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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    carlacv got a reaction from GreenTealael in Kaiser tummy tuck cost in Southern California   
    Thinking of getting a Tummy Tuck at Kaiser but they won’t cover it. They won’t give me a price without a $250 consultation fee and wondering if anyone has had it done there, cost and satisfaction?
  2. Like
    carlacv reacted to catwoman7 in does kaiser pay for a tummy tuck?   
    I don't know about Kaiser specifically, but most insurance companies generally won't cover this unless you've had medical problems with the excess skin that don't respond to traditional treatments - for example, chronic rashes. If you're experiencing something like that, be sure to see a doctor for it and make sure it's documented, because the insurance company will want to see documentation that it's not responding to more conservative treatments before approving the surgery. None of mine was covered - but for some of us, yes, insurance does cover - but again, it really depends on the situation.
  3. Like
    carlacv reacted to bluemather in does kaiser pay for a tummy tuck?   
    I just met with my surgeon yesterday for my 6 mo post op visit. I brought up this same question as my sagging skin is becoming more apparent as I continue to lose (at 90 lbs lost). He said that most insurance will pay for this procedure as a cause of Bariatric surgery and done by a plastic surgeon. He mentioned that you need to first lose all the weight, then maintain that weight for at least 6 months, before they would approve the surgery. He stated arm or leg skin surgery would not be covered but Tummy Tuck was. I was hopeful to hear this although I have not gone through the process yet to vet the accuracy. I’m sure it depends on your specific insurance plan benefits and worth a call.
  4. Like
    carlacv got a reaction from mocha2871@yahoo.com in Re-sleeve to Bypas   
    I had the sleeve 9/2016 and 3 years later I developed a hernia. went to my surgeon and did some testing. was told that I needed the redo but I would need to get the gastric bypass. Surgery was delayed twice due to covid and I was just released from the hospital today. I feel great, sore but great. I had surgery on Monday 8/3 and my surgeon is very conservative so he kept me till today. He showed me pictures of before and after. I have my follow up on Monday. Let me me know if I could help out

  5. Hugs
    carlacv reacted to Christina760 in 4 weeks after revision   
    Hey oh I live in SD too work for Scripps I know how crazy it is there for you no worries! how exciting that’s a lot in 12 weeks!! Yay that makes me happy. I just lost 11 pounds in my pre op diet so far. Day 9. Wish me luck Monday! Thanks for the reply!
  6. Like
    carlacv got a reaction from MamT in Re-sleeve to Bypas   
    sorry for the overdue response I got my hiatal hernia fixed and got the bypass as well all is good here and have lost 35 lbs I am stuck right now but I exercise every day. not sure if the bypass is the only option if you have a hernia but it was for me

  7. Like
    carlacv got a reaction from mocha2871@yahoo.com in Re-sleeve to Bypas   
    I had the sleeve 9/2016 and 3 years later I developed a hernia. went to my surgeon and did some testing. was told that I needed the redo but I would need to get the gastric bypass. Surgery was delayed twice due to covid and I was just released from the hospital today. I feel great, sore but great. I had surgery on Monday 8/3 and my surgeon is very conservative so he kept me till today. He showed me pictures of before and after. I have my follow up on Monday. Let me me know if I could help out

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    carlacv reacted to kristieshannon in Espresso w/premier shake Post op   
    My daily Breakfast is a Premier Protein shake mixed with a Starbucks nitro cold brew. Yummy! My team is fine with it, as long as I get in my daily amount of non caffeinated fluids. As a plus, the strong coffee every morning helps me avoid the Constipation issue many of us have post op :)
  9. Like
    carlacv reacted to catwoman7 in Espresso w/premier shake Post op   
    ask your surgeon. Some are fine with caffeine after surgery and some are not. Some are OK with it once you're further out, and some are OK with it but only in limited quantities. I was not allowed caffeine until I was six months out, but surgeons' opinions really seem to be all across the board with this.
    I dump espresso or coffee in my Protein Shakes all the time, but I'm five years out. I didn't do this the first six months, much as I wanted to...
  10. Like
    carlacv reacted to Lily66 in Espresso w/premier shake Post op   
    I’ve been having Premier Protein Cafe Latte (which has the caffeine equivalent of 1 cup of coffee) since month 3 with no issues. Amazon went waaaay up on the price since it became so popular so i now do as you suggest, any Premier Protein Shake and add a single espresso shot. No shakes, jitters, etc. I believe having our caffeine WITH a Protein significantly helps all that. Lovely way to start my engine so I can head out and walk 40 minutes each morning in this always wonderful Florida heat🌞!

    Good luck and make it fun and happy!😄
  11. Like
    carlacv reacted to Recidivist in Espresso w/premier shake Post op   
    I think you should ask your surgeon. I had RNY and was told I should avoid coffee and caffeine in general for at least six months (which I did). I'm now drinking coffee with no issues. My surgeon also advised that I should not have carbonated beverages ever.

  12. Like
    carlacv reacted to Mr Alley Gator in Espresso w/premier shake Post op   
    WOW what a great idea! I do not see how that would be a problem, Since week two i can down a diet coke and caffeine. Just tried your idea but only one shot and it was no issue for a sleever. now two shots and i would be climbing the walls.
    I think we all react to foods and chemicals differently, my suggestion is start slow and see how it goes. you gotta live life so a shot is not the end of the world to me
  13. Like
    carlacv reacted to Double_Me in Espresso w/premier shake Post op   
    I'm 2 weeks post-op and I've struggled drinking anything with a significant amount of caffeine AND dairy. This has included the Premier Protein latte drink, chai tea with milk, and coffee with a vanilla shake poured in. I've been able to drink cold brew coffee and plain green tea without discomfort. But ofc your mileage may vary, and I'm under the impression that these intolerances will dissipate further out from the surgery.
  14. Like
    carlacv got a reaction from Starwarsandcupcakes in Revision from sleeve to ray due to hiatal hernia 8/3   
    Thank u everyone still in the hospital due to my hernia surgeon said it was intense so taking recovery slow. Hoping to leave Friday now but I’m feeling good!
  15. Like
    carlacv reacted to GreenTealael in Revision from sleeve to ray due to hiatal hernia 8/3   
  16. Like
    carlacv got a reaction from Starwarsandcupcakes in Revision from sleeve to ray due to hiatal hernia 8/3   
    Doing good so far. I’m hardly using any pain medicine and was walking my first night. The thing that surprised me was that my surgeon told me that my hernia was damaged and in much need of repair. We knew I had it but not that bad and in order to help I had the revision done. So far so good staying in the hospital 3 nights no Water or ice till tomorrow but feeling good and energized. Today already walked a mile and can’t wait to drink my Protein shakes! I was tol by the nutricionista that i should be able to loose weight again so here I am to the rad of recovery
  17. Like
    carlacv got a reaction from Starwarsandcupcakes in Revision from sleeve to ray due to hiatal hernia 8/3   
    Doing good so far. I’m hardly using any pain medicine and was walking my first night. The thing that surprised me was that my surgeon told me that my hernia was damaged and in much need of repair. We knew I had it but not that bad and in order to help I had the revision done. So far so good staying in the hospital 3 nights no Water or ice till tomorrow but feeling good and energized. Today already walked a mile and can’t wait to drink my Protein shakes! I was tol by the nutricionista that i should be able to loose weight again so here I am to the rad of recovery
  18. Like
    carlacv got a reaction from Starwarsandcupcakes in Revision from sleeve to ray due to hiatal hernia 8/3   
    Doing good so far. I’m hardly using any pain medicine and was walking my first night. The thing that surprised me was that my surgeon told me that my hernia was damaged and in much need of repair. We knew I had it but not that bad and in order to help I had the revision done. So far so good staying in the hospital 3 nights no Water or ice till tomorrow but feeling good and energized. Today already walked a mile and can’t wait to drink my Protein shakes! I was tol by the nutricionista that i should be able to loose weight again so here I am to the rad of recovery
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    carlacv got a reaction from Starwarsandcupcakes in Appeal approved VSG to RNY on 8/11!   
    Congrats I have my RYN on Monday getting my hiatal hernia fixed after my sleeve! Good luck!
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    carlacv reacted to Starwarsandcupcakes in Appeal approved VSG to RNY on 8/11!   
    I got the call from my surgeon’s office that my appeal for revision surgery was approved! Already scheduled surgery for 8/11!

    I can’t wait to get rid of this hernia. I can’t wait to get rid of the GERD and esophagitis. Most of all though, I can’t wait to get rid of these hiccups and be able to sleep more than 4hrs at a time without having to wake up and take tums again.
  21. Congrats!
    carlacv reacted to Marie_m in August 2020   
    August 3rd, revision from VSG to RNY due to reflux and esophagitis. Feels so weird going through all my pre-op steps again!
  22. Congrats!
    carlacv reacted to YouniqueNY in August 2020   
    My surgery is August 19th also! 4 days before my birthday, so happy early birthday to me. Congrats and good luck! What Protein will you be using for your liquid diet?

    Sent from my Pixel 4 using BariatricPal mobile app

  23. Hugs
    carlacv got a reaction from Tracyringo in Revision from sleeve to RNY   
    Thank u tracyringo! I walk and run ALOt right now and will restart slow of course after surgery. When I had the sleeve I was walking the same day I j ow it’s different with bypass but I’m hoping my recovery and oreo fresa would be similar
  24. Like
    carlacv reacted to Goldy6575 in Need to hear from VSG to DS revisioners   
    So I had the DS a week ago today, due to some weight regain 5 years out from VSG.
    I have been searching and searching for ppl's experience revising from VSG to DS. I want to hear from you!! I know my weight loss will be slower than with virgin DS, but I guess I'm lacking Faith that I can lose at all, just relying on malabsorption. I am watching what I'm eating (portions and carbs) . Please share with me your experience and loss!
    And how long was your belly sore? I'm still pretty sore, with the vsg I was back to normal in a couple days. Not so with DS!!
  25. Thanks
    carlacv reacted to BLUV in Revision from sleeve to RNY   
    I just had my revision. I am having a little pain, also I am constantly walking.

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