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Diana Prince

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Diana Prince got a reaction from queendeborahbee in Happy dance   
    ShilohD I can't wait for that to happen to me!!!! I'm 303lbs and just have one more weigh-in this coming Saturday before scheduling my surgery. I haven't seen 250lbs in about 20 years and haven't seen under 200lbs in about 30years. I will lose my shit the day I enter Onederland! For sure lol!!!

  2. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to ShilohD in Happy dance   
    I know to some, this might even seem silly... but for several years, I've been over 300 lbs. Before I even decided on this route, I'd been trying every damn diet i could think of to lose weight. I remember 3 times, or got down to the verge of getting under 300 lbs. But I never could quite tip the scale. I'd teeter totter on the edge, but never made it under.
    The day I started the pre-op diet, I was 333.6 lbs. March 6th, the day of surgery, I was 310.2
    Today, I weighed, and I am 298.0
    I realize it's just 35 lbs and I still have a long road, but I cried. I haven't seen less than 300 lbs on the scale in over 3 years.
    I'm so grateful. For the first time, I actually feel like I got this. And I am so glad for this app. I just had to share my joy with someone. I felt like I was about to pop.
  3. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to ayanna_vsg in Progress pictures   
    13days Post op
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    Diana Prince got a reaction from NicoleInVancouver in anxiety over changing behaviour 3 weeks preop   
    I agree. It really forces us to look at ourselves, and it's not always a pretty picture. But it's awesome that we're now aware so we can do something about it.
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    Diana Prince got a reaction from NicoleInVancouver in anxiety over changing behaviour 3 weeks preop   
    You are spot on.[emoji1417]

  6. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to 1poundatatime in anxiety over changing behaviour 3 weeks preop   
    The pre-op phase is a big eye opener.
    I learned what foods I could give up easily and which ones were harder to pass up... All good things to know for the future. It helps you identify triggers (both foods and situations). I had to consciously pause in those situations when I would automatically reach for food.
    It is scary and shocking and embarrassing to look at how unhealthy our relationship with food has become, but I really think that awareness now is going to be key to our success later.
    You're not alone and you can do this.
  7. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to VooLivre2017 in Freaking Out Over This Hair Loss!   
    Thank you so much! You're right. No one notices except me because my coily 'fro is still a bit thick. I couldn't help the tears though :-(
    I just have to keep telling myself, it will grow back.
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    Diana Prince reacted to gryffen in 14 days post op 6 wks Pregnant   
    Get onto your doctor immediately and organise consultant led care. Find out if pregnancy test was done, if results were recorded and get legal advice. Hoping all is OK but you will probably be advised to expect a loss but also advised to ignore weight loss for time being due to surgery, healing etc.

  9. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to ibehere10 in Has Anyone Developed Acid Reflux Since Surgery?   
    Guess I am one of the lucky ones, no acid problems as of yet, almost 6 weeks out. So grateful, my poor Mom suffered terrible with reflux most of her life. Hope you get passed this quickly.
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    Diana Prince reacted to shawnak911 in Regrets?   
    I had the bypass on 2/15. No meds once I left the hospital and have followed the plan and I have no regrets. Everyone I've met through my program and support groups have loved whichever surgery they had. Only regrets have been not getting it sooner. Good luck, happy journey.

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    Diana Prince reacted to nocturnalgemi in Surgery was a success!   
    Thank you! I just wanted to keep everyone updated. I've been trying really hard to follow instructions and it's made it easy so far. Hopefully the next few days and weeks at home are as easy as my hospital stay. The nurses have said that since I haven't had an nausea, that's a really good sign. Most of their patients do and keeping Water down has been a struggle.

    I'm amused how I've seen commercials for food and while in my head, it looks delicious, I'm not hungry at all. [emoji4] It's crazy! But I know this will all be worth it!

  12. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to nocturnalgemi in Surgery was a success!   
    My surgery (bypass) was yesterday the 27th. My surgeon said everything went well. He also repaired my hiatal hernia. Aside from the gas I was inflated with, I haven't had a lot of pain, just discomfort (I'd say 3 on a scale of 10). I took a nice long walk yesterday to help. I've been sipping icy cold Water, which I know some have had problems with. Later this morning, I'm being discharged. Then the real fun begins. [emoji4]
  13. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to veromichelle in Surgery!!   
    You guys!! My surgery day is tomorrow. I'm so excited and so nervous. My surgeon had me do all liquids the day before (which is today) and I feel so scared yet so excited because my life is about to change.
  14. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to orionburn in anxiety over changing behaviour 3 weeks preop   
    food is an addiction just as bad as anything else. Years ago (prior to quiting) whenever I used to give thought to giving up smoking I started to smoke more than normal. It's that idea of giving something up and taking in as much as you can while you can. This is a big moment of reflection that you need to do with yourself and really evaluate your relationship with food.
    So often I see topics asking about doing a final binge before the pre-op diet starts. Not that there's anything terrible about that as long as kept in control, but the way I looked at it is that whatever last food "fix" I got it wouldn't be enough. I might take care of one craving, but another would take its place. That was a wake up call on how much control food had on my life. You have to decide if you're going to continue to let it have control over you or if you're going to take control of it.
    Emotional eating is commonplace, but it's that addiction that has to stop. The surgery is going to be a tool but your mind has to change as much as your body. You can still eat emotionally after surgery, and while you may not be able to eat as much of an unhealthy food you can still graze and bring all habits back. I say this a lot, but for myself I feel like my food issues are no different than somebody that's recovering from an alcohol problem. Each day I have to make the right decisions, and at this point (about 9 weeks out from surgery) I still battle with avoiding old/bad habits. In time it will get easier just like it was when I quit smoking, but I also know this is a life long fight that I'll have.
  15. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to NicoleInVancouver in anxiety over changing behaviour 3 weeks preop   
    Hi, there:
    I'm scheduled for VSG surgery on April 17, 3 weeks from today, and I'm really anxious about giving up my go-to support, FOOD! I didn't think it was that much a part of my life until now and it's scary and shocking, a bit of shame thrown in there, that I am panicking about not being able to turn to my old standby when dealing with negative thoughts and feelings. I'm eating all kinds of crap that I had easily given up without an issue but now that I'm getting closer to my surgery date it's like I have to grab onto it because it's going to be gone forever (in my mind).
    I know this is not healthy but I'm struggling.
    Does anybody have any advice or have you gone through this yourself?
    Thanks in advance
  16. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to char3672 in Surgery length   
    Thank ypu everyone! 2 hours seems to be average. I'm a little weird, I seem to feel ok with 2 hrs, but anything longer makes me nervous. This is going to be my first "major" surgery. I have only had hand surgeries in the past, so.I'm extra nervous.

  17. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to tmayhan2001 in Surgery day   
    Praying for you shon74πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸŒΉ
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    Diana Prince reacted to shon74 in Surgery day   
    Thanks everyone [emoji8] see ya on the losers bench!!!
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    Diana Prince reacted to shon74 in Surgery day   
    Hey everyone my surgery is in 9 hrs, so many mix emotions right now, but I know everything will be ok, wishing everyone else good luck and many blessings on their journey [emoji1545][emoji1545][emoji1545]
  20. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to Apple1 in A Question Regarding Thirst   
    This has also been a concern of mine. I am the type of person that always has a Water bottle with me. I keep one on my night stand and drink during the night also. I think my greatest challenge is going to be learning to sip.
  21. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to orionburn in A Question Regarding Thirst   
    I too was a huge drinker. Wasn't uncommon for me to drink at least a 2 liter of Crystal Light, a 44 oz diet pop, and at least 2-3 cups of coffee during the day. And that wasn't including what I would drink at home in the evening. I'm just over 3 weeks post op and find myself drinking regularly now. While I can't pound down the drinks like I used to I'm well past sips. I've only been up for a few hours but will have 32 oz of fluids in within the next hour. I do expect my drinking to slow once I'm back to regular foods. In the pureed stage I've stuck to foods that seems to pass through the stomach without much fuss so I can resume drinking after eating without much fuss.
    I'll say this was one of my bigger concerns prior to surgery just because of how much I would drink during the day. I thought for sure I would be much more difficult for me but have been pleasantly surprised. The only times I've truly felt thirsty is first thing in the morning. Never was an issue before but post-op I've found myself wanting to have something to drink as soon as I'm up.
  22. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to mbuczkowski in NSV....   
    I went to church and for the 1st time in years I knelt without leaning on the pew behind me. My gut wasn't pushing me back. Yay!
    I also walked out if my Capri pants! I had to bite the bullet and buy a smaller pair by 2 sizes
  23. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to EmmyJ in Can I swallow pills yet?   
    The doctor at the urgent care informed me that I can crush them and mix them into pudding/applesauce if I need to, so I suppose they can be split, although they aren't very big. She couldn't offer any insight as to whether swallowing them would be appropriate, unfortunately I decided I would crush them today (still very yucky, even in pudding LOL) and call the surgeon tomorrow to see what they say. Thanks!
  24. Like
    Diana Prince got a reaction from Ladikaye in WLS Poster Child   
    I'm pre-op as well and I haven't wrestled with this at all: I share my belief that losing over 100lbs on my own is not realistic for me. I tell them about the pain in my lower back/knees/feet and how excited I am about being pain-free for the first time in a long time. And then I tell them I thank God I have this option.
    This is the same way I've lived my life for 55 years
    Once I have the surgery and start losing weight I'll handle the questions the same way.
    If the topic turns negative I have the option of not engaging with anyone who is negative about my choice.
    And then I'll keep losing weight and frolicking through the tulips with less pain.
    The End.
    πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜œπŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ½ πŸ’ƒπŸ»

  25. Like
    Diana Prince reacted to blizair09 in Tomorrow Marks 1 Year Since I Began My Journey   
    I started this amazing weight loss journey on March 21, 2016 with my six month pre-op diet program, so tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the day that I began the journey to get healthier and to take back my life. As I wrap this year up, I have lost 182 pounds (99 during the pre-op diet program and 83 since the surgery on September 28, 2016). The time has just flown by, and it amazes me every day how much my life is different. I had my annual physical with my PCP last Thursday, and my labs came back this morning. Everything is in the normal range. That is also so cool. The bottom line is that all of the hard work is worth it. My relationship with food is now a healthy one. I am no longer obese. Life is good!
    I have 35 more pounds to lose, and my journey continues. But I am proud to stop and reflect for a moment about this past year of working on a better me, and to look forward to getting the rest of this weight off by summer, and then entering the world of maintenance.
    Best wishes to all, wherever you may be in your journey!

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