mistake. It was there fault I made it too. I was just starting the long process when they let me go so now im trying to make it on my own. And on top of it all about a month before I was fired I was told I am insulin resistant. Now I cant afford my meds but the one really good thing that came out of all of this I got a membership to the YMCA for $11.40 a month and have been toning up and getting in better shape. I feel really good! Norton’s had a thing on tv tonight about insulin resistance and what to do about it and so far im going really well but my biggest enemy has been my eating. I want to all the time and salads don’t cut it I want heavy cheesy meaty stuff. The thing from Norton’s said that having too much insulin will do that to you. It will make you hungry all the time and make you want food high in carbs, so im glad it all makes sense but it sucks that I have to work twice as hard to loose weight because no matter what I do I will stay hungry so I guess ill have to get better self control and try and be even more active.

  2. im so excited i went and picked out two REALLY nice guess handbags to sell on ebay. i love these bags. they are so elagent looking and they make me feel like im important when i try them on so i know who ever buys them will love them. they are both leather-ish. one is black and the other is white. if you are interested at all please go check them out!!!!!

    eBay Seller: charmynme: Women's Accessories, Handbags, Clothing, Shoes Accessories items on eBay.com


  3. yes exactly that is what they did the few weight watcher meetings i went to. thanks i am keeping on it. my aunt is emailing me a list of every weight related problem my grandma, dad and aunt has or had. their are a lot of them. I'm going to use them along with some other things to wright up why i think i should be approved and why i want this. i really find it unlikely that that will not work. i WILL find some one willing to approve me! how is everything going with you???

  4. i was half an hour late. there were three buildings and my directions told me plaza III west garage so thats where i went. that wasn't it. so i went to the next one. plaza II that wasn't it either but i didn't know how to get to the other building or even where it was so some nice older guy helped me out. i got there half an hour into it but no one seemed to mind.

    i was hoping to go in there and the Dr tell me, "well of course i will send the insurance company my approval!!" but instead they told us a million things that i already knew and sadly he made it seem like bypass that the best option. it made me sad.

    after about an hour of great grandmas asking the same questions over and over i had to leave. i had a migraine and i could have answered their questions myself. the Dr's assistant noticed me looking at the clock and come and asked me if i need to go. i told her yes but i have a question to ask. she looked at me funny cause this was the time that we were suppose to ask the Dr things but mine wasn't about the surgery. so i asked her. she told me that there isn't really anyway to get around the age limit but if i can prove that i am in a mature state of mind about this then i can probably get approved. she recommended the psych eval. so in about an hour i am going to call and set it up. i hope.

  5. lol omg "fat fort" thats the funnies thing ever i really laughed out loud at that one. so i have to ask during all of this planning and prepping for surgery what where your goals? what did you see in the future that can be attributed to the band? i want it to be thin and healthy and to prevent the weight related complications that are killing most of my family. i cant wait to loose the weight. i do get the self acceptance and change thing though. i know I'm a big girl but i don't think about HOW big, then when i walk past a store window and see my reflection I'm always a little confused cause i knew i was big but not that big. I'm just in myself and don't think about it so much. i think it is both sad and funny that you feel competition with other big people. you seem to have a great personality. try to celebrate this change. go do something with your self that you will like, like getting your hair colored a color you never had the guts to do or get it cut in a style you never had. i find things like that help me really look at myself differently like i am capable of change and it makes me feel excited. or if you change your hair all the time so buy a dress or if you where those all the time go get a manicure/pedicure just do something you wouldn't normally do that will make you feel good.

  6. im excited but a little nervouse. i really wanted my boyfriend to go with me but he has to work. i would feel a million better with him there but you do whatcha gotta do.

    i need to go over the check list they sent me. i think i have have every thing i just need to get it in order.

  7. lol i bought bigger towls.... i want that tooo though. i think about that one all the time. or like being able to sit in the chair at Dr. offices without getting my hips stuck. walking past store windows and not feeling huge from the reflection. not worrying about what is jiggling where when i do what. and the biggest thing is not having to pay more to get something in a bigger size!!!!

  8. omg thats only like the funniest thing i have read all day. i do that i was telling my boyfriend something the other day and nothing was coming out right and i just started saying, "shut up shut up just SHUT UP!!!" and he got all mad and was like, "i want even talking" i laughed cause i was saying to myself. but yea do what ever you have to do girl good luck.

  9. i have really grown to love this site. there are about 5 people that i really like and take interest in their journey. i check the blogs every day and comment and some times they comment back. its nice. thanks to so many of you really giving me great advise i hope to leave the seminar tomorrow with great confidence that i will be approved. you all have given me encouragement so that i want to keep trying and your successes make me want it for myself, your advise leads me in the direction that i need to go and i just wanted to tell you all thank you for everything. keep your fingers crossed for me. my Dr is a butt head and wont approve it but lets hope the bariatric specialist will.

  10. sleep is good. my boyfriend works third shift and i cant go to sleep until he is at work and that means i get about 5 or 6 hours of sleep but on the weekends i catch up and its super nice. yea juice is a tough one i love cran grape and meijer had it 3 for $5 so i bought 3 and after a week and 2 bottles i looked at the calories and WHOA buddy was it a shocker. so it went to the back of the fridge. I'm so impressed with you thought all training for a triathlon thats amazing. that takes alto of determination and especially after being over weight. how inspiring, you told the, "i cant do it's" to get lost and your going for it. good for you!!!!

  11. i go for my consult with dr shena at nortons on july 1st so ill bring it up then thanks now i have a reason to still go!!!!

    oh and AJONEEN, i have tried the no water with food thing for the past two days. im goint to keep going with it and im going to try and get a scale this weekend so i can see what amount of food satisfies me so that im not stuffing myself. thats one of my biggest problems is that i eat until i hit miserable. and then i go lay down so im goint to take care of both of those. i dont know about the protein tho cause thats only if im not getting enough and since in just cutting back i think ill be fine. thank you guys so much i dont know what i would do with out all the advise and support i get from every one.

  12. so my insurance has three requirements before they will cover the surgery 1.)BMI 40+ 2.)morbidly obese for the last 5 years and 3.)21 years of age and above.

    since I'm only 19 and have no medical reason YET my DR told me today that she will not recommend me for it but she send them a letter saying that i have requested it. now how is that any different from me saying it? if the insurance company requires a Dr recommendations then why bother to send a recommendation from me??? I'm not a doctor!!!!

    well in the mean time I'm drinking more water than i ever have, I'm buying a bodybugg and i started parking really far away from where ever it is I'm going. i figure thats better than nothing

  13. wow i love that color!!! i don't color my hair very often but when i do its like that one. i love the red/purple shine. so i can see a big weight change in your face as well. you should really swap out profile pics. take another one with your doggy baby cause the new pic and the current pic look very different. your hair looks really nice in the new one and not just the color the style is nice it makes you look about 25. i had to go back to your profile and see what age you really are. I'm so happy for you change is exciting and positive makes you feel good!!!

  14. wow that sounds like it was intense! i walk quite a bit but there is still something about being on a treadmill that kills me. every time i get on one i can fast walk for about 10 minutes and I'm done. its not that i cant breath which does start to happen but its my calves around my ankles. omg they burn so bad i start walking funny and have to hold on. how sad is that? i want to buy an elliptical. I'm getting a real estate license soon so i think when i sell my first house an elliptical will be by gift to myself. any way so you have all of those other things on one day? wow thats going to be a busy day! you can handle it your a trooper!!!! I'm proud of you for sticking it out thats a hard thing to do. I'm big quitter so its encouraging to hear some one else talk about how they wanted to quite something but pressed on it makes me say "YEA me too!!!!" so good luck with every thing. i just had my sleep study consult this past Monday. it was interesting. i needed them to say that i have sleep apnea and lap band would help but instead he told me that the extra weight is probably whats making me uncomfortable but since i want to sleep all the time I'm more likely narcoleptic. so now i keep making jokes about drowning in soup. lol any way your doing good job good luck!!!!!

  15. i don't know. this sounds bad and i don't mean for it to but all of the Dr.s were i go are from India. they are good Dr's but it just isn't a big enough place for as many people as they see. any way they wont talk to me and they blow me off when i try to contact them so i called the girl that handles the written things like referrals ans such and she told me to just be short and to the point with my Dr and then see what she says. i just did that and she said that she will have to check my chart and see what medical conditions i have and then she will let me know. so i called the other girl back and told her and she said that she will take my Dr the chart and explain to her that i want this to prevent medical problems and see if that helps so she should call me back in the next couple of hours. if it comes down to it i will write it myself. their is a thing with the hospital I'm "having" it done at that i have to write a letter telling how my weight affects my life. so maybe ill make a copy of that and use it as persuasion.

  16. so i asked the rep at my insurance co all the questions i was suppose to and i got really excited cause it does cover lap band and i am eligible but its for people 21 and over. I'm only 19. i hate that!!!! I'm only 19!!!! aw so she told me that if my Dr write them telling them that i have been obese for the past 5 years and such and that i cant wait i must have it now then i can but my Dr sucks and he wont do it. my Dr's office is like a clinic, they rush you in and around and back out and don't even bother with your name. I'm pretty sure he isn't going to understand and isn't going to let me do it. i feel so let down. i really don't know what to do. i have had my heart set on this and now i don't know what to do.

  17. so today i have my sleep study consult. i don't know if I'm going to have the sleep study or not. i also am calling the insurance co. to day to ask them the questions in the packet that Norton's gave me. the answer to that will let me know if i still need to try with the sleep study or not. I'm nervous.

    the whole thing that has freaked me out the most was the surgery part but i feel better about it now.

    about 4 days ago my best friend called me from the hospital. she was admitted for emergency surgery. she was having pains in her side/abdomen. she had flipped her index!!!! anyway back to how this relates to me. so she calls me the next day and she sounds fine. she sounded groggy from the anesthesia but other than that she sounded fine then she called me a day later and she was out shopping. i know you can have out patient surgery but i guess i still thought it would put my life on hold but she had 4 incisions and was out shopping 2 days later. that made me feel better. and she is doing fine now BTW.

    on another note not lap band related, I'm starting classes to get my real estate license in about 2/3 weeks. I'm really excited but a little stressed. i still have to get it approved with work and get a small loan to cover the cost, buy me books and enroll. and I'm trying to do all of that and the lap band stuff at the same time.

    wow i feel important. wish me luck!!!

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