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  1. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from rs in Forbidden Foods   
    Same.. I can't even stand white meat anymore! So now I use the boneless skinless thighs instead.. But there are so many things that just thinking about them turns my stomach.. Too bad it's not the stuff that I need it to turn my stomach [emoji57]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from rs in Non Scale Victories   
    Yessss I have thick calves anyways then being fat made it impossible to find boots I paid good money for extra wide calf boots and still couldn't wear them pre-surgery.. NOW I can!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Thanks
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from BlueAngelEyes in Gas and bloating 3 weeks PO   
    I use Syntrax Nectar Unflavored
    Nectar Medical, Unflavored, 1 Pound https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001I1NSUY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_qA8-CbE5JNHHJ

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from Ready610 in Pre-Op RNY - No NSAIDS for one week   
    Yeah.. I had Lyme Disease which caused Lyme induced arthritis in both my hips.. It was horrible.. Bone on bone.. I had gained weight because of the Lyme.. I was always heavy but was able to be active then I couldn't.. So I was at a point where I knew it was time to get serious.. I knew I was going to have to have both hips replaced but knew there was no way I was doing that at 340#s.. So had the surgery.. Lost 120.. Had both hips replaced and that was EVERYTHING.. Gave me life back! I hope you're able to find some relieve.. Do your hip first.. It's such an easy recovery!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from rs in Non Scale Victories   
    I'm 2 1/2 years post op & my NSVs are clothes for sure, able to wear calf boots (before even extra wide calf didn't fit), recently was able to go on a cruise to the Bahamas that we flew to AND went snorkeling with my sons while there!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from rs in Non Scale Victories   
    Yessss I have thick calves anyways then being fat made it impossible to find boots I paid good money for extra wide calf boots and still couldn't wear them pre-surgery.. NOW I can!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from rs in Forbidden Foods   
    Same.. I can't even stand white meat anymore! So now I use the boneless skinless thighs instead.. But there are so many things that just thinking about them turns my stomach.. Too bad it's not the stuff that I need it to turn my stomach [emoji57]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from rs in Non Scale Victories   
    I'm 2 1/2 years post op & my NSVs are clothes for sure, able to wear calf boots (before even extra wide calf didn't fit), recently was able to go on a cruise to the Bahamas that we flew to AND went snorkeling with my sons while there!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from rs in Non Scale Victories   
    Yessss I have thick calves anyways then being fat made it impossible to find boots I paid good money for extra wide calf boots and still couldn't wear them pre-surgery.. NOW I can!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat reacted to NYJenn in Forbidden Foods   
    I think it’s so individualized; what some people can tolerate, other cannot. It’s trial and error really
  11. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat reacted to elcee in Angry 1 year post op   
    There are of course 2 sides to this.
    I am sure that if you had put in all this effort and lost all this weight and people didn’t comment or tell you how great you look you would be more teed off. I know it frustrates me when no one says anything.
    Also whilst some people are attracted to obese people the majority of people aren’t. So whilst who you are hasn’t changed the way you look is probably a lot more pleasing now. Ask yourself if you thought you looked great when you were carrying all that excess weight, I know personally I think I look awful .
  12. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat reacted to Hop_Scotch in Angry 1 year post op   
    Sorry to hear you are feeling this way, I think you would benefit greatly if you saw a therapist.
    Some people are treated differently when they lose what but I don't think its all about the way they look, I think some of it is the way they present a different attitude, more confidence, happier, etc etc.

  13. Sad
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from Ready610 in Pre-Op RNY - No NSAIDS for one week   
    I'm curious if you and your doctor have discussed this at all.. My doctors wants me off NSAIDS forever since my RNY

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Sad
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from Ready610 in Pre-Op RNY - No NSAIDS for one week   
    I'm curious if you and your doctor have discussed this at all.. My doctors wants me off NSAIDS forever since my RNY

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from Carrot64 in Dumping Question re better with time?   
    Everyone is different honestly.. Unfortunately I can pretty much eat what I want.. Sometimes I get a little belly ache but nothing major.. Quite honestly I wish it did make me violently ill.. I do NOT want to slide back down that rabbit hole.. And let me tell you.. You have to stay on top of it because it would be so easy to do!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat reacted to Ready610 in Pre-Op RNY - No NSAIDS for one week   
    Thanks, everyone! My PCP gave me Voltaran topical cream, which is helping my knees. She also prescribed oxcycodone and later increased the dosage to help with the hip pain. I’m also taking Tylenol extra strength, applying ice and heat. I’m still in a great deal of pain, but I will make it through the weekend to surgery on Monday.
  17. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from JenniferVSG2011 in WLS with Fibromyalgia and Arthritis of Unknown Origin   
    I was diagnosed with Fibro over 10yrs ago and had finally gotten to a point where it was manageable and I had fmla for when you had flares and needed time off work.. Then almost 4 yrs ago now in January of 2013 I got really sick with what I thought was the flu and went into what I thought was a flare.. Finally in July of that year after struggling trying to work using up all my vac time + fmla days because the pain was so horrible I went to a new doctor and ended up being diagnosed with Lymes.. And the developed Lyme induced arthritis.. So for you ladies that don't know what you have.. You might want to get tested for Lyme.. And a negative result doesn't always mean you don't have it.. I suggest you read up
    Good luck with everything!!
  18. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from njgal in 40 bmi   
    I agree with @@PorkChopExpress call your insurance and ask them how they do it because they are all so different. Even if you have the same insurance company as someone else.. Through different employers the plans have different rules
  19. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from jlindenman in Dating & Sexy times when they don't know you've had surgery/significant weight loss   
    Well, hopefully by the time you feel comfy enough to get down n dirty with someone you feel comfy enough to talk about your weight loss n how you're a lil insecure about being naked in front of someone..
  20. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from Deanna V. in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    Thank you so much for sharing your journey.. It helps!
    You're doing awesome.. CONGRATS! keep up the great job
  21. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from kidchick in Advice on whether to pursue VSG. BMI 35. Orthopedic disaster.   
    I think it's a very smart idea.. You already are having issues with your joints no point in waiting till you're totally disabled by it.. I wish I hadn't waited so long.. Just remember you have to wrap your head around this lifestyle change or it's not going to help.. Its only a tool not a cure
    Wish you the best!


  22. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat reacted to GetReadyToSlay in Hey all [emoji1480][emoji1480][emoji1480]   
    Monica from Kentucky here! I have had this app on my phone for months now and just now really experiencing what it has to offer! Everyone here is so freaking nice Well, just a little about me...
    I was suffering. I'm sure everyone here knows what I mean. I could not really do to much of anything. I was in pain all the time and I was afraid to sleep because of my sleep apnea. After 8-9 years of research and many sad attempts at dieting, I said that's enough. I wanted a life I could actually live. For my daughter and myself I went for it and there is not a day that goes by that I am not grateful. Is it easy? Heck no. But I have made some amazing life changes that saved my life! Oh how I wish I had done it sooner. My story really isn't very different from anybody else's here but that's what makes it extra cool I'm part of the losing team and I love it
  23. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat reacted to needtorecover in anyone try this ice cream recipe   
    You know what's really good is Halo Top Ice Cream. 240 calories for an entire pint! But I'm not much of an ice cream eater so I eat a few bites to satisfy the sweet tooth and it's great. I'm not a fan of "diet food" at all but Halo Top is probably the best healthy version of ice cream I've ever had. You should give it a shot! Comes in tons of different flavors. According to the reviews, red velvet and Peanut Butter cup are the two favorites.
  24. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from dvmp61 in Hubby says " you aren't the one that has to be attracted to you" ..., WHAT?   
    Some of these men specifically were attracted to you for one of several different reasons.. Either that's just what they really are attracted to.. Or ice found lots of times it's because of their own insecurities and they don't feel like they have to worry about you cheating or worry about other guys hitting in you..


  25. Like
    FunkyMunkyBrat got a reaction from Middus in Ice cream   
    Being that you are so early out yet, I'd suggest you talk to your dietician about it and see what they say.. Also, you need to make sure your getting all your Protein in before anything else.. Now.. HALO TOP ice cream is a high protein ice cream with great flavors.. I've had that.. But I was already 3 months out.. Good luck


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