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    em1 reacted to TheHealthyPrepster in Anthem BCBS 6 Months Pre-Op Diet   
    Hey everyone,
    I'm just a little worried about the 6 months of pre-op dieting. According to my hospital's insurance specialist, some insurance providers are now denying people if they don't lose a pound per month or even gain weight during their 6 months of pre-op dieting. I've completed 6 months of dieting, however I did gain weight and lose weight irregularly. I'm currently a professional student living about 600 miles away from my surgeon so I'm just trying to make sure I get everything done & keep to my tight schedule!
    Is there anyone with Anthem BCBS that can offer a little insight on what is expected?
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    em1 reacted to shedo82773 in BariatricPal Products   
    I have tried some of their products. The chicken noodle Soup is great. Their Salted Pretzel Protein Bars are good also. I bought a lot of their food right after I had my RNY butt what I found was they like most everyone has rice and Pasta in them, at first I couldn't and wouldn't eat Pasta, Rice or bread. These are things that I worked up too. I am over 4 years out and I just started using these products. As for Protein Powder, I love GENEPRO unflavored. I add it to my Espresso every day. One of their new releases is TIMOTHY"S ACID FREE COFFEE", it is nice flavorful coffee. Kind of expensive but ok. I have also bought Vitamins thru them I buy Celebrate. You can also go on the internet and search for items. The premade Protein I like is Atkins, the PowerCrunch protein bars are good also. Good Luck on your Journey and have a great day.
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    em1 reacted to ancirasd in TMI but need help   
    I went to the er on Tuesday. And I’m only 17 days post op. No obstruction or anything. The CT ruled it out but I still can’t keep fluids down so we’re going to try one more enema and see if that will flush out my colon and everything else and that should help with the nausea is what my surgeon said

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    em1 reacted to James Marusek in TMI but need help   
    At 3 1/2 weeks post-op, your inability to consume liquids without vomiting is definitely abnormal. You need to drive this to ground. It is a serious problem that will need to be corrected. There is an underlying problem that is causing you to vomit. That is causing the dehydration. The underlying problem could be an ulcer or an obstruction or something else. If you go to the E.R. make sure you inform them that you had sleeve surgery. Keep your surgeon's office in the loop.
    Also the fact that you did 3 fleet enemas and there’s nothing is another sign that this is not a Constipation issue but something more serious..
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    em1 reacted to ancirasd in TMI but need help   
    So I haven’t pooped in about 9 days and I have been throwing up and getting extremely dehydrated. I have tried 3 fleet enemas and there’s nothing. Should I go to the ER for help or just wait it out? I have a really bad lower stomach pain and I can feel really thirsty but can’t keep fluids down still. My doc said do an enema a day but it’s not helping...
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    em1 reacted to James Marusek in Protein shake question   
    Many experience problems drinking Protein Shakes. I hated them. But in the beginning I drank them, three 16-ounce Protein shakes a day, in order to meet my protein requirements. You do not have to like protein shakes only tolerate them. There are many varieties of protein shakes available today. Experiment until you can find one you can tolerate.
    I used Muscle Milk Light (Vanilla Creme) powder blended with Water and a half a banana. That worked for me. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, you might try premixed Isopure. I was also Lactose intolerant. This condition lasted for 2 months and then disappeared.
    Without sufficient protein, your body will scavenge protein from other areas of your body, such as your muscles. Protein is extremely important after surgery as its job in the body is to build and maintain tissues including your body's major organs and skeletal muscles. Protein deficiency, when continued over a long period of time can cause a disease known as protein caloric malnutrition. Common symptoms are poor healing, fatigue, Hair loss and muscle wasting. Immediate post op, protein promotes healing of the staple line and incisions.
    According to my discharge directions: Wear your TED hose until activity is back to normal. (This is to prevent blood clots). Wear your binder for at least 2 weeks. Your binder is for comfort.
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    em1 reacted to Creekimp13 in On the Struggle Bus   
    Three weeks out, my plan is cool with a little turkey, a little bit of potatoes, some apple sauce, etc. Cucumbers not so much...need a few more weeks for those. But turkey cut very small and chewed very well is totally ok on my plan 3 weeks post. Deli turkey is so soft, I can't imagine why you couldn't have it. (that said, you should follow your plan)
    If I were still on Protein Shakes at this point, I'd be miserable. I'm glad to be eating 1000 calories a day. I feel human again. Also have great energy to exercise....which feels pretty dang good.
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    em1 reacted to EagerPenguin in On the Struggle Bus   
    Looking for some support here. I was sleeved 12/7/17, three weeks out today. These past few days I have been having the most difficult time emotionally and physically. I went back to work on the 24th, and was so fatigued; it was so busy at my job. The next night was even worse. And I'm so sick of this liquid diet. I knew what to expect going in to this but it's a lot harder to tolerate than I anticipated. I'm having my family over to dinner tomorrow, which means I've been cleaning house and planning a menu (which I can't touch!!) like mad. I'm missing food, and watching those around me eat is really bring me down! I feel like if I could just have some regular food (all I want right now is a couple slices of deli turkey and cucumber) I would feel so much better, but I can't. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
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    em1 reacted to 1234567890 in Sex question since i have not seen any here   
    No pain at all.. unless you go Mr Gray all the way LoL.. I guess check with your Doctor to be on the safe side.. try not to do strenght or bend your abdominal area, otherwise you will feel pain. I was told not to lift anything heavier than 20 lbs or incline 90 degress until 2 months.. I guess all depend of your doc’s guidelines.. Good luck and hope is nothing major..
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    em1 reacted to Creekimp13 in Sex question since i have not seen any here   
    I'd mention it to the doc, but I wouldn't worry overly. A little healing adhesion or suture that's pulling when your muscles contract isn't a big deal. Should improve with time. But definitely mention to your doc in case there could be something more serious. I'd pretty sure this isn't any big deal.
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    em1 reacted to Sunnyday25 in My first and hopefully last dumping experience   
    The steak is something that I eat all the time a small filet will feed me for breakfast lunch and dinner and sometimes breakfast the next day too
  12. Like
    em1 got a reaction from Creekimp13 in 4 Weeks Post-Op   
    Hi everyone,
    Merry Christmas, today makes 4 weeks post op, my SW was 248 and as of today, I weigh 227 which is a 21 lb loss. The first week I lost 9 lbs, 2nd week 5 lbs, third week 4 lbs this last week 3 lbs. I started exercising after 2 weeks 3-4 times per week for 45 mins was was a little bummed that I didn’t lose more weight but overall I’m satisfied, just wanted to share my progress.
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    em1 got a reaction from Creekimp13 in 4 Weeks Post-Op   
    Hi everyone,
    Merry Christmas, today makes 4 weeks post op, my SW was 248 and as of today, I weigh 227 which is a 21 lb loss. The first week I lost 9 lbs, 2nd week 5 lbs, third week 4 lbs this last week 3 lbs. I started exercising after 2 weeks 3-4 times per week for 45 mins was was a little bummed that I didn’t lose more weight but overall I’m satisfied, just wanted to share my progress.
  14. Like
    em1 got a reaction from Creekimp13 in 4 Weeks Post-Op   
    Hi everyone,
    Merry Christmas, today makes 4 weeks post op, my SW was 248 and as of today, I weigh 227 which is a 21 lb loss. The first week I lost 9 lbs, 2nd week 5 lbs, third week 4 lbs this last week 3 lbs. I started exercising after 2 weeks 3-4 times per week for 45 mins was was a little bummed that I didn’t lose more weight but overall I’m satisfied, just wanted to share my progress.
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    em1 reacted to mama2nanda in Opti fast!!!!   
    I started my opti fast yesterday and I'm not in a good place today. I'm having crippling pain in the Centre of my chest below my breasts. I don't know if this is a GERD attack but it's so painful. I do not want to eat or drink. I'm literally crying from pain and hopelessness. I have to do this for 2 weeks and I can't get through today. ANY ADVICE?!?!
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    em1 got a reaction from Subaru in Surgery date 11/27; Surgeon says if liver too fatty, they will do sleeve instead of bypass. Anyone encounter this before?   
    Also, never realized how many stomach muscles we use to pee. Finding it hard to completely empty my bladder but if found out that if I pretend to sneeze and say acho, a little bit comes out each time.

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    em1 reacted to mel1214 in Non refrigerated snacks   
    We had a great time, though I was wiped out when we came back. Ended up in the ER the day after we returned because I was dehydrated and my potassium was super low. Feeling a bit better now, but struggling with food. I’m on the maintenance diet now, but nothing really sits well.

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    em1 reacted to Paityn in Feeling back to normal/“buyers remorse”   
    I have surgery the 29th. Went good I’m very healthy besides my weight. When I woke up said it went longer because they found a hernia or a hernia was starting to form freaked me out. THe rest of the 29th I basically slept. Woke up the 30th so so thirsty. I was having trouble peeing getting enough Water etc. By that night I was in pain I could th pass gas I was basically like holy crap what did you do was this the right choice. I couldn’t sleep at all. I was so uncomfortable in bed. Finally they gave me some more pain meds me nausea meds that make you tired and I was able to get back to sleep. Pain has Lessened substantially. I’m able to pass gas I was noticing a lot of cramping and while it hurt to walk I know that was what would best help me. So I’ve been released I’m home now. Just wondering when you all started noticing your bodies not being in pain or uncomfortable etc. I have some pretty cool scars so that’s neat
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    em1 reacted to sunshinetinks in Surgery done today RNY. Very sore but managing the pain. Constantly falling asleep.Hopefully tomorrow will be better.   
    Usually I let people like him just not bother me, but with lack of sleep, surgery, pain,..etc, he just made me sit in a hospital bed balling my eyes out. Some people are just so unkind.
    Thank you for sticking up for me.

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using BariatricPal mobile app

  20. Like
    em1 reacted to Miserable in Surgery done today RNY. Very sore but managing the pain. Constantly falling asleep.Hopefully tomorrow will be better.   
    Proud of you! Mine is coming up very soon and I'm super nervous....so thanks for the encouraging words....wishing you a continued smooth recovery. I'm having the RNY too and probably the same age! You inspire me!
  21. Like
    em1 got a reaction from GwennyPenny in Surgery date 11/27; Surgeon says if liver too fatty, they will do sleeve instead of bypass. Anyone encounter this before?   
    My Bp is under control now, I really think the hospital stay and the gas build up was causing my elevated bp because once I started passing it and they released me, my bp was back to normal range and hasnt gone up. Also my blood sugar is under control so I’m excited that I’m seeing the changes already.

  22. Like
    em1 got a reaction from GwennyPenny in Surgery date 11/27; Surgeon says if liver too fatty, they will do sleeve instead of bypass. Anyone encounter this before?   
    My Bp is under control now, I really think the hospital stay and the gas build up was causing my elevated bp because once I started passing it and they released me, my bp was back to normal range and hasnt gone up. Also my blood sugar is under control so I’m excited that I’m seeing the changes already.

  23. Like
    em1 reacted to mrsroyale in Is this ketosis?   
    Hello all!
    Just a question for all the vets out there, just trying to determine if what I am "feeling" is actually ketosis? This happened during pre-op, and immediately after the surgery. Then it stopped during my stall, and now that I am out of the stall it started again. My symptoms...It feels like I have the constant taste of alcohol in my mouth, almost like a burning sensation. It doesn't seem to be coming from my mouth per se, but more from like the inside of my body and my mouth is acting like an exhaust system for the vapors (not a very good description, but the best I could come up with, sorry). It's like...like I am doing gargles with vodka all day long!!! It's just a very weird feeling/taste that I can't get rid of, no matter how much Water I drink. And I also have a constant feeling of something stuck in my throat, although that may be unrelated?
    Also, when you were in ketosis, was the smell limited to just your breath or did you excrete it through your body as well? I am just curious...
    Thanks all!
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    em1 reacted to TippyToesX in Hospital stays   
    Because of my very demanding work schedule, I rarely have time to do anything! But I had a shortened shift so I was able to schedule my preadmission testing in. 26 days before the actual surgery date but... My hospital allows it.
    Anyways, during the visit, I had some lab work down and other final tests. The last bit of the visit was an interview with a nurse.
    She went over the basics and collected my information as one. One of the things she advised of kind of caught me off guard...
    She explained that I would only be expected to stay the night of my surgery and most likely be discharged the next morning.
    Is that normal?! Everywhere I've seen, everyone who has had the surgery stays at least 2 nights, unless there are complications that warrant a longer stay.
    I don't mind going home early, I'm just concerned what if I don't do something right?! Or what if something goes wrong?!
    How long was your hospital stay?
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    em1 reacted to anonymom26 in 100 lbs lost!   
    I have had a lot of Hair loss. I am not balding, but I had a lot of hair to begin with. I have lost about 50% of my hair volume, and was very worried for a while. But while I started losing hair at 4.5 months, it stopped falling out rapidly by 6 months. Now it seems like just normal hair loss, and I am not freaked out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
